Facebook Posts on politics-2017

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Roy Moore or Doug Jones? 2017-11-27 7 - 1 politics
Getting Sick of Winning: by disruption or by legislation? 2017-11-17 13 1 1 politics
If you're a troll, don't forget to collect 200 rubles when 2017-11-11 4 2 1 politics
The websites linked in the previous post here have 2017-11-10 2 - 1 politics

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UPDATED Thu Mar 4 09:40:02 PST 2021


Roy Moore or Doug Jones?

It's a hard choice for Democrats - win one now or win
more later?

It's almost enough to make one feel sorry for Mitch
McConnell - if Doug Jones wins, it will be that much harder
to pass any strictly partisan bills, but at least Jones
might vote for bipartisan bills.

If Moore wins, then he will probably vote against anything
McConnell is for, partisan or not, unless he can insert
an amendment like

carving the ten commandments on the Washington Monument
or requiring deportation of Muslims and LGBT people or
reducing the age of consent to 12

or failing that, Moore will keep the Senate in such turmoil
that the Republicans lose a lot more than one seat next

I don't know why Trump thinks he can count on Moore on
the tax bill, or judicial nominations, or anything else.
Moore would be Bannon's present to Democrats that just
keeps on giving.    Merry Christmas!


comments 1
negative 0
posted 2017-11-27
rate 0
ratio 7
react 1
title Roy Moore or Doug Jones?
topic politics
words 161
ID 542506166093907
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/542506166093907
commentsimpress 1
commentsusers 1
engaged 1
impress 14
likeuimpress 11
likeuusers 6
oimpress 14
oreach 7
posted "11/27/2017 10:36:34 AM"
reach 7
type Status


Getting Sick of Winning: by disruption or by legislation?

Trump might not be criminal enough to be impeached
nor mentally deficient enough for the 25th Amendment.
His biggest flaw as president has been unwillingness
or inability to expand his base of support, so that it
is contracting toward its hard core of those who feel he
empowers them to ignore truth, logic,  civility, and other
traditional virtues.

If Trump's intent were disruption, as Bannonites urged,
then Trump could call that success.    If Trump's intent
were winning, as Trump often said, then Trump might
have wanted to pay more attention to McConnell and Ryan
about how to work with a narrow and unstable majority
in the Senate that has to do its work via what's called
"reconciliation" since they refuse to actually
reconcile with bipartisanship and produce bills that can
attract 60 votes.

Right after the 2016 election, donations to the Democratic
Redistricting and House committees seemed to be in order,
but not the Senate, because it seemed a lost cause in
2018 due to luck of the draw of which seats would be
contested.  Perhaps the Republican leadership thought
that their initial setbacks would be rectifiable after
the 2018 election fortified their chances. Donations to
the Democratic Senate committee make sense now, because...

How Roy Moore has changed things!   No matter what happens
now, Republican chances of getting anything passed after
December 12 have got to be even less than they are now.
If the Bannonites' goal were to pass legislation that
would count as wins for somebody, this would be a disaster.
But since the Bannonite goal is to sow disruption and prove
that American democracy doesn't work, Moore is exactly the
man for the job.  Moore is the Bannonites' biggest win,
not their biggest mistake.  Democrats will make sure that
Republicans get sick of hearing about that win.  Moore is
the best thing for Democratic electoral mobilization since
Trump himself.       Though if somehow the Republicans
enact their Billionaire Tax Relief and Democratic State
Punishment bill, that's a win they are going to get sick
of hearing about too.

So where does that leave Trump?    He can continue to
win at disruption, or he can try to win at legislation.
That would involve staying focussed and on message, never
speaking ill of anybody who might be able to help, looking
for staff whose primary loyalty is to the Constitution
rather than Trump (or themselves), looking for ways in
which Democrats could win some too...  Could he do it?
Would he even want to?


impact 85
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2017-11-17
ratio 6
react 2
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Getting Sick of Winning: by disruption or by legislation?
topic politics
wordrate 0
words 424
ID 538219329855924
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/538219329855924
audclicks 1
audreach 1
engaged 2
impress 24
likeclickusers 2
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 22
likeusers 1
likeuusers 12
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 24
oreach 13
posted "11/17/2017 08:07:54 AM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 13
type Status


If you're a troll, don't forget to collect 200 rubles when
you pass GO-rky park.    If you're going to do the KGB's
work, you might as well accept the KGB's pay.

If you're not a troll, don't waste your energy by engaging
with them, here or elsewhere.     Do that and your energy
that might have been productively spent elsewhere just
energizes the trolls.

One wonders how history might have been different if
Alexander Hamilton had been able to resist the temptation
to engage with the trolls of his time.     Aaron Burr,
on the other hand, would have been happy to sign on to the
Trump campaign in hope of a fast track to fame and fortune.


comments 1
impact 35
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2017-11-11
ratio 1
react 3
reactrate 0
title If you're a troll, don't forget to collect 200 rubles when
topic politics
wordrate 0
words 116
ID 536032320074625
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/536032320074625
commentsimpress 1
commentsusers 1
engaged 1
impress 14
likeclickusers 1
likeimpress 2
likeuimpress 10
likeusers 1
likeuusers 2
oimpress 14
oreach 4
posted "11/11/2017 07:56:18 PM"
reach 4
type Status


The websites linked in the previous post here have
nothing to sell and nothing to join.     If you want to DO
something, here are some ideas.      Remember that money
is the mother's milk of politics.

If you prefer centrist, bipartisan, or nonpartisan
approaches, consider these:

 http://www.americanpromise.net/ retire
"one-dollar-one-vote" and "human
rights for corporations" by constitutional
amendment http://www.democracy21.org/ retire
"one-dollar-one-vote" by legislation and
judicial action https://www.nolabels.org/ restore centrist
bipartisanship http://www.centristproject.org/ practical
effective government http://www.standuprepublic.com/
restore norms of democratic republican behavior
 http://lwv.org/ League of Women Voters protecting
and educating voters http://www.fairvote.org/ retire
winner-take-all Congressional representation in favor of
multi-district preferential balloting
 http://www.equalrightsnow.org/ We the People Project
voting rights for residents of Federal territories
 https://bipartisanpolicy.org/ actively seeking bipartisan
solutions to problems

If you prefer partisan Democratic Party campaigns:

 http://democraticredistricting.com/ National
Democratic Redistricting Committee http://dccc.org/
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
 http://dscc.org/ Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
 https://www.ca7project.com/ California 7 Project - retire
seven worthy California Congressional Representatives

Don't waste energy responding to trolls here or elsewhere.
They thrive on your energy.


negative 0
posted 2017-11-10
rate 0
ratio 2
react 1
shares 1
title The websites linked in the previous post here have
topic politics
words 112
ID 535551830122674
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/535551830122674
engaged 1
impress 11
likeuimpress 10
likeuusers 1
oimpress 11
oreach 2
posted "11/10/2017 04:54:42 PM"
reach 2
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link