Facebook Posts on gop-2023

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Unfortunately, a black candidate would encourage the 2023-05-23 6 - gop
The mistake every other campaign is making is that they 2023-05-23 7 - 1 gop
the perennial primary to become the conservative icon of 2023-05-23 7 - gop
NRCC Every Member Can 2023-05-22 11 - gop
An exercise in futility. No doubt Tim Scott would be 2023-05-22 7 - gop
It's not that hard to figure out the GOP program - it's 2023-05-19 9 - gop
To understand the GOP in 2023, you have to look at the 2023-05-11 13 - 1 gop
Nobody is too corrupt to be a part of McCarthy's five-vote 2023-05-11 5 - 1 gop
It's the Golden Rule! He who has the gold, makes the rul 2023-01-15 10 - 2 gop
Remember Bengha 2023-01-09 11 - 1 gop
a supermajority of 3/5 to sign off on any tax increases - 2023-01-08 9 - gop
McCarthy WON - the right to confront Gaetz and all the 2023-01-08 10106 - 201 13 3973 gop
Still no Speaker in the Hous 2023-01-05 7 - 2 gop
TURN A GREAT TRIUMPH INTO A GIANT & EMBARRASSING DEF 2023-01-04 7829 - 86 13 3082 1 gop
Yes, we have no Speaker in the Hou 2023-01-03 14 - 1 1 1 gop
Is there a Speaker in the Hou 2023-01-03 11 - gop
Johnson is trying but not succeeding very mu 2023-11-18 2 - gop
The golden rule of politics, again - he who has the gold, 2023-11-06 5 - gop
The Golden Rule of politics - he who has the gold, makes 2023-11-06 5 - gop
Will Johnson ever give a straight answer to a straight 2023-10-26 3 - gop
We don’t deserve the majority if we give the Democrats 2023-10-24 9 - gop
Look out candidates! Arthur Bremer is out, and he had no 2023-10-20 9 - gop
it’s not a normal major 2023-10-20 8 - gop
The best way to elect Tru 2023-10-18 7 - gop
Freischütz Caucus Founder Jordan for Speak 2023-10-13 18 - 1 gop
Tom Emmer for Speaker? Can he get ANY Democratic vot 2023-10-13 3 - gop
A lucky day for Steve Scali 2023-10-12 10 - 1 gop
You can't compromise with fanatics - they take it as 2023-10-10 3 - gop
The Freischütz Caucus hits its mark again! They aimed 2023-10-03 7 - gop
McCarthy doesn't have a majority, just a plurality. 2023-09-22 10 - gop
Shutting down the Federal government is not a policy failu 2023-09-22 6 - gop
I got the job d 2023-09-21 7 - gop
He did nothing to support organized labor except lip 2023-09-21 9 - gop
Where have you been the last 30 years, Mr Speak 2023-09-21 5 - gop
Benghazi II 2023-09-12 10 - 1 gop
The Republican Party was born in 1854 as a radical 2023-09-07 15 - 2 2 gop
He is not a candidate. He is the leader of a mass movem 2023-09-03 10 - gop
Some were hoping for vice-president or at least a cabinet 2023-08-23 8 - gop
GOP is in a bad spot. It doesn't matter who they 2023-07-19 7 - 1 1 gop
It's Trump by a mile - except among the educated. 2023-06-23 7 - gop

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Fri Jan 24 09:59:45 AM PST 2025


Unfortunately, a black candidate would encourage the
white supremacists to stay home on election day, and the
GOP needs every one of their votes, along with all the
other single-issue constituencies they court to defend
minority ru


But it's moot; if GOP nominates anybody else, Trump will
run against him as a third party - even if he's broke and
in jail.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-05-23
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Unfortunately, a black candidate would encourage the
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 63
epoch Lifetime
ID 1937881516556358
impress 8
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/23/2023 23:05"
reach 6
title Unfortunately, a black candidate would encourage the white supremacists to stay
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1937881516556358


The mistake every other campaign is making is that they
see their path to the nomination through Trump, when our
path is alongside Tr



None of the voters he's talking to could explain what
he means.  Maybe he's just angling for a cabinet position.
Trump isn't worried - he knows his voters.



impact 5
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-05-23
ratio 7
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title The mistake every other campaign is making is that they
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 54
audclicks 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1937878776556632
impress 9
matchedlinkclicks 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/23/2023 23:05"
reach 7
title The mistake every other campaign is making is that they see their path to the
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1937878776556632


the perennial primary to become the conservative icon of
NPR listeners and humanities professors everywh


Sorry guys.   If you don't want a Trumpist to be president,
you have to tell people to vote Democratic.     If you
don't want a Democratic president, you have to tell people
to vote for Trump.      There is no credible third way
this time.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-05-23
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title the perennial primary to become the conservative icon of
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 59
epoch Lifetime
ID 1937867486557761
impress 9
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/23/2023 22:05"
reach 7
title the perennial primary to become the conservative icon of NPR listeners and
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1937867486557761


NRCC Every Member Can

18 questions in 2008 -


It's up to 29 questions now.     It's got some great

But everything they attribute to Democrats - is actually
about GOP policy.

Do you favor Republican efforts to make the Federal Tax
Code simpler and fairer and make it less complicated and
cumbersome to individuals and corporations?

You mean like the GOP 2017 billionaire tax relief?


How concerned are you that Biden's 87,000 new IRS agents
will be unleashed on fixed-income, middle-class, and
lower-income individuals rather than the ultra-wealthy
Democrat donor class?

Most of them are replacing retirees, most of which were not
involved with enforcement.     It's the LACK of enforcement
against the ultra-wealthy GOP megadonor class that owns
GOP politicians that should concern everybody.

And more of the same, ending the same way - asking for
more money to take the burden off those hard-working job
creator megadonors.




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-05-22
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title NRCC Every Member Can
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 150
epoch Lifetime
ID 1937125733298603
impress 13
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/22/2023 19:05"
reach 11
title NRCC Every Member Can
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1937125733298603


An exercise in futility.     No doubt Tim Scott would be
a better president than Trump or DeSantis.     But that's
such a low b

But if Trump is not the GOP nominee, he'll surely run
as a third party, even if broke and in jail.     No GOP
is magnetic enough to draw enough independents and swing
voters to replace the Trump base.


Trump obviously doesn't consider Scott a threat - Trump
must have concluded that Scott was angling for a cabinet
post in the next Trump administration -

Trump nonetheless struck a conciliatory tone Monday,
welcoming Scott to  the race and noting that the pair
worked together on his  administration’s signature
tax cuts.

Scott worked on the 2017 billionaire tax relief - which
was McConnell's masterpiece, not Trumps?     That makes
Scott just another defender of minority rule after all.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-05-22
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title An exercise in futility. No doubt Tim Scott would be
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 139
epoch Lifetime
ID 1937039983307178
impress 9
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/22/2023 15:05"
reach 7
title An exercise in futility. No doubt Tim Scott would be a better president
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1937039983307178


It's not that hard to figure out the GOP program - it's
to defend minority rule by the ruling class


Very feudal, as befits a Dixiecrat party - laws are for
the ruling class to apply to the masses.


Because they still have to win elections in some states,
they have to pretend to be interested in something else -
something that attracts single-issue voters that will vote
to protect minority rule candidates who protect their
single issue.    The megadonors fund candidates who can
successfully manage to say three different things at once,
to the Trump base, to the independent/swing voters, and
above all, to the megadonors.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-05-19
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title It's not that hard to figure out the GOP program - it's
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 108
epoch Lifetime
ID 1935152113495965
impress 11
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/19/2023 21:05"
reach 9
title It's not that hard to figure out the GOP program - it's to defend minority rule
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1935152113495965


To understand the GOP in 2023, you have to look at the
Whigs in 185


They eventually discovered that pro-slavery pro-minority
rule could not co-exist with anti-slavery pro-democracy.
The fragments of the Whigs eventually became anti-slavery
pro-democracy Republicans or pro-slavery pro-minority-rule
Democrats.     Amazingly, within 115 years, these parties
had swapped roles and ideologies.     Just as amazingly,
the Republicans seem to have locked in the same course as
the Whigs.

In 2023, the pro-minority-rule cult-of-personality GOP
can't coexist with the rule-of-law GOP.     Trump doesn't
care about the latter and neither does his base -


The rule-of-law GOP has a bitter choice - nominate Trump
for president and alienate swing voters and risk losing
power in Congress - or nominate somebody else so Trump
will run as a third party and take his base with him -
guaranteeing a historic Democratic victory.

That's just another reason why GOP legislators go to such
great lengths to avoid giving a straight answer to any
straight question.      They'd rather talk about Hunter
Biden's laptop!

The GOP megadonors seem to have made up their minds - any
kind of Trumpist in office is a distraction that benefits
them and their program.      They'll be happy to provide
the GOP winner with all the $upport he needs to keep
the focus ON Hunter Biden's laptop, and OFF their actual
agenda of tax cuts, deregulation, entitlement reform, and
reactionary judiciary, all to benefit the megadonor class



impact 24
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-05-11
ratio 13
react 1
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
title To understand the GOP in 2023, you have to look at the
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 238
epoch Lifetime
ID 1930152913995885
impress 19
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/11/2023 17:05"
rcs 1
reach 13
sharesimpress 1
title To understand the GOP in 2023, you have to look at the Whigs in 185
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1930152913995885


Nobody is too corrupt to be a part of McCarthy's five-vote
majority!     McCarthy can't afford to lose a single vote.
Santos can't afford to resi




impact 3
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-05-11
ratio 5
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Nobody is too corrupt to be a part of McCarthy's five-vote
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 26
audclicks 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1929893920688451
impress 8
matchedlinkclicks 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/11/2023 06:05"
reach 5
title Nobody is too corrupt to be a part of McCarthy's five-vote majority!
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1929893920688451


It's the Golden Rule!    He who has the gold, makes the rul

many, perhaps most, Republicans in Congress aren't
culture-war zealots. Instead, they're careerists
who depend, both for campaign contributions and for
post-Congress career prospects, on the same billionaires
who have supported right-wing economic ideology for
decades. They won't stand up to the crazies and conspiracy
theorists, but their own agenda is still tax cuts for the
rich and benefit cuts for the poor and middle class




impact 16
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-01-15
ratio 5
react 2
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title It's the Golden Rule! He who has the gold, makes the rul
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 78
audclicks 2
epoch Lifetime
ID 1853005438377300
impress 13
matchedlinkclicks 2
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/15/2023 21:01"
reach 10
title It's the Golden Rule! He who has the gold, makes the rul
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1853005438377300


Remember Bengha


You cannot overstate the importance of spectacle to the
MAGA right’s political project. Much of what this new
committee does will be designed to create mere impressions
of coverups, of wrongdoings




impact 3
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-01-09
ratio 11
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Remember Bengha
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 34
audclicks 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1848550632156114
impress 13
matchedlinkclicks 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/09/2023 16:01"
reach 11
title Remember Bengha
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1848550632156114


a supermajority of 3/5 to sign off on any tax increases -
to protect the megadonors via legislative paralysi


the predictable outcome of handing power to the unhinged”


This is the moment for rational House Republicans to make
their stand




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-01-08
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title a supermajority of 3/5 to sign off on any tax increases -
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 41
epoch Lifetime
ID 1847837648894079
impress 11
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/08/2023 15:01"
reach 9
title a supermajority of 3/5 to sign off on any tax increases - to protect the
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1847837648894079


McCarthy WON - the right to confront Gaetz and all the
bomb throwers.   Over and over until they vote him out. He
also won the right to meekly obey them until the saner
GOP members vote him o


As Franklin might have said - A Speakership - if you can
keep it!


To the Freischütze-macht-Freiheit caucus, floor fights
is not a metaphor but democracy in action.    Or at least
mob rule in action.     If not lynch mob insurrection
in action.

This drama is just beginning!    As in debt limit and
funding the government.

At least all the GOP members can agree on protecting
their vital megadonors by cutting taxes on the wealthy
and cutting IRS enforcement on the wealthy and endless
investigations of the Biden administration.   But it took
McCarthy four days to win the speakership - can he hold on
to it for four days after Congress tackles anything else?
Or do we go through this whole process every month?


The first test comes tomorrow - is a majority in favor of
ceding superpowers to a radical minority?


Appeasement, or ransoming hostages, seldom work.  They just
encourage the crazies to ask for even more.


About political scrapbook -




comments 201
impact 84159
impactrate 4
negative 0
posted 2023-01-08
ratio 2
react 4187
reactrate 0
shares 13
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3973
title McCarthy WON - the right to confront Gaetz and all the
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 201
audclicks 3973
commentsimpress 201
epoch Lifetime
ID 1847596632251514
impress 13719
matchedlinkclicks 1050
matchedotherclicks 2923
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/08/2023 07:01"
rcs 284
reach 10106
reactions 70
sharesimpress 13
title McCarthy WON - the right to confront Gaetz and all the bomb throwers. Over
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1847596632251514


Still no Speaker in the Hous


But more people are taking another look at coalition
bipartisanship and de-politicizing the Speaker office.


Eventually everybody will realize that the Republicans did
not win a majority in 2022.     Neither did the Democrats.
A tiny extreme faction is trying to control the whole show,
just as in European parliaments.  The 200 unfringe GOP
members need to realize that to accomplish whatever they
intend, they need to decouple from the fringe members and
find a candidate that 20 Democrats can accept for the good
of the country - and the free world.


Then the current crisis will turn into a healthy turning
point for the country.



impact 22
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-01-05
ratio 3
react 2
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Still no Speaker in the Hous
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 112
audclicks 2
epoch Lifetime
ID 1845792095765301
impress 10
matchedlinkclicks 2
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/05/2023 16:01"
reach 7
title Still no Speaker in the Hous
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1845792095765301




Trump managed to accidentally hit the nail right on the
head!     The Dixiecrats who started moving to the GOP in
the 1960's and began to take control with Newt Gingrich in
the 1990's, have completed their acquisition and now have
total control and power - because Trump and Murdoch and
all the other merry pranksters gave it to them by doing
whatever they wanted to keep them in the GOP.     Now they
think it's their turn to clean house of the members they
don't like.

Boebert said Trump called the defectors to tell them
“they need to knock this off.” Boebert, among 20
Republicans who voted for Republican Byron Donalds (Fla.),
said Trump should do the opposite — call McCarthy and
tell him he lacks the votes and should withdraw

What could be clearer?

The only way out is for the tiny minority of 200 other GOP
House members to boldly attack the 20 titans and throw THEM
out of the GOP conference, with the help of 20 Democrats
who might well be available for this righteous cause.
Offer those Democrats the committee chairmanships that
McCarthy wanted to give the wackos.   You don't cure cancer
by cultivating it!


Appeasing the Dixiecrats didn't work for Boehner, it didn't
work for Ryan, and it's not working for McCarthy.   So just
keep at it and let the GOP Whig itself into oblivion? The
better part of the Whigs became the nucleus of a radical
new party in 1854, and maybe that history needs to repeat.


When all was said and done, the Whigs were an incompatible
conglomerate of anti-slavery vs pro-slavery factions -
majority vs minority rule.     The modern GOP is pretty
much for minority rule, because that's where the unlimited
dark campaign money comes from,



But it's now become another incompatible conglomerate - of
fact-based vs fantasy-based epistemology, and rule-of-law
vs cult-of-personality.


The fact-based rule-of-law conservatives need to realize
that the fantasy-based cult-of-personality fringe is never
going to lead them to accomplish anything remotely related
to traditional conservative principles - they are even
more opposed to traditional conservatives than they are
to Democrats.


It should soon be even clearer who really believes what.


About political scrapbook -




comments 86
hide 1
impact 119961
impactrate 6
negative 1
posted 2023-01-04
ratio 2
react 3182
reactrate 0
shares 13
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3082
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 377
audclicks 3082
commentsimpress 86
epoch Lifetime
hideclicksusers 1
ID 1845081635836347
impress 12504
matchedlinkclicks 729
matchedotherclicks 2353
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/04/2023 15:01"
rcs 201
reach 7829
reactions 102
sharesimpress 13
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1845081635836347


Yes, we have no Speaker in the Hou


Thus - Mission Accomplished!   The lunatic fringe promised
to honor their Dixiecrat and Tea Party heritage by bringing
things to a complete halt until they got their way in
every detail on every issue.


Freischütze-macht-Freiheit Caucus election deniers still
have six magic bullets.       Will they use every last one?


Not Scalise either?


The other 200 GOP members could get more than the 20
votes they need if they nominated a GOP problem solver
for GOP Speaker!

Fox weighs in, seemingly surprised by the damage they did
so much to wreak -



You should not take this job if it’s about your ego and
your own personal agenda,” Kilmeade emphasized. “The
whole thing should be service for the country

Where has he been the last 6 years?   Cult of personality
is ALL ego!


More -





McCarthy says Trump still backs him, but Trump hates to
be associated with losers, especially losers that turned
on him, if every so briefly after the insurrection.




comments 1
impact 51
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-01-03
ratio 4
react 3
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Yes, we have no Speaker in the Hou
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 170
audclicks 1
commentsimpress 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1844607612550416
impress 17
matchedotherclicks 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/03/2023 23:01"
rcs 2
reach 14
sharesimpress 1
title Yes, we have no Speaker in the Hou
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1844607612550416


Is there a Speaker in the Hou


A suspenseful day today!


McCarthy can perhaps win if he agrees to let the
Freischütze-macht-Freiheit Caucus hold a cocked gun to
his head with a magic bullet - the motion to vacate -
that they can fire if he ever fails to follow their orders.

Of course a do-nothing Congress is fine with them and their
megadonors - the more talk on Fox and the less legislating,
the better.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-01-03
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Is there a Speaker in the Hou
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 77
epoch Lifetime
ID 1844073269270517
impress 13
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/03/2023 05:01"
reach 11
title Is there a Speaker in the Hou
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1844073269270517


Johnson is trying but not succeeding very mu


He seems destined to follow McCarthy, Ryan, and Boehner
into retirement.     But he did get a continuing resolution
passed, which just kicks the can a very short distance
down the road, but that's more than McCarthy could do.

And it looks very possible that George Santos will be
expelled with some GOP votes, even though he has been
reliably voting Trumpist in hopes of keeping out of jail.

So a couple of dim lights glowing in the Stygian darkness
of the House.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-11-18
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Johnson is trying but not succeeding very mu
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 91
epoch Lifetime
ID 730062372501707
impress 2
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "11/18/2023 11:52"
reach 2
title Johnson is trying but not succeeding very mu
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/730062372501707


The golden rule of politics, again - he who has the gold,
makes the rul


In this case, every GOP legislator knows that job #1
is protecting the megadonors.     Talk about Israel, or
deficits, is just a smoke screen.      Tax enforcement
actually pays for itself - unlike the usual GOP budget
cutting, which does not generate enough economic activity
to offset the cuts.   But it does generate enough megadonor
activity to offset the next primary.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-11-06
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The golden rule of politics, again - he who has the gold,
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 76
epoch Lifetime
ID 723528473155097
impress 6
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "11/06/2023 16:25"
reach 5
title The golden rule of politics, again - he who has the gold, makes the rul
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/723528473155097


The Golden Rule of politics - he who has the gold, makes
the rul


In their blood lust, the Freischütz Caucus seems to have
forgotten that..    The Democrats are hoping to pick up all
the California swing districts in the House next year, and
so far there's no indication that Johnson has McCarthy's
golden touch.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-11-06
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The Golden Rule of politics - he who has the gold, makes
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 56
epoch Lifetime
ID 723316293176315
impress 7
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "11/06/2023 07:11"
reach 5
title The Golden Rule of politics - he who has the gold, makes the rul
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/723316293176315


Will Johnson ever give a straight answer to a straight


Probably not in public!     Will House GOP choose him
anyway?    No Democratic votes.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-10-26
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Will Johnson ever give a straight answer to a straight
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 25
epoch Lifetime
ID 717519273756017
impress 6
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/26/2023 17:14"
reach 3
title Will Johnson ever give a straight answer to a straight questi
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/717519273756017


We don’t deserve the majority if we give the Democrats
control over the House of Representati


GOP doesn't HAVE a majority - neither Freischütz Caucus
nor the duck-and-cover GOP.     Will they realize before
the next election moderate Democrats costs less than



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-10-24
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title We don’t deserve the majority if we give the Democrats
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 43
epoch Lifetime
ID 716133147227963
impress 13
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/24/2023 07:20"
reach 9
title We don’t deserve the majority if we give the Democrats control over the House
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/716133147227963


Look out candidates!   Arthur Bremer is out, and he had no
ideological quarrel with George Wallace - he  just wanted
to be famous.


It's no wonder the modern GOP is so Dixiecrat -



Because that's where it reinvented itself -




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-10-20
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Look out candidates! Arthur Bremer is out, and he had no
topic gop
wordrate 0
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ID 713983377442940
impress 13
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/20/2023 13:54"
reach 9
title Look out candidates! Arthur Bremer is out, and he had no ideological quarrel
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/713983377442940


it’s not a normal major

It's not a majority at all!     It's two irreconcilable,
radically different, ideas of government.

Maybe the seventh try will be the charm!


Like Trump, despite all rational evidence, Jordan is
convinced that the people are with him, and the few
holdouts can be bullied into line.




impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2023-10-20
reactrate 0
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title it’s not a normal major
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 52
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ID 713935080781103
impress 26
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/20/2023 11:29"
reach 8
title it’s not a normal major
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/713935080781103


The best way to elect Tru


One good way is to get an almost-viable GOP nominee instead
of Trump - so Trump runs as a third party or write-in.
Another is to get an almost-viable third-party nominee to
run against Trump and Biden.

Either way, the non-Trump draws votes from Biden, not
from the Trump base, and increases the odds of an outright
Trump victory or a corrupt bargain in the House.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-10-18
reactrate 0
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title The best way to elect Tru
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 73
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ID 712686274239317
impress 17
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/18/2023 07:55"
reach 7
title The best way to elect Tru
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/712686274239317


Freischütz Caucus Founder Jordan for Speak


That's definitely crossing the Rubicon, not the Jordan,
toward a reactionary Grab-Of-Power GOP that doesn't even
pretend to be interested in anything except defending
minority rule by shutting down the Federal government,
lowering taxes for the megadonors, lowering benefits for
the masses, deregulation for the megadonors, limiting
democracy to old white male megadonors, and ignoring the
rest of the world.   Government of the megadonors, by the
megadonors, for the megadonors!

Are there five House Republicans that won't go along
with that?     That's about all it takes.      It's better
for them to find their consciences, and remember why they
opted for public service, sooner rather than later.

But if Jordan can inherit McCarthy's access to the
megadonors... he who has the gold, makes the rules.



comments 1
impact 13
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-10-13
ratio 18
react 1
reactrate 0
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title Freischütz Caucus Founder Jordan for Speak
topic gop
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ID 709903171184294
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pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/13/2023 17:18"
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reactions 1
title Freischütz Caucus Founder Jordan for Speak
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/709903171184294


Tom Emmer for Speaker?      Can he get ANY Democratic vot




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-10-13
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Tom Emmer for Speaker? Can he get ANY Democratic vot
topic gop
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ID 709804261194185
impress 9
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/13/2023 14:30"
reach 3
title Tom Emmer for Speaker? Can he get ANY Democratic vot
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/709804261194185


A lucky day for Steve Scali


Better to be rejected quickly behind closed doors rather
than slowly over 15 ballots.

There is no way out except to find a few Democratic
moderates who will vote for a GOP candidate who renounces
the Freischütz Caucus once and for all.


The fundamental problem is that nobody has a majority in
the House - not the GOP, not the Freischütz Caucus,
not the Democrats.     So somebody has to find a
coalition.   Maybe that will change in 2025, but the
Dixiecrat Freischütz Caucus still won't have a majority.
They have nothing in common with the GOP of the Bushes,
Reagan, or Eisenhower.    And Trump would dump them in
a New York minute if he got a better offer elsewhere -
unlikely though that be.



impact 13
impactrate 0
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posted 2023-10-12
ratio 10
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title A lucky day for Steve Scali
topic gop
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ID 709281567913121
impress 13
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pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/12/2023 19:52"
reach 10
title A lucky day for Steve Scali
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/709281567913121


You can't compromise with fanatics - they take it as
weakness and ask for even mo


House Democrats - and moderate GOP - should vote against
any speaker candidate who wants to include the Freischütz
Caucus in his coalition.     Let them find some  moderate
Democrats instead.




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-10-10
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title You can't compromise with fanatics - they take it as
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 47
epoch Lifetime
ID 707967964711148
impress 7
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/10/2023 16:50"
reach 3
title You can't compromise with fanatics - they take it as weakness and ask for even
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/707967964711148


The Freischütz Caucus hits its mark again!    They aimed
their rifles in January and pulled their triggers today,
and immediately began bragging about it in fund-raising
appeals, teaching a lesson to the third speaker in a row
and getting ready whoever wants to be next.      Nothing
pleases their megadonors more than a paralyzed impotent
Federal governme


But was this their seventh bullet?     Time will tell.


The rest of the House GOP need to realize that they are
next, unless they excommunicate the personality cultists
and burn-it-downers among them once and for all.

Trump's comment takes the prize -

“Why is it that Republicans are always fighting among

Vendettas and purges are hallmarks of Trumpism of course -
and cults of personality in general.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-10-03
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The Freischütz Caucus hits its mark again! They aimed
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 125
epoch Lifetime
ID 703830118458266
impress 16
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/03/2023 16:50"
reach 7
title The Freischütz Caucus hits its mark again! They aimed their rifles in
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/703830118458266


McCarthy doesn't have a majority, just a plurality.
The only way to avoid a Federal shutdown constitutional
crisis is to pass a bipartisan continuing resolution -
followed by the Freischütz Caucus firing McCarthy,
followed by a different kind of constitutional cris


House Democrats should consider voting to retain McCarthy
if he were to renounce the Freischütz Caucus forever, in
favor of bipartisan problem solving.   But with  a shutdown
victory so close, his megadonors might not go for that.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-09-22
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title McCarthy doesn't have a majority, just a plurality.
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 79
epoch Lifetime
ID 697564145751530
impress 10
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/22/2023 16:20"
reach 10
title McCarthy doesn't have a majority, just a plurality. The only way to avoid a
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/697564145751530


Shutting down the Federal government is not a policy failu


It's the long-sought dream of the Freischütz Caucus and
their anonymous  megadonors, who find that it's cheaper
and easier to manage state governments than Federal.
And although they like to say mean things about McCarthy
in public, to keep him in line, they know that he is their
dream Speaker, who will make any concession to appease
them and keep his job, just so he can be remembered as
the weakest Speaker in generations.

But when will they shoot their seventh bullet?



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-09-22
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Shutting down the Federal government is not a policy failu
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 93
epoch Lifetime
ID 697412132433398
impress 7
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/22/2023 09:29"
reach 6
title Shutting down the Federal government is not a policy failu
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/697412132433398


I got the job d

Wrong!   Leonard Leo and Mitch McConnell and their
anonymous GOP megadonors got the job done.     The most
Trump can claim is that he didn't get in the way.


there’s nothing ‘terrible’ about standing up for life

But those anonymous GOP megadonors only stand up for
UNBORN life that doesn't cost them anything, and keeps
the single-issue constituencies voting GOP, to defend
minority rule.       For the actual BORN - especially poor
Democrats - they will have to make do for themselves.
Job-creator megadonors standing up for the children of
the shiftless improvident poor - that would be 'terrible'!



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-09-21
reactrate 0
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title I got the job d
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 103
epoch Lifetime
ID 697093945798550
impress 8
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/21/2023 18:55"
reach 7
title I got the job d
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/697093945798550


He did nothing to support organized labor except lip

Of course!   Trump is a SALESMAN.    Salesmen take your
money.   Delivering your goods is somebody else's problem,
and Trump gets bored by negotiations that don't produce
a quick win photo-op.


But in every way he's a stalwart defender of minority
rule, like most of the GOP candidates.     Say one thing
in public, the opposite in private, and do what the
megadonors say.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-09-21
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title He did nothing to support organized labor except lip
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 73
epoch Lifetime
ID 697063182468293
impress 10
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/21/2023 17:11"
rcs 1
reach 9
reactions 1
title He did nothing to support organized labor except lip service
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/697063182468293


Where have you been the last 30 years, Mr Speak

“This is a whole new concept of individuals who just
want to burn the whole place down”

It's the whole old concept of the Newt Gingrich Contract
on America and the Tea Partyers and the Freischütz Caucus.

McCarthy’s strategy of repeatedly giving in to the
conservatives is seemingly only emboldening them

As anybody who ever heard of Neville Chamberlain would
surely understand!


They're all doing what they can to defend minority rule
by wrecking the train and blaming it on the Democrats and
RINOs, so they can take over in 2025.  Putin is thrilled,
and probably supporting them in many ways, just as Hitler
supported the original America Firsters.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-09-21
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Where have you been the last 30 years, Mr Speak
topic gop
wordrate 0
words 120
epoch Lifetime
ID 697057745802170
impress 6
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/21/2023 16:50"
reach 5
title Where have you been the last 30 years, Mr Speak
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/697057745802170


Benghazi II


Nobody has any evidence that would hold up in court -
but that's not the point.      The point is to keep a
Biden investigation going through the election AS IF there
were serious crimes comparable to those of Trump - whose
trials will also likely be ongoing through the election -
by Trump's choice - to dominate fundraising and air time
to squelch any GOP challengers.


The other important point is to save McCarthy's speakership
which the Freischütz  Caucus has threatened if he didn't
deliver on impeachment.     Of course, gaining that, they
will move on to their next non-negotiable demands about
the budget.

The House GOP Benghazi investigations abruptly ended when
Trump was elected president.



comments 1
impact 12
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-09-12
ratio 10
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title Benghazi II
topic gop
wordrate 0
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ID 691860382988573
impress 20
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/12/2023 13:57"
rcs 2
reach 10
reactions 1
title Benghazi II
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/691860382988573


The Republican Party was born in 1854 as a radical
progressive movement against minority rule, reborn in 1877
as the conservative defender of minority rule, and reborn
again in 1968 as the reactionary defender of minority ru

So it should come as no surprise that it was reborn again
in 2015 as a cult-of-personality defender of minority rule.
And just as in previous reincarnations, by the time the
old guard realized the new guard had taken over, it was
too late to do anything about it.

Now there's hardly any prominent Republican left who even
knows who Edmund Burke was.


So it's pretty silly for a Republican-III era Pence to call
out a Republican-IV era Trump.      Pence was part of the
transformation, whether or not he knew it at the time,
and whether or not he regrets it now.      Pence should
not blame Trump for being what he's always been - Pence
should consider some mea culpas for enabling Trump - and
for not becoming the man he should have been, before it
was forced upon him on Jan 6.




comments 2
impact 72
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-09-07
ratio 3
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title The Republican Party was born in 1854 as a radical
topic gop
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pageid 100064938510484
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posted "09/07/2023 07:47"
rcs 2
reach 15
title The Republican Party was born in 1854 as a radical progressive movement against
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/688941966613748


He is not a candidate. He is the leader of a mass movem


The GOP embraced a personality cult when they thought they
would benefit.   Now they can't escape it.   That tar baby
sticks!   But they KNEW what he was when they embraced him.

Trump commands a majority of GOP voters but a minority of
all voters, and that seems unlikely to change.   GOP can go
down to defeat by nominating Trump, or go down to defeat by
nominating somebody else - so that Trump runs as a third
party, independent, or write-in.  Trump sees running as a
way to delay trial and judgment, and being in contention
as a way to get a corrupt bargain if he can't win outright.

For the GOP money machine, the only question is which path
minimizes the losses in  Congress and the states, and thus
jeopardizes minority rule the least.    That's what the
megadonors are trying to figure out.

This showdown has been impending ever since Strom Thurmond
jumped ship in the 1960's.   Newt Gingrich came very
close but was ultimately contained. Thurmond's spiritual
successor Dixiecrats in the Freischütz Caucus and the
Trump base are determined to define the GOP once and for
all - their way.



impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2023-09-03
reactrate 0
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title He is not a candidate. He is the leader of a mass movem
topic gop
wordrate 0
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ID 687077633466848
impress 19
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/03/2023 15:52"
reach 10
title He is not a candidate. He is the leader of a mass movem
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/687077633466848


Some were hoping for vice-president or at least a cabinet
office, so said nothing bad about Tru

DeSantis proudly pointed that while Trump sometimes TALKS
fascist, DeSantis already DOES fascist, unilaterally
removing elected Democratic officials that don't meet his
standards of political correctness - and plans to do more,
unilaterally invading Mexico on his first day in office -


Maybe while the special forces are across the border, they
can collect the money to pay for Trump's wall - Trump said
Mexico will pay.    They can hire the cartels to act as
technical advisers on collection methods - they've that
down stone cold.


Haley pointed out that Trump has no support outside his
base, and can't win.

And the rest of the BUNCH have no hope of getting the
Trump base, and so no hope of winning either.


Trump was right to skip the pointless exercise.  But he'll
still lose, unless he can get some third-party candidates
to draw support from Biden.   Like Joe Manchin.  Then maybe
the election will go to the House and Trump can cut a
corrupt bargain.



Not so long ago, rest of the BUNCH meant
Burroughs-Univac-NCR-CDC-Honeywell.      Who remembers
any of them now?

We're almost there -
Burgum-UNKNOWN-Nikki-Christie-Hutchinson.     U is a
challenge.  Maybe Utahan if Romney gets involved somehow.
Or sUnUnU reconsiders.


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2023-08-23
reactrate 0
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title Some were hoping for vice-president or at least a cabinet
topic gop
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words 218
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ID 681399547367990
impress 19
pageid 100064938510484
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "08/23/2023 23:05"
reach 8
title Some were hoping for vice-president or at least a cabinet office, so said
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/681399547367990


GOP is in a bad spot.    It doesn't matter who they
nominate for preside


If Trump, only the Trump base will vote GOP; that's 1/3
at best.      If not Trump,  he will run as a third party
(he has to be a candidate to defer justice) and take the
Trump base with him, leaving the GOP candidate with less
than 1/3.     If third-party Trump can get enough electoral
votes to send the election to the House, he can forge a
corrupt bargain to avoid justice.

The White House might well be beyond GOP's grasp in 2024.
Their puzzle to solve - which course of action will
preserve their House majority and obtain a Senate majority?



comments 1
impact 23
impactrate 0
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posted 2023-07-19
ratio 3
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reactrate 0
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sharesrate 0
title GOP is in a bad spot. It doesn't matter who they
topic gop
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ID 662425725932039
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pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "07/19/2023 08:56"
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title GOP is in a bad spot. It doesn't matter who they nominate for preside
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/662425725932039


It's Trump by a mile - except among the educated.
The uneducated like Trump because he survived college
unchanged and is still like th


Trump's indictment might have sealed DeSantis' fate.
And the realization that Trump won't endorse any other GOP
candidate and might run on his own, and that would be even
worse for the GOP.    So they might as well nominate Trump.

Then the interesting question will be who among GOP is
really a rule-of-law conservative willing to hold his nose
and vote Democratic.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-06-23
reactrate 0
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title It's Trump by a mile - except among the educated.
topic gop
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pageid 100064938510484
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posted "06/23/2023 09:06"
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title It's Trump by a mile - except among the educated. The uneducated like Trump
type Links
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/647417794099499