The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.
========== How badly do you want a job? In the face of all experience, people still sign up for these... == topic other ===== impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-12-30 ratio 4 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title How badly do you want a job? topic other wordrate 0 words 22 ID 779303505747504 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 4 impress 56 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 38 likeusers 3 likeuusers 26 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 56 oreach 29 posted "12/30/2018 03:08:10 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 29 type Link ========== The year in review You could read hundreds of posts, or you could just read this one. == topic other ===== comments 1 impact 16 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-12-30 ratio 10 react 8 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title The year in review topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 779062809104907 URL audclicks 6 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 3 impress 128 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 79 likeuusers 56 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 128 oreach 81 posted "12/30/2018 05:59:45 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 1 reach 81 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Who's going to be our Voltaire? == topic other ===== impact 21 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-12-28 ratio 4 react 23 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 16 title Who's going to be our Voltaire? topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 778263602518161 URL audclicks 16 audreach 14 engaged 17 impress 153 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 100 likeusers 4 likeuusers 81 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 153 oreach 110 posted "12/28/2018 08:48:33 PM" postlinkclicks 9 postotherclicks 5 reach 110 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== A Christmas message for one who desperately needs it but wouldn't take time to readi it - == topic other ===== impact 8 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-12-24 ratio 21 react 4 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title A Christmas message topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 775778379433350 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 4 impress 116 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 66 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 3 oimpress 116 oreach 86 posted "12/24/2018 05:30:46 PM" postlinkclicks 3 reach 86 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Reviewing the Boston Massacre - through the lens of Black Lives Matter. John Adams wasn't out best president, but he was an able attorney. == topic other ===== hide 1 impact 16 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-12-10 ratio 8 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Reviewing the Boston Massacre - topic other wordrate 0 words 27 ID 766892123655309 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 3 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 74 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 49 likeusers 2 likeuusers 46 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 74 oreach 48 posted "12/10/2018 06:51:05 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 48 type Link ========== What does quantum mechanics imply about the human world? Is there an objective external reality? Can it be measured? Can two different observers observe the same event and get the same result? Which aspects of quantum reality scale to the human world? General relativity seemed relevant only at cosmic scales originally, but now it's built into daily life Will there be similar discoveries about quantum mechanics? Is Trump's gut as good a measure of reality as any other? The philosophical argument is much older than quantum mechanics. == topic other 1 ===== impact 218 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-12-09 priority 1 ratio 2 react 24 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title What does quantum mechanics imply about the human world? topic other wordrate 0 words 91 ID 765944560416732 URL audclicks 21 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 97 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 67 likeusers 2 likeuusers 57 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 20 oimpress 97 oreach 66 posted "12/09/2018 07:14:09 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 66 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Can we escape our genetic programming? == topic other ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-12-07 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Can we escape our genetic programming? topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 765137123830809 URL impress 50 likeuimpress 29 likeuusers 24 oimpress 50 oreach 27 posted "12/07/2018 10:04:03 PM" reach 27 type Link ========== More reflections on the Bush Sr era - The end of the new world order Evangelicals vs Republican establishment There's always a ruling elite. That's not bad if they take their noblesse oblige seriously ===== hide 1 impact 65 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-12-05 ratio 2 react 19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title More reflections on the Bush Sr era - topic other wordrate 0 words 34 ID 763842833960238 URL audclicks 17 audreach 2 engaged 3 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 70 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 54 likeusers 1 likeuusers 39 matchedotherclicks 17 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 70 oreach 42 posted "12/05/2018 07:43:42 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 42 type Link ========== They shall not grow old - contemporary echos of two wars The name of a Fathom event struck a bell - but it took a while to remember which bell. It was lines of a poem on a plaque honoring the war dead of Carleton College in a lounge in Willis Hall. The poem is better known in Commonwealth countries that celebrate Remembrance Day on November 11 - On the 100th anniversary of the armistice, a movie has been created about that war - == When that bell rang, another echoed. Near that plaque was another commemorating a real American war hero, Frank Shigemura and the quieter sacrifices of his parents to honor his memory. And coincidentally, another Fathom event this month recalls that era - == That's why everybody needs to study some history and some people need to become experts. History repeats itself, but never exactly. Somebody needs to be able to accurately discern what's repetitious and what's unique about contemporary events. Nobody can be an expert in everything, so don't disparage the expertise of others. What have these events got to do with us today? What have we learned - and what have we forgotten? They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. == topic other 1 ===== impact 71 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-12-05 priority 1 ratio 11 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title They shall not grow old - contemporary echos of two wars topic other wordrate 0 words 238 ID 763671133977408 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 58 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 40 likeuusers 32 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 58 oreach 35 posted "12/05/2018 11:53:38 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 35 type Link ========== neo-con vs neo-cons ===== comments 2 hide 1 impact 17 impactrate 0 likeimpress 19 negative 1 posted 2018-11-25 ratio 3 react 56 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 28 title neo-con vs neo-cons topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 757825247895330 URL audclicks 28 audreach 20 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 31 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 214 likeclickusers 22 likeimpress 19 likeuimpress 103 likeusers 18 likeuusers 88 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 19 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 214 oreach 176 posted "11/25/2018 09:52:36 PM" postlinkclicks 9 postotherclicks 12 reach 176 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== What a heroic norm-breaker is like ===== comments 2 hide 2 impact 47 impactrate 0 likeimpress 30 negative 2 posted 2018-11-23 ratio 3 react 79 reactrate 0 shares 13 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 32 title What a heroic norm-breaker is like topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 756228121388376 URL audclicks 32 audreach 21 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 40 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 376 likeclickusers 32 likeimpress 30 likeuimpress 180 likeusers 29 likeuusers 140 matchedlinkclicks 13 matchedotherclicks 19 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 376 oreach 293 posted "11/23/2018 01:16:43 PM" postlinkclicks 13 postotherclicks 11 reach 293 sharesimpress 13 sharesusers 12 type Link ========== Expect more dirt in your future - it's a growth industry. Some think the Democrats were wasting their time before the election focusing on real issues that actually affect voters. Roger Stone didn't invent this stuff but he is a self-proclaimed master. Maybe that's a good enough resume to get a Freedom Medal - But Newt might think it belongs to him - ===== hide 1 impact 76 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-11-23 ratio 3 react 12 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Expect more dirt in your future - topic other wordrate 0 words 63 ID 756173441393844 URL audclicks 9 audreach 7 engaged 9 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 60 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 49 likeusers 2 likeuusers 42 matchedotherclicks 9 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 60 oreach 46 posted "11/23/2018 11:35:08 AM" postotherclicks 7 reach 46 type Link ========== An internet of things - an internet of threats ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-20 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title An internet of things - an internet of threats topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 754187951592393 URL impress 34 likeuimpress 21 likeuusers 17 oimpress 34 oreach 19 posted "11/20/2018 07:44:00 AM" reach 19 type Link ========== Income inequality in Silicon Valley! Non-technology wages have not kept up with inflation. There's another point of view, at least nationally - ===== impact 7 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-11-19 ratio 14 react 3 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Income inequality in Silicon Valley! topic other wordrate 0 words 22 ID 753965738281281 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 68 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 44 likeusers 1 likeuusers 33 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 68 oreach 43 posted "11/19/2018 08:36:38 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 43 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Left behind - Trump country and East Germany ===== impact 1 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-11-19 ratio 31 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Left behind - Trump country and East Germany topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 753881748289680 URL engaged 1 impress 51 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 34 likeusers 1 likeuusers 29 oimpress 51 oreach 31 posted "11/19/2018 05:53:52 PM" reach 31 type Link ========== “Trump Is Right About Nationalism" Pitch defileth another hand. ===== comments 4 impact 70 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 0 posted 2018-11-19 ratio 1 react 78 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 65 title “Trump Is Right About Nationalism" topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 753796358298219 URL audclicks 65 audreach 16 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 19 impress 117 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 94 likeusers 8 likeuusers 86 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 63 oimpress 117 oreach 96 posted "11/19/2018 03:08:12 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 15 reach 96 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Pitch defileth the hand that toucheth it ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Pitch defileth the hand that toucheth it topic other wordrate 0 words 7 ID 753748614969660 URL impress 46 likeuimpress 31 likeuusers 28 oimpress 46 oreach 30 posted "11/19/2018 12:45:49 PM" reach 30 type Link ========== It wasn't just suburban educated women ===== comments 1 impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-11-18 ratio 3 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title It wasn't just suburban educated women topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 753371915007330 URL audclicks 11 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 12 impress 90 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 67 likeusers 7 likeuusers 54 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 90 oreach 65 posted "11/18/2018 10:39:41 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 5 reach 65 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Haven’t they learned that the president always gets the last laugh? ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 28 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 1 posted 2018-11-18 ratio 3 react 25 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Haven’t they learned that the president always gets the topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 753368358341019 URL audclicks 14 audreach 9 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 12 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 110 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 73 likeusers 5 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 9 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 110 oreach 86 posted "11/18/2018 10:32:53 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 5 reach 86 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Measuring the triumph beyond globalization - universalization == topic other ===== impact 21 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-16 ratio 1 react 21 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title Measuring the triumph beyond globalization - topic other wordrate 0 words 10 ID 752188538459001 URL audclicks 21 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 58 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 43 likeuusers 36 matchedotherclicks 21 oimpress 58 oreach 39 posted "11/16/2018 10:08:49 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 39 type Link ========== Pinter saw it all coming. == topic other ===== impact 6 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-13 ratio 4 react 7 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Pinter saw it all coming. topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 749850368692818 URL audclicks 7 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 43 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 32 likeuusers 30 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 43 oreach 32 posted "11/13/2018 05:38:12 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 32 type Link ========== Education pays off for centuries == topic other ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-09 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Education pays off for centuries topic other wordrate 0 words 8 title Education pays off for centuries topic other ID 747979892213199 URL type Link posted "11/09/2018 09:09:30 PM" reach 27 oreach 27 impress 42 oimpress 42 likeuimpress 33 likeuusers 24 ========== This is the swamp that has not receded at all There are opportunities available to billionaires that will not be available to you. ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-04 ratio 26 react 2 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title This is the swamp that has not receded at all topic other wordrate 0 words 23 ID 744960985848423 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 77 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 44 likeuusers 32 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 77 oreach 52 posted "11/04/2018 05:54:26 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 52 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== All they needed was a leader - who would faithfully follow their lead And now they're mainstream. And acting on it. ===== hide 2 impact 55 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 2 posted 2018-11-04 ratio 5 react 26 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title All they needed was a leader - topic other wordrate 0 words 21 ID 744941012517087 URL audclicks 14 audreach 8 engaged 13 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 184 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 67 likeusers 5 likeuusers 55 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 9 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 184 oreach 136 posted "11/04/2018 05:42:58 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 6 reach 136 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Persecution and survival - it's such an old story. ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-11-04 ratio 27 react 3 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Persecution and survival - topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 744934059184449 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 117 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 41 likeusers 1 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 117 oreach 82 posted "11/04/2018 05:32:20 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 82 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Gary Hart looks back ===== comments 1 impact 4 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-11-04 ratio 7 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Gary Hart looks back topic other wordrate 0 words 4 ID 744929375851584 URL audclicks 6 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 96 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 55 likeusers 1 likeuusers 37 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 96 oreach 63 posted "11/04/2018 05:16:08 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 1 reach 63 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Does the future look like Viktor Orban? Bannon thinks so - ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-04 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Does the future look like Viktor Orban? topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 744927669185088 URL impress 63 likeuimpress 38 likeuusers 28 oimpress 63 oreach 40 posted "11/04/2018 05:10:19 PM" reach 40 type Link ========== Alt-right classics A lot of it is the same genre as "slavery was in the Bible so it must be OK." One of the things that makes a great work of art is its ability to reflect back to viewers in many times, places, and conditions in a way that suggests new ideas to the viewer. Different viewers get different ideas. ===== impact 37 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-11-04 ratio 10 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Alt-right classics topic other wordrate 0 words 61 ID 744908655853656 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 6 impress 99 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 74 likeusers 1 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 99 oreach 62 posted "11/04/2018 04:08:02 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 62 type Link ========== Could losing the House be a Trumpist plot? Probably not, but it could be advantageous to Trump in 2020 if his base gets tired of immigration. One could hope that a closely divided House might be an incentive for cooperation to get things done, but McConnell is not going to let anything through the Senate that he doesn't like, whether he's majority or minority leader. ===== comments 2 impact 98 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-04 ratio 4 react 15 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title Could losing the House be a Trumpist plot? topic other wordrate 0 words 65 ID 744897725854749 URL audclicks 13 audreach 10 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 11 impress 90 likeclickusers 10 likeuimpress 64 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 90 oreach 63 posted "11/04/2018 03:40:12 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 9 reach 63 type Link ========== Sample ballots Organizing For Action has a new tool with sample ballots for every community in the U.S., so you can see what you'll be voting on - Here's another - or for California Look out for fair redistricting ballot measures if you live in one of ndrc's target or watch list states - - Colorado: Amendments Y and Z - Michigan: Proposal 2 - Missouri: Amendment 1 - Utah: Proposition 4 Thanks to NDRC for pointing out the new tool - More at == election ===== impact 17 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-11-04 ratio 14 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Sample ballots topic other wordrate 0 words 86 ID 744888415855680 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 54 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 29 likeuusers 20 matchedlinkclicks 2 oimpress 54 oreach 29 posted "11/04/2018 03:18:45 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 29 type Link ========== Californians rush to register to vote - while landlords rush to raise rents to market levels ===== comments 1 impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-11-04 ratio 8 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Californians rush to register to vote - topic other wordrate 0 words 16 ID 744669035877618 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 78 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 48 likeusers 4 likeuusers 38 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 78 oreach 51 posted "11/04/2018 06:14:32 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 51 type Link ========== Dark money is a national security issue A few Democratic candidates have decided to decline PAC money - that's a start. There are several efforts to raise consciousness about unlimited dark money - == democracy 1 ===== comments 10 hide 1 impact 306 impactrate 0 likeimpress 22 negative 1 posted 2018-11-02 ratio 2 react 85 reactrate 0 shares 10 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 42 title Dark money is a national security issue topic other wordrate 0 words 36 ID 743859639291891 URL audclicks 42 audreach 25 commentsimpress 10 commentsusers 8 engaged 37 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 265 likeclickusers 31 likeimpress 22 likeuimpress 136 likeusers 20 likeuusers 108 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 40 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 265 oreach 193 posted "11/02/2018 09:19:59 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 23 reach 193 sharesimpress 10 sharesusers 10 type Link ========== Gerrymandering is big business - it's critical for Republican power in several states. Much better to get rid of it forever. California got past it several years ago - democracy ===== comments 3 impact 126 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 0 posted 2018-11-02 ratio 3 react 42 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 25 title Gerrymandering is big business - topic other wordrate 0 words 30 ID 743851322626056 URL audclicks 25 audreach 12 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 18 impress 192 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 74 likeusers 8 likeuusers 56 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 22 oimpress 192 oreach 136 posted "11/02/2018 08:56:14 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 11 reach 136 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== report the story the way that I want it reported ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 76 impactrate 0 likeimpress 18 negative 1 posted 2018-11-01 ratio 2 react 76 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 49 title report the story the way that I want it reported topic other wordrate 0 words 10 ID 743196192691569 URL audclicks 49 audreach 21 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 30 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 259 likeclickusers 19 likeimpress 18 likeuimpress 127 likeusers 18 likeuusers 97 matchedlinkclicks 12 matchedotherclicks 37 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 259 oreach 170 posted "11/01/2018 07:31:09 PM" postlinkclicks 11 postotherclicks 12 reach 170 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== How come elitists always end up in charge? The end state of most political revolutions ends up about the same as before - if the people are lucky. Unlucky, they end up worse off. At the end, there is always an elite running things. Why is that? One possible explanation is that being intensely interested in politics is not normal. Most people can think of more gratifying ways to spend their lives. Who wants to be a politician? Who wants their child to grow up to be a politician? 50 years ago, polls showed that most American women would like it if their sons became President, but most American women would not like it if their sons became politicians. Those moms were unclear on the concept of the President's jobs. Part of it is to be the biggest and baddest dog in his political pack, in order to direct the insane ambitions of his allies. If you can't do that, you won't become President, or won't be for long. But most people have a saturation level for political input, and eventually tune out of continuous revolution. So the people that end up running the show are the people that find running the show interesting. That's automatically an elite. A small community of subsistence farmers without too much spread in wealth and other power can govern itself. Everybody understands all the issues about equally well. Direct democracy has a chance of working, though many citizens hate the endless boring meetings. Jefferson was opposed to Hamilton's industrialization schemes because he feared it would be the end of democracy - In a complicated technological society, nobody understands all the issues well, and many people don't understand any of the issues at all, and decisions have to be delegated to people that do understand or at least pretend to. Nobody has figured out how to manage something without understanding it. So there are elite bureaucracies. Does anybody think that an anonymous Wall Street bureaucrat will consistently make better decisions for you than an anonymous Washington DC bureaucrat? But that's the Trumpist proposition - deregulate to unleash the power of the billionaires to make your life better. You know, the kinds of guys that run cable companies, cell phone companies, airlines, oil, gas, and coal companies, big banks, big drug companies, wall street brokerages, and of course, real estate speculators. That'll show those elites how we drain the swamp! ===== comments 4 hide 1 impact 1980 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-11-01 ratio 1 react 49 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 38 title How come elitists always end up in charge? topic other wordrate 0 words 404 ID 743098949367960 URL audclicks 38 audreach 11 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 3 engaged 12 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 132 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 67 likeusers 1 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 35 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 132 oreach 85 posted "11/01/2018 04:26:05 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 11 reach 85 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== What happens after the election Making the most plausible guesses at this time - that leaning districts will end up the way they are leaning now, and that tossup districts will be decided on the basis of local factors unique to each district, and so about half will go one way and half the other - Democrats will gain a narrow majority in the House and the Republicans will retain a narrow majority in the Senate. Even the most optimistic Democratic projections do not foresee enough votes to get around a McConnell filibuster in the Senate. So then what happens? It's hard to imagine Mueller coming up with anything that isn't already known or assumed that would suddenly convince a third of the Republican Senators to admit that they've been completely wrong all along, and to vote for impeachment, no matter how much they'd rather deal with a President Pence. So that seems to be a dead end right now. As a campaign maneuver, the timing would seem to be best for a Democratic House vote for impeachment in the spring of 2020, during the primaries, while the Republican Senators are campaigning for re-election, and perhaps subtly for higher office, before the Republican presidential convention. The idea is to force the Senators to take a stand that will either cost them base support in the primaries or will cost them independent support in the general election. They will mightily resist that. Meanwhile the Democrats should perhaps study the people that have been most successful in getting Trump to do their bidding - foreign dictators. Take a Democratic proposal, make some very minor policy concessions to Trump, then put his name on it in gold letters and present it for signing at an enormous photo-up, preferably with a big parade. Or devise a compromise deal to pass some psychologically important policy of minor actual significance, as a package with something that is really important to Democrats. Alas, a more likely outcome is that the Senate and the House will pass bills that are always DOA in the other chamber. And so Congress will do nothing bad for two years. And nothing good. Figuring out how to get Trump to sign what little might emerge will be the least of the challenges. All of which is not to say that the 2018 election doesn't matter. If the Republicans retain control of both houses, Trump will be fully unleashed to be fully Trump. So get out and vote. ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 2490 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-11-01 ratio 1 react 60 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 53 title What happens after the election topic other wordrate 0 words 415 ID 743084762702712 URL audclicks 53 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 11 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 120 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 64 likeusers 2 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 49 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 120 oreach 74 posted "11/01/2018 03:51:58 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 8 reach 74 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Former Republicans chime in - They hold many traditional conservative Republican points of view, and they aren't going to become Democrats, but they are voting Democratic this time. What happens to them after the election? They'll have to decide based on the results of the election and how the remaining Republicans react to those results. If the GOP loses control of Congress and decides that it lost because it wasn't Trumpy enough, then it will be truly a lost cause. Democrats will continue to figure out how to attract back those who voted for Obama and then Trump. The Democrats will be glad to leave the racists, anti-semites, and fascists to the Trumpists. They can follow the path of the American Independent Party to oblivion - ===== comments 9 hide 2 impact 2381 impactrate 0 likeimpress 15 negative 2 posted 2018-11-01 ratio 0 react 189 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 162 title Former Republicans chime in - topic other wordrate 0 words 126 ID 743068179371037 URL audclicks 162 audreach 28 commentsimpress 9 commentsusers 5 engaged 36 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 230 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 15 likeuimpress 114 likeusers 15 likeuusers 76 matchedlinkclicks 12 matchedotherclicks 150 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 230 oreach 130 posted "11/01/2018 03:06:23 PM" postlinkclicks 12 postotherclicks 21 reach 130 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Revenge against robocallers ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-11-01 ratio 5 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Revenge against robocallers topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 742969622714226 URL audclicks 6 audreach 4 engaged 7 impress 107 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 54 likeusers 4 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 107 oreach 62 posted "11/01/2018 10:39:54 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 62 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Dirty tricksters alive and well In short, "free" campaign information in paper mail, email, newspaper/radio/TV ads, phone texts, or anywhere on the internet has to be presumed guilty until proven innocent. Courts rulings mean that there is no effective penalty or remedy for deceptive campaigning. ===== comments 1 impact 86 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-11-01 ratio 3 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title Dirty tricksters alive and well topic other wordrate 0 words 45 ID 742890282722160 URL audclicks 12 audreach 7 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 9 impress 99 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 5 likeuusers 56 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 99 oreach 63 posted "11/01/2018 07:49:43 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 6 reach 63 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== The Obama voters that voted for Trump are voting Democratic again - But it sounds like the change that they are hoping for can't come from Washington. This first constituency is desperate. Meanwhile, in another universe, another faithful Republican constituency is getting driven away - Think of it as the third Trump constituency - This third constituency is disgusted. What about the second constituency? They're with Trump forever, because nobody else will offer them such unconditional love - Of course, Trump doesn't really offer anybody unconditional anything, but he certainly accepts the second constituency's unconditional love at his campaign rallies, which Trump craves like a junkie his junk. ===== impact 302 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-11-01 ratio 2 react 28 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title The Obama voters that voted for Trump are voting Democratic topic other wordrate 0 words 108 ID 742885859389269 URL audclicks 13 audreach 7 engaged 13 impress 112 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 53 likeusers 9 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 112 oreach 76 posted "11/01/2018 07:42:57 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 6 reach 76 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Each of us, as part of our national defense, should register and vote this November The threat of foreign interference is no excuse not to vote. Nor is a claim that there's no difference between the candidates or the parties. But if you need a lame excuse for leaving your fate to others, you could try one of these - ===== comments 1 impact 108 impactrate 0 likeimpress 10 negative 0 posted 2018-10-31 ratio 8 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Each of us, as part of our national defense, topic other wordrate 0 words 60 ID 742563722754816 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 12 impress 233 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 10 likeuimpress 90 likeusers 10 likeuusers 69 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 233 oreach 158 posted "10/31/2018 03:41:03 PM" postotherclicks 4 reach 158 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Washington's Letter to Newport ===== impact 1 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 13 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Washington's Letter to Newport topic other wordrate 0 words 4 ID 742127022798486 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 70 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 42 likeusers 2 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 70 oreach 39 posted "10/30/2018 09:45:16 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 39 type Link ========== Mueller still interested in Stone - ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 1 react 24 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title Mueller still interested in Stone - topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 742120596132462 URL audclicks 19 audreach 4 engaged 6 impress 62 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 36 likeusers 5 likeuusers 30 matchedotherclicks 19 oimpress 62 oreach 32 posted "10/30/2018 09:24:03 PM" postotherclicks 4 reach 32 type Link ========== Evolution of the Republican Party - from liberation to identity politics The Republican Party defeated the Confederacy, freed the slaves, and then got stuck in the House trying to decide the Hayes-Tilden election of 1876. So the Corrupt Bargain was struck - the Republican Hayes became President, and withdrew Federal troops from the South, ending Reconstruction and giving the unrepentant southern Democrats a free hand for 80 years - until the Supreme Court finally struck down "separate but equal" and the Republican President Eisenhower enforced it with Federal troops - leading to founding of the John Birch Society with their "Impeach Earl Warren" campaign and claims that Eisenhower was a Communist traitor - Goldwater and William Buckley and many other Republican leaders kept their distance from the Birchers, and in 1964 Goldwater lost by a landslide to LBJ. Goldwater was too far right, but of course the lunatic fringe thought he was not far right ENOUGH. But Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and that encouraged many Dixiecrats to abandon the Democratic Party, led by Strom Thurmond and Albert Watson Their racism made many traditional Republicans nervous, but Richard Nixon had been rebuilding a political organization for another run for President. Nixon realized that, properly handled, the former Dixiecrats were an asset rather than a liability. According to Haldeman, "Nixon emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognized this while not appearing to." Although the RNC chair apologized for the Southern Strategy in 2005, he was speaking too soon. In 2009, Obama was elected President, and the Tea Party was born Since Obama's politics were not much different from Bill Clinton's, it's hard to escape the conclusion that racism was an important factor in the rise of the Tea Party. It was not explicitly racist, but it was part of the oppose-Obama-on-everything movement within the Republican party which certainly appealed to all the racists. Trump's great insight was that by signaling (subtly at first, blatantly later) to the racists and fascists, they'd stick with him forever, and by other means he could also attract the Obama voters who were hoping for a change for the better. Of course, the reason there hadn't been as much change for the better as hoped, is that the Republicans were blocking Obama on everything. Even so, Obamacare passed and the economy as a whole has been recovering since 2009. But the Republicans cleverly convinced enough voters that they were against Obamacare, even though polls asking about any specific aspect of Obamacare, but without mentioning "Obamacare", such as affordable coverage for pre-existing conditions, found quite widespread support. Trump could easily promise to repeal Obamacare and come up with better coverage for more people at lower cost. And while the economy as a whole has been recovering, the recovery has been uneven, especially in industries undone by technological advance or their environmental costs. Trump could easily promise to turn back the tide of technology and and the tide of rising oceans and environmental degradation. And that's how Trump barely won. Since then he has done a great job of keeping the racists and anti-intellectuals in his camp, but those who had voted for Obama and then Trump have noticed that he hasn't really done anything for them after all. So now he has to create distractions of foreign menace of impoverished peasant invasions, and somehow avoid the distractions of domestic menace by his hard-core followers who took him too literally and too seriously. But sticking too close to his white-identity-politics hard-core base may be his undoing. Cults of personality have not lasted long in American politics. The Trumpist Party has no fixed ideology beyond the whims and prejudices of the leader, who owes nothing to the past or to the future, but mutually supports and abets other personality cults all over the world. A president who wants to build a legacy needs a tent large enough to weather various kinds of crises among sub-constituencies. Trump seems uninterested and unable to do so. He's indeed a great disrupter, as claimed, but not a great builder, which also was claimed. The nation will recover eventually, as it has from other fundamental crises. The outlook for the Republican Party is not so certain, and recalls the fate of the Whigs - The Republicans might split into a hard-core identitarian Trumpist party and one espousing more traditional Republican values. Hard to guess which one will retain the Republican name! Trump certainly likes to see his name in gold on everything he touches. It would be good for the Republicans to finally excise their cancer of racism, anti-semitism, and fascism. After years of berating the Democrats for identity politics, it's time for the Republicans to take the same medicine. The Democrats could go the same factional route if success went to their heads and they got too far ahead of the middle of the electorate. That might eventually lead to a new majority coalition in the middle for a while. If the Democrats are smart, they will become the new majority coalition somewhat left of the middle, far enough left to have ideals and goals, yet close enough to the middle and the left to keep both in the tent. No small task. ===== comments 1 impact 2065 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 2 react 23 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 20 title Evolution of the Republican Party - topic other wordrate 0 words 898 ID 742028372808351 URL audclicks 20 audreach 8 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 8 impress 90 likeclickusers 7 likeuimpress 54 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 14 oimpress 90 oreach 53 posted "10/30/2018 04:09:50 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 6 reach 53 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived We forgive John Adams his mistake - he didn't live long enough to be Lieutenant Governor of California As for John Adams - ===== impact 350 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 0 react 103 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 98 title the most insignificant office that ever the invention of topic other wordrate 0 words 34 ID 742010512810137 URL audclicks 98 audreach 8 engaged 9 impress 100 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 4 likeuusers 55 matchedotherclicks 98 oimpress 100 oreach 64 posted "10/30/2018 03:02:12 PM" postotherclicks 8 reach 64 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== What better choice to study state security - than a state security expert? ===== impact 8 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 5 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title What better choice to study state security - topic other wordrate 0 words 13 ID 742008689476986 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 4 impress 67 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 40 likeusers 3 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 67 oreach 35 posted "10/30/2018 02:54:56 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 35 type Link ========== Chinese tourism might decline For some, that might be a good thing - ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 7 react 4 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Chinese tourism might decline topic other wordrate 0 words 13 ID 741992536145268 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 3 impress 58 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 30 likeusers 2 likeuusers 26 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 58 oreach 28 posted "10/30/2018 02:05:57 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 28 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Petrification of wealth inequality Since social economic stratification tends to be feed on itself, one of government's ongoing tasks is to restore more equal opportunity by undoing extreme wealth inequality. ===== impact 36 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 3 react 12 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title Petrification of wealth inequality topic other wordrate 0 words 30 ID 741884629489392 URL audclicks 11 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 75 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 47 likeusers 1 likeuusers 36 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 75 oreach 38 posted "10/30/2018 09:12:12 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 38 type Link ========== Sure enough, it's a new version of the (mythical) Dan White Twinkie Defense Just another example of a presidential role model - == By the way, here's the real story on the Twinkie Defense - ===== comments 5 impact 1743 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 0 react 498 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 486 title Sure enough, it's a new version of the (mythical) Dan topic other wordrate 0 words 35 ID 741873636157158 URL audclicks 486 audreach 14 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 3 engaged 18 impress 158 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 97 likeusers 6 likeuusers 72 matchedlinkclicks 10 matchedotherclicks 476 oimpress 158 oreach 85 posted "10/30/2018 08:41:53 AM" postlinkclicks 9 postotherclicks 8 reach 85 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== There's a bunch of Republican Congressional Representatives looking forward to an early retirement The Republican national PAC's aren't even bothering to defend some of the hopeless cases - they're doing triage nationally - There's still time for you to be part of the problem, or part of the solution, depending on how you look at it - Longer term, we need a way to undo Citizens United. The Supreme Court caused that problem, and Mitch McConnell continues to do his best to insure that it continues to cause that problem. So another remedy will be required. ===== comments 1 impact 96 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-30 ratio 3 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title There's a bunch of Republican Congressional Representatives topic other wordrate 0 words 96 ID 741829726161549 URL audclicks 6 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 70 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 38 likeusers 2 likeuusers 28 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 70 oreach 34 posted "10/30/2018 07:10:04 AM" postotherclicks 5 reach 34 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== What if everybody voted? And what if everybody in the Federal territories could vote? Overcoming voter suppression has been difficult and will become more so if the Supreme Court starts acting as protector of the Republican power structure that put it there. Constitutional amendments might be required and they will encounter the same problems from gerrymandered and rural legislatures. It seems a better goal, if it's going to require that much effort, is to give the states tangible incentives for promoting voter registration and voter turnout - * allocate Congressional seats among states on the basis of voter turnout rather than population * allocate Federal aid to states on the basis of voter turnout rather than population * restrict political donations to registered voters Each of these changes would have other beneficial aspects. ===== comments 1 impact 186 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-29 ratio 3 react 14 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title What if everybody voted? topic other wordrate 0 words 133 ID 741629076181614 URL audclicks 11 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 4 impress 79 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 53 likeuusers 39 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 79 oreach 43 posted "10/29/2018 10:06:42 PM" postotherclicks 4 reach 43 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Is House of Cards reality? It is for foreigners, with encouragement from their governments. It is for us if we make it so. ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-29 ratio 20 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Is House of Cards reality? topic other wordrate 0 words 23 ID 741605866183935 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 76 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 51 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 76 oreach 41 posted "10/29/2018 08:38:05 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 41 type Link ========== The cultural revolution lives on in Xinjiang - ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-29 ratio 11 react 3 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 title The cultural revolution lives on in Xinjiang - topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 741602059517649 URL engaged 2 impress 67 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 36 likeusers 2 likeuusers 27 oimpress 67 oreach 34 posted "10/29/2018 08:21:33 PM" reach 34 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== History of the social safety net Social security - Republicans mostly voted in favor - Medicare - Republicans opposed in the Senate, split in the House - Obamacare - No Republican votes even though it was based on Mitt Romney's popular Masscare - If you want to see how it adds up - ===== impact 143 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-10-29 ratio 4 react 27 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title History of the social safety net topic other wordrate 0 words 53 ID 741592622851926 URL audclicks 17 audreach 11 engaged 14 impress 173 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 85 likeusers 5 likeuusers 67 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 173 oreach 126 posted "10/29/2018 07:49:07 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 9 reach 126 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Bakersfield deserves better - and so does the rest of the country Billionaire Jews buying the election for Democrats? Was McCarthy afraid the Democrats have stolen the Republicans strategy book, as if it were a big secret? Or did somebody explain to him how his campaigns are financed? The big secret is the dark money, but what we do know is big enough - Adelson is at the top of this list. Note that the Kochs aren't even on this list - their money, and that of many others, is mostly dark. As for McCarthy, let's all help him to an early retirement, if not this time, then next time. Where does he get his tweetable thoughts then? For the bigger picture, it's essential to get the dark money out of politics and the big money too - But it will be a long hard road. Mitch McConnell and his supporters have worked long and hard to build a Supreme Court and Federal judiciary that will protect the idea that unlimited dark money is protected free speech. ===== comments 7 impact 761 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-10-29 ratio 3 react 43 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 25 title Bakersfield deserves better - and so does the rest of topic other wordrate 0 words 177 ID 741352942875894 URL audclicks 25 audreach 17 commentsimpress 7 commentsusers 7 engaged 20 impress 183 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 100 likeusers 6 likeuusers 86 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 21 oimpress 183 oreach 130 posted "10/29/2018 08:30:44 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 14 reach 130 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== A conservative argument for a split Congress A Republican Senate and a Democratic House seem quite plausible in January - perhaps the most plausible outcome. It sounds like a prescription for two more years of do-nothing Congress, except for installing more reactionary judges who will do their best to institutionalize Republican power. But even if Democrats get a majority in the Senate next month, it still won't be enough to enact anything positive against a Republican filibuster. But it will end the installation of reactionary judges. ===== impact 120 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-28 ratio 4 react 14 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title A conservative argument for a split Congress topic other wordrate 0 words 86 ID 741089509568904 URL audclicks 10 audreach 7 engaged 7 impress 98 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 58 likeusers 2 likeuusers 50 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 98 oreach 66 posted "10/28/2018 09:00:42 PM" postotherclicks 7 reach 66 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Stock market drops are a bad thing - if you are president or running for president or a short-term trader. But stock market drops are a good thing - "STOCKS ON SALE!" - if you are investing for a specific target date in the future. Then you can hardly do better than dollar-cost averaging buy and hold of target-date no-load mutual funds. Hold through thick and thin until your target date. You'll outperform almost all professional active-portfolio money managers. There is a problem with stock market drops that last years rather than weeks. Bear markets are usually associated with a general economic recession that might result in your unemployment and inability to continue your dollar-cost averaging buying - even though stocks are very cheap compared to what they will be after the next bull market starts. But after any given day, you do not know AT THAT TIME - and neither does anybody else - whether stocks might be halfway down to the next bear market, or halfway up to the next bull market. So quit worrying about market timing and stick to your plan. Follow Warren Buffett's advice and don't even open your monthly statements. You don't need to read a newsletter or a book, but if you want one, read anything by John Bogle, founder of Vanguard. You don't need a broker either. ===== impact 68 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-27 ratio 9 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Stock market drops are a bad thing - topic other wordrate 0 words 225 ID 740509416293580 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 63 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 33 likeuusers 25 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 63 oreach 28 posted "10/27/2018 11:41:51 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 28 type Link ========== Conversion of a party of ideas to a cult of personality - America was founded on ideas rather than personalities- We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. A new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Traditional Republicans who think of themselves as part of the party of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt should think about what it means when a party of ideas becomes a personality cult - which is the tendency of populist and fascist movements. They might ask how it worked out for others - They all were fired, not for their ideology, but because they were potential popularity threats to Dear Fearless Leader. Their ideology didn't save them. The Republican Party has become the Trumpist Party with no fixed ideology but the whims and prejudices of the leader, who owes nothing to the past nor to the future, but mutually supports and abets other personality cults all over the world. The only reality is the inner reality of Dear Fearless Leader; any reference to other realities or failure to keep up with the twists and turns of the approved reality is hazardous to your career, or worse. Don't like it? The 2018 election is a national referendum on ideas vs personality cults. For this one specific moment in history, voters interested in ideas need to vote for ideas and against personality cults. That means in almost every instance, a vote for Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, independents, or staying home because it doesn't matter - is a vote for personality cults. An astonishing number of House and even Senate seats - and state governorships and legislature seats - are too close too call this year - meaning individual votes count as never before. No matter who wins control of the Senate or House, it will result in a majority of just a few votes, each decided by just a few votes. Turnout is everything. In almost every instance, at this specific moment, the only effective vote against personality cults is to vote Democratic. As for the future, there are a lot of structural reforms needed - getting dark money out of politics, encouraging voter registration and turnout instead of suppressing, ending gerrymandering, adopting ranked-choice voting and multi-member districts, changing the way Congress runs itself - that will increase voter choices by making independent and ideological candidates more feasible. But those efforts will take years to come to fruition. Now is the time for short-term action. == More at ===== comments 330 hideall 6 impact 79655 impactrate 1 likeimpress 316 negative 10 posted 2018-10-27 ratio 11 react 1790 reactrate 0 shares 146 sharesrate 0 spam 4 sumclicks 988 title Conversion of a party of ideas to a cult of personality - topic other wordrate 0 words 445 ID 740498216294700 URL audclicks 1023 audreach 883 bimpress 25098 blikeimpress 54 blikeusers 41 breach 18601 commentsimpress 330 commentsusers 148 engaged 1207 hideallclicks 6 hideallclicksusers 6 impress 29288 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 316 likeuimpress 127 likeusers 306 likeuusers 95 matchedlinkclicks 718 matchedotherclicks 270 negclicks 10 negusers 10 oimpress 4190 oreach 3041 posted "10/27/2018 11:10:39 PM" postlinkclicks 664 postotherclicks 208 reach 21176 sharesimpress 146 sharesusers 140 spamclicks 4 spamclicksusers 4 type Link budget 400 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Conversion of a party of ideas to a cult of...""" ccleantitle Conversion of a party of ideas to a cult of cclicksall 2714 cclickslink 694 ccpcall 0.14738394 ccpclink 0.57636888 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-12-31 cimpressions 25098 clicksunique 666 conversionrank "Below average - Bottom 20% of ads" cost 0.57636887608069 cpm 15.9375249 creach 18788 cstart 2018-10-01 ctrall 10.81361065 ctrlink 2.7651605705634 ecomments 79 ecpclink 0.57636888 ends 2018-11-06 engagedrank "Above average" ereact 206 eshares 97 frequency 1.3358526719182 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank "Below average - Bottom 20% of ads" results 694 spent 400 ========== Conversion of a party of ideas to a cult of personality - America was founded on ideas rather than personalities. Traditional Republicans who think of themselves as part of the party of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt should think about what it means when a party of ideas becomes a personality cult - which is the tendency of populist and fascist movements. They might ask how it worked out for others - They all were fired, not for their ideology, but because they were potential popularity threats to Dear Fearless Leader. Their ideology didn't save them. The Republican Party has become the Trumpist Party with no fixed ideology but the whims and prejudices of the leader, who owes nothing to the past or to the future, but mutually supports and abets other personality cults all over the world. Don't like it? The 2018 election is a national referendum on ideas vs personality cults. For this one specific moment in history, voters interested in ideas need to vote for ideas and against personality cults. That means in almost every instance, a vote for Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, independents, or staying home because it doesn't matter - is a vote for personality cults. An astonishing number of House and even Senate seats and Governorships are too close too call this year - meaning individual votes count as never before. In almost every instance, at this specific moment, the only effective vote against personality cults is to vote Democratic. As for the future, there are a lot of structural reforms needed - getting dark money out of politics, encouraging voter registration and turnout instead of suppressing, ending gerrymandering, adopting ranked-choice voting and multi-member districts, changing the way Congress runs itself - that will increase voter choices by making independent and ideological candidates more feasible. But those efforts will take years to come to fruition. ===== impact 371 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-27 ratio 3 react 12 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Conversion of a party of ideas to a cult of personality - topic other wordrate 0 words 309 ID 740120936332428 URL audclicks 9 audreach 7 engaged 7 impress 71 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 38 likeusers 1 likeuusers 28 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 71 oreach 39 posted "10/27/2018 07:25:55 AM" postotherclicks 7 reach 39 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Does gender affect economic outlook? Is the recovery evenly beneficial to men and women? Or does gender effect political outlook which effects economic outlook? ===== comments 2 impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-27 ratio 12 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Does gender affect economic outlook? topic other wordrate 0 words 24 ID 740109886333533 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 2 impress 85 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 58 likeusers 1 likeuusers 44 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 85 oreach 49 posted "10/27/2018 06:57:22 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 49 type Link ========== Nothing new about indicted or convicted criminals running for office - it's been worse - What's new is that being a corrupt self-serving opportunist is now considered a positive on your resume rather than a negative. The tone is set from the top. ===== comments 1 impact 60 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-27 ratio 4 react 14 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Nothing new about indicted or convicted criminals running topic other wordrate 0 words 43 ID 740102953000893 URL audclicks 8 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 90 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 57 likeusers 3 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 90 oreach 58 posted "10/27/2018 06:41:19 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 3 reach 58 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Difference between entertainment and journalism The only mistake for an entertainer is to get low ratings - Journalists do make mistakes and correct them and learn from them - Geraldo must have been a journalist in a past life. If he learns from this mistake, maybe he still is a journalist. Every wonder why fake news is so popular? Because it makes great entertainment - The truth is usually much more boring, or complicated, or both. ===== comments 8 hide 1 impact 851 impactrate 0 likeimpress 29 negative 1 posted 2018-10-27 ratio 2 react 112 reactrate 0 shares 7 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 67 title Difference between entertainment and journalism topic other wordrate 0 words 76 ID 740096093001579 URL audclicks 67 audreach 40 commentsimpress 8 commentsusers 8 engaged 57 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 447 likeclickusers 41 likeimpress 29 likeuimpress 199 likeusers 27 likeuusers 150 matchedlinkclicks 14 matchedotherclicks 53 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 447 oreach 315 posted "10/27/2018 06:26:22 AM" postlinkclicks 12 postotherclicks 31 reach 315 sharesimpress 7 sharesusers 7 type Link ========== What happens when you keep building office space faster than you keep building housing space? ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-27 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title What happens when you keep building office space topic other wordrate 0 words 15 title What happens when you keep building office space ID 740091323002056 URL type Link posted "10/27/2018 06:15:32 AM" reach 17 oreach 17 impress 36 oimpress 36 likeuimpress 20 likeuusers 15 ========== Trying to decide on California ballot initiatives? You can find out where the major players are lined up - parties, unions, non-profits, newspapers - here ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-25 ratio 25 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Trying to decide on California ballot initiatives? topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 739367696407752 URL engaged 1 impress 55 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 32 likeusers 1 likeuusers 22 oimpress 55 oreach 25 posted "10/25/2018 09:18:45 PM" reach 25 type Link ========== Is Trump right about INF? Gorbachev has a different perspective - ===== hide 1 impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-10-24 ratio 4 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Is Trump right about INF? topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 738850959792759 URL audclicks 6 audreach 2 engaged 3 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 69 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 41 likeusers 1 likeuusers 31 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 5 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 69 oreach 37 posted "10/24/2018 09:37:51 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 37 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Social media business models changing Here and there they win a skirmish, but they're losing the war - "Conspiracy theories play especially well on social media, which amplifies provocative and engaging content by design and often rewards misinformation with increased distribution. One study published this year, led by M.I.T. researchers, found that on Twitter, falsehoods were 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than accurate news." Even at $3 hour, moderation gets expensive Security breaches aren't cheap either ===== impact 109 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-24 ratio 5 react 14 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Social media business models changing topic other wordrate 0 words 78 ID 738648173146371 URL audclicks 8 audreach 4 engaged 6 impress 118 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 3 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 118 oreach 74 posted "10/24/2018 11:49:09 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 74 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Henry Waxman warns Democrats - don't be like Republicans If Democrats regain control of the House, they need to set some good precedents and procedures that they can be proud of and thankful for, no matter what the future holds. If your intentions and actions are honorable, you don't have to worry about accidentally telling the truth. Remember, as always, the next election in 2020 will be decided by the swing votes in the middle, and not by the ideological bases. ===== impact 138 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-10-24 ratio 3 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title Henry Waxman warns Democrats - don't be like Republicans topic other wordrate 0 words 81 ID 738493156495206 URL audclicks 12 audreach 8 engaged 10 impress 95 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 62 likeusers 4 likeuusers 49 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 95 oreach 60 posted "10/24/2018 06:25:51 AM" postotherclicks 8 reach 60 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Nothing new under the sun ===== hide 1 impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-10-23 ratio 3 react 20 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Nothing new under the sun topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 738291983181990 URL audclicks 15 audreach 9 engaged 11 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 103 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 54 likeusers 2 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 7 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 103 oreach 73 posted "10/23/2018 09:21:54 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 5 reach 73 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Where the new Supreme Court might like to go - right back to 1787. Newt has an even more radical idea - judiciary as subordinate to executive ===== comments 4 impact 59 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-23 ratio 2 react 22 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Where the new Supreme Court might like to go - topic other wordrate 0 words 27 ID 738281173183071 URL audclicks 14 audreach 6 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 2 engaged 7 impress 111 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 57 likeusers 1 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 111 oreach 64 posted "10/23/2018 08:39:59 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 4 reach 64 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Where the money goes and where it comes from One hopes that it's well spent - since there is basically no remedy or penalty for flagrantly false campaign material, you can pretty much ignore anything unsolicited that comes in the mail, email, radio, tv.... and try to find relatively reliable sources of information from real journalism and civic and other organizations that you deem trustworthy. ===== impact 65 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-23 ratio 3 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Where the money goes and where it comes from topic other wordrate 0 words 65 ID 738156946528827 URL audclicks 7 audreach 3 engaged 5 impress 70 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 42 likeusers 2 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 70 oreach 35 posted "10/23/2018 03:57:10 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 2 reach 35 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== So what if you haven't accomplished anything in Congress You can always run on a local issue that has nothing to do with what you were elected to do - Foreseeing the need, California Republicans spent a lot to get the gas tax repeal on the ballot. Then nothing to get it passed, since they don't care about that, only about getting Republicans to get out and vote for their endangered Congressional representatives. As far the gas tax, if the Republicans ever got control of the state, they'd have to come up with some kind of plan to pay for roads. A one ton car does the same road damage whether it's a 60's muscle gas guzzler, a hybrid gas sipper, or an electric car. So gas tax is really not a very fair method to pay for roads. Better to have a fixed annual fee according to weight, for private passenger vehicles, and according to weight times mileage for commercial vehicles and for private vehicles that don't mind whatever intrusive method is adopted for measuring private mileage. ===== comments 1 impact 623 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-10-23 ratio 5 react 35 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title So what if you haven't accomplished anything in Congress topic other wordrate 0 words 178 ID 738096386534883 URL audclicks 26 audreach 17 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 18 impress 257 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 93 likeusers 5 likeuusers 76 matchedotherclicks 26 oimpress 257 oreach 184 posted "10/23/2018 12:41:42 PM" postotherclicks 17 reach 184 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Unprecedented interest in midterm election, unprecedented lack of interest in poll work 77% of registered voters plan to vote - 1000 more poll workers needed in Silicon Valley - That's what full employment is all about. When was the last time you passed a retail store or restaurant that didn't have a Help Wanted sign? But illegal immigrants can't work at polls, even though they'd be willing to accept the tiny wages. ===== comments 5 impact 367 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-10-23 ratio 8 react 51 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 33 title Unprecedented interest in midterm election, unprecedented topic other wordrate 0 words 72 ID 737965836547938 URL audclicks 35 audreach 17 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 5 engaged 18 impress 570 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 57 likeusers 5 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 27 oimpress 573 oreach 409 posted "10/23/2018 07:35:26 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 12 reach 409 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== How to convert the global leader into just another third-world economy - Accentuate income inequality and inopportunity - at every opportunity. ===== impact 15 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-21 ratio 8 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title How to convert the global leader into just another topic other wordrate 0 words 21 ID 737136473297541 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 5 impress 98 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 56 likeusers 1 likeuusers 46 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 98 oreach 58 posted "10/21/2018 07:24:06 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 58 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Update - nobody is backing off - Did it happen or not? So far Bloomberg isn't backing down - And neither is anybody else - So Supermicro is taking another look - This is the original story - ===== impact 38 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-21 ratio 2 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Update - nobody is backing off - topic other wordrate 0 words 38 ID 736973726647149 URL audclicks 8 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 67 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 26 likeusers 1 likeuusers 22 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 67 oreach 29 posted "10/21/2018 12:47:52 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 29 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== It's not bribery if it's about an initiative It's an example of modern electoral technology perverting the original intent of the direct democracy movement 100 years ago. The idea then was to allow the people to bypass a corrupt legislature. Now the idea is for organization with enough money to bypass a legislature that isn't corrupt enough. Initiative works when the measures are simple enough that ordinary voters can understand what they say and what they mean. Too many of those on recent California ballots are way too long, complicated, and technical - too hard for voters to understand, and pretty tough for legislators too. And when a bad idea slips by, often by means of deceptive advertising, it's pretty hard to undo. So voters have to rely on outside expertise - which is what the legislature is supposed to provide in drafting complicating legislation. So if you're trying to decide what to do, you could do worse than start with the League of Women Voters - ===== impact 668 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-10-21 ratio 2 react 40 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title It's not bribery if it's about an initiative topic other wordrate 0 words 167 ID 736970243314164 URL audclicks 26 audreach 15 engaged 17 impress 154 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 80 likeusers 8 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 24 oimpress 154 oreach 95 posted "10/21/2018 12:38:38 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 15 reach 95 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== It was never a secret! It's been known that there is a problem with entitlements - the entitled class is growing faster than the funding class. At some point, either benefits get reduced or taxes get increased. While almost all politicians want to kick that can down the road and out of sight, McConnell had the brilliant insight to cut taxes to make it worse, just before the Democrats regain control of Congress. Then in a reprise of his role as minority leader, he can blame the Democrats for the problem while making sure that no reasonable solution gets through the Senate. That way the Republicans can keep the issue alive until they get control of Congress again, and then conveniently forget about it again until the Democrats regain control. ===== comments 2 impact 741 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-10-21 ratio 2 react 57 reactrate 0 shares 7 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 41 title It was never a secret! topic other wordrate 0 words 130 ID 736964609981394 URL audclicks 41 audreach 29 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 35 impress 206 likeclickusers 25 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 99 likeusers 7 likeuusers 80 matchedlinkclicks 18 matchedotherclicks 23 oimpress 206 oreach 148 posted "10/21/2018 12:19:19 PM" postlinkclicks 18 postotherclicks 14 reach 148 sharesimpress 7 sharesusers 7 type Link ========== Ever been glad you had a street address? It can be used for conscription and taxation and - voting rights. And lack of one can be used to deny voting rights - another tool in the Republican voter suppression kit, now blessed by the Supreme Court. If November 6 goes unexpectedly well for Trump, we can expect a lot more of that - ===== comments 11 hide 1 impact 1002 impactrate 0 likeimpress 43 negative 1 posted 2018-10-20 ratio 3 react 159 reactrate 0 shares 26 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 78 title Ever been glad you had a street address? topic other wordrate 0 words 63 ID 736277606716761 URL audclicks 78 audreach 34 commentsimpress 11 commentsusers 6 engaged 64 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 753 likeclickusers 52 likeimpress 43 likeuimpress 208 likeusers 42 likeuusers 163 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 73 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 753 oreach 575 posted "10/20/2018 07:19:04 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 33 reach 575 sharesimpress 26 sharesusers 24 type Link ========== Negroes for Goldwater Prior to the 1964 election, Newsweek published an interview with the head of an organization with "the exclusive-sounding name of Negroes for Goldwater." Maybe they should have been called "Negro Millionaires for Goldwater." You only need two to make a plural. But they've been matched for exclusive-sounding-ness - "Black Americans for the President's Agenda" ?? Even the Republican candidate in that district denounced their ad. Came as a big surprise to the SF Giants too - ===== comments 7 hide 1 hideall 1 impact 1138 impactrate 0 likeimpress 32 negative 2 posted 2018-10-19 ratio 3 react 144 reactrate 0 shares 12 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 91 title Negroes for Goldwater topic other wordrate 0 words 79 ID 736023813408807 URL audclicks 91 audreach 58 commentsimpress 7 commentsusers 7 engaged 76 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 616 likeclickusers 57 likeimpress 32 likeuimpress 231 likeusers 32 likeuusers 164 matchedlinkclicks 24 matchedotherclicks 67 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 616 oreach 440 posted "10/19/2018 09:01:47 PM" postlinkclicks 23 postotherclicks 46 reach 440 sharesimpress 12 sharesusers 12 type Link ========== Seeing is believing - or is that believing is seeing? You might have realized long ago that anything you see on TV might be fake - but it's going to get worse As usual, you don't really understand a new technology until you see how it can be used by criminals, terrorists, spies, and secret police - and dirty tricksters. But you don't even need new technology - ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 156 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-10-19 ratio 4 react 23 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 16 title Seeing is believing - or is that believing is seeing? topic other wordrate 0 words 68 ID 735927490085106 URL audclicks 16 audreach 11 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 11 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 146 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 70 likeusers 2 likeuusers 58 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 15 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 146 oreach 108 posted "10/19/2018 05:41:48 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 10 reach 108 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== If you are going to be inconsistent - you might as well be consistently inconsistent ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 41 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 1 posted 2018-10-19 ratio 4 react 27 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title If you are going to be inconsistent - you might as well topic other wordrate 0 words 15 ID 735925923418596 URL audclicks 15 audreach 9 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 11 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 150 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 93 likeusers 5 likeuusers 74 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 13 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 150 oreach 112 posted "10/19/2018 05:36:19 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 8 reach 112 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== The group attempted to sow conflict along racial lines and sometimes advocated positions that directly opposed each other, apparently agnostic to whom they supported as long as it turned Americans against one another Come to think of it, a lot of campaign material could have come directly from Russia unchanged - Makes you wonder about a few of the people who comment on this page, some of whom seem not to have looked at any of the cited articles and sometimes don't even seem to have read the text of the post. ===== impact 304 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-19 ratio 1 react 33 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 28 title The group attempted to sow conflict along racial lines and topic other wordrate 0 words 92 ID 735920830085772 URL audclicks 28 audreach 3 engaged 6 impress 61 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 34 likeusers 3 likeuusers 31 matchedotherclicks 28 oimpress 61 oreach 39 posted "10/19/2018 05:15:40 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 39 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== We learn by making mistakes It's no sin to make a mistake. The sin is to refuse to admit it, refuse to fix it, refuse to learn from it. Unless, of course, your model of moral virtue is Roy Cohn - ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title We learn by making mistakes topic other wordrate 0 words 41 title We learn by making mistakes ID 735789420098913 URL type Link posted "10/19/2018 10:57:24 AM" reach 30 oreach 30 impress 49 oimpress 49 likeuimpress 29 likeuusers 28 ========== Voter suppression - one of the pillars of Republican power When voter suppression fails, the next tool in their kit is gerrymandering to minimize the strength of the opposition. And unlimited dark money is the first pillar that makes everything else possible. ===== comments 4 impact 399 impactrate 0 likeimpress 31 negative 0 posted 2018-10-19 ratio 2 react 95 reactrate 0 shares 15 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 45 title Voter suppression - one of the pillars of Republican power topic other wordrate 0 words 42 ID 735785603432628 URL audclicks 45 audreach 23 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 40 impress 344 likeclickusers 34 likeimpress 31 likeuimpress 173 likeusers 29 likeuusers 139 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 42 oimpress 344 oreach 255 posted "10/19/2018 10:46:53 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 21 reach 255 sharesimpress 15 sharesusers 14 type Link ========== Finally phone companies doing something about robocalls - starting with fixing fake caller id ===== impact 8 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-19 ratio 8 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Finally phone companies doing something about robocalls - topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 735608193450369 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 4 impress 73 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 54 likeusers 3 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 73 oreach 50 posted "10/19/2018 05:11:59 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 50 type Link ========== None of the politicians want to talk about the elephant in the room - and for once, the elephant is not Republicans - Unfunded defined-benefit pensions, particularly for public employees, are a national, indeed a global, problem, but one that's becoming acute right now in California. Unlike the Feds, state and local government can't print money, so they have to tax or borrow now. Fair compensation for public employees is a good idea, but making future generations pay for current benefits is not. Nor is obscuring the reason for the necessary tax increases. ===== impact 56 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-17 ratio 8 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title None of the politicians want to talk about the elephant topic other wordrate 0 words 93 ID 734563016888220 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 4 impress 82 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 42 likeusers 1 likeuusers 32 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 82 oreach 50 posted "10/17/2018 07:03:55 AM" postotherclicks 3 reach 50 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Democratic optimism for California Congressional seats Want to help? Democrats are thinking about what they will do with a majority Since impeachment would lead to President Pence, who would be much more effective than Trump in working with a divided Congress, Pelosi doesn't want to talk about that until it can't be avoided. ===== impact 48 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-10-17 ratio 5 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Democratic optimism for California Congressional seats topic other wordrate 0 words 53 ID 734557053555483 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 6 impress 79 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 44 likeusers 5 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 79 oreach 47 posted "10/17/2018 06:55:15 AM" postotherclicks 3 reach 47 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== McConnell's come to the sad conclusion - we'll have to reduce the social safety net to pay for billionaire tax cuts. But he wants the Democrats to take the lead on fiscal responsibility because the Trumpists reject the notion out of hand. At times he can be remarkably candid - ===== comments 35 hide 1 impact 1240 impactrate 0 likeimpress 54 negative 1 posted 2018-10-16 ratio 2 react 248 reactrate 0 shares 12 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 146 title McConnell's come to the sad conclusion - topic other wordrate 0 words 50 ID 734393936905128 URL audclicks 146 audreach 61 commentsimpress 35 commentsusers 24 engaged 95 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 892 likeclickusers 44 likeimpress 54 likeuimpress 210 likeusers 53 likeuusers 140 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 137 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 892 oreach 597 posted "10/16/2018 10:05:34 PM" postlinkclicks 9 postotherclicks 57 reach 597 sharesimpress 12 sharesusers 11 type Link ========== Connected loneliness and connected communities ===== impact 9 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-15 ratio 4 react 18 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Connected loneliness and connected communities topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 733744356970086 URL audclicks 15 audreach 3 engaged 6 impress 119 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 80 likeusers 3 likeuusers 60 matchedotherclicks 15 oimpress 119 oreach 74 posted "10/15/2018 12:16:37 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 74 type Link ========== Not a good time to be a journalist - ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-14 ratio 13 react 5 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Not a good time to be a journalist - topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 733374693673719 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 105 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 62 likeusers 1 likeuusers 48 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 105 oreach 66 posted "10/14/2018 06:22:21 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 66 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== The first Trump constituency is still hoping for something better - Remember Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio? The second Trump constituency is with him forever, though. ===== comments 1 impact 53 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-10-14 ratio 3 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title The first Trump constituency is still hoping for something topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 733368727007649 URL audclicks 12 audreach 9 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 14 impress 117 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 6 likeuusers 61 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 117 oreach 77 posted "10/14/2018 06:02:06 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 6 reach 77 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Wealth inequality - if the tax code don't get you - then the climate will - ===== impact 29 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-14 ratio 3 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 16 title Wealth inequality - if the tax code don't get you - topic other wordrate 0 words 16 ID 733353403675848 URL audclicks 16 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 90 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 52 likeuusers 41 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 14 oimpress 90 oreach 58 posted "10/14/2018 04:50:42 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 2 reach 58 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Legal tax deferral and conversion Can real estate depreciate? Not very often. But the tax code allows you to depreciate - take paper losses - on real estate anyway. The effect is to defer taxes on (other not necessarily real estate) ordinary income until years later when you sell the real estate, and furthermore convert ordinary income long term capital gains at a much lower tax rate. That's the definition of a tax shelter - convert income and defer taxing it. So the Trumps and other billionaires couldn't care less if the top regular tax rate were 70% again - they'd never have to pay it. Trump himself laments the loss of the even greater real estate tax advantages eliminated by the Reagan tax reform of 1986. That's just the legal methods the Trumps used. Why not start over with a few simple principles that ordinary people can understand - Kushner's manipulations might well be entirely legal - unlike the Trump scams of the 1990's - the NY and NYC tax authorities are taking a closer look - ===== impact 890 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-10-14 ratio 4 react 50 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 38 title Legal tax deferral and conversion topic other wordrate 0 words 178 ID 733170620360793 URL audclicks 38 audreach 21 engaged 25 impress 288 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 121 likeusers 5 likeuusers 93 matchedlinkclicks 11 matchedotherclicks 27 oimpress 288 oreach 209 posted "10/14/2018 08:02:13 AM" postlinkclicks 9 postotherclicks 15 reach 209 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== Do you prefer a dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery? ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Do you prefer a dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery? topic other wordrate 0 words 9 title Do you prefer a dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery? ID 731945077150014 URL type Link posted "10/11/2018 07:54:38 PM" reach 25 oreach 25 impress 56 oimpress 56 likeuimpress 30 likeuusers 21 ========== How safe are your elections? It's all about the money and the secrecy - unwittingly abetted by some unusual suspects - ACLU, League of Women Voters, National Federation of the Blind. Most technologists understand that open-source systems are inherently more secure than closed-source systems. But election officials are rarely technologists. They make do with what the vendors offer, because of lack of funding to do better, and because of Federal directives. Members of Congress are likewise rarely technologists. There are lots of parties that don't like paper trails. The Russians are just the tip of the iceberg. Understanding the extent of the vulnerabilities, nobody can say that foreign or domestic interference hasn't affected the outcome of elections. There are only a few vendors of American voting machines, and one is a Canadian company! ===== impact 40 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-11 ratio 13 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title How safe are your elections? topic other wordrate 0 words 133 ID 731604217184100 URL audclicks 3 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 64 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 38 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 64 oreach 39 posted "10/11/2018 07:33:31 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 39 type Link ========== Penance for working for Putin ===== comments 1 impact 8 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-10-11 ratio 4 react 16 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Penance for working for Putin topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 731602757184246 URL audclicks 7 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 9 impress 112 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 6 likeuusers 55 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 112 oreach 69 posted "10/11/2018 07:30:02 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 69 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Putin's men are getting sloppy Overconfident perhaps? ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 9 react 3 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Putin's men are getting sloppy topic other wordrate 0 words 7 ID 731276777216844 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 45 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 24 likeuusers 23 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 45 oreach 29 posted "10/10/2018 09:50:44 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 29 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Where the voters' true interests lie It won't work for racists, but those who voted for Trump for economic reasons want to know what he's actually doing for them ===== impact 17 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 5 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Where the voters' true interests lie topic other wordrate 0 words 29 ID 731273943883794 URL audclicks 5 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 50 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 27 likeuusers 23 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 50 oreach 32 posted "10/10/2018 09:41:29 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 32 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== grievance academics, grievance politics ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 5 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title grievance academics, grievance politics topic other wordrate 0 words 4 ID 731272343883954 URL audclicks 8 audreach 5 engaged 5 impress 75 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 46 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 75 oreach 48 posted "10/10/2018 09:36:00 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 2 reach 48 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Who needs good teachers if we are going to cede world leadership to other countries? But no problem - the billionaires can afford to send their kids to good schools. It's all relative anyway! ===== comments 3 impact 177 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 4 react 52 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 30 title Who needs good teachers if we are going to cede world topic other wordrate 0 words 34 ID 731268843884304 URL audclicks 30 audreach 20 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 27 impress 329 likeclickusers 19 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 121 likeusers 11 likeuusers 88 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 25 oimpress 329 oreach 241 posted "10/10/2018 09:20:45 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 17 reach 241 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== The corrosion of conservatism It's actually older than Nixon's Southern Strategy. The Democrats traded the racists to the Republicans in 1964 in return, one supposes, for a future draft pick. LBJ got the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. ( but see ) The Republicans got Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, Albert Watson, and their supporters and, in the fullness of time, they've gotten David Duke, Richard Spencer, Alex Jones, and DonaldTrump. == ===== comments 1 impact 108 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 4 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title The corrosion of conservatism topic other wordrate 0 words 72 ID 731265313884657 URL audclicks 6 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 9 impress 101 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 57 likeusers 5 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 101 oreach 69 posted "10/10/2018 09:10:21 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 69 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== There's no final technological solution to exponential growth in population and resource consumption Sooner or later, population has to stabilize at a level consistent with the desired average standard of living. Technology provides means to defer but not cancel the day of reckoning, ===== impact 30 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 7 react 7 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title There's no final technological solution to exponential topic other wordrate 0 words 43 ID 731172163893972 URL audclicks 7 audreach 5 engaged 5 impress 75 likeclickusers 5 likeuimpress 56 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 75 oreach 50 posted "10/10/2018 04:27:06 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 50 type Link ========== Centrist Democrats endorse rules changes to break gridlock ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 5 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Centrist Democrats endorse rules changes to break gridlock topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 731166937227828 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 4 impress 45 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 27 likeusers 1 likeuusers 25 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 45 oreach 30 posted "10/10/2018 04:07:10 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 30 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Extremes rush in where centrists fear to tread ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 8 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Extremes rush in where centrists fear to tread topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 731080253903163 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 47 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 27 likeusers 1 likeuusers 22 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 47 oreach 26 posted "10/10/2018 11:27:32 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 26 type Link ========== Remember Impeach Earl Warren! ===== comments 2 impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 4 react 25 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Remember Impeach Earl Warren! topic other wordrate 0 words 4 ID 731079070569948 URL audclicks 14 audreach 10 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 15 impress 135 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 81 likeusers 7 likeuusers 69 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 135 oreach 100 posted "10/10/2018 11:23:52 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 7 reach 100 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== political hazards of preaching to the choir With a month until the election, there's time for at least three or four more scandals and crises that might affect Republican or Democratic turnout. Since the middle decides elections, Democratic reaction to these scandals and crises should be targeted at turning out the persuadable independent voters in the middle rather than the ideological base - don't make the same mistake as Trump, putting all his energy into revving up his shrinking base and no energy into expanding it. The excited Republican base might cool down from its Kavanaugh high if it had time to think about who Trump really is and what the Republicans really want to do about medical care, taxes, and entitlements. So expect the Republicans to continue to talk about mob rule and whatabout Hillary to keep their base revved up and distracted. ===== comments 2 impact 418 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 2 react 29 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title political hazards of preaching to the choir topic other wordrate 0 words 144 ID 731070910570764 URL audclicks 19 audreach 13 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 17 impress 115 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 62 likeusers 5 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 14 oimpress 115 oreach 82 posted "10/10/2018 11:15:55 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 10 reach 82 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== How to easily find a 53,000 vote advantage Voter suppression is one of the pillars of Republican rule. ===== comments 2 impact 45 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 2 react 25 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title How to easily find a 53,000 vote advantage topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 731015563909632 URL audclicks 12 audreach 8 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 16 impress 115 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 63 likeusers 9 likeuusers 49 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 115 oreach 74 posted "10/10/2018 08:55:37 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 3 reach 74 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Irony is dead ===== comments 18 impact 46 impactrate 0 likeimpress 31 negative 0 posted 2018-10-10 ratio 1 react 154 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 99 title Irony is dead topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 731005023910686 URL audclicks 99 audreach 35 commentsimpress 18 commentsusers 12 engaged 49 impress 292 likeclickusers 44 likeimpress 31 likeuimpress 159 likeusers 31 likeuusers 120 matchedlinkclicks 11 matchedotherclicks 88 oimpress 292 oreach 215 posted "10/10/2018 08:26:32 AM" postlinkclicks 11 postotherclicks 30 reach 215 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== Something remarkable happened that got overlooked Susan Collins' staff admitted she made a mistake This sounds like a small deal, but it is really remarkable, because Republican politicians now mostly take their lead from Trump, who was trained by Roy Cohn, who taught - if you make a mistake, deny it and shout it again twice as loud. Never give an inch - punch back instead. Trump belittles Al Franken for folding up like a wet rag - Instead of being a fighter like Kavanaugh. So the penultimate Trumpian heresy - admitting a mistake. True Trumpists would never do that because everything they say is a true reflection of how they feel. And the ultimate Trumpian heresy - admitting that there is an objective external reality against which the validity of one's feelings can be measure. Trump and all his populist fascist "strong leader" friends fiercely reject that principle - it's all relative anyway, so how can one truth be truer than another? Another point of view is that there is no sin in making an error. That's how we learn. The sin is denying it or failing to correct it. But leadership and lies seem to be inextricably linked - call it "salesmanship" - == So perhaps the Democrats virulently attacking Collins should save their ammunition for worthier targets - especially those running this year. Most Republicans in Congress have converted completely to unrepentant unreconstructed Trumpists. In any case, the voters in Maine will have the final say. == Speaking of Roy Cohn - fun fact - or considering the source, fun claim - According to Roger Stone, Cohn's "absolute goal was to die completely broke and owing millions to the IRS. He succeeded in that." At the rate Trump is going, he will outdo his master - NYC is also looking into the matter. President Pence's pardon power for Trump does not extend to civil matters nor to state criminal matters. The Federal criminal statute of limitations has expired for the years the NYT investigated, but Federal civil recovery of back taxes and penalties is still possible, and now there will be renewed interest in more recent tax years for which the statute of limitations has not expired. And renewed curiosity about Trump's relationship to Deutsche Bank and other foreign interests. ===== comments 1 hideall 1 impact 1034 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 1 posted 2018-10-09 ratio 2 react 27 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title Something remarkable happened that got overlooked topic other wordrate 0 words 383 ID 730800383931150 URL audclicks 19 audreach 13 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 16 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 115 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 86 likeusers 5 likeuusers 62 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 11 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 115 oreach 74 posted "10/09/2018 11:46:01 PM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 7 reach 74 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== How can we increase voter turnout in midterm elections? Midterm elections are all about turnout. Presidential elections get more turnout because more people are interested in and have opinions about the president. So why not have the president on the ballot of every Federal election - along with either or both senators in years when they are not up for re-election. If the president fails to gain at least 1/3 approval, demand Congress impeach him. If Senators fail to gain at least 1/3 approval, demand Congress expel them. Congress might not act - but it's a powerful incentive to behave - and even more important, it increases voter turnout in non-presidential election years. And while we're at it, why not make Election Day a holiday? == By the way, it will be interesting to add up the Republican vs Democrat votes in all the House races on Nov 6, and see if Trump would have gotten a majority of the popular vote. He says the election is all about him, after all. And likewise, based on the sum of all House votes in each state, allocate that state's electoral votes accordingly, and see if Trump would have won the Electoral College vote again. ===== impact 122 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-09 ratio 5 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title How can we increase voter turnout in midterm elections? topic other wordrate 0 words 203 ID 730793230598532 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 58 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 33 likeuusers 27 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 58 oreach 33 posted "10/09/2018 11:16:07 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 1 reach 33 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== What makes a perfect Supreme Court Justice? The twin pillars of Republican political power are unlimited secret political contributions and voter suppression, including gerrymandering. So the ideal Supreme Court justice will be - STRONG on the First Amendment, "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech." Here "freedom of speech" necessarily encompasses "unlimited secret political contributions" and if you have trouble seeing how that follows, just ask any member of the Federalist Society to explain it to you. WEAK on the Fourteenth Amendment, "nor shall any State deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." This was the basis for the one-man-one-vote Supreme Court decisions of the 1960's, but any member of the Federalist Society can explain how this was an unconstitutional infringement of states' rights. Or, to put it more succinctly, an ideal Supreme Court justice will be aligned with Republican political goals. Thus the Federalist Society, the Republican Party, the NRA, and a wide swath of fundamentalist Christians, who formerly professed lofty abstract ideals, have taken scripture to heart about serving two masters, and have dedicated themselves to serving just one master, Trump. ===== comments 5 impact 1100 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 0 posted 2018-10-09 ratio 2 react 57 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 35 title What makes a perfect Supreme Court Justice? topic other wordrate 0 words 193 ID 730548860622969 URL audclicks 35 audreach 23 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 5 engaged 31 impress 249 likeclickusers 21 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 141 likeusers 13 likeuusers 93 matchedlinkclicks 13 matchedotherclicks 22 oimpress 249 oreach 162 posted "10/09/2018 10:21:06 AM" postlinkclicks 13 postotherclicks 13 reach 162 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Nuclear war, climate change, technological disruption Which will prove to be the root cause of the Fermi paradox? ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-09 ratio 22 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Nuclear war, climate change, technological disruption topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 730528723958316 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 45 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 25 likeuusers 19 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 45 oreach 22 posted "10/09/2018 09:27:22 AM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 22 type Link ========== The Saudis were nice to Trump - now they feel empowered to do anything. The lesson has not been lost on other repressive regimes. Or on those who think there are too many journalists right here at home. ===== impact 152 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-10-09 ratio 6 react 40 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 23 title The Saudis were nice to Trump - topic other wordrate 0 words 38 ID 730526423958546 URL audclicks 23 audreach 14 engaged 22 impress 354 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 72 likeusers 9 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 20 oimpress 354 oreach 254 posted "10/09/2018 09:19:13 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 13 reach 254 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== The twin pillars of Republican political power - are campaign finance by dark money and voter suppression, especially by gerrymandering. These could be undermined judicially by unfriendly courts. Trump might not get any more chances to appoint friendly justices, so McConnell was not going to let this chance slip away no matter what. Republican politicians and major donors are in agreement about that. Everything else depends on that. From their point of view, reproductive rights are not a critical issue for maintaining power, but a valuable issue for revving up the base and keeping it distracted from other things like billionaire tax reform and undoing ACA and entitlements. Knowing that sooner or later he's going to be minority leader again, McConnell keeps his eye on the prize of packing the Supreme Court to protect dark money and gerrymandering, to keep Congress and the state legislatures full of uncompromising ideologues, so even Constitutional amendments can't be passed to undo his handiwork. ===== comments 2 hide 1 impact 2256 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 1 posted 2018-10-07 ratio 1 react 141 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 129 title The twin pillars of Republican political power - topic other wordrate 0 words 160 ID 729366144074574 URL audclicks 129 audreach 22 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 25 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 219 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 113 likeusers 3 likeuusers 72 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 123 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 219 oreach 148 posted "10/07/2018 06:54:01 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 20 reach 148 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== Full employment Trump will take credit. Will he also take credit for the erosion of what's left of organized labor's power now that he has a reactionary Supreme Court? That erosion is one reason why economic recovery has taken so long to trickle down to the bottom. ===== impact 52 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-06 ratio 4 react 11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title Full employment topic other wordrate 0 words 47 ID 728761637468358 URL audclicks 10 audreach 10 engaged 10 impress 74 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 53 likeusers 1 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 74 oreach 51 posted "10/06/2018 08:21:33 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 9 reach 51 type Link ========== Reclaiming the center and leading by example We should have such leaders. ===== impact 11 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-06 ratio 21 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Reclaiming the center and leading by example topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 728723754138813 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 5 impress 261 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 51 likeusers 3 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 4 oimpress 261 oreach 192 posted "10/06/2018 06:57:36 AM" postlinkclicks 3 reach 192 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== For every action, a reaction? ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 17 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-10-06 ratio 4 react 34 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 27 title For every action, a reaction? topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 728721484139040 URL audclicks 27 audreach 19 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 20 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 191 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 85 likeusers 2 likeuusers 71 matchedlinkclicks 17 matchedotherclicks 10 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 191 oreach 138 posted "10/06/2018 06:52:05 AM" postlinkclicks 16 postotherclicks 6 reach 138 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== A new meaning for getting in Dutch But not to worry, Trump has a good relationship with Putin, because he treated him very nicely. ===== hide 1 impact 146 impactrate 0 likeimpress 10 negative 1 posted 2018-10-06 ratio 4 react 61 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 41 title A new meaning for getting in Dutch topic other wordrate 0 words 24 ID 728719694139219 URL audclicks 41 audreach 21 engaged 30 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 386 likeclickusers 20 likeimpress 10 likeuimpress 103 likeusers 10 likeuusers 85 matchedlinkclicks 10 matchedotherclicks 31 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 386 oreach 290 posted "10/06/2018 06:47:22 AM" postlinkclicks 10 postotherclicks 12 reach 290 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 9 type Link ========== Tax breaks for wealthy real-estate investors That's just the legal methods the Trumps used. But just in case it wasn't all legal, the NY and NYC tax authorities are taking a closer look - Trump didn't even like the 1986 Reagan tax reform that impinged on real-estate tax shelters. Why not start over with a few simple principles that ordinary people can understand - ===== comments 1 impact 243 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 0 posted 2018-10-05 ratio 3 react 38 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title Tax breaks for wealthy real-estate investors topic other wordrate 0 words 64 ID 728443427500179 URL audclicks 17 audreach 14 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 21 impress 187 likeclickusers 21 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 102 likeusers 12 likeuusers 78 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 187 oreach 130 posted "10/05/2018 07:21:36 PM" postotherclicks 14 reach 130 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== geopolitics vs geoeconomics If push comes to shove, we'll need all the friends we can get. So we'll need a doctrine that appeals to all of them together. America First isn't it. And it's not a game that America can sit out. That didn't work in 1917, and it didn't work in 1941. We have some work to do to get ready - Keen competition doesn't have to involve military force; China has been studying Russian methods and practicing its techniques in Taiwan and elsewhere. ===== impact 102 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-05 ratio 5 react 12 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title geopolitics vs geoeconomics topic other wordrate 0 words 85 ID 728405430837312 URL audclicks 9 audreach 9 engaged 10 impress 85 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 61 likeusers 3 likeuusers 58 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 85 oreach 64 posted "10/05/2018 05:17:08 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 7 reach 64 type Link ========== It's not just a matter of having the right parents - It's a matter of having the right parents in the right neighborhood too! ===== impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-05 ratio 8 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title It's not just a matter of having the right parents - topic other wordrate 0 words 24 ID 728400107504511 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 57 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 34 likeusers 2 likeuusers 31 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 57 oreach 35 posted "10/05/2018 05:02:19 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 35 type Link ========== It's already happening in China You don't understand any new technology until you understand how it will be used by criminals, terrorists, and large bureaucracies like corporations and governments. ===== impact 26 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-05 ratio 6 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title It's already happening in China topic other wordrate 0 words 29 ID 728262677518254 URL audclicks 4 audreach 2 engaged 4 impress 91 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 36 likeusers 3 likeuusers 31 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 91 oreach 60 posted "10/05/2018 10:12:39 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 60 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Not News It's not fake, but it's not news. Let's summarize: * a woman fearfully comes forward with an accusation that, no matter what, will strongly affect the rest of her life, mostly negatively, and... ultimately nothing good comes of her pains * a man has a few bad moments and then goes on with his career pretty much as if nothing happened * probably not a single senator changed his or her mind from the time the Kavanaugh nomination was first announced until he gets confirmed And it doesn't really matter what did or didn't happen long ago - it seems to lead to the same result. That's such an old story, that none of it counts as news. It's not even news that this all seems to have helped the Republican senators running for re-election - What would have been news would be news like 1969 - == Instead some REAL news gets overlooked in the shuffle - * the New York Times publishes dates, names, and amounts of the tax frauds perpetrated by the Trump family (and many real and imaginary billionaires) and demolish the publicity fraud of "Donald Trump, successful self-made billionaire"; Trump representative do not dispute any specific factual allegation and the Times can safely call their bluff about going to court; the Trumps do not want their confederates testifying under penalty of perjury, especially with the NY tax authorities circling ominously, since Trump has seen that his confederates all flip eventually. * Kavanaugh's positions about dark money and rights of corporations fit right in with the billionaires agenda. Dark money is the #1 problem of American politics - it funds #2, #3, .... #infinity. * Pence announces some serious intentions about China, which will be very consequential unless China mollifies Trump with some token concessions and a big red carpet for him to accept them. == So is the suffering of Christine Blasey Ford and the other women that have come forward - since time immemorial - and gotten nothing but grief, all for nought? It didn't change any senators' minds. But can it change the minds of people who voted for Trump and now think better of it? Can it change the minds of people who don't vote because they don't think it makes a difference? The committed and involved and activist people have made up their minds. There's one month to get the uncommitted, uninvolved, and passive to act. Midterm elections are all about turnout. == Knowing that sooner or later he's going to be minority leader again, McConnell keeps his eye on the prize of packing the Supreme Court to protect dark money and gerrymandering, to keep Congress and the state legislatures full of uncompromising ideologues, so even Constitutional amendments can't be passed to undo his handiwork. ===== comments 17 impact 4008 impactrate 0 likeimpress 28 negative 0 posted 2018-10-05 ratio 1 react 86 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 40 title Not News topic other wordrate 0 words 466 ID 728256594185529 URL audclicks 40 audreach 15 commentsimpress 17 commentsusers 9 engaged 37 impress 246 likeclickusers 37 likeimpress 28 likeuimpress 222 likeusers 27 likeuusers 167 matchedotherclicks 40 oimpress 246 oreach 170 posted "10/05/2018 09:51:37 AM" postotherclicks 15 reach 170 sharesimpress 1 type Link ========== The Trump administration says it's taking on China It needs to get to the same place with Russia. ===== impact 11 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-05 ratio 12 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title The Trump administration says it's taking on China topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 728219154189273 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 3 impress 118 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 45 likeusers 2 likeuusers 35 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 118 oreach 75 posted "10/05/2018 07:59:49 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 75 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Supply and demand It looks like demand will keep Silicon Valley housing expensive for the foreseeable future. But it's going to be hard to hire people to do the dirty work if they aren't paid enough to make it worthwhile to commute from wherever they can afford to live. ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-05 ratio 31 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Supply and demand topic other wordrate 0 words 49 ID 728215800856275 URL engaged 1 impress 57 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 31 likeusers 1 likeuusers 28 oimpress 57 oreach 31 posted "10/05/2018 07:50:12 AM" reach 31 type Link ========== Maybe it's time to undermine the business model of social media ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Maybe it's time to undermine the business model of social topic other wordrate 0 words 11 title Maybe it's time to undermine the business model of social ID 728021177542404 URL type Link posted "10/04/2018 10:15:02 PM" reach 23 oreach 23 impress 52 oimpress 52 likeuimpress 29 likeuusers 22 ========== The unvarnished tribalization of national life Bipartisan alienation might be a cause or a symptom - ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 320 impactrate 0 likeimpress 17 negative 1 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 2 react 200 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 173 title The unvarnished tribalization of national life topic other wordrate 0 words 16 ID 728020507542471 URL audclicks 173 audreach 32 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 41 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 587 likeclickusers 24 likeimpress 17 likeuimpress 138 likeusers 17 likeuusers 103 matchedlinkclicks 16 matchedotherclicks 157 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 587 oreach 444 posted "10/04/2018 10:10:44 PM" postlinkclicks 14 postotherclicks 18 reach 444 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 7 type Link ========== Above and beyond the law - it's not just the Trumps And why not? In most times and places, taxes were something that the rich ruling class imposed on the poor who could not fight back. ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 137 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 1 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 2 react 38 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 22 title Above and beyond the law - it's not just the Trumps topic other wordrate 0 words 36 ID 728019084209280 URL audclicks 22 audreach 11 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 19 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 146 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 90 likeusers 11 likeuusers 71 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 19 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 146 oreach 104 posted "10/04/2018 10:06:40 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 8 reach 104 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Finding your way around politicalscrapbooknet There are currently 760 posts on politicalscrapbooknet. There are some indices to help you find what you might want to read - Highest priority recent items of long-term significance, at most one per day. The most currently popular items. Recent items with the most original content. Items most often hidden by readers. More indices and history. Many of these posts link to external news and opinion and don't make much sense out of context. There's a reason Trump reads the Washington Post and the New York Times when he needs to know what's really going on. Support a free press by subscribing to their online editions if you can afford to. Some of the same material is nationally syndicated and you might be able to find some of it in your local print or online newspaper. ===== impact 85 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 4 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Finding your way around politicalscrapbooknet topic other wordrate 0 words 141 ID 727963630881492 URL audclicks 5 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 50 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 27 likeuusers 22 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 50 oreach 28 posted "10/04/2018 06:48:55 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 28 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Somebody who knows all the right people Privatize schools, privatize prisons, privatize armies... what's good for the billionaires is good for the rest of us! In fact, why not contract all of federal, state, and local government out to a private general contractor! They could certainly get lower-cost labor. Since the contractor would also operate Congress and the state legislatures, it could quickly enact any needed laws. It could give itself a budget and collect the taxes to pay for it. It would only take a few major Republican donors to seed this new contractor corporation and realize all their dreams of reduced government! Having your life run by anonymous Wall Street bureaucrats is bound to be better than having your life run by anonymous Washington bureaucrats - but better for whom? ===== comments 27 impact 3551 impactrate 0 likeimpress 80 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 3 react 269 reactrate 0 shares 30 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 132 title Somebody who knows all the right people topic other wordrate 0 words 132 ID 727947327549789 URL audclicks 132 audreach 70 commentsimpress 27 commentsusers 25 engaged 123 impress 1622 likeclickusers 56 likeimpress 80 likeuimpress 284 likeusers 75 likeuusers 197 matchedlinkclicks 12 matchedotherclicks 120 oimpress 1622 oreach 1074 posted "10/04/2018 06:13:15 PM" postlinkclicks 12 postotherclicks 59 reach 1074 sharesimpress 30 sharesusers 30 type Link ========== How Congress helped the Trumps (and other billionaires) keep their billions The whole episode illustrates why Republicans are so eager to emasculate IRS enforcement - of wealthy Republican donors. They want the IRS to focus on hassling small business owners - preferably poor Democratic ones. The Trumps knew they were very likely to get away with their games. Trump considers the IRS, like other Federal agencies, to be instruments of his personal power. However, the tax authorities in NY state and NYC have different ideas - ===== comments 3 impact 430 impactrate 0 likeimpress 14 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 1 react 50 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 29 title How Congress helped the Trumps (and other billionaires) topic other wordrate 0 words 86 ID 727944240883431 URL audclicks 29 audreach 11 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 17 impress 128 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 14 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 13 likeuusers 69 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 27 oimpress 128 oreach 85 posted "10/04/2018 06:02:14 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 10 reach 85 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Win some, lose some Looks like winsome Mitch McConnell was right after all - a bitter partisan fight over Kavanaugh was good for his job security - Trump is polling better in the races that decide control of the Senate next year. The only way it could have been better would be if it were even closer to the election - the excited Republican base might cool down if it had time to think about who Trump really is and what the Republicans really want to do about medical care, taxes, and entitlements. Indeed, some Republican strategists think it would be advantageous in the Senate races, at least, if Democrats succeeded in derailing the nomination - With a month until the election, there's time for at least three or four more scandals and crises that might affect Republican or Democratic turnout. Democratic reaction to these scandals and crises should be targeted at the persuadable independent voters in the middle rather than the ideological base - don't make the same mistake as Trump, putting all his energy into revving up his shrinking base and no energy into expanding it. It's hard to tell who will benefit from talk about impeaching Kavanaugh later - Over on the House side - not McConnell's problem so much. Just about everybody concedes that the Democrats will get control. They're already drafting their subpoenas. Mitch can't do much about that, but he can hope that the Democrats will jump into ideological fratricide on the Republican model. Even if the House passes any legislation, McConnell can keep the Senate from passing it, even if the Democrats get control by a vote or two - standing in the doorway and blocking up the hall are what he does best. He knows that one day soon Trump will thank him for preserving the filibuster. Knowing that sooner or later he's going to be minority leader again, McConnell keeps his eye on the prize of packing the Supreme Court to protect dark money and gerrymandering, to keep Congress and the state legislatures full of uncompromising ideologues, so even Constitutional amendments can't be passed to undo his handiwork. ===== comments 6 impact 2570 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 1 react 72 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 51 title Win some, lose some topic other wordrate 0 words 357 ID 727876247556897 URL audclicks 51 audreach 26 commentsimpress 6 commentsusers 5 engaged 32 impress 197 likeclickusers 21 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 116 likeusers 12 likeuusers 90 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 45 oimpress 197 oreach 141 posted "10/04/2018 02:53:01 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 20 reach 141 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Next time, Mr President, please streamline the process by imposing tariffs only on goods imported into blue states. ===== comments 2 hide 1 impact 76 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 1 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 4 react 42 reactrate 0 shares 7 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title Next time, Mr President, please streamline the process topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 727836357560886 URL audclicks 19 audreach 14 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 25 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 232 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 108 likeusers 13 likeuusers 87 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 14 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 232 oreach 173 posted "10/04/2018 01:23:58 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 10 reach 173 sharesimpress 7 sharesusers 7 type Link ========== November 7, 2018 - a day of reckoning After the election, both Democrats and Republicans will have to figure out who they are. For Republicans, it's easy to make a case that win or lose, the Republican Party is replaced by the Trump Party. There's no conceivable path to any other 2020 Republican nominee than Trump. 55% of Republicans can be described as Trump Republicans; they'll be thrilled by the replacement. 45% are non-Trump Republicans. They'll have to figure out how to live the rest of their political lives. == Democrats have less of an issue - an ongoing debate about slow progressive change vs fast progressive change - and correspondingly, how big a tent to have. ===== comments 4 impact 246 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 2 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title November 7, 2018 - a day of reckoning topic other wordrate 0 words 117 ID 727712204239968 URL audclicks 12 audreach 4 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 2 engaged 5 impress 82 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 60 likeusers 4 likeuusers 54 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 82 oreach 60 posted "10/04/2018 11:12:35 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 60 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Don't like the idea of American hereditary nobility? Obama tried to do something about it... and Congress did nothing. Sound familiar? Here's where you end up - As most of the history of the world shows, you can't have equal opportunity if most of the wealth is inherited rather than created. ===== comments 4 impact 179 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 6 react 35 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title Don't like the idea of American hereditary nobility? topic other wordrate 0 words 51 ID 727698870907968 URL audclicks 17 audreach 11 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 3 engaged 18 impress 299 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 100 likeusers 8 likeuusers 75 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 14 oimpress 299 oreach 222 posted "10/04/2018 10:36:44 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 11 reach 222 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== Real news or fake? "One can easily imagine that the governments of China, Russia, and India have incentive to develop their own PC and smartphone CPU's and Amazon Echo's, in order to be sure that the only backdoors are the ones they put in themselves." Meanwhile Pence is complaining that the Chinese are trying to influence our elections... by running paid advertising that identifies the advertiser. We should be so lucky to have that be the worst of our concerns - "Trump last week singled out a four-page advertising supplement that a Chinese-government media company placed in Iowa’s largest newspaper, the Des Moines Register, as evidence of the Asian country’s propaganda campaign." ===== hide 1 impact 414 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 1 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 5 react 37 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title Real news or fake? topic other wordrate 0 words 112 ID 727692817575240 URL audclicks 19 audreach 15 engaged 23 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 275 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 115 likeusers 10 likeuusers 94 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 10 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 275 oreach 208 posted "10/04/2018 10:18:31 AM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 8 reach 208 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== Fraud from top to bottom Trump and his spokespersons denied the overall reporting, but declined to dispute any specific fact in it. It's a model of laborious investigative reporting - Here's the real Trump - ===== impact 56 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 4 react 16 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title Fraud from top to bottom topic other wordrate 0 words 35 ID 727688147575707 URL audclicks 11 audreach 6 engaged 8 impress 106 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 58 likeusers 2 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 106 oreach 74 posted "10/04/2018 10:06:28 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 74 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== A war against reality on all fronts Don't expect any help from the Senate - ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-04 ratio 6 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title A war against reality on all fronts topic other wordrate 0 words 15 ID 727678227576699 URL audclicks 6 audreach 1 engaged 3 impress 96 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 47 likeusers 2 likeuusers 32 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 96 oreach 60 posted "10/04/2018 09:55:07 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 60 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== More than 80 percent of Americans with college degrees vote compared with about 40 percent of Americans without high school degrees This has got to change. Don't be part of the problem! No matter what you believe, your vote will make a difference. When have so many Senate, House, and governor's races been so close and undecidable in polls this close to the election? Perhaps Federal aid should be distributed on the basis of voter turnout rather than population. That should get states interested again in increasing voter registration and participation instead of stifling it. ===== comments 1 impact 1026 impactrate 0 likeimpress 14 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 2 react 108 reactrate 0 shares 10 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 83 title More than 80 percent of Americans with college degrees topic other wordrate 0 words 95 ID 727397294271459 URL audclicks 83 audreach 29 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 35 impress 429 likeclickusers 29 likeimpress 14 likeuimpress 161 likeusers 14 likeuusers 118 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 77 oimpress 429 oreach 307 posted "10/03/2018 07:53:38 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 23 reach 307 sharesimpress 10 sharesusers 10 type Link ========== What we get for foreign aid and the UN ===== impact 22 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 1 react 24 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 24 title What we get for foreign aid and the UN topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 727385734272615 URL audclicks 24 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 52 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 36 likeuusers 30 matchedotherclicks 24 oimpress 52 oreach 32 posted "10/03/2018 07:16:21 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 32 type Link ========== Foreign influence on a budget ===== impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 1 react 25 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 24 title Foreign influence on a budget topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 727383980939457 URL audclicks 24 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 55 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 40 likeusers 1 likeuusers 36 matchedotherclicks 24 oimpress 55 oreach 39 posted "10/03/2018 07:13:01 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 39 type Link ========== Steel is surging ===== impact 11 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 1 react 37 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 35 title Steel is surging topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 727380990939756 URL audclicks 35 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 92 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 64 likeuusers 55 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 31 oimpress 92 oreach 70 posted "10/03/2018 07:05:52 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 3 reach 70 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== How should the Democratic Party approach 2020? ===== comments 1 impact 27 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 1 react 39 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 35 title How should the Democratic Party approach 2020? topic other wordrate 0 words 7 ID 727377327606789 URL audclicks 35 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 91 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 53 likeusers 2 likeuusers 46 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 33 oimpress 91 oreach 67 posted "10/03/2018 06:57:16 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 5 reach 67 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Trump administration finds Federal overreach less objectionable - At least when the target is in SF. But the EPA is still charging ahead on deregulation - Likewise the Pentagon - ===== comments 1 impact 63 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 3 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title Trump administration finds Federal overreach less topic other wordrate 0 words 30 ID 727045170973338 URL audclicks 17 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 95 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 2 likeuusers 54 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 95 oreach 65 posted "10/03/2018 06:28:32 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 4 reach 65 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== National texts - ===== comments 2 impact 8 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 5 react 28 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title National texts - topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 727039847640537 URL audclicks 17 audreach 12 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 13 impress 202 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 113 likeusers 7 likeuusers 94 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 202 oreach 154 posted "10/03/2018 06:17:20 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 7 reach 154 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Another attack on the business model of social media The cash flow is a function of the divisiveness and controversy generated - interference by the Putin regime and others is just the symptom. The Trump campaign had three separate voter suppression campaigns running just before the 2016 election - could they have made a difference of 78,000 votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, among the targeted women, blacks, and progressives? Were you among them? ===== impact 7 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 23 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Another attack on the business model of social media topic other wordrate 0 words 74 ID 727032867641235 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 40 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 23 likeuusers 22 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 40 oreach 23 posted "10/03/2018 05:59:29 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 23 type Link ========== Kavanaugh traded support from legal scholars for support from the President and the President's base That's not the usual tradeoff for judicial nominees. The President added fuel to the fire - A philosopher views last week epistemologically - ===== comments 4 impact 236 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 0 posted 2018-10-03 ratio 2 react 62 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 43 title Kavanaugh traded support from legal scholars for support topic other wordrate 0 words 38 ID 727027344308454 URL audclicks 43 audreach 29 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 37 impress 222 likeclickusers 29 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 120 likeusers 10 likeuusers 84 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 38 oimpress 222 oreach 155 posted "10/03/2018 05:44:26 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 25 reach 155 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Devin Nunes is not a farmer. And American agriculture depends on illegal immigrants. None of this is news. If all employers had to hire only legal workers, they'd have to pay more for less productivity that can't be as easily abused. So when will the Trump organization apply e-verify to all the workers in their hotels and resorts? ===== comments 4 impact 360 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 1 react 62 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 40 title Devin Nunes is not a farmer. And American agriculture topic other wordrate 0 words 58 ID 726768001001055 URL audclicks 40 audreach 32 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 37 impress 159 likeclickusers 31 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 108 likeusers 13 likeuusers 84 matchedlinkclicks 21 matchedotherclicks 19 oimpress 159 oreach 114 posted "10/02/2018 07:24:15 PM" postlinkclicks 20 postotherclicks 16 reach 114 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Do we need stronger parties? Does this traditional historical analysis still hold in the age of social media? == Can a parallel be drawn with television? At first, there were just a few television channels possible, and a Fairness Doctrine governed them - It was enacted in the Truman administration and abolished in the Reagan administration, as the proliferation of hundreds and thousands of cable channels seemed to insure that every point of view would be heard. And indeed it did - every viewpoint would be heard, but only by those who already espoused it - the bubble effect. There was no longer anything forcing broadcasters or audiences to confront more than one point of view on anything. More recently, social media reinforced the same trends. == So the argument against third parties and independents goes - having two major parties forces each to encompass a wider range of ideologies than is typically the case in the rest of the world. Thus, although it's not in the Constitution, the two-party system is as important to the way American democracy as anything in the Constitution, and the entire structure of American politics is built to reinforce it, above all the winner-take-all electoral votes rules in 48 of the 50 states. The counter-argument is that the major parties have become captive to their most partisan wings, who dominate primary elections and caucuses, and so have become smaller and smaller tents - in effect, two minor parties that have captured the institutional mechanisms intended for major parties. ===== comments 1 impact 254 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 4 react 10 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Do we need stronger parties? topic other wordrate 0 words 254 ID 726764457668076 URL audclicks 9 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 62 likeclickusers 6 likeuimpress 43 likeuusers 39 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 62 oreach 41 posted "10/02/2018 07:15:12 PM" postotherclicks 6 reach 41 type Link ========== We aren’t what we own. We’re what we disown. You mean it's NOT the economy? In 2018, it's easy to imagine there are 78,000 angry conservative women and minorities in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, who have changed their minds since they voted for Trump in 2016. Especially after this "riff that has been dreaded by White House and Senate aides" - And now for an opposing point of view - ===== impact 168 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 2 react 24 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title We aren’t what we own. We’re what we disown. topic other wordrate 0 words 70 ID 726723771005478 URL audclicks 11 audreach 9 engaged 18 impress 98 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 11 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 98 oreach 65 posted "10/02/2018 05:10:08 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 8 reach 65 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Deterrence worked for nuclear weapons. It's yet to be seen to work for asymmetric cyberthreats. We still have to invest massively in cyberdefense. ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 23 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Deterrence worked for nuclear weapons. topic other wordrate 0 words 23 ID 726722257672296 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 46 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 26 likeuusers 22 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 46 oreach 23 posted "10/02/2018 05:01:50 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 23 type Link ========== How's your GRAT? It's an important part of everybody's estate planning, right? Trump and his spokespersons denied the overall reporting, but declined to dispute any specific fact in it. It's a model of laborious investigative reporting - Another week, another controversy. And this one could have been so easily avoided by timely publishing some tax returns and audited financials. Why not, if it's all legal and there's nothing to hide? Is the whole empire constructed out of lies? Or is it barely legal, but so byzantine that nobody can understand it - so why would Trump supporters think they have anything in common with him? But the hardest core of his base don't care if he lies - they suppose all politicians do that. But you can demand that Trump release his tax returns here - So much for the Trump myth - By the way - GRAT, short for grantor-retained annuity trust - is one of the tax code’s great gifts to the ultrawealthy. They let dynastic families like the Trumps pass wealth from one generation to the next — be it stocks, real estate, even art collections — without paying a dime of estate taxes. The whole episode illustrates why Republicans are so eager to emasculate IRS enforcement - of wealthy Republican donors. They want the IRS to focus on hassling small business owners - preferably poor Democratic ones. The Trumps knew they were very likely to get away with their games. But New York has its own tax enforcement - What will they find? ===== impact 411 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 4 react 16 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title How's your GRAT? topic other wordrate 0 words 257 ID 726717967672725 URL audclicks 13 audreach 9 engaged 10 impress 105 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 53 likeusers 1 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 105 oreach 75 posted "10/02/2018 04:45:17 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 6 reach 75 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== The bottom 90 percent are still poorer than they were in 2007 You can always spin the statistics differently - Understand the difference between mean and median? What's good for the billionaires is good for you, if the statistics are rigged that way. The right-wing revival from Trump to Orban got much of its energy from the correct observation that the people at the top (like Trump!) were experiencing an economic recovery quite different from the people at the bottom (his supporters!). Lots of folks who were just starting to get their feet back on the ground were knocked down against just before the election - So they voted for a change, for Trump. Will they again? He's sure they're too dumb to care - ===== comments 2 impact 438 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 6 react 35 reactrate 0 shares 11 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title The bottom 90 percent are still poorer than they were topic other wordrate 0 words 125 ID 726697401008115 URL audclicks 9 audreach 7 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 20 impress 318 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 103 likeusers 12 likeuusers 78 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 318 oreach 225 posted "10/02/2018 03:39:22 PM" postotherclicks 7 reach 225 sharesimpress 11 sharesusers 10 type Link ========== Prostitution always diminishes both parties Especially when the parties are church and state. Jesus called his followers to act to against worldly need and injustice, but not to become so worldly as to be serving two masters. A difficult balance to strike. ===== impact 50 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 8 react 12 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Prostitution always diminishes both parties topic other wordrate 0 words 42 ID 726693681008487 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 7 impress 136 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 81 likeusers 7 likeuusers 69 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 136 oreach 99 posted "10/02/2018 03:24:52 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 99 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Can crowdlaw save democracy in Europe and America? ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 7 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Can crowdlaw save democracy in Europe and America? topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 726690084342180 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 3 impress 55 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 34 likeusers 3 likeuusers 33 matchedlinkclicks 2 oimpress 55 oreach 35 posted "10/02/2018 03:15:21 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 35 type Link ========== Of course Brazil is completely different from US Isn't it? Maybe not - ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Of course Brazil is completely different from US topic other wordrate 0 words 13 title Of course Brazil is completely different from US ID 726524187692103 URL type Link posted "10/02/2018 08:49:26 AM" reach 14 oreach 14 impress 36 oimpress 36 likeuimpress 15 likeuusers 13 ========== Civil litigation to right wrongs inflicted by fake news Civil litigation is expensive, but the burden of proof is less onerous than criminal cases, and if the government isn't involved there are fewer constitutional issues. But it's ultimately asymmetric - it's very cheap to make up and spread lies, and if you don't have any money, there are no effective consequences. Of course, a business with assets should be a little circumspect about what garbage it republishes, and that was the intended outcome here. The Southern Poverty Law Center has also been effective using civil litigation to obtain redress from hate groups that the criminal justice system didn't seem to be willing or able to touch. ===== impact 197 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 5 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Civil litigation to right wrongs inflicted by fake news topic other wordrate 0 words 116 ID 726500967694425 URL audclicks 9 audreach 7 engaged 10 impress 141 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 82 likeusers 5 likeuusers 63 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 141 oreach 92 posted "10/02/2018 07:53:34 AM" postotherclicks 7 reach 92 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Looking for bipartisan foreign policy There won't be agreement over everything. But not everything has to be a contentious issue. ===== impact 18 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-10-02 ratio 5 react 9 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Looking for bipartisan foreign policy topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 726493997695122 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 6 impress 71 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 48 likeusers 4 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 71 oreach 46 posted "10/02/2018 07:35:51 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 3 reach 46 type Link ========== Bits and buds and bubbles Most people will better enjoy the quiet ride of passive, no-load, index funds. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Bits and buds and bubbles topic other wordrate 0 words 18 title Bits and buds and bubbles ID 725795574431631 URL type Link posted "09/30/2018 09:29:52 PM" reach 19 oreach 19 impress 48 oimpress 48 likeuimpress 19 likeuusers 17 ========== Ukraine - where Putin might have miscalculated ===== impact 55 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 ratio 2 react 79 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 63 title Ukraine - where Putin might have miscalculated topic other wordrate 0 words 7 ID 725748257769696 URL audclicks 63 audreach 11 engaged 19 impress 223 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 116 likeusers 11 likeuusers 100 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 58 oimpress 223 oreach 168 posted "09/30/2018 06:19:21 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 6 reach 168 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== What happens when America abandons the leadership role - and what individuals can do to help. China and Russia are happy to step in. What can individuals do to help? Here are some ideas from a web search - ===== comments 2 impact 82 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 ratio 3 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title What happens when America abandons the leadership role - topic other wordrate 0 words 39 ID 725729017771620 URL audclicks 9 audreach 8 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 15 impress 120 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 88 likeusers 9 likeuusers 71 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 120 oreach 83 posted "09/30/2018 05:16:41 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 6 reach 83 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Do you know the difference between mean and median? And does inflation count? In case you're uncertain about the first question, if Jeff Bezos (used to be Bill Gates) walks into a crowded bar, the mean net worth of patrons goes way up, but the median net worth won't move by much. ===== comments 20 impact 1128 impactrate 0 likeimpress 49 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 ratio 2 react 217 reactrate 0 shares 22 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 126 title Do you know the difference between mean and median? topic other wordrate 0 words 52 ID 725728177771704 URL audclicks 126 audreach 69 commentsimpress 20 commentsusers 15 engaged 104 impress 993 likeclickusers 50 likeimpress 49 likeuimpress 211 likeusers 48 likeuusers 164 matchedlinkclicks 26 matchedotherclicks 100 oimpress 993 oreach 650 posted "09/30/2018 05:13:32 PM" postlinkclicks 22 postotherclicks 53 reach 650 sharesimpress 22 sharesusers 22 type Link ========== The Medium-sized Lie - the platform for subverting democracy - from Dreyfus to Smolensk to Birtherism But on a more positive note - ===== comments 1 impact 315 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 ratio 0 react 137 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 125 title The Medium-sized Lie - the platform for subverting topic other wordrate 0 words 23 ID 725625477781974 URL audclicks 125 audreach 13 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 18 impress 183 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 106 likeusers 8 likeuusers 82 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 119 oimpress 183 oreach 118 posted "09/30/2018 11:47:30 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 7 reach 118 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Should the Speaker of the House represent the majority party or the whole House? The Problem Solvers Caucus and NoLabels are trying to change the rules. Separately some Democrats would like to replace Nancy Pelosi. That might or might not be the best thing, and certainly is not the best thing to talk about right now, but nobody should have any illusions that it will change Republican behavior. Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton, Obama, and even Bill Clinton - primarily to deflect attention from the Republicans' own real accomplishments and real intentions and real campaign funders. So they'll continue to run against Nancy Pelosi and her "San Francisco values" for years after she retires. It works for the Trump base. ===== impact 756 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 ratio 1 react 62 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 58 title Should the Speaker of the House represent the majority topic other wordrate 0 words 122 ID 725617231116132 URL audclicks 58 audreach 6 engaged 7 impress 141 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 78 likeusers 3 likeuusers 62 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 57 oimpress 141 oreach 97 posted "09/30/2018 11:21:01 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 97 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Self restraint - the most important leadership quality - and the most noticeable in its absence Declaring that auto imports from Germany are a national security threat - that is, however, negotiable? Congress delegates excessive power to the executive because it can't act. The ultimate solution is to fix Congress. ===== impact 65 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 ratio 5 react 13 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Self restraint - the most important leadership quality - topic other wordrate 0 words 50 ID 725547341123121 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 9 impress 109 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 69 likeusers 6 likeuusers 58 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 109 oreach 68 posted "09/30/2018 08:29:24 AM" postotherclicks 5 reach 68 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Who decides who gets to pay lower rent and who gets to pay more? Perhaps it's no different than different property taxes on identical houses. In one form or another, subsidized rents mean that somebody is paying the subsidy. ===== impact 20 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 ratio 6 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Who decides who gets to pay lower rent and who gets to topic other wordrate 0 words 39 ID 725545994456589 URL audclicks 4 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 60 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 35 likeusers 1 likeuusers 32 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 60 oreach 34 posted "09/30/2018 08:25:49 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 34 type Link ========== Shibboleth - the essential difference between northern and southern California Just compare the traffic reports on KCBS and KNX! That's what happens when the free press implodes - southern California copy editors rewrite northern California columnists. ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-30 ratio 10 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Shibboleth - the essential difference between northern topic other wordrate 0 words 36 ID 725543851123470 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 71 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 46 likeusers 1 likeuusers 41 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 71 oreach 43 posted "09/30/2018 08:19:05 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 43 type Link ========== Do you excel at your hobbies? Words of comfort for political hobbyists! Another point of view - ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-29 ratio 47 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Do you excel at your hobbies? topic other wordrate 0 words 17 ID 725359354475253 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 80 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 49 likeuusers 44 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 80 oreach 47 posted "09/29/2018 10:50:18 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 47 type Link ========== Trump's ratings look good for four more years By his own criterion, he's the most successful leader in history, consistently having the highest viewer ratings. Reality TV shows seem to be good for about six years, so his time is up in 2022. But if re-elected he will still be president in 2024! Unless he's impeached by a Democratic Congress. And how will he look in 100 years? How many Americans could tell you anything correct about Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, or Hoover? ===== comments 3 hide 2 impact 365 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 2 posted 2018-09-29 ratio 2 react 44 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 28 title Trump's ratings look good for four more years topic other wordrate 0 words 83 ID 725358431142012 URL audclicks 28 audreach 19 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 23 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 143 likeclickusers 22 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 120 likeusers 11 likeuusers 106 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 23 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 143 oreach 111 posted "09/29/2018 10:47:09 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 17 reach 111 type Link ========== No package deals ===== comments 1 impact 7 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-29 ratio 4 react 23 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title No package deals topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 725356444475544 URL audclicks 19 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 10 impress 147 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 104 likeusers 2 likeuusers 89 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 147 oreach 113 posted "09/29/2018 10:39:54 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 6 reach 113 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== The root cause of the housing crisis - it's not zoning or materials or labor costs The root cause is income inequality - the gap between the people who can afford expensive houses - and thus push demand up - and the people who can't - who are however necessary for a functioning community. ===== impact 108 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-09-29 ratio 4 react 20 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title The root cause of the housing crisis - it's not zoning or topic other wordrate 0 words 54 ID 725124267832095 URL audclicks 11 audreach 9 engaged 16 impress 131 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 90 likeusers 7 likeuusers 69 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 131 oreach 91 posted "09/29/2018 09:16:46 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 7 reach 91 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Trump thinks lower oil prices are a good thing The 2016 oil price collapse might well have elected Trump. STABLE prices are a good thing, when you can get them. But the global economy is always in motion, with all kinds of consequences. Who knows where the fickle finger of fate points next? ===== impact 16 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-29 ratio 7 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Trump thinks lower oil prices are a good thing topic other wordrate 0 words 53 ID 725092061168649 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 42 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 23 likeuusers 19 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 42 oreach 21 posted "09/29/2018 08:02:06 AM" postotherclicks 3 reach 21 type Link ========== Who is Adam Waldman? It's all too confusing. ===== comments 1 impact 16 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 2 react 20 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Who is Adam Waldman? topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 724905744520614 URL audclicks 14 audreach 7 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 10 impress 69 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 46 likeusers 4 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 69 oreach 42 posted "09/28/2018 09:46:22 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 4 reach 42 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Malleable ideology In China as in America, it seems that political ideology can be modified and even reversed 180 degrees to suit the needs of the ruling class. In Russia, the reversal is more obvious. International socialism defeated national socialism in 1943, but national socialism had the last laugh in 2000. KGB agents hardly noticed any change. ===== impact 34 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 6 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Malleable ideology topic other wordrate 0 words 57 ID 724876934523495 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 6 impress 63 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 42 likeusers 1 likeuusers 37 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 63 oreach 39 posted "09/28/2018 07:49:45 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 39 type Link ========== New points to add to ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 6 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title New points to add to topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 724863511191504 URL audclicks 6 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 70 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 40 likeuusers 34 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 70 oreach 43 posted "09/28/2018 07:06:36 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 43 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Time to catch up with the rest of the civilized world ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 6 react 13 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Time to catch up with the rest of the civilized world topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 724860057858516 URL audclicks 7 audreach 5 engaged 8 impress 115 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 76 likeusers 5 likeuusers 61 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 115 oreach 82 posted "09/28/2018 06:58:31 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 82 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== The Trump administration doesn't have a problem with Federal overreach as long as it's into urban, poor, or Democratic areas Rural, wealthy, or Republican areas are completely different of course. ===== hide 1 impact 108 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 1 react 36 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 34 title The Trump administration doesn't have a problem with topic other wordrate 0 words 30 ID 724840621193793 URL audclicks 34 audreach 3 engaged 4 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 72 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 52 likeusers 1 likeuusers 43 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 33 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 72 oreach 47 posted "09/28/2018 05:54:56 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 47 type Link ========== Undermining the business model of social media The cost side of the business model of social media is based on automatic artificial intelligence-derived algorithmic methods to keep things running with as little expensive human labor as possible, and on leaving the responsibility for end-user contributions to end-user contributors. Having to hire hordes of human moderators to suppress inappropriate contributions increases labor costs and reduces ad sales, and leads to legal entanglements around censorship and bias. So one way for the government (or society in general) to hinder the social media companies is to demand that they control contributions and then sue them for bias when they do. This is not necessarily a bad thing! ===== impact 57 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 6 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Undermining the business model of social media topic other wordrate 0 words 114 ID 724839127860609 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 49 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 32 likeusers 1 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 49 oreach 31 posted "09/28/2018 05:48:50 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 31 type Link ========== Thinking of trying multi-level marketing? ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-28 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Thinking of trying multi-level marketing? topic other wordrate 0 words 5 title Thinking of trying multi-level marketing? ID 724838357860686 URL type Link posted "09/28/2018 05:45:47 PM" reach 25 oreach 25 impress 46 oimpress 46 likeuimpress 29 likeuusers 22 ========== What's funny about principled realism? ===== comments 1 hide 1 hideall 1 impact 20 impactrate 0 negative 2 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 0 react 40 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 37 title What's funny about principled realism? topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 724835841194271 URL audclicks 37 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 3 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 58 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 42 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 37 negclicks 2 negusers 1 oimpress 58 oreach 36 posted "09/28/2018 05:35:40 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 36 type Link ========== Building an overseas empire the old-fashioned way Who decides about artificial islands? How are they different from guano islands? ===== comments 2 hide 2 impact 127 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 2 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 1 react 67 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 49 title Building an overseas empire the old-fashioned way topic other wordrate 0 words 19 ID 724834674527721 URL audclicks 49 audreach 8 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 15 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 150 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 94 likeusers 12 likeuusers 76 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 44 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 150 oreach 107 posted "09/28/2018 05:30:45 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 7 reach 107 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Portfolio theory applied to political campaign contributions ===== hide 1 impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 6 react 7 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Portfolio theory applied to political campaign topic other wordrate 0 words 7 ID 724833877861134 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 4 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 67 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 51 likeusers 2 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 67 oreach 48 posted "09/28/2018 05:27:35 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 48 type Link ========== Defending national sovereignty ===== hide 3 impact 8 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 3 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 3 react 27 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title Defending national sovereignty topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 724823471195508 URL audclicks 17 audreach 5 engaged 9 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 3 impress 138 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 91 likeusers 5 likeuusers 68 matchedotherclicks 17 negclicks 3 negusers 1 oimpress 138 oreach 95 posted "09/28/2018 04:47:42 PM" postotherclicks 5 reach 95 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== One could almost feel sorry for Republican senators up for re-election this year Vote for Kavanaugh, and lose the votes of anybody who believed his accuser - especially educated women Vote against Kavanaugh, and lose the votes of the Trump base. They got a feeling called the BLUES. They might have avoided this jam if they had at least heard Merrick Garland when his turn came. Then they might be debating Neil Gorsuch right before the 2018 election, which might have been a lot easier. Looks at Flake's blues - and he's not even running again - It's too bad that all this inconclusive back and forth removes the focus from other real issues, such as - dark money is the #1 problem of American politics - it funds #2, #3, .... #infinity. Actually, unlimited personal contributions to political campaigns would be OK - as long as they were published by donor and amount within 7 days. The public needs to know immediately who has been bought and by whom. ===== comments 9 hide 1 impact 2533 impactrate 0 likeimpress 29 negative 1 posted 2018-09-28 ratio 1 react 149 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 101 title One could almost feel sorry for Republican senators up topic other wordrate 0 words 170 ID 724714367873085 URL audclicks 101 audreach 60 commentsimpress 9 commentsusers 6 engaged 74 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 383 likeclickusers 55 likeimpress 29 likeuimpress 184 likeusers 29 likeuusers 131 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 92 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 383 oreach 262 posted "09/28/2018 10:04:26 AM" postlinkclicks 9 postotherclicks 55 reach 262 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 9 type Link ========== If you are not at the table, you are on the menu ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 3 react 11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title If you are not at the table, you are on the menu topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 724504181227437 URL audclicks 7 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 65 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 44 likeusers 2 likeuusers 40 matchedotherclicks 7 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 65 oreach 42 posted "09/27/2018 11:17:51 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 42 type Link ========== Making expensive preconditions affordable If medical insurance is going to be affordable for all and it's going to cover pre-existing conditions, then there has to be a way to make up the difference. Most voters are in favor of covering preconditions, but not so unanimously in favor of any particular method for making that coverage affordable. Lots of Republican candidates are starting to talk about covering preconditions. But they never say how. Making everybody buy medical insurance is one way, and unlike tax subsidies, it means almost everybody has medical insurance - which is good if healthy young people who might go uncovered on their own are involved in accidents or develop other medical conditions. The alternative is treating them, often for free, in the ER. Then there's the third-world alternative - uninsured poor people get thrown out of the ER to die in the street. No American politician would explicitly endorse that, but it's implicit in some of the ACA undermining by the Trump administration. The irony, of course, is that ACA was never the Democrat preferred alternative, but was adapted from Romney's popular Masscare in a futile attempt to get Republican support. ===== comments 1 impact 213 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 3 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Making expensive preconditions affordable topic other wordrate 0 words 194 ID 724409404570248 URL audclicks 7 audreach 7 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 8 impress 62 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 39 likeusers 2 likeuusers 34 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 62 oreach 41 posted "09/27/2018 05:26:54 PM" postotherclicks 7 reach 41 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== When you are the leader, you owe something to your followers When you are the leader, it matters what you say It's not all about the leader. Except in a dictatorship. Musk doesn't seem old enough to have been raised by Roy Cohn, the way Trump was. But he hits back the same way - ===== impact 99 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 4 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title When you are the leader, you owe something to your topic other wordrate 0 words 55 ID 724376651240190 URL audclicks 15 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 131 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 62 likeusers 2 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 14 oimpress 131 oreach 80 posted "09/27/2018 03:33:07 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 80 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Election insecurity - it's all about the money and the secrecy And unwittingly abetted by some unusual suspects - ACLU, League of Women Voters, National Federation of the Blind. Most technologists understand that open-source systems are inherently more secure than closed-source systems. But election officials are rarely technologists. They make do with what the vendors offer, because of lack of funding to do better, and because of Federal directives. Members of Congress are likewise rarely technologists. There are lots of parties that don't like paper trails. The Russians are just the tip of the iceberg. Understanding the extent of the vulnerabilities, nobody can say that foreign or domestic interference hasn't affected the outcome of elections. There are only a few vendors of American voting machines, and one is a Canadian company! ===== impact 236 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 2 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Election insecurity - it's all about the money and the topic other wordrate 0 words 131 ID 724340451243810 URL audclicks 15 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 67 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 36 likeusers 1 likeuusers 30 matchedotherclicks 15 oimpress 67 oreach 40 posted "09/27/2018 01:06:03 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 40 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Bad bets for real estate investment ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-27 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Bad bets for real estate investment topic other wordrate 0 words 6 title Bad bets for real estate investment ID 724331101244745 URL type Link posted "09/27/2018 12:31:14 PM" reach 20 oreach 20 impress 39 oimpress 39 likeuimpress 22 likeuusers 18 ========== Still trying to cut taxes on the rich But middle-class taxpayers who couldn't detect any noticeable change in their paychecks so far, can't get excited whether the undetectable change is temporary or permanent. But the big Republican donors can get excited. But it's not expected to go anywhere in the Senate. ===== comments 1 impact 117 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 2 react 23 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 18 title Still trying to cut taxes on the rich topic other wordrate 0 words 51 ID 724300224581166 URL audclicks 18 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 77 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 53 likeusers 2 likeuusers 44 matchedotherclicks 18 oimpress 77 oreach 54 posted "09/27/2018 11:05:04 AM" postotherclicks 5 reach 54 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== “I love WikiLeaks!” No wonder - a friend of the devil is a friend of mine. ===== comments 2 impact 62 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 1 react 39 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 32 title “I love WikiLeaks!” topic other wordrate 0 words 16 ID 724275047917017 URL audclicks 32 audreach 8 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 8 impress 97 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 59 likeusers 3 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 30 oimpress 97 oreach 68 posted "09/27/2018 09:45:09 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 7 reach 68 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Real leadership Telling people what they need to hear, instead of what they want to hear, is as unpopular in France as it is here. So while some leaders care about the judgment of history, others couldn't care less - "Après moi, le déluge." ===== impact 172 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 2 react 39 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 31 title Real leadership topic other wordrate 0 words 44 ID 724259084585280 URL audclicks 31 audreach 9 engaged 13 impress 110 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 70 likeusers 7 likeuusers 62 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 26 oimpress 110 oreach 80 posted "09/27/2018 09:00:33 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 8 reach 80 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Feeling anxious? Do something about it - register and vote! ===== comments 6 impact 56 impactrate 0 likeimpress 10 negative 0 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 2 react 56 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 34 title Feeling anxious? Do something about it - register topic other wordrate 0 words 10 ID 724220814589107 URL audclicks 34 audreach 10 commentsimpress 6 commentsusers 6 engaged 17 impress 175 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 10 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 10 likeuusers 64 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 33 oimpress 175 oreach 126 posted "09/27/2018 07:12:33 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 9 reach 126 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== A new approach to foreign aid - cash Improve the way we distribute our (tiny) amount of foreign aid? or domestic welfare? That might be a worthwhile accomplishment of the Trump administration. But more likely the goal is just to eliminate foreign aid and domestic welfare entirely, except of course for foreign aid that goes to buying American military hardware. ===== comments 1 hide 1 hideall 1 impact 54 impactrate 0 negative 2 posted 2018-09-27 ratio 3 react 9 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title A new approach to foreign aid - cash topic other wordrate 0 words 60 ID 724214954589693 URL audclicks 6 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 58 likeclickusers 5 likeuimpress 41 likeuusers 34 matchedotherclicks 6 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 58 oreach 35 posted "09/27/2018 06:55:30 AM" postotherclicks 5 reach 35 type Link ========== Bannon finds sympathetic audiences abroad He won't admit that his brand of populist-fascism inevitably leads... to leaders that throw away followers like Bannon when they become inconvenient. That's what a strong leader does. Just ask Ernst Röhm. or Leon Trotsky ===== comments 2 impact 428 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-09-26 ratio 0 react 107 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 97 title Bannon finds sympathetic audiences abroad topic other wordrate 0 words 40 ID 724037097940812 URL audclicks 97 audreach 10 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 14 impress 125 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 88 likeusers 6 likeuusers 71 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 95 oimpress 125 oreach 86 posted "09/26/2018 09:28:17 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 9 reach 86 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Who pays for your candidates? ===== comments 2 impact 23 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-26 ratio 1 react 46 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 35 title Who pays for your candidates? topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 724001154611073 URL audclicks 35 audreach 9 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 16 impress 132 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 68 likeusers 4 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 29 oimpress 132 oreach 84 posted "09/26/2018 07:21:19 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 6 reach 84 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Sorry PR's, your complexion is too dark for statehood If incompetent politicians are the criterion, New York should be ceded back to England. Maybe a better criterion would be how many and how well Puerto Ricans served in the armed forces of the US. It's time to end the racist imperialist tradition - and make the Federal territories fully part of the United States or set them free. ===== comments 7 hide 1 hideall 1 impact 775 impactrate 0 likeimpress 21 negative 2 posted 2018-09-26 ratio 2 react 114 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 80 title Sorry PR's, your complexion is too dark for statehood topic other wordrate 0 words 68 ID 723988127945709 URL audclicks 80 audreach 37 commentsimpress 7 commentsusers 6 engaged 52 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 440 likeclickusers 37 likeimpress 21 likeuimpress 187 likeusers 20 likeuusers 147 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 73 negclicks 2 negusers 1 oimpress 440 oreach 310 posted "09/26/2018 06:42:02 PM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 30 reach 310 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== putting rape culture on the ballot across the country A man watches women watching Senate testimony and wonders what will happen in November and beyond - But no matter how this nomination goes, it is going to get more difficult to find nominees willing to endure anything like it in public. Some better way of presoaking to get all the dirt out in private in advance seems necessary, and some better way of dealing with late-breaking news that upholds the dignity of the individuals and the institutions. Maybe more women will be inspired to come forward earlier in the process. Maybe future presidents will be inspired to nominate more qualified women instead of more good old boys from the Federalist Society. Or maybe the public, men and women alike, will become cynical and apathetic - "they're all like that, and we'll never know the truth, so what's the use of caring or voting?" That would be the worst possible outcome, except for the populist-fascist Trumpians, for whom it's the best possible. ===== comments 1 impact 547 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 0 posted 2018-09-26 ratio 3 react 32 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title putting rape culture on the ballot across the country topic other wordrate 0 words 171 ID 723985014612687 URL audclicks 15 audreach 8 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 13 impress 148 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 91 likeusers 10 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 148 oreach 98 posted "09/26/2018 06:30:20 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 6 reach 98 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== There needs to be a way to get rid of an incompetent President Trump has proved the necessity of having a way of getting rid of a President who is simply incompetent and unequal to the job. Even most Republicans facing difficult re-elections in November would probably prefer that somebody steady like Pence was leading their charge, instead of somebody who might truthfully be toasted (as was John Quincy Adams and many others no doubt) "May he cast confusion on his enemies, as he has already done on his friends." The incompetence clause could go like this: at any time the House of Representatives may nominate a new President by a 2/3 vote conducted with ranked-choice voting. The Senate then has 72 hours to confirm the nomination by a simple 2/3 yea/nay vote. If confirmed, the new President is immediately sworn in. This mechanism avoids the necessity of a criminal charge and trial, or a finding of mental or medical incapacity, or the necessity of elevating the current Vice President if there were better choices. One can be incompetent to be President while mentally and medically competent for normal life and free of provable criminal conduct. This, or any, constitutional amendment is very hard to pass. But maybe the motivation will be sufficient soon. This mechanism would not be invoked successfully very often. It is very hard to imagine getting 2/3 agreement on ANY issue with the current Congress. It might be successfully invoked about as often as impeachment, which is never so far (Andrew Johnson was impeached but not convicted by the Senate - read about it in Kennedy's Profiles in Courage). The purpose of the incompetence clause is to get future Presidents to consider their actions more carefully and to seek and to act upon better advice. Or, as with the impeachment process, encourage a President who's in the wrong job to resign and seek employment better matched to his skills. ===== comments 8 impact 2746 impactrate 0 likeimpress 15 negative 0 posted 2018-09-26 ratio 1 react 85 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 57 title There needs to be a way to get rid of an incompetent topic other wordrate 0 words 323 ID 723958887948633 URL audclicks 57 audreach 29 commentsimpress 8 commentsusers 6 engaged 38 impress 226 likeclickusers 35 likeimpress 15 likeuimpress 143 likeusers 14 likeuusers 104 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 52 oimpress 226 oreach 156 posted "09/26/2018 05:17:55 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 27 reach 156 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== It's not easy to distinguish the real agents of the Putin regime from those that act just like real agents of the Putin regime ===== impact 36 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-09-21 ratio 3 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title It's not easy to distinguish the real agents of the Putin topic other wordrate 0 words 24 ID 721357388208783 URL audclicks 7 audreach 5 engaged 9 impress 80 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 59 likeusers 7 likeuusers 49 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 80 oreach 52 posted "09/21/2018 06:13:56 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 52 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Fascism is more a method of gaining and keeping power than a specific ideology ===== impact 27 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-21 ratio 4 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Fascism is more a method of gaining and keeping power than topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 721354091542446 URL audclicks 15 audreach 8 engaged 8 impress 121 likeclickusers 8 likeuimpress 69 likeuusers 56 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 121 oreach 93 posted "09/21/2018 06:06:24 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 7 reach 93 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Who is really "the resistance" ? ===== impact 6 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-21 ratio 2 react 10 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title Who is really "the resistance" ? topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 721188341559021 URL audclicks 10 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 39 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 28 likeuusers 25 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 39 oreach 26 posted "09/21/2018 10:57:55 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 26 type Link ========== What's the common downside of interconnected technology? Consider all these recent postings - What they have in common is not leveling the playing field between rich and poor, or between powerful and powerless, as once technology promised, but UNleveling the playing field by making it easy and cheap to attack and difficult and expensive to defend. So attack is becoming feasible for anybody with a cell phone, while defense is limited to the powerful, though not very reliable even for them. It's the same for individual nut cases doxing somebody they don't like, as for small terrorist bands attacking powerful nations. With more primitive technology, disputes were mostly settled by numbers - whoever had the bigger mob or army won. So the rights of the majority were preserved - the rights of the minority not so much. Now it's the rights of the majority to live in peace that are under attack, as the rights of the minority, even a minority of one, enjoy a force multiplier effect due to asymmetric technology. Is this the inevitable way it ends? Perhaps the technological optimists think that artificial intelligence and big data and the cloud will make it possible to contain the threats - that's been the approach of social media until recently - but now the social media business model will come undone if they're forced to hire thousands of human censors. And if history tells us anything, it is that artificial intelligence and big data and the cloud will redound to the benefit of the malefactors as well as the benefactors. ===== impact 52 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-21 ratio 12 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title What's the common downside of interconnected technology? topic other wordrate 0 words 261 ID 721133388231183 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 52 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 36 likeusers 1 likeuusers 22 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 52 oreach 25 posted "09/21/2018 08:25:00 AM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 25 type Link ========== doxing - easy to do, hard to prevent Another asymmetric benefit of global interconnection. Your free speech inhibits my free speech, especially when the president sets the tone for all his followers - ===== impact 26 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-21 ratio 4 react 8 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title doxing - easy to do, hard to prevent topic other wordrate 0 words 33 ID 721100628234459 URL audclicks 8 audreach 7 engaged 7 impress 57 likeclickusers 6 likeuimpress 41 likeuusers 32 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 57 oreach 34 posted "09/21/2018 06:57:56 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 3 reach 34 type Link ========== Fail better! ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-21 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Fail better! topic other wordrate 0 words 2 title Fail better! ID 721075194903669 URL type Link posted "09/21/2018 06:00:37 AM" reach 25 oreach 25 impress 43 oimpress 43 likeuimpress 25 likeuusers 22 ========== Actually doing something positive for former coal country It's amazing how many people are against the idea. ===== impact 31 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-21 ratio 3 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Actually doing something positive for former coal country topic other wordrate 0 words 17 ID 721074158237106 URL audclicks 15 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 87 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 49 likeusers 1 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 87 oreach 62 posted "09/21/2018 05:56:59 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 3 reach 62 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== We learn more from our mistakes than from our successes ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-21 ratio 19 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title We learn more from our mistakes than from our successes topic other wordrate 0 words 10 ID 721069778237544 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 62 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 45 likeuusers 35 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 62 oreach 39 posted "09/21/2018 05:44:06 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 39 type Link ========== Delusion or salesmanship? Just because the polls were slightly wrong in 2016 doesn't mean they will be wrong or wrong in the same way in 2018. The hard-core Trump base that comes to his campaign rallies is an electoral minority. He has put a lot of effort into cultivating it, and very little effort into broadening it - ===== comments 5 impact 151 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 3 react 26 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Delusion or salesmanship? topic other wordrate 0 words 58 ID 720922008252321 URL audclicks 15 audreach 11 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 5 engaged 15 impress 120 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 80 likeusers 4 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 120 oreach 82 posted "09/20/2018 09:39:53 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 8 reach 82 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== China got a navy and now it's making bases for it - to what end? ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 16 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title China got a navy and now it's making bases for it - to topic other wordrate 0 words 15 ID 720919731585882 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 50 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 38 likeusers 1 likeuusers 31 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 50 oreach 33 posted "09/20/2018 09:30:15 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 33 type Link ========== It's not a good year to get over-confident It's all about turnout, everywhere. ===== comments 1 impact 20 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 2 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title It's not a good year to get over-confident topic other wordrate 0 words 13 ID 720914018253120 URL audclicks 12 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 3 impress 51 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 32 likeuusers 26 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 51 oreach 34 posted "09/20/2018 09:05:45 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 34 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Bono describes the idea of the United States of Europe Like the United States of America, the essence of the European Union is an idea rather than a Blut-und-Boden nationality. Before the Civil War, people would say "The United States are..." After, it became "The United States is...". World Wars I and II and the Cold War were the traumatic event that would cement the European Union, it was thought, just as the Civil War cemented the American Union. America has had backsliding at times but so far has overcome it. Perhaps the current Putin-encouraged populist nationalist movements will eventually be overcome as well. Or perhaps not - ===== comments 1 impact 184 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 3 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Bono describes the idea of the United States of Europe topic other wordrate 0 words 108 ID 720910474920141 URL audclicks 15 audreach 9 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 9 impress 86 likeclickusers 9 likeuimpress 56 likeuusers 46 matchedotherclicks 15 oimpress 86 oreach 61 posted "09/20/2018 08:51:53 PM" postotherclicks 9 reach 61 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== North Korean sanctions - reality TV You'd think a reality TV star would be better at managing these complexities. ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 22 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title North Korean sanctions - reality TV topic other wordrate 0 words 19 title North Korean sanctions - reality TV ID 720825831595272 URL type Link posted "09/20/2018 04:48:38 PM" reach 22 oreach 22 impress 39 oimpress 39 engaged 1 likeuimpress 26 likeuusers 21 likeclickusers 1 likeusers 1 likeimpress 1 ========== The Vast Wasteland May 9, 1961 - Newton Minnow described television as a vast wasteland. His opinion probably hasn't changed much. September 2, 2018 - Newton Minnow didn't use the same words to describe our current partisan political gridlock, but he might as well have. He dreamed up a solution - Biden and Kasich running in 2020 as a bipartisan team of problem solvers. Is this a crazy idea? Yes. Do you have a better idea? Maybe not. nolabels is thinking about the implications. For starters, they compiled a quick historical summary of previous attempts - And you'd have to say that history is not particularly supportive of the idea, but it hasn't been tried in our current gridlocked context. The same thought at the time of the Hamilton Electors didn't gain any traction - Maybe some of that was due to the RNC threatening electors - === More on nolabels - ==== Millenials might not remember Newton Minnow as clearly as Boomers do. Here's his speech - ===== impact 101 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 6 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title The Vast Wasteland topic other wordrate 0 words 168 ID 720818001596055 URL audclicks 4 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 64 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 48 likeusers 2 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 64 oreach 40 posted "09/20/2018 04:31:13 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 40 type Link ========== Will the old workers get the new jobs? 133 million new jobs created, 78 million old jobs lost - sounds like a win unless you are among the 78 million. The experience of Silicon Valley is that many established organizations would rather hire new (cheaper) employees than retain and retrain old (expensive) employees. ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 24 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Will the old workers get the new jobs? topic other wordrate 0 words 53 ID 720769021600953 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 44 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 27 likeuusers 22 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 44 oreach 24 posted "09/20/2018 02:53:30 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 24 type Link ========== Did somebody forget that higher oil prices are good for those Trump supporters fracking up the Great Plains and Rockies? ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 17 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Did somebody forget that higher oil prices are good for topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 720624414948747 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 50 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 32 likeuusers 30 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 50 oreach 34 posted "09/20/2018 08:08:00 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 34 type Link ========== Honorable military service SHOULD be a fast track to citizenship - especially for critically-needed skills. Especially at a time when recruiting American citizens is difficult due to low unemployment. ===== impact 26 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 12 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Honorable military service SHOULD be a fast track to topic other wordrate 0 words 29 ID 720616391616216 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 7 impress 146 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 49 likeusers 5 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 146 oreach 109 posted "09/20/2018 07:46:15 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 109 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Rising income inequality eventually defeats equal opportunity Concentration of power is inherently counter to equal opportunity. One of government's jobs is to counteract that, lest we create a hereditary nobility. But concentration of power in government is not without its own problems. ===== impact 46 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 6 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Rising income inequality eventually defeats equal topic other wordrate 0 words 42 ID 720614531616402 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 6 impress 96 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 39 likeusers 2 likeuusers 31 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 96 oreach 66 posted "09/20/2018 07:41:28 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 66 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Differences between religious and secular conservatives ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 8 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Differences between religious and secular conservatives topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 720608131617042 URL audclicks 6 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 84 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 48 likeuusers 39 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 84 oreach 59 posted "09/20/2018 07:29:45 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 59 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Schools for gifted, income inequality, and the Democratic coalition ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 7 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Schools for gifted, income inequality, and the Democratic topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 720606284950560 URL audclicks 3 audreach 1 engaged 3 impress 60 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 43 likeusers 2 likeuusers 35 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 60 oreach 39 posted "09/20/2018 07:24:32 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 39 type Link ========== The history of Putin's election interference ===== comments 2 impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-20 ratio 5 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title The history of Putin's election interference topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 720597258284796 URL audclicks 15 audreach 10 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 12 impress 188 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 55 likeusers 2 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 188 oreach 117 posted "09/20/2018 07:02:21 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 9 reach 117 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== What's a recession without a clear dominant cause? A smorgasbord. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title What's a recession without a clear dominant cause? topic other wordrate 0 words 10 title What's a recession without a clear dominant cause? ID 720339031643952 URL type Link posted "09/19/2018 05:53:05 PM" reach 14 oreach 14 impress 34 oimpress 34 likeuimpress 14 likeuusers 12 ========== Remarkable - 58% of Floridians have opinions about something they know nothing about ===== impact 9 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-19 ratio 10 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Remarkable - 58% of Floridians have opinions about topic other wordrate 0 words 13 ID 720331904977998 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 109 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 71 likeusers 1 likeuusers 54 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 109 oreach 74 posted "09/19/2018 05:30:19 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 2 reach 74 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== "Really helping the people and places that have been hurt by trade would mean making sure they can get good jobs, increasing the minimum wage and overtime pay, strengthening unions, directly helping our small manufacturers access global supply chains, investing in future technologies, supporting apprenticeships for displaced workers, and pushing back on currency manipulators." The institutional damage is the worst part - ===== impact 43 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-19 ratio 4 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title "Really helping the people and places that have topic other wordrate 0 words 62 ID 720330644978124 URL audclicks 6 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 57 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 30 likeuusers 23 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 57 oreach 34 posted "09/19/2018 05:25:39 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 34 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Technology provides another asymmetric terrorist threat - pandemics Maybe that explains the Fermi paradox. ===== impact 62 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-19 ratio 0 react 44 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 44 title Technology provides another asymmetric terrorist threat topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 720274368317085 URL audclicks 44 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 46 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 34 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 43 oimpress 46 oreach 31 posted "09/19/2018 03:45:26 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 31 type Link ========== A doctrine of retreat? Or leadership? ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-19 ratio 3 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title A doctrine of retreat? topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 719965041681351 URL audclicks 6 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 33 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 20 likeuusers 18 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 33 oreach 19 posted "09/19/2018 08:18:28 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 3 reach 19 type Link ========== Solutions for the working homeless These are people with jobs who can't afford rent. In this case the RV's are required to be registered and insured and operable. The next level down is people who have RV's but can't afford repairs, insurance, or registration. And below that - people with nothing but a stolen shopping cart. Diffferent solutions required at each level. It seems just that people who work here should be able to live here somehow. But what about people who don't work - whether due to injury, illness, old age, or lack of motivation - who decides, and on what basis, which of these people have a right to live in an area they can't afford? ===== comments 6 hideall 1 impact 531 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 1 posted 2018-09-19 ratio 2 react 45 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 28 title Solutions for the working homeless topic other wordrate 0 words 118 ID 719922648352257 URL audclicks 28 audreach 20 commentsimpress 6 commentsusers 3 engaged 21 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 159 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 6 likeuusers 66 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 26 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 159 oreach 116 posted "09/19/2018 06:55:39 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 18 reach 116 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Kicking the can down the road doesn't make it go away It's a recurring problem of democratic government. Politicians who refuse to acknowledge future threats and prescribe present defenses are usually more popular than those more far-sighted. But what if the far-sighted see things that turn out to not be really there? ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 156 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 1 posted 2018-09-19 ratio 2 react 30 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 22 title Kicking the can down the road doesn't make it go away topic other wordrate 0 words 52 ID 719918928352629 URL audclicks 22 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 13 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 90 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 73 likeusers 5 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 20 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 90 oreach 65 posted "09/19/2018 06:44:33 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 10 reach 65 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Borrowed from a non-bank recently? ===== hide 1 impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 3 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Borrowed from a non-bank recently? topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 719629768381545 URL audclicks 7 audreach 4 engaged 4 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 50 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 32 likeusers 1 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 50 oreach 34 posted "09/18/2018 06:55:36 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 2 reach 34 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== An opportunity for Trump to be as great as Jimmy Carter Don't hold your breath. ===== impact 24 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 2 react 16 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title An opportunity for Trump to be as great as Jimmy Carter topic other wordrate 0 words 15 ID 719599145051274 URL audclicks 11 audreach 3 engaged 5 impress 65 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 50 likeusers 4 likeuusers 42 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 65 oreach 47 posted "09/18/2018 04:59:42 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 47 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Once again, the Poles have broken the code. They're tired of German armies and Russian armies. They've figured out how to get Trump enthused about putting American armies in Poland. They better act fast, lest the next Congress in January isn't as supportive of Europeans at odds with the EU. Oddly enough, the photo-op did not play well with the Polish opposition - ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 1342 impactrate 0 likeimpress 23 negative 1 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 1 react 213 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 181 title Once again, the Poles have broken the code. topic other wordrate 0 words 63 ID 719596815051507 URL audclicks 181 audreach 31 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 48 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 473 likeclickusers 38 likeimpress 23 likeuimpress 197 likeusers 23 likeuusers 125 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 176 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 473 oreach 324 posted "09/18/2018 04:49:09 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 26 reach 324 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== At last, some good news about dark money It's a step on a long road - ===== comments 2 hide 1 impact 66 impactrate 0 likeimpress 14 negative 1 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 2 react 41 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 22 title At last, some good news about dark money topic other wordrate 0 words 16 ID 719581485053040 URL audclicks 22 audreach 12 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 18 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 127 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 14 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 13 likeuusers 66 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 21 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 127 oreach 88 posted "09/18/2018 04:09:47 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 11 reach 88 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Problem Solvers committing to House rules changes to Break the Gridlock Can you get your House member on board? ===== hide 1 impact 21 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 4 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Problem Solvers committing to House rules changes to Break topic other wordrate 0 words 19 ID 719521148392407 URL audclicks 7 audreach 6 engaged 7 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 69 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 43 likeusers 2 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 4 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 69 oreach 47 posted "09/18/2018 02:43:06 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 47 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Another guilty plea, another cooperator This seemed to get lost in the other news of the day - Or maybe collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia just isn't news any more. One question is why Trump campaigners were so eager to collaborate - The other question is what did Trump know and when did he know it. What did he do about it - that's not collusion, that's obstruction of justice. ===== Side note: as of 20 Sep 2018, this posting was the most popular unboosted (no paid advertising) post on this Facebook page, generating more Reach, Likes, Shares, and Clicks than the previous most popular - But Jimmy Carter got way more Loves. ===== comments 4 hide 1 impact 4025 impactrate 0 likeimpress 69 negative 1 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 2 react 350 reactrate 0 shares 31 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 245 title Another guilty plea, another cooperator topic other wordrate 0 words 115 ID 719514541726401 URL audclicks 245 audreach 76 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 130 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1286 likeclickusers 50 likeimpress 69 likeuimpress 179 likeusers 68 likeuusers 132 matchedlinkclicks 47 matchedotherclicks 198 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 1286 oreach 918 posted "09/18/2018 02:17:59 PM" postlinkclicks 41 postotherclicks 41 reach 918 sharesimpress 31 sharesusers 30 type Link ========== American Identity Crisis It wasn't just economics? ===== hide 1 impact 6 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 3 react 8 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title American Identity Crisis topic other wordrate 0 words 7 ID 719512871726568 URL audclicks 7 audreach 2 engaged 2 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 45 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 31 likeuusers 28 matchedotherclicks 7 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 45 oreach 30 posted "09/18/2018 02:11:03 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 30 type Link ========== Fake news is nothing new ===== impact 8 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 3 react 16 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Fake news is nothing new topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 719376025073586 URL audclicks 14 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 88 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 53 likeuusers 48 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 88 oreach 61 posted "09/18/2018 07:50:53 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 61 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Massachusetts needs ranked-choice voting as advocated by Fairvote - ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 2 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Massachusetts needs ranked-choice voting topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 719366661741189 URL audclicks 5 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 34 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 16 likeuusers 12 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 34 oreach 14 posted "09/18/2018 07:33:31 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 14 type Link ========== Public libraries - Carnegie was right. The Trump administration - not so much. ===== comments 1 hide 2 impact 103 impactrate 0 likeimpress 24 negative 2 posted 2018-09-18 ratio 7 react 79 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 44 title Public libraries - Carnegie was right. topic other wordrate 0 words 13 ID 719348258409696 URL audclicks 44 audreach 29 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 42 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 779 likeclickusers 30 likeimpress 24 likeuimpress 144 likeusers 24 likeuusers 107 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 36 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 779 oreach 583 posted "09/18/2018 06:53:32 AM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 23 reach 583 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== Foreign policy - the left needs to figure it out ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-17 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Foreign policy - the left needs to figure it out topic other wordrate 0 words 10 title Foreign policy - the left needs to figure it out ID 719060431771812 URL type Link posted "09/17/2018 05:33:53 PM" reach 36 oreach 36 impress 57 oimpress 57 likeuimpress 40 likeuusers 34 ========== Signs of a market top Good while it lasted, but nothing is forever. Labor getting scarce and expensive threatens marginal employers - Yet somehow the housing market is cooling off, locally at least. Nobody wants to buy a house at the top of the market and then lose his job - High prices yet an uncertain future means.... declining birth rate. ===== comments 5 hide 1 impact 250 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 1 posted 2018-09-17 ratio 3 react 41 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 25 title Signs of a market top topic other wordrate 0 words 61 ID 718794385131750 URL audclicks 25 audreach 19 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 4 engaged 21 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 182 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 112 likeusers 8 likeuusers 86 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 20 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 182 oreach 133 posted "09/17/2018 07:51:48 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 15 reach 133 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire - The national debt clock keeps ticking - In introductory economics they point out that if the national debt were equally held by all American households, and they all suddenly lost all the t-bills... nobody would be better or worse off. That's true. But the national debt is not just held by American households, and it's not equally distributed among them. But many American households have other kinds of debt whose interest rate is tied to T-bills. That interest rate matters to them. Nowadays the tourists who find the national debt clock are Chinese - and China is the largest foreign holder of our debt. At some time, in some way, the Chinese are going to want the debt repaid in real American assets. We know what to do about the national debt - but elected politicians consider it toxic. ===== impact 402 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-09-17 ratio 4 react 27 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire - topic other wordrate 0 words 149 ID 718791428465379 URL audclicks 17 audreach 7 engaged 11 impress 154 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 81 likeusers 5 likeuusers 67 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 14 oimpress 154 oreach 112 posted "09/17/2018 07:41:47 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 5 reach 112 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Saving Wall Street looks and feels bad but the alternative would look and feel much worse. It's not easy to stop a panicked mob. Lehman had plenty of warning. ===== hide 2 impact 15 impactrate 0 negative 2 posted 2018-09-16 ratio 8 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Saving Wall Street looks and feels bad topic other wordrate 0 words 29 ID 718557625155426 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 2 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 71 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 49 likeuusers 40 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 71 oreach 44 posted "09/16/2018 07:12:09 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 44 type Link ========== "We are, as a nation, better educated, more tolerant, and more connected because of — not in spite of — the convergence of the internet and public life. Partisanship, religion, geography, race, gender, and other traditional political divisions are giving way to a new standard — wiredness — as an organizing principle for political and social attitudes." That was written about the time the internet financial bubble burst. It hasn't quite turned out as predicted. But that lesson was learned before... and then forgotten by the time the Fairness Doctrine was repealed. ===== impact 46 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-16 ratio 6 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title "We are, as a nation, better educated, more tolerant, topic other wordrate 0 words 92 ID 718370235174165 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 50 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 33 likeusers 1 likeuusers 28 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 50 oreach 31 posted "09/16/2018 11:59:13 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 31 type Link ========== Politics is local as well as national - what works in one time and place for one candidate doesn't work in a different time and place for a different candidate. George Will explains what seems to be working in Texas - Winning parties succeed by maintaining a big enough tent to cover a winning variety of points of view. ===== comments 2 hide 1 impact 201 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 1 posted 2018-09-16 ratio 4 react 34 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 23 title Politics is local as well as national - topic other wordrate 0 words 59 ID 718363251841530 URL audclicks 23 audreach 11 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 13 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 205 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 71 likeusers 4 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 22 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 205 oreach 157 posted "09/16/2018 11:46:05 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 11 reach 157 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Moving from concerned to active 2018 Active: 2017 Concerned: ===== impact 20 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-16 ratio 3 react 22 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title Moving from concerned to active topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 718361248508397 URL audclicks 17 audreach 7 engaged 9 impress 107 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 4 likeuusers 66 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 15 oimpress 107 oreach 70 posted "09/16/2018 11:39:39 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 6 reach 70 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Millenials and the economic collapse ===== hide 2 impact 11 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 2 posted 2018-09-16 ratio 3 react 22 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Millenials and the economic collapse topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 718359031841952 URL audclicks 14 audreach 8 engaged 10 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 2 impress 97 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 72 likeusers 5 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 11 negclicks 2 negusers 1 oimpress 97 oreach 73 posted "09/16/2018 11:34:39 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 5 reach 73 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Building the new world order And the people are with Xi for now - ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 56 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 1 posted 2018-09-15 ratio 3 react 40 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 23 title Building the new world order topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 717722825238906 URL audclicks 23 audreach 14 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 18 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 166 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 87 likeusers 8 likeuusers 74 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 17 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 166 oreach 126 posted "09/15/2018 06:31:14 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 11 reach 126 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Not a model for a Trump autobiography We learn more from our mistakes than our successes. The first step is recognizing and acknowledging our mistakes. ===== impact 20 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 5 react 8 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Not a model for a Trump autobiography topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 717543398590182 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 6 impress 72 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 49 likeusers 4 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 72 oreach 44 posted "09/14/2018 08:43:50 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 44 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== It's time to end the racist imperialist tradition and make the Federal territories fully part of the United States or set them free. ===== comments 3 hide 2 impact 48 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 2 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 3 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title It's time to end the racist imperialist tradition and make topic other wordrate 0 words 23 ID 717542361923619 URL audclicks 10 audreach 5 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 9 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 95 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 72 likeusers 4 likeuusers 62 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 8 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 95 oreach 69 posted "09/14/2018 08:39:40 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 69 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== A recovering American economy means higher interest rates on dollar debt. That's bad news for the much of the third world. Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire of every crisis. ===== hide 1 impact 23 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 7 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title A recovering American economy means higher interest rates topic other wordrate 0 words 33 ID 717536745257514 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 4 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 71 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 37 likeusers 2 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 71 oreach 49 posted "09/14/2018 08:23:09 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 49 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Want to get hands on talking to a red district from a blue district? The Democrats are looking for volunteers to work their phone banks in SF. And if you have more money than time, they'll accept donations too. ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 33 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Want to get hands on talking to a red district from a topic other wordrate 0 words 39 ID 717488825262306 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 54 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 37 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 54 oreach 33 posted "09/14/2018 05:32:00 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 33 type Link ========== Roger Stone receives a well-deserved compliment Even before the 2016 election, it seemed that the Trump associates to watch were Manafort, Page, and Stone. Manafort was right on the money, so to speak. Page was a disappointment - the Russians concluded he was too dumb to even be a useful idiot. That leaves Stone, so far unindicted and unsubpoenad. That's a compliment to the effectiveness of his long career, because the way organized crime investigations work, the prosecutors start at the bottom on the most vulnerable and easiest to convict, and work their way up. Saving Stone for near the end suggests that the prosecutors consider him to be the last rung before the top, and so they are securing every bit of evidence and cooperation before they knock on his door, because they expect to have a lot to talk to him about, when that time comes, and they'd like him to be motivated to cooperate rather than resist. In the meantime, while he's still a free man, the investigators might be taking an active interest in where he goes and who he sees and what he does, but he would expect that and take precautions. But eventually he'll receive a well-deserved, all-expense-paid rest from his dark career of dirty tricks, in a clean, well-lighted place. ===== comments 2 impact 2040 impactrate 0 likeimpress 19 negative 0 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 1 react 94 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 68 title Roger Stone receives a well-deserved compliment topic other wordrate 0 words 217 ID 717331408611381 URL audclicks 68 audreach 26 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 35 impress 163 likeclickusers 26 likeimpress 19 likeuimpress 95 likeusers 19 likeuusers 72 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 62 oimpress 163 oreach 115 posted "09/14/2018 10:55:48 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 21 reach 115 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== The reactionaries win every time they get progressives to fight on the reactionaries' terms ===== comments 4 impact 57 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 4 react 41 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 30 title The reactionaries win every time they get progressives to topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 717269848617537 URL audclicks 30 audreach 17 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 18 impress 287 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 4 likeuusers 91 matchedlinkclicks 10 matchedotherclicks 20 oimpress 287 oreach 203 posted "09/14/2018 08:16:41 AM" postlinkclicks 10 postotherclicks 11 reach 203 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Need a reason to look the other way? We'll help you! But we'll also make sure that other people that might think they might have gotten away with something will understand that our reach is long and sure. ===== comments 1 impact 65 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 4 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title Need a reason to look the other way? We'll help you! topic other wordrate 0 words 38 ID 717266495284539 URL audclicks 11 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 11 impress 109 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 84 likeusers 4 likeuusers 73 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 109 oreach 83 posted "09/14/2018 08:09:15 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 7 reach 83 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== What are the boundaries of a disaster? Firefighters who are now sick after responding to the World Trade Center after the Sept. 11 attacks are not victims? Soldiers suffering PTSD should not to be counted among the casualties of war? Is the biggest victim of a disaster the president who wasn't prepared and wasn't interested in anything more than a photo-op? ===== comments 1 impact 226 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 2 react 37 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title What are the boundaries of a disaster? topic other wordrate 0 words 61 ID 717236331954222 URL audclicks 26 audreach 11 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 14 impress 134 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 6 likeuusers 66 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 25 oimpress 134 oreach 98 posted "09/14/2018 07:14:29 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 11 reach 98 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== What's good for the billionaires is good for you. The statistics are rigged that way. The right-wing revival from Trump to Orban got much of its energy from the correct observation that the people at the top (like Trump!) were experiencing an economic recovery quite different from the people at the bottom (his supporters!). He's sure they're too dumb to care - That's why Trump administration policies don't concern themselves with preventing another crash - it won't be HIS problem! ===== comments 1 impact 288 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-09-14 ratio 4 react 36 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 23 title What's good for the billionaires is good for you. topic other wordrate 0 words 80 ID 717230238621498 URL audclicks 23 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 12 impress 193 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 66 likeusers 6 likeuusers 57 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 22 oimpress 193 oreach 148 posted "09/14/2018 07:00:03 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 9 reach 148 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== Ever wonder how your email gets across the ocean? But future adversaries probably won't need such clumsy attacks - ===== impact 6 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 5 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Ever wonder how your email gets across the ocean? topic other wordrate 0 words 19 ID 716972078647314 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 34 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 15 likeuusers 13 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 34 oreach 15 posted "09/13/2018 04:46:09 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 15 type Link ========== The dark side of crypto technology ===== impact 1 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 15 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title The dark side of crypto technology topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 716970835314105 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 35 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 17 likeuusers 13 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 35 oreach 15 posted "09/13/2018 04:41:47 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 15 type Link ========== What made America great? It wasn't tariffs. O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law! O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine! O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! === "Confirm thy soul in self-control" Self-control is an essential prerequisite even of Christian liberty - All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. "Thy liberty in law" But political liberty has to be exercised within the bounds of political law. ===== comments 10 hide 1 impact 1875 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 1 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 3 react 91 reactrate 0 shares 14 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 53 title What made America great? topic other wordrate 0 words 206 ID 716970061980849 URL audclicks 53 audreach 24 commentsimpress 10 commentsusers 6 engaged 39 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 396 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 126 likeusers 13 likeuusers 100 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 46 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 396 oreach 283 posted "09/13/2018 04:39:28 PM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 20 reach 283 sharesimpress 14 sharesusers 14 type Link ========== The permanent fix to gerrymandering There will be no end to litigation about gerrymandered districts. A better long-term solution is to render them useless, while increasing the political value of centrism over extremism. We could finally say goodbye to the two-faced politician who has to say one thing to win the party primary or caucus, and the opposite thing to win the general election. No wonder nobody trusts them. Fairvote advocates for these reforms - ===== comments 1 impact 75 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 3 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title The permanent fix to gerrymandering topic other wordrate 0 words 75 ID 716968078647714 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 53 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 31 likeusers 3 likeuusers 25 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 53 oreach 33 posted "09/13/2018 04:33:45 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 33 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== If you don't have any retirement funds, why not sell your house and invest the proceeds in the lottery? You might win big. Some people are dumb enough to consider that idea - How far did that idea get? ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 39 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 4 react 10 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title If you don't have any retirement funds, why not sell your topic other wordrate 0 words 39 ID 716964575314731 URL audclicks 6 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 69 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 52 likeusers 2 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 4 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 69 oreach 46 posted "09/13/2018 04:25:37 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 2 reach 46 type Link ========== The political purposes of language of classification ===== comments 1 impact 18 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 2 react 26 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title The political purposes of language of classification topic other wordrate 0 words 7 ID 716955835315605 URL audclicks 19 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 13 impress 91 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 61 likeusers 4 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 91 oreach 63 posted "09/13/2018 04:12:59 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 5 reach 63 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Trump owes nothing to his predecessors, and hence nothing to his successors, or so he thinks. But Trump owes a fraternal debt to John Adams, a great lawyer and patriot, though a lesser president, between Washington and Jefferson. Adams and Jefferson are both seen in a better, earlier light in the musical 1776 Adams, having no established precedents to guide him, misconstrued the personal deference to Washington as deference to the office of president, and wondered why he didn't get the same. Now we know that the opposition will dig up or make up dirt on any president - that's what they pay opposition researchers to do. ===== hide 2 impact 257 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 2 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 2 react 24 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 20 title Trump owes nothing to his predecessors, and hence nothing topic other wordrate 0 words 107 ID 716952198649302 URL audclicks 20 audreach 13 engaged 13 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 95 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 72 likeusers 1 likeuusers 60 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 17 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 95 oreach 68 posted "09/13/2018 03:56:27 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 11 reach 68 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Don't you love the convenience and immediacy of online charity? ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 3 react 4 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Don't you love the convenience and immediacy of online topic other wordrate 0 words 10 ID 716948151983040 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 30 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 14 likeusers 1 likeuusers 11 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 30 oreach 14 posted "09/13/2018 03:49:09 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 14 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== After ten years, no lessons learned ===== comments 4 impact 21 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 3 react 35 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title After ten years, no lessons learned topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 716905618653960 URL audclicks 21 audreach 7 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 2 engaged 10 impress 150 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 99 likeusers 4 likeuusers 74 matchedotherclicks 21 oimpress 150 oreach 106 posted "09/13/2018 01:15:13 PM" postotherclicks 7 reach 106 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== A/B marketing applied to politics - or why political-scrapbook is a waste of time, even though it's from Silicon Valley rather than Manhattan. Later, Dimon had second thoughts - By the way, Facebook loves advertisers that experiment with A/B marketing - and facilitates it. More revenue to Facebook. A/B is the basis of an old Wall Street scam. A broker sends out a letter to 1000 prospects. Half say to sell X because it's going down. Half say to buy X because it's going up. If X actually goes down, the broker throws away the second half of his client list and sends a new letter to 250 of the 500 left: sell Y because it's going down. To the other 250: buy Y because it's going up. After a few more iterations he writes to the remaining clients and points to his 100% accuracy and offers a chance to buy in on the deal of a lifetime. After they all enthusiastically buy in and push the stock up, he shorts the stock and finds a new list of 1000 prospects. ===== hide 1 impact 308 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 2 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title A/B marketing applied to politics - topic other wordrate 0 words 181 ID 716903868654135 URL audclicks 14 audreach 3 engaged 3 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 69 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 46 likeusers 1 likeuusers 34 matchedotherclicks 14 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 69 oreach 40 posted "09/13/2018 01:09:41 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 40 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== The real Kavanaugh threat This outweighs all the others, because dark money is the #1 problem of American politics - it funds #2, #3, .... #infinity. Actually, unlimited personal contributions to political campaigns would be OK - as long as they were published by donor and amount within 7 days. The public needs to know immediately who has been bought and by whom. ===== comments 2 hide 1 impact 315 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 1 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 3 react 50 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 32 title The real Kavanaugh threat topic other wordrate 0 words 63 ID 716901028654419 URL audclicks 32 audreach 12 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 19 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 212 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 107 likeusers 7 likeuusers 78 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 29 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 212 oreach 151 posted "09/13/2018 12:59:05 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 10 reach 151 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 7 type Link ========== TRUMP IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME!!! By his own definition - he has dominated the news cycles and TV ratings worldwide unlike any of his predecessors. Isn't that what a "reality TV" star is supposed to do? But Trump will be Trump, and he won't shut up even to save the careers of the Republicans in Congress. After all, he knows perfectly well that they don't really love him any more than he really loves them - occasional shows of affection are just reality TV. He shows what he really thinks when he starts thinking up pejorative nicknames for other Republicans. He's sure his base will protect him in the elections - even though he's not actually running this year. Just look how they roar at his campaign rallies! But he has no interest in and has put no effort into expanding his base beyond the hard core that support him because nobody else supports them and their base instincts. Republicans running this fall - fall into two camps. Those running in districts where Trump is a liability - with educated suburban women in particular - probably secretly wish that the Democrats had succeeded in impeaching and removing him so that they could be running with President Pence instead - while bitterly condemning, with crocodile tears, the Democrats for impeaching Trump. The other camp - whose ONLY claim to electability is "Trumpier than Trump" - know that their careers are finished whenever Trump leaves the scene. Sure, there'll be a Trumpist third party for a while - like the American Independent Party - that will give them a platform for future revenge runs against Republicans - much to the joy of Democrats everywhere. They might even get some Democratic donations to encourage them. If all that happens, then Trump will be remembered not only for revitalizing the Democratic Party and moving it to the left, but for revitalizing the Republican Party and moving it to the left, or at least toward the center, by finally excising the racist cancer of Nixon's Southern Strategy from mainstream American political life. Those old enough to remember how Republican Congressional support for Nixon evaporated literally overnight - when they finally all agreed to agree publicly that the emperor had no clothes - wonder if the same instant evaporation will occur again between November and January. Nixon evidently never realized that he had done anything wrong, or perhaps he thought that his only sin was getting caught doing what he thought everybody else did. He supposed that somehow his power base in Congress had mysteriously evaporated. ===== comments 8 impact 2901 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 1 react 67 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 47 title TRUMP IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME!!! topic other wordrate 0 words 433 ID 716864595324729 URL audclicks 47 audreach 22 commentsimpress 8 commentsusers 6 engaged 26 impress 150 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 122 likeusers 11 likeuusers 89 matchedotherclicks 47 oimpress 150 oreach 100 posted "09/13/2018 11:18:05 AM" postotherclicks 22 reach 100 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== If the student makes a mistake, it is up to the student to correct it; if the professor makes a mistake, it is up to the student to correct it. NOT AT TRUMP U! If the professor were to make a mistake, and you, a student were to point it out.... YOU'RE FIRED! There are no mistakes at Trump U - only BIG BEAUTIFUL SUCCESS STORIES. Like Puerto Rico - etc... ===== comments 1 impact 99 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 3 react 14 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title If the student makes a mistake, it is up to the student topic other wordrate 0 words 71 ID 716805341997321 URL audclicks 11 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 impress 87 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 53 likeusers 1 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 87 oreach 50 posted "09/13/2018 08:20:00 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 50 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== "true" and "false" do not deserve equal coverage It's not always easy to determine ultimate factual truth. But that's no excuse not to try. Entertainment - supermarket tabloids and their newer technological successors - is not to be confused or compared to journalism. One way to tell the difference: * journalism sells ads in order to pay for gathering and publishing the editorial content. * entertainment digs up or makes up "content" in order to sell ads or merchandise ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 308 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 1 react 39 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 34 title "true" and "false" do not deserve topic other wordrate 0 words 79 ID 716755022002353 URL audclicks 34 audreach 11 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 11 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 94 likeclickusers 10 likeuimpress 72 likeuusers 62 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 33 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 94 oreach 68 posted "09/13/2018 07:05:22 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 10 reach 68 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== immigration - it's not just rapists sneaking in with contraband steel and aluminum Are folks in Trump country worried about the lack of trained medical personnel willing to settle in their little towns? It's not going to be native-born Americans who help out on that. Or who help out on picking crops, for that matter. ===== impact 50 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-13 ratio 3 react 9 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title immigration - it's not just rapists sneaking in with topic other wordrate 0 words 55 ID 716743982003457 URL audclicks 7 audreach 2 engaged 4 impress 50 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 34 likeusers 2 likeuusers 30 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 50 oreach 32 posted "09/13/2018 06:39:20 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 32 type Link ========== The free press evolves to meet new challenges But it won't be there in the future unless you support it. ===== impact 46 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-09-12 ratio 2 react 23 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title The free press evolves to meet new challenges topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 716558432022012 URL audclicks 17 audreach 7 engaged 9 impress 95 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 75 likeusers 6 likeuusers 57 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 14 oimpress 95 oreach 62 posted "09/12/2018 08:58:58 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 4 reach 62 type Link ========== All about the 2008 collapse - lessons learned and forgotten, and what's similar and different today. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-12 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title All about the 2008 collapse - topic other wordrate 0 words 16 title All about the 2008 collapse - ID 716556592022196 URL type Link posted "09/12/2018 08:50:30 PM" reach 11 oreach 11 impress 25 oimpress 25 likeuimpress 13 likeuusers 9 ========== Stick by Jeff Sessions because we're stuck with Jeff Sessions Progressives and even centrist Democrats and Republicans find a lot to not like in Jeff Sessions. The Southern Poverty Law Conference pointed out a speech he made to the Alliance Defending Freedom, which the SPLC has classified as a hate group, using the same criteria the Justice Department uses. But Sessions stood up for the integrity of the Justice Department when it mattered. And Trump will be president for two more years unless impeached, and the most probable road to impeachment is through the Mueller investigation. Whenever Trump fires Sessions for protecting the Mueller investigation, he'll try to appoint somebody worse who will obey Trump's orders. He'll probably try to do that between the election and the new Congress, while he will still have a thin majority in the Senate to confirm his new choice. Otherwise Trump will have to appoint an "acting" attorney general who will serve for the rest of Trump's term. ===== comments 3 impact 607 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-09-12 ratio 2 react 37 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title Stick by Jeff Sessions because we're stuck with Jeff topic other wordrate 0 words 164 ID 716207438723778 URL audclicks 26 audreach 17 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 21 impress 122 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 74 likeusers 5 likeuusers 66 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 24 oimpress 122 oreach 93 posted "09/12/2018 08:26:10 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 15 reach 93 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== It couldn't happen again, could it? One or two more housing crises and the transformation of America into a third-world income distribution will be complete. ===== impact 60 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-12 ratio 2 react 24 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title It couldn't happen again, could it? topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 716145215396667 URL audclicks 19 audreach 8 engaged 8 impress 83 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 45 likeusers 2 likeuusers 34 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 83 oreach 52 posted "09/12/2018 05:55:52 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 7 reach 52 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== China and Russia find common ground ===== comments 1 impact 19 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 ratio 3 react 31 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 20 title China and Russia find common ground topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 715977618746760 URL audclicks 20 audreach 15 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 19 impress 152 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 93 likeusers 6 likeuusers 76 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 152 oreach 107 posted "09/11/2018 09:29:30 PM" postlinkclicks 9 postotherclicks 8 reach 107 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Financial crises tend to radicalize electorates - You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out "Too big to fail" used to refer to banks; now to cities, states, nations. Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire of every crisis. Maybe we are all simply incapable of learning ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Financial crises tend to radicalize electorates - topic other wordrate 0 words 54 title Financial crises tend to radicalize electorates - ID 715937485417440 URL type Link posted "09/11/2018 07:27:57 PM" reach 24 oreach 24 impress 47 oimpress 47 likeuimpress 25 likeuusers 21 ========== The decline of organized labor and the plight of the working poor ===== comments 3 impact 52 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 ratio 2 react 43 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 28 title The decline of organized labor and the plight of the topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 715930985418090 URL audclicks 28 audreach 11 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 15 impress 148 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 75 likeusers 8 likeuusers 58 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 23 oimpress 148 oreach 96 posted "09/11/2018 07:17:14 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 9 reach 96 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== How will Anonymous explain this to his children? ===== comments 1 impact 11 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 ratio 4 react 14 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title How will Anonymous explain this to his children? topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 715897355421453 URL audclicks 8 audreach 8 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 11 impress 111 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 4 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 111 oreach 67 posted "09/11/2018 07:01:08 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 3 reach 67 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== giveaways to the powerful, loss and risk for the powerless Maybe we are all simply incapable of learning ===== comments 1 impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 ratio 11 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title giveaways to the powerful, loss and risk for the powerless topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 715868942090961 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 2 impress 61 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 38 likeusers 1 likeuusers 30 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 61 oreach 33 posted "09/11/2018 05:26:47 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 33 type Link ========== Two small steps toward a better political future One step at a time is the way things get better. ===== impact 55 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 ratio 5 react 29 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title Two small steps toward a better political future topic other wordrate 0 words 19 ID 715726948771827 URL audclicks 13 audreach 8 engaged 15 impress 217 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 12 likeuusers 55 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 217 oreach 156 posted "09/11/2018 01:05:13 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 8 reach 156 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan A worthy cause - if you live in those states, don't forget to vote Democratic straight down the ticket. If you don't live in those states, it is worth your while to support the effort in time or money - Long term, Federal redistricting should be done at a Federal level. And ranked-choice voting and multimember Congressional districts would also help reduce the benefit of gerrymandering. ===== comments 1 impact 50 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 ratio 4 react 7 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan topic other wordrate 0 words 71 ID 715723478772174 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 impress 58 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 35 likeusers 1 likeuusers 27 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 58 oreach 29 posted "09/11/2018 12:51:05 PM" postotherclicks 5 reach 29 type Link ========== If at first you don't succeed - repeat the same dumb idea. The essence of this proposal is in what they don't talk about in their press release - pass-through taxation, alternative minimum tax, estate tax. None of which applies to the average W-2 wage slave. But the billionaires hear it loud and clear. Ever wonder where the last tax cut went? We've never been in this situation before - Even Romney can't take it any more - But his principles are a little uncertain, since he decided to oppose Obamacare even though it was modeled on Romney's own popular Masscare. Perhaps it's all just a publicity stunt - "Privately they admit they’re doing this to score political points against Democrats in an election year. They know that there won’t be support in the Senate to make last year’s reductions of individual rates permanent because there won’t be 60 votes." Or maybe not. William Jennings Bryan again: "There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them. ... You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." ===== comments 15 impact 5953 impactrate 0 likeimpress 33 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 ratio 2 react 247 reactrate 0 shares 21 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 178 title If at first you don't succeed - topic other wordrate 0 words 241 ID 715678712109984 URL audclicks 178 audreach 51 commentsimpress 15 commentsusers 13 engaged 73 impress 819 likeclickusers 53 likeimpress 33 likeuimpress 197 likeusers 33 likeuusers 154 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 170 oimpress 819 oreach 547 posted "09/11/2018 10:20:01 AM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 46 reach 547 sharesimpress 21 sharesusers 21 type Link ========== Florence Foster Jenkins, Donald Trump, and Don Juan in Hell After seeing a production of "Souvenir," a play about Florence Foster Jenkins, the question arises - What does an academic discussion about postmodernism and deconstructionism have to do with the hell of current American politics and a hell of a bad singer and the hell of Don Juan? lines 148-545 It's all about what is ultimately real. Right-wing supporters of Trump's fantasies argue that the moral relativism began in left-wing academic philosophy circles so that they have no basis for complaining about Trump. But as Hanlon says, "the real enemy of truth is not postmodernism but propaganda, the active distortion of truth for political purposes," and there's nothing new about that. It is true that, for any individual person, his reality only exists inside his own head, and it is shaped by everything that happened to him and his ancestors - all the way back to protozoa. So no two persons perceive exactly the same reality. So, the argument goes, one person's reality is as good as another's. So why shouldn't Trump talk about the reality that's in his head? Why shouldn't Florence Foster Jenkins believe the reality in her own head? Shaw was a dramatist, rather than a theologian or philosopher, but in the Don Juan in Hell dream sequence - part of the enormous play Man and Superman - he imagines heaven and hell in a much more convincing way than most theologians. Heaven is the place for those who wish to master reality, while hell is the place for those who wish to master illusion. Where would Donald Trump and Florence Foster Jenkins choose to go? Shaw attributed a line to an imaginary poet - "Hell is a city, much like Seville" since the characters in his play derived from Mozart's Don Giovanni, which is set in Seville - but if he had been writing a century later, he might have suggested "Hell is a city, much like Las Vegas" or "Hell is a city of reality TV." The observations of Don Juan in Hell - before he leaves for heaven - cover a vast scope of human experience, in Shaw's usual entertaining style, because Don Juan is of course a personification of Shaw himself. Well worth reading! By the way, if you read the rest of Act III, before and after the Don Juan in Hell dream sequence, you'll see how little effect a century has had on left-wing factionalism. Although academic philosophy is above the pay grade and competence level of most of us, people who have studied physical science understand that there is some absolute objective reality operating in the universe, whether or not there are any pundits to blog about it or philosophers to deconstruct it. That objective reality operated before any living things existed and will continue to operate after all living things have disappeared. It's not as easy to be sure about human reality as it is to be sure about physical reality, but the basis of much Western tradition back to the Greeks is that we can understand better and get closer to something like objective truth if we try - and that it is worthwhile, and essential, to try. The Eastern understanding, that external reality is an illusion and the only true reality is internal, might be helpful to individuals coping with impossible objective circumstances, but it's not so helpful for improving those objective circumstances. Something to remember on 9-11. Something real happened. It was an objective fact, not an illusion. ===== impact 59 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-11 ratio 39 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Florence Foster Jenkins, Donald Trump, and Don Juan in Hell topic other wordrate 0 words 590 ID 715638752113980 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 71 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 35 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 71 oreach 39 posted "09/11/2018 08:28:13 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 39 type Link ========== The heart of a salesman If only Arthur Miller were here to write a play about it. ===== comments 11 impact 116 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-09-10 ratio 3 react 68 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 44 title The heart of a salesman topic other wordrate 0 words 17 ID 715193368825185 URL audclicks 44 audreach 20 commentsimpress 11 commentsusers 5 engaged 26 impress 317 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 9 likeuusers 84 matchedlinkclicks 11 matchedotherclicks 33 oimpress 317 oreach 229 posted "09/10/2018 03:30:23 PM" postlinkclicks 11 postotherclicks 13 reach 229 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Why Bruce Ohr? ===== comments 1 impact 7 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-09-10 ratio 3 react 24 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Why Bruce Ohr? topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 715191845492004 URL audclicks 15 audreach 11 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 13 impress 135 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 54 likeusers 6 likeuusers 39 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 135 oreach 81 posted "09/10/2018 03:24:13 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 10 reach 81 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Proposition 13 - still popular in spite of itself It's a success at its original goal - reducing property taxes for businesses and rental residences. It wasn't sold that way - and it's still popular with people who have been able to live in the same place ever since, including lots of elderly - even though most voters, asked about specific provisions of Prop 13, are not in favor. In a way it's the mirror image of Obamacare - most voters used to be against it but in favor of any particular benefit it contained. Now red-state Democrats run on Obamacare without using its name. So Californians might think they are smarter than West Virginians, and vice versa, but they are both just dumb about different things. But back to Prop 13 - a better way to achieve the something-for-nothing benefit homeowners crave would be to allow them to defer property taxes and capital gains on their primary residence until they are no longer home owners (or death). The details might be complicated but it would be fair to all homeowners, no matter when they bought their homes. The sad big picture is that people will stubbornly cling to a supposed benefit even when the benefit is to somebody else. Meanwhile most of the technologists who come to California to create the future - will have received their primary and secondary educations elsewhere. ===== impact 303 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-09-10 ratio 4 react 13 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title Proposition 13 - still popular in spite of itself topic other wordrate 0 words 233 ID 715149225496266 URL audclicks 10 audreach 8 engaged 8 impress 93 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 39 likeusers 2 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 93 oreach 63 posted "09/10/2018 12:44:31 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 7 reach 63 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== The Kochs don't like Trump but they want to defend his billionaire tax cuts, billionaire deregulation, and billionaire-supporting reactionary Federal judiciary, so - Of course, the Kochs don't want to disclose their donor list, even confidentially - Of course, if Trump were really the billionaire he pretends to be, he could pay for his own re-election and those of all his pals in the Senate and House out of his own pocket, through a PAC. But he'd rather ask his impoverished supporters to pay for their further impoverishment. What can people of lesser means make a difference? Five dollar donations make a big difference when there are enough of them. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee National Democratic Redistricting Committee - working right now on state governors and legislatures that control redistricting Fight Back California - California 7 Project - working to retire seven vulnerable Trumpists - lately expanded to include Devin Nunes among others And support reforms to get the dark money out of politics, so we know who is paying for whom - Voters who think that elections should be decided by people rather than dollars, should support the necessary structural changes to campaign finance laws to make sure that AT LEAST we know who's paying, and better yet to restrict political contributions to registered voters. More at ===== comments 2 impact 910 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 0 posted 2018-09-10 ratio 3 react 41 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title The Kochs don't like Trump topic other wordrate 0 words 222 ID 715066972171158 URL audclicks 26 audreach 16 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 21 impress 228 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 86 likeusers 7 likeuusers 73 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 23 oimpress 228 oreach 162 posted "09/10/2018 08:47:03 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 13 reach 162 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Why democracies have so much trouble with future crises Politicians who refuse to acknowledge future threats and prescribe present defenses are usually more popular than those more far-sighted. ===== impact 31 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-09-10 ratio 5 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Why democracies have so much trouble with future crises topic other wordrate 0 words 28 ID 715023542175501 URL audclicks 9 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 103 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 61 likeusers 1 likeuusers 53 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 103 oreach 62 posted "09/10/2018 06:43:05 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 62 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Trumponomics - let no past mistake remain unrepeated Remove what little burdensome Federal regulation is left! Maybe some lessons are just incapable of being learned ===== hide 1 impact 43 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-09-10 ratio 3 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title Trumponomics - let no past mistake remain unrepeated topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 715020322175823 URL audclicks 13 audreach 5 engaged 7 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 91 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 51 likeusers 2 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 10 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 91 oreach 52 posted "09/10/2018 06:35:52 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 2 reach 52 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== When did you last change your mind on a significant political, economic or social issue? When did you vote with the other side? It's all about vast sums of dark money and institutional and personal ideological barriers to centrist and independent candidates and bipartisan initiatives. The long-term solutions have to involve getting the dark money out of politics - we need to know who is buying whom - and removing institutional barriers by reforms liked ranked-choice voting instead of primaries and caucuses. Voters who think that elections should be decided by people rather than dollars, should support the necessary structural changes to campaign finance laws to make sure that AT LEAST we know who's paying, and better yet to restrict political contributions to registered voters. Voters who would like Congress to make choices other than the extreme left or extreme right, should support the necessary structural changes to Congressional rules that inhibit centrist and bipartisan solutions. Voters who would like to choose candidates other than the extreme left or extreme right that party primaries tend to produce, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws that inhibit centrist, independent and third-party candidates. More at ===== comments 1 impact 176 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-08 ratio 4 react 9 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title When did you last change your mind on a significant topic other wordrate 0 words 195 ID 713769088967613 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 78 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 46 likeusers 4 likeuusers 34 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 78 oreach 36 posted "09/08/2018 06:31:56 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 36 type Link ========== If you can't dig up something - then make up something That's the low road in politics. And it works, because you can say anything you want during a political campaign with impunity. ===== comments 1 impact 119 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-09-07 ratio 2 react 36 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 28 title If you can't dig up something - then make up something topic other wordrate 0 words 33 ID 713470855664103 URL audclicks 28 audreach 16 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 20 impress 139 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 78 likeusers 4 likeuusers 67 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 20 oimpress 139 oreach 91 posted "09/07/2018 06:57:26 PM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 10 reach 91 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== register - inform - think - donate - vote - reform So what are YOU going to do about American politics? Staying home is a vote for Trump Why don't YOU REGISTER to vote INFORM yourself about the issues and candidates THINK about short-term tactics and long-term strategy DONATE money or time or both to worthy issues and candidates VOTE by November 6! to fix the short-term problems SUPPORT REFORMS to fix the long-term problems ===== 2018 tactics to fix the short-term problems For 2018, almost everybody who is concerned about the direction the Trumpists want to go should just vote a straight Democratic ticket. Anti-Trump Republicans have been pretty much eliminated in the primaries. Very few independents and third-party candidates have the slightest chance of winning, so in almost all cases a vote for them is a vote for Trumpism, as is a vote for staying home or going fishing. This is no time to indulge in wishful ideological thinking. Likewise for 2018, it's very appropriate to support Democratic politicians even if you've never donated money or time to political causes before. Money is the mother's milk of politics; nobody gets very far without it. You can donate to specific campaigns or, if you're not sure, consider - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee National Democratic Redistricting Committee - working right now on state governors and legislatures that control redistricting Fight Back California - California 7 Project - working to retire seven vulnerable Trumpists - lately expanded to include Devin Nunes among others They would all prefer 100 $5 donations to one $500 donation, and they'll put them to work where they will make the greatest difference. Of course, if you are a racist sexist greedy billionaire, you might think you'll get a better return on your investment at and you might be right in the short term; fortunately you're rich enough to be able to afford to lose all your investment when it suddenly goes south sooner or later. In the present climate, the average Democratic candidate is likely to be a better choice than the average Trumpist candidate. But the Democratic candidate has not always been the best choice in all times and places; sometimes it's been hard to tell the difference between Republican and Democratic candidates. Not this year. You did register to vote for the primaries, didn't you? If not, here's a primer - ===== Reform Strategy to fix the long-term problems Longer-term there are some important ideas that deserve your support - the right structural changes are far more powerful than electing any one candidate in any one election - Ideologically-oriented voters who would like to vote for an independent or third-party candidate, but not throw their vote away or have it become in effect a vote for Trumpists, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws: ranked-choice voting and multimember districts. Voters who think that elections should be decided by people rather than dollars, should support the necessary structural changes to campaign finance laws to make sure that AT LEAST we know who's paying, and better yet to restrict political contributions to registered voters. Voters who would like Congress to make choices other than the extreme left or extreme right, should support the necessary structural changes to Congressional rules that inhibit centrist and bipartisan solutions. Voters who would like to choose candidates other than the extreme left or extreme right that party primaries tend to produce, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws that inhibit centrist, independent and third-party candidates. More at ===== comments 1 impact 1119 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-09-07 ratio 2 react 19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title register - inform - think - donate - vote - reform topic other wordrate 0 words 589 ID 713348755676313 URL audclicks 13 audreach 8 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 12 impress 109 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 77 likeusers 5 likeuusers 53 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 109 oreach 56 posted "09/07/2018 02:43:51 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 6 reach 56 type Link ========== op-ed: a deep state conspiracy Everybody else has a theory about who wrote the anonymous NY Times op-ed, so here's another one: the op-ed was written by a group of traditional Republican mid-level people - think Guccifer 2.0 or N. Bourbaki - carefully crafted ("lodestar") to make it look like it might have been written by somebody else - and transmitted by a senior-level person who could later truthfully say he/she didn't write it. The purpose is three-fold: 1) Get the Democrats fired up to talk about impeachment or 25th Amendment constantly, and thus 2) Get the Republican base fired up to protect Trump by turning out to vote on November 6 instead of staying home despondent over losing control of Congress, and thereby improve Republican chances in November 3) Distract everybody from Kavanaugh's nomination hearings - that accounts for the particular timing - and thus improve chances of confirmation that looks good for Trump and will protect him if he ends up before the Supreme Court. The purpose, as made plain in the op-ed, is to protect traditional Republican gains despite Trump. As for specific allegations, they will be forgotten soon enough whenever the next worse scandal erupts. As usual, Trump knows nothing about the plan, but responded exactly as scripted. This theory is based on no special inside information whatever, but if the President can make up any story he pleases, it's because he wants everybody else to do the same, so nobody believes anything. But you can always ask yourself, "How would Roger Stone create or exploit a situation like this?" ===== comments 6 impact 3379 impactrate 0 likeimpress 21 negative 0 posted 2018-09-07 ratio 2 react 128 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 93 title op-ed: a deep state conspiracy topic other wordrate 0 words 264 ID 713279962349859 URL audclicks 93 audreach 53 commentsimpress 6 commentsusers 5 engaged 63 impress 511 likeclickusers 24 likeimpress 21 likeuimpress 113 likeusers 20 likeuusers 89 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 86 oimpress 511 oreach 366 posted "09/07/2018 11:16:37 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 50 reach 366 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== How can President Trump become as great as President Hamilton? Trick question! Not everybody on our paper currency has been President. But Hamilton did get a clause in the Constitution named after him anyway, inserted specifically to prevent (future) immigrants from becoming President. Trump would have liked the Hamilton clause, because it discriminated against immigrants. Trump should be similarly honored with a clause, inserted specifically to deal with anybody like him who might be elected President in the future. Hamilton would have liked the Trump clause, because it discriminated against incompetents. The Trump clause could go like this: at any time the House of Representatives may nominate a new President by a 2/3 vote conducted with ranked-choice voting. The Senate then has 72 hours to confirm the nomination by a simple 2/3 yea/nay vote. If confirmed, the new President is immediately sworn in. This mechanism avoids the necessity of a criminal charge and trial, or a finding of mental or medical incapacity. You can be incompetent to be President while mentally and medically competent for normal life and free of provable criminal conduct. This, or any, constitutional amendment is very hard to pass. But maybe the motivation will be sufficient soon. This mechanism would not be invoked successfully very often. It is very hard to imagine getting 2/3 agreement on ANY issue with the current Congress. It might be successfully invoked about as often as impeachment, which is never so far (Andrew Johnson was impeached but not convicted by the Senate - read about it in Kennedy's Profiles in Courage). The purpose of the Trump clause is to get future Presidents to consider their actions more carefully and to seek and to act upon better advice. Or, as with the impeachment process, encourage a President who's in the wrong job to resign and seek employment better matched to his skills. As the song goes.... If you see Crooked Hill'ry, please tell her thanks a lot, The recession that's due is going to give me quite a bad blot, My cabinet is such losers, they can't even pass a single law, And my best friend, if I had one, wouldn't even say where it is that I rot. I started out with lock-her-up but soon switched to harder stuff, Everybody said that they'd stand behind me when the game got rough, But the joke was on me, there was no one there to even bluff, I'm going back to New York City, I do believe I've had enough. -- Just Like Don Trump's Blues ===== impact 42 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-09-06 ratio 27 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title How can President Trump become as great as President topic other wordrate 0 words 423 ID 712755542402301 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 60 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 30 likeuusers 25 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 60 oreach 27 posted "09/06/2018 03:38:08 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 27 type Link ========== Slicing up nation states - leading to peace or war? Can peoples be bored into belligerency? One might think that it shouldn't matter much whether the European Union is divided into traditional large nation-states or the smaller ethnicities than came before them. As long as the citizens think of themselves as Europeans first, why not? The recent experience of Yugoslavia is not encouraging. Dividing Europe up into tiny ethno-states might encourage traditional ethno-identities rather than pan-European ones. And that can turn into unhealthy focus on ancient ethno-grievances. The experience of Africa is not encouraging either. The newly independent nations of Africa decided to respect their colonial boundaries, not because they made sense, but because the alternative made less sense. But that consensus is falling apart. ===== impact 50 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-30 ratio 9 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Slicing up nation states - leading to peace or war? topic other wordrate 0 words 125 ID 708916326119556 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 79 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 46 likeusers 1 likeuusers 35 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 79 oreach 37 posted "08/30/2018 06:30:11 AM" postotherclicks 3 reach 37 type Link ========== At last, blame the boomers instead of the millenials ===== comments 1 impact 8 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-30 ratio 5 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title At last, blame the boomers instead of the millenials topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 708891406122048 URL audclicks 7 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 4 impress 78 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 62 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 78 oreach 53 posted "08/30/2018 06:11:57 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 53 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Independents Day Many voters would like another choice besides those chosen by the major parties' ideological extremists - the ones who show up to vote in primaries - as exemplified yesterday in Florida. Unite America is working to improve the chances and effectiveness of other choices - That's a gradual process of removing institutional obstacles that favor the major parties. The single most helpful reform would be ranked-choice voting - As desirable as these long-term structural changes are, for the 2018 Federal election, in most states without ranked-choice voting, the winner is either going to be a Democrat or a Trumpist. Votes for independents and third parties might as well be Trumpist votes. ===== impact 45 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-08-29 ratio 9 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Independents Day topic other wordrate 0 words 113 ID 708585662819289 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 52 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 39 likeusers 2 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 52 oreach 36 posted "08/29/2018 05:36:33 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 36 type Link ========== What does it take to visit the Oval Office? ===== comments 1 impact 6 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-29 ratio 6 react 7 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title What does it take to visit the Oval Office? topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 708576579486864 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 impress 60 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 53 likeusers 1 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 60 oreach 44 posted "08/29/2018 05:01:28 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 2 reach 44 type Link ========== Muslim Brotherhood a force for democracy? Accepting democracy means accepting democratic results you don't like, as long as the essence of democracy is preserved: recognition of and protection of rights of minorities. Why would the Trump administration encourage politicization of religion in America and not elsewhere? ===== hide 1 impact 69 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-08-29 ratio 5 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title Muslim Brotherhood a force for democracy? topic other wordrate 0 words 46 ID 708569866154202 URL audclicks 10 audreach 9 engaged 9 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 115 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 67 likeusers 2 likeuusers 49 matchedotherclicks 10 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 115 oreach 82 posted "08/29/2018 04:38:10 PM" postotherclicks 9 reach 82 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== What's going to happen in Florida? Will the left-wing Democrat frighten the independents into voting Republican, or will the right-wing Trumpist frighten the independents into voting Democratic? If Florida had ranked-choice-voting, centrist independent candidates could run without worrying about whether they are paving the way for the worst outcome. ===== comments 1 impact 15 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-29 ratio 9 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title What's going to happen in Florida? topic other wordrate 0 words 49 ID 708429749501547 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 2 impress 41 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 36 likeuusers 26 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 41 oreach 27 posted "08/29/2018 10:54:44 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 27 type Link ========== Why tariffs are usually a terrible idea and why they get imposed anyway. ===== impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-29 ratio 6 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Why tariffs are usually a terrible idea topic other wordrate 0 words 13 ID 708363142841541 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 84 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 35 likeusers 1 likeuusers 28 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 84 oreach 61 posted "08/29/2018 07:35:15 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 61 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== China has become a naval power But to what end? ===== impact 7 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-29 ratio 5 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title China has become a naval power topic other wordrate 0 words 10 ID 708360886175100 URL audclicks 5 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 60 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 52 likeusers 1 likeuusers 37 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 60 oreach 40 posted "08/29/2018 07:31:09 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 40 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== In the Central Valley, "farmer" sounds better than "professional politician" "professional Trumpist" would have been another honest description ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-08-28 ratio 8 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title In the Central Valley, "farmer" sounds better topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 707997612878094 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 53 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 49 likeusers 2 likeuusers 23 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 53 oreach 24 posted "08/28/2018 04:48:56 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 24 type Link ========== register - inform - think - donate - vote - reform So what are YOU going to do about American politics? Why don't YOU REGISTER to vote INFORM yourself about the issues and candidates THINK about short-term tactics and long-term strategy DONATE money or time or both to worthy issues and candidates VOTE by November 6! to fix the short-term problems SUPPORT REFORMS to fix the long-term problems ===== 2018 tactics to fix the short-term problems For 2018, almost everybody who is concerned about the direction the Trumpists want to go should just vote a straight Democratic ticket. Anti-Trump Republicans have been pretty much eliminated in the primaries. Very few independents and third-party candidates have the slightest chance of winning, so in almost all cases a vote for them is a vote for Trumpism, as is a vote for staying home or going fishing. This is no time to indulge in wishful ideological thinking. Likewise for 2018, it's very appropriate to support Democratic politicians even if you've never donated money or time to political causes before. Money is the mother's milk of politics; nobody gets very far without it. You can donate to specific campaigns or, if you're not sure, consider - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee National Democratic Redistricting Committee - working right now on state governors and legislatures that control redistricting Fight Back California - California 7 Project - working to retire seven vulnerable Trumpists - lately expanded to include Devin Nunes among others They would all prefer 100 $5 donations to one $500 donation, and they'll put them to work where they will make the greatest difference. Of course, if you are a racist sexist greedy billionaire, you might think you'll get a better return on your investment at and you might be right in the short term; fortunately you're rich enough to be able to afford to lose all your investment when it suddenly goes south sooner or later. In the present climate, the average Democratic candidate is likely to be a better choice than the average Trumpist candidate. But the Democratic candidate has not always been the best choice in all times and places; sometimes it's been hard to tell the difference between Republican and Democratic candidates. Not this year. You did register to vote for the primaries, didn't you? If not, here's a primer - ===== Reform Strategy to fix the long-term problems Longer-term there are some important ideas that deserve your support - the right structural changes are far more powerful than electing any one candidate in any one election - Ideologically-oriented voters who would like to vote for an independent or third-party candidate, but not throw their vote away or have it become in effect a vote for Trumpists, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws: ranked-choice voting and multimember districts. Voters who think that elections should be decided by people rather than dollars, should support the necessary structural changes to campaign finance laws to make sure that AT LEAST we know who's paying, and better yet to restrict political contributions to registered voters. Voters who would like Congress to make choices other than the extreme left or extreme right, should support the necessary structural changes to Congressional rules that inhibit centrist and bipartisan solutions. Voters who would like to choose candidates other than the extreme left or extreme right that party primaries tend to produce, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws that inhibit centrist, independent and third-party candidates. More at ===== comments 2 impact 873 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-08-28 ratio 3 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title register - inform - think - donate - vote - reform topic other wordrate 0 words 582 ID 707768259567696 URL audclicks 8 audreach 6 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 102 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 81 likeusers 4 likeuusers 48 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 102 oreach 54 posted "08/28/2018 10:27:24 AM" postotherclicks 6 reach 54 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Protecting the iGens considered harmful ===== impact 1 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-08-27 ratio 25 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Protecting the iGens considered harmful topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 707436696267519 URL engaged 2 impress 82 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 2 likeuusers 49 oimpress 82 oreach 50 posted "08/27/2018 06:17:10 PM" reach 50 type Link ========== Look what the wind has blown back Southern feudalism wasn't gone with the wind after all Why DID poor free whites fight for slaveholders? ===== impact 41 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-08-27 ratio 4 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title Look what the wind has blown back topic other wordrate 0 words 24 ID 707434256267763 URL audclicks 13 audreach 10 engaged 10 impress 122 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 80 likeusers 2 likeuusers 54 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 122 oreach 81 posted "08/27/2018 06:08:59 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 7 reach 81 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Be done with caucuses! A better alternative is ranked-choice-voting and multimember districts ===== comments 3 impact 26 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-27 ratio 3 react 22 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Be done with caucuses! topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 707364026274786 URL audclicks 14 audreach 5 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 6 impress 121 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 3 likeuusers 65 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 121 oreach 81 posted "08/27/2018 03:55:51 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 81 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Splitting the Trump Vote Looks like tariffs are finally going to divide the two main parts of the Trump constituency - == #1) The people that voted for change in their lives and sure got change, but in the wrong direction - But Trump's not into nuance - either you are 100% for him or you are the deep-state coastal-elitist fake-news enemy. So he loves the faithful that turn out for his campaign rallies - == #2) The people that voted for Trump and love him 100%, no matter what, even if they're worse off - One wonders how many will be left in either camp after the current economic recovery ends. It might last through the election, but hardly any economists think it will last until 2020. The Trumpists have been doing their best to insure that it will be hard landing - In any case, a surprisingly large part of the electorate likes trade - Indeed, if Trump were replaced by Pence, the market response would probably be positive - ===== impact 120 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-27 ratio 7 react 7 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Splitting the Trump Vote topic other wordrate 0 words 172 ID 707146399629882 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 6 impress 77 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 74 likeusers 3 likeuusers 49 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 77 oreach 50 posted "08/27/2018 06:24:58 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 50 type Link ========== register - inform - think - donate - vote So what are YOU going to do about American politics? REGISTER to vote INFORM yourself about the issues and candidates THINK about short-term tactics and long-term strategy DONATE money or time or both to worthy issues and candidates VOTE by November 6! to fix the short-term problems SUPPORT REFORMS to fix the long-term problems ===== 2018 tactics to fix the short-term problems For 2018, almost everybody who is concerned about the direction the Trumpists want to go should just vote a straight Democratic ticket. Anti-Trump Republicans have been pretty much eliminated in the primaries. Very few independents and third-party candidates have the slightest chance of winning, so in almost all cases a vote for them is a vote for Trumpism, as is a vote for staying home or going fishing. This is no time to indulge in wishful ideological thinking. Likewise for 2018, it's very appropriate to support Democratic politicians even if you've never donated money or time to political causes before. Money is the mother's milk of politics; nobody gets very far without it. You can donate to specific campaigns or, if you're not sure, consider - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee National Democratic Redistricting Committee - working right now on state governors and legislatures that control redistricting Fight Back California - California 7 Project - working to retire seven vulnerable Trumpists - lately expanded to include Devin Nunes among others They would all prefer 100 $5 donations to one $500 donation, and they'll put them to work where they will make the greatest difference. Of course, if you are a racist sexist greedy billionaire, you might think you'll get a better return on your investment at and you might be right in the short term; fortunately you're rich enough to be able to afford to lose all your investment when it suddenly goes south sooner or later. In the present climate, the average Democratic candidate is likely to be a better choice than the average Trumpist candidate. But the Democratic candidate has not always been the best choice in all times and places; sometimes it's been hard to tell the difference between Republican and Democratic candidates. Not this year. You did register to vote for the primaries, didn't you? If not, here's a primer - ===== Future Strategy to fix the long-term problems Longer-term there are some important ideas that deserve your support - the right structural changes are far more powerful than electing any one candidate in any one election - Ideologically-oriented voters who would like to vote for an independent or third-party candidate, but not throw their vote away or have it become in effect a vote for Trumpists, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws: ranked-choice voting and multimember districts. Voters who think that elections should be decided by people rather than dollars, should support the necessary structural changes to campaign finance laws to make sure that AT LEAST we know who's paying, and better yet to restrict political contributions to registered voters. Voters who would like Congress to make choices other than the extreme left or extreme right, should support the necessary structural changes to Congressional rules that inhibit centrist and bipartisan solutions. Voters who would like to choose candidates other than the extreme left or extreme right that party primaries tend to produce, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws that inhibit centrist, independent and third-party candidates. More at ===== impact 58 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-27 ratio 27 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title register - inform - think - donate - vote topic other wordrate 0 words 577 ID 707132602964595 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 43 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 40 likeuusers 26 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 43 oreach 27 posted "08/27/2018 05:52:47 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 27 type Link ========== Mueller better not be looking forward to a new career New York commercial real estate? Casino magnate? Reality TV star? Mueller couldn't be any of those things. His personality is all wrong. Mueller is aware of what he owes his predecessors and what he owes his successors. Modesty and self-restraint are his hallmarks. The people on the other side of the court from his prosecutors tend to have more of an "apres moi le deluge" attitude: who cares what happens after we're gone? ===== impact 91 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-26 ratio 4 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Mueller better not be looking forward to a new career topic other wordrate 0 words 83 ID 706596846351504 URL audclicks 9 audreach 7 engaged 9 impress 63 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 58 likeusers 1 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 63 oreach 48 posted "08/26/2018 06:42:46 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 6 reach 48 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== The Republican Party is dead. Long live the Trump Party! They might as well bury the Republican Party with McCain. ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 56 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 1 posted 2018-08-26 ratio 4 react 28 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 16 title The Republican Party is dead. Long live the Trump Party! topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 706591733018682 URL audclicks 16 audreach 8 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 14 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 193 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 120 likeusers 7 likeuusers 87 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 11 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 193 oreach 136 posted "08/26/2018 06:31:01 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 5 reach 136 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Coming soon to theatres near you - an interview with the Devil! A friend of the Devil is a friend of mine? ===== impact 33 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-08-26 ratio 6 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Coming soon to theatres near you - an interview with topic other wordrate 0 words 22 ID 706590333018822 URL audclicks 8 audreach 6 engaged 8 impress 126 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 85 likeusers 4 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 126 oreach 92 posted "08/26/2018 06:27:13 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 92 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== The real crime wave engulfing America Nobody important went to jail for the 2008 financial meltdown, even though it was bigger than Enron and bigger than the Reagan savings and loan crisis. There's reasons for that Billionaires don't like the IRS snooping, so Republicans oblige ===== comments 2 impact 149 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-08-25 ratio 3 react 33 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title The real crime wave engulfing America topic other wordrate 0 words 45 ID 706072403070615 URL audclicks 19 audreach 14 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 17 impress 229 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 94 likeusers 6 likeuusers 60 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 229 oreach 127 posted "08/25/2018 05:52:02 AM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 9 reach 127 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== In the greatest traditions of American democracy Democracy is not defined by majority rule; that defines a mob. Democracy is defined by recognition of and preservation of rights of minorities, even unpopular minorities, even minorities of just one person. Thus in America, everybody, even very unpopular defendants, gets a fair trial, and an adequate lawyer. (Of course, to get a great lawyer, you might have to pay more!) John Adams was not a great president, but who could look good after Washington? Adams' best claim to fame is representing the accused English soldiers in the Boston Massacre - VERY unpopular defendants. Rudolf Abel was not a terrible effective spy, but he was an unpopular one when caught. Even so, he got an effective defense from James Donovan, who became rather unpopular himself, as dramatized in the movie The tradition continues, and Michael Cohen, who probably doesn't have many friends left, got potent representation from an unexpected quarter One wonders who will be left to defend Trump if it comes to that. The best thing Trump could do would be to let somebody sensible choose his defense team. ===== impact 355 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-24 ratio 3 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 16 title In the greatest traditions of American democracy topic other wordrate 0 words 187 ID 705640439780478 URL audclicks 16 audreach 12 engaged 12 impress 95 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 58 likeusers 1 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 15 oimpress 95 oreach 73 posted "08/24/2018 04:48:14 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 11 reach 73 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Extra barriers for female candidates ===== impact 16 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 0 posted 2018-08-24 ratio 4 react 31 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 16 title Extra barriers for female candidates topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 705506666460522 URL audclicks 16 audreach 11 engaged 19 impress 213 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 96 likeusers 10 likeuusers 65 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 213 oreach 154 posted "08/24/2018 02:05:14 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 7 reach 154 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Legislative and judicial branches cooperate to compromise and discourage intelligence sources vital to national security ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-24 ratio 17 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Legislative and judicial branches cooperate to compromise topic other wordrate 0 words 15 ID 705334203144435 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 54 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 52 likeuusers 32 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 54 oreach 34 posted "08/24/2018 10:29:00 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 34 type Link ========== Trump administration delivers on another campaign promise California agribusiness $upported his campaign and his confederates, and he promised he'd reward them - and punish all those Democrats in LA ===== comments 5 impact 133 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-24 ratio 1 react 46 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 37 title Trump administration delivers on another campaign promise topic other wordrate 0 words 29 ID 705158923161963 URL audclicks 37 audreach 8 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 4 engaged 11 impress 170 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 159 likeusers 3 likeuusers 73 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 32 oimpress 170 oreach 82 posted "08/24/2018 06:55:00 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 6 reach 82 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== A free press can still do productive investigative journalism But how much longer? A free press is not free of charge. ===== comments 1 hideall 1 impact 76 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 1 posted 2018-08-24 ratio 3 react 36 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title A free press can still do productive investigative topic other wordrate 0 words 21 ID 705155363162319 URL audclicks 17 audreach 11 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 18 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 197 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 118 likeusers 13 likeuusers 83 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 15 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 197 oreach 132 posted "08/24/2018 06:51:13 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 9 reach 132 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Trump might be right about one thing But if teetotalers become Trumpists, it's time for a beer. ===== comments 9 impact 100 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-23 ratio 3 react 59 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 48 title Trump might be right about one thing topic other wordrate 0 words 17 ID 704583239886198 URL audclicks 48 audreach 35 commentsimpress 9 commentsusers 7 engaged 36 impress 470 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 114 likeusers 1 likeuusers 72 matchedlinkclicks 22 matchedotherclicks 26 oimpress 470 oreach 226 posted "08/23/2018 06:48:54 PM" postlinkclicks 20 postotherclicks 21 reach 226 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== When it's all over Sooner or later the Trump era will be history. If you find, as seems likely, that many more bad expectations were met than good ones, don't expect to be complimented on your foresight by the hardcore Trump base. They will all believe they got what they were promised, whether coal billionaire, pious housewife, or racist moron. Thus it's a waste of time to explain to this constituency that Trump's policies are actually working against their interests. They don't care - he's addressing their dreams, hopes, and fears, not their realities. They even understand that his tax and tariff policies are not in their interest - but they don't mind Save your energy for the much larger group of persuadables who voted for Obama and then for Trump - And here's how to apply that energy - ===== Trump's favorite president is Andrew Jackson - whose supporters celebrated his inauguration by trashing the White House, breaking previous norms. Jackson broke other norms too, ignoring the Supreme Court when it suited him, inventing partisan politics as we know it today, persecuting Indians at every opportunity, and understanding very little about money. He held grudges all his life. Still his identification with the common man was based on his own real experience growing up with the poverty and danger of frontier life; he knew the light of Freemasonry; he was a real war hero; he paid off the national debt; he held the union together through its first secession crisis - over tariffs! - and maybe that last accomplishment is why Jackson is on the $20. So conservatives can argue that norm-breaking is part of democracy - However nobody ever suspected or accused Jackson of collaboration with foreign enemies. ===== Isn't there a pivotal moment in Another Roadside Attraction when a principal character remembered a quotation from a philosopher along the lines of If you disprove people's religion, they won't thank you, they'll kill you. A point to keep in mind. Likewise if your own heroes turn out to have clay feet or even a few clay toes, remember that's part of the human condition too. We all have the difficult task of judging both our heroes and villains by their good and bad works together. ===== comments 5 impact 2451 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-08-23 ratio 2 react 65 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 50 title When it's all over topic other wordrate 0 words 377 ID 704542196556969 URL audclicks 50 audreach 21 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 4 engaged 27 impress 242 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 146 likeusers 9 likeuusers 100 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 44 oimpress 242 oreach 163 posted "08/23/2018 06:06:10 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 16 reach 163 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== What are politicalscrapbooknet sources? has seven affiliated websites. Counting all the URL's in those seven websites and in the 343 posts here, one finds journalism sources: 474 471 134 127 12 11 11 10 10 10 9 8 8 8 8 7 unaffiliated advocacy sources: 30 27 22 21 21 18 14 12 12 11 10 10 10 9 8 8 8 7 affiliated websites: 211 43 36 22 14 13 11 All the politicalscrapbooknet Facebook posts are indexed in various ways at Anybody who followed all the links and all the links they contain would be very broadly informed indeed. While everybody is entitled to their own opinions, but not entitled to have anybody else pay any attention, nor is anybody entitled to masquerade their opinions as facts. Unsupported factual claims are apt to get the same attention as opinions, which is what they deserve. Journalism should not be confused with entertainment, despite the best efforts of those who would blend them. Journalism should tell you what you need to hear; entertainment what you want to hear. Journalism tries to report facts; responsible opinion tries to interpret facts. Facts just get in the way of entertainment. You can find entertainment in places like "reality" TV and supermarket tabloids. ===== impact 25 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-23 ratio 17 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title What are politicalscrapbooknet sources? topic other wordrate 0 words 250 ID 704487616562427 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 18 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 18 likeuusers 17 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 18 oreach 17 posted "08/23/2018 04:51:05 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 17 type Link ========== If prosecutors grant immunity, they expect something worthwhile in return. This is getting complicated - Gimme shelter! ===== comments 2 impact 20 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-08-23 ratio 5 react 12 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title If prosecutors grant immunity, they expect something topic other wordrate 0 words 17 ID 704443063233549 URL audclicks 6 audreach 6 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 10 impress 95 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 85 likeusers 4 likeuusers 57 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 95 oreach 65 posted "08/23/2018 03:47:29 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 65 type Link ========== Ode to an institution Orchard Supply was the one place you could go where everybody knew the answer to whatever you hardware problem might be. It will be replaced by big box stores where nobody knows anything. ===== comments 2 impact 89 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-08-23 ratio 5 react 24 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Ode to an institution topic other wordrate 0 words 37 ID 704091306602058 URL audclicks 14 audreach 12 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 16 impress 189 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 122 likeusers 6 likeuusers 80 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 189 oreach 124 posted "08/23/2018 08:31:35 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 12 reach 124 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Impacts of technology foreseen 20 years in advance Can we move fast enough? Even TripAdvisor is not immune to fake news - Facebook scores users for trustworthiness - ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-22 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Impacts of technology foreseen 20 years in advance topic other wordrate 0 words 28 title Impacts of technology foreseen 20 years in advance ID 703413090003213 URL type Link posted "08/22/2018 05:40:43 PM" reach 29 oreach 29 impress 56 oimpress 56 likeuimpress 51 likeuusers 28 ========== Trump's lasting achievement - an activist judiciary His successor, even if it's Pence, won't be able to undo one part of the Trump administration legacy. That's because Trump himself has had very little to do with it, following the lead of McGahn and the Federalist Society with very little thought of the consequences to Trump. America has been there before - think Dred Scott, or FDR. The Federalist Society nominees are generally opposed to reproductive rights, Obamacare, gerrymandering, restrictions on dark money in politics, and Federal regulation - positions completely opposite to the public's. Just as a "states rights" veneer of constitutional principle was understood to be code for slavery, segregation, and voter suppression in previous generations, so it's hard to interpret the Federalist Society's "textualism" and "originalism" as anything other than a veneer of constitutional principle over a plain old reactionary right-wing political agenda. Trump probably could not define "textualism" or "originalism" very accurately, but he knows exactly what fires up his base - and it's not constitutional principle. Trumpists proudly point to the remaking of the Federal judiciary as Trump's greatest accomplishment, making up for all his other personal and official deficits. And they are certainly right that it will have the biggest impact long into the future. Don't like that future? Register, inform yourself, donate, vote for a different future. What might be done differently? One can imagine constitutional amendments such as * lifetime nominees (judiciary) require 2/3 approval in the Senate or * (all) presidential nominees are automatically approved 90 days after submission to the Senate unless the Senate votes disapproval by majority vote within that time One can imagine a couple of possible outcomes to such procedural changes * more nominees are centrist rather than extremist or * no nominees are ever approved no matter how overworked the courts and agencies become The latter outcome would be expected unless partisanship is reduced by changes to gerrymandering, voter suppression, and dark money. The Federalist Society is opposed to all of those. ===== comments 1 impact 1709 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 0 posted 2018-08-22 ratio 4 react 51 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 34 title Trump's lasting achievement - an activist judiciary topic other wordrate 0 words 335 ID 703020460042476 URL audclicks 34 audreach 17 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 26 impress 323 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 150 likeusers 8 likeuusers 75 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 29 oimpress 323 oreach 207 posted "08/22/2018 09:18:51 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 15 reach 207 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== Rising income inequality is dangerous even when all incomes are rising Explaining the appeal of Trump and Sanders ===== impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-08-22 ratio 9 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Rising income inequality is dangerous even when all incomes topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 702955963382259 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 5 impress 106 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 83 likeusers 2 likeuusers 47 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 106 oreach 64 posted "08/22/2018 07:50:56 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 64 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Of course Wyoming likes Republican ranchers Even if the other guy is endorsed by Trump and Trump Jr Ranchers are suspicious of government and taxes, except when it comes to grazing on public land. Wyoming is the least populous state. With all the other news yesterday, one wonders how many Republican candidates will still seek a Trump endorsement. ===== impact 41 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-22 ratio 10 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Of course Wyoming likes Republican ranchers topic other wordrate 0 words 58 ID 702950016716187 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 7 impress 94 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 58 likeusers 1 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 94 oreach 70 posted "08/22/2018 07:41:51 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 2 reach 70 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Another target for the California 7 Project It started at 7 and just keeps growing What is the mysterious force that attracts early Trump supporters to corruption? But the Trumpists aren't worried - Their base never minded a little corruption. Or a lot. Corruption at the top empowers corruption all the way down to the base. Hunter punches right back - ===== comments 4 hideall 1 impact 323 impactrate 0 likeimpress 16 negative 1 posted 2018-08-22 ratio 3 react 53 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title Another target for the California 7 Project topic other wordrate 0 words 61 ID 702939823383873 URL audclicks 26 audreach 17 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 3 engaged 28 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 334 likeclickusers 21 likeimpress 16 likeuimpress 178 likeusers 15 likeuusers 99 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 24 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 334 oreach 205 posted "08/22/2018 07:26:55 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 16 reach 205 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== It’s usually something we don’t anticipate that ends a bull market ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-22 ratio 17 react 2 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title It’s usually something we don’t anticipate that ends topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 702936503384205 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 56 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 49 likeuusers 31 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 56 oreach 35 posted "08/22/2018 07:22:46 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 35 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== The slippery slope of collaboration ===== comments 4 impact 18 impactrate 0 likeimpress 10 negative 0 posted 2018-08-19 ratio 4 react 35 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title The slippery slope of collaboration topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 699459600398562 URL audclicks 15 audreach 11 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 2 engaged 21 impress 260 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 10 likeuimpress 125 likeusers 9 likeuusers 88 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 260 oreach 173 posted "08/19/2018 06:36:16 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 7 reach 173 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== If it's good for the billionaires - It's good to know that SOMEbody appreciates the tax cut bill and is willing to pay for it. ===== hide 1 impact 48 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 1 posted 2018-08-19 ratio 8 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title If it's good for the billionaires - topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 699457337065455 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 13 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 217 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 97 likeusers 8 likeuusers 65 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 217 oreach 158 posted "08/19/2018 06:33:24 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 158 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== If nobody ever had to die... then children would never have to grow up... and we wouldn't need to have children... women wouldn't need to worry about their biological clocks.... and we wouldn't even need to have sex ===== impact 30 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-18 ratio 6 react 8 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title If nobody ever had to die... then children would topic other wordrate 0 words 38 ID 698722033805652 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 68 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 55 likeusers 3 likeuusers 43 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 68 oreach 53 posted "08/18/2018 01:07:07 PM" postotherclicks 4 reach 53 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Not unlike the president? That's understating the case! ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-17 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Not unlike the president? That's understating the case! topic other wordrate 0 words 8 title Not unlike the president? That's understating the case! ID 697540963923759 URL type Link posted "08/17/2018 10:46:27 AM" reach 32 oreach 32 impress 43 oimpress 43 likeuimpress 43 likeuusers 32 ========== Our ancient instincts survive beneath a veneer of civilization The difference is that now we have the technology to multiply the consequences of our animal panic instincts. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-17 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Our ancient instincts survive beneath a veneer of topic other wordrate 0 words 27 title Our ancient instincts survive beneath a veneer of ID 697485807262608 URL type Link posted "08/17/2018 09:35:36 AM" reach 28 oreach 28 impress 44 oimpress 44 likeuimpress 40 likeuusers 26 ========== Does Turkey belong in NATO? ===== comments 1 impact 4 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-08-17 ratio 6 react 8 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Does Turkey belong in NATO? topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 697478877263301 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 4 impress 77 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 61 likeusers 2 likeuusers 43 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 77 oreach 53 posted "08/17/2018 09:26:48 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 53 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Trust-busting was popularized by a Republican, Theodore Roosevelt But when the Republicans abandoned Roosevelt, they abandoned anti-trust to the Democrats and, later, the Europeans - Concentrations of power are sooner or later inimical to liberty and equality. But concentration of power only bothers Trumpists when it's not concentrated in THEIR hands. ===== impact 15 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-17 ratio 12 react 3 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Trust-busting was popularized by a Republican, Theodore topic other wordrate 0 words 51 ID 697472130597309 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 48 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 36 likeuusers 27 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 48 oreach 37 posted "08/17/2018 09:23:16 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 37 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== the broader influence of celebrity culture on politics is to transform citizens into spectators ===== impact 27 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-08-17 ratio 4 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title the broader influence of celebrity culture on politics is topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 697463983931457 URL audclicks 12 audreach 7 engaged 12 impress 113 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 96 likeusers 6 likeuusers 70 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 113 oreach 80 posted "08/17/2018 09:13:50 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 4 reach 80 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== There aren't any forgotten Americans in Plains No gilt either. ===== comments 9 hide 1 impact 178 impactrate 0 likeimpress 57 negative 1 posted 2018-08-17 ratio 3 react 178 reactrate 0 shares 16 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 95 title There aren't any forgotten Americans in Plains topic other wordrate 0 words 10 ID 697406243937231 URL audclicks 95 audreach 63 commentsimpress 9 commentsusers 9 engaged 99 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1170 likeclickusers 53 likeimpress 57 likeuimpress 242 likeusers 53 likeuusers 143 matchedlinkclicks 21 matchedotherclicks 74 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 1170 oreach 696 posted "08/17/2018 08:12:41 AM" postlinkclicks 21 postotherclicks 46 reach 696 sharesimpress 16 sharesusers 15 type Link ========== If it's good for the billionaires, it's good for the country! Who says Trump has forgotten who put him in office? ===== comments 1 impact 44 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-08-17 ratio 3 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title If it's good for the billionaires, it's good for the topic other wordrate 0 words 21 ID 697333400611182 URL audclicks 9 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 12 impress 114 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 88 likeusers 9 likeuusers 65 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 114 oreach 82 posted "08/17/2018 06:40:04 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 2 reach 82 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== 2018 tactics and future strategy * 2018 tactics With the mid-term election less than three months away, it's time to consider how one ought to vote. You did register to vote for the primaries, didn't you? If not, here's a primer - For 2018, almost everybody who is concerned about the direction the Trumpists want to go should just vote a straight Democratic ticket. Anti-Trump Republicans have been pretty much eliminated in the primaries. Very few independents and third-party candidates have the slightest chance of winning, so in almost all cases a vote for them is a vote for Trumpism, as is a vote for staying home or going fishing. This is no time to indulge in wishful ideological thinking. Likewise for 2018, it's very appropriate to support Democratic politicians even if you've never donated money to political causes before. You can donate to specific campaigns or, if you're not sure, consider - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee National Democratic Redistricting Committee - working particularly on state governors and legislatures that control redistricting Fight Back California - California 7 Project - working to retire seven vulnerable Trumpists - lately expanded to include Devin Nunes They would all prefer 100 $5 donations to one $500 donation, and they'll put them to work where they will make the greatest difference. Of course, if you are a racist sexist greedy billionaire, you might think you'll get a better return on your investment at and you might be right in the short term; fortunately you're rich enough to be able to afford to lose all your investment when it suddenly goes south sooner or later. In the present climate, the average Democratic candidate is likely to be a better choice than the average Trumpist candidate. But the Democratic candidate has not always been the best choice in all times and places; sometimes it's been hard to tell the difference between Republican and Democratic candidates. Not this year. * Future Strategy Longer-term there are some important ideas that deserve your support - Ideologically-oriented voters who would like to vote for an independent or third-party candidate, but not throw their vote away or have it become in effect a vote for Trumpists, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws: ranked-choice voting and multimember districts. Voters who think that elections should be decided by people rather than dollars, should support the necessary structural changes to campaign finance laws to make sure that AT LEAST we know who's paying, and better yet to restrict political contributions to registered voters. Voters who would like to make choices other than extreme left or extreme right, should support the necessary structural changes to voting laws that inhibit centrist, independent and third-party candidates. More at ===== impact 181 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-16 ratio 8 react 4 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title 2018 tactics and future strategy topic other wordrate 0 words 453 ID 696958633981992 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 53 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 48 likeuusers 32 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 53 oreach 34 posted "08/16/2018 09:59:47 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 34 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== No good deed goes unpunished, and no good law can't be taken too far ===== impact 8 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-16 ratio 8 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title No good deed goes unpunished, and no good law can't be topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 696257890718733 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 67 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 53 likeusers 1 likeuusers 39 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 67 oreach 50 posted "08/16/2018 07:41:30 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 50 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Afghanistan or a carnival? Endless sideshow distractions are the Trumpist preferred tool. We should be careful about playing his game on his terms. Indeed, why would one want to pay any attention to the memoir of anybody who volunteered to serve in the Trump campaign or the Trump administration? How much more can another self-serving opportunist add to the disclosures of the previous ones? ===== impact 38 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-08-16 ratio 7 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Afghanistan or a carnival? topic other wordrate 0 words 64 ID 696218074056048 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 56 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 46 likeusers 2 likeuusers 35 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 56 oreach 43 posted "08/16/2018 06:54:54 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 43 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== In some unknown future, on some strange and novel shore, human beings just like us will adapt to a whole new world Or we hope that there is some kind of unknown future featuring human beings! ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-16 ratio 31 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title In some unknown future, on some strange and novel shore, topic other wordrate 0 words 36 ID 696206667390522 URL engaged 1 impress 39 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 37 likeusers 1 likeuusers 29 oimpress 39 oreach 31 posted "08/16/2018 06:50:22 AM" reach 31 type Link ========== Income inequality was getting worse BEFORE the tax cut How much worse will it be in another year? ===== comments 1 impact 27 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-08-16 ratio 3 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Income inequality was getting worse BEFORE the tax cut topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 696187854059070 URL audclicks 7 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 88 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 55 likeusers 4 likeuusers 39 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 88 oreach 56 posted "08/16/2018 06:40:14 AM" postotherclicks 5 reach 56 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Environmental terrorists? A lot of it is Smokey's (and Tojo's) fault, but Smokey has changed his tune - At least in California, a lot of homes are lost because more and more people are accepting the risk of building in wildfire zones - but are not creating "defensible space." That's a risk you take if you like some cool shade on your home in the summer. Also in California, there's been a lot of trouble from utilities not keeping power lines clear. Of course, the Trump administration's real goal is to increase logging on public lands, especially wilderness areas. By definition, though, people don't live in wilderness areas. The effects of hotter dryer weather vastly outweigh anything else. More logging would reduce watershed capability and dry out the forest faster. Zinke knows better - But he also knows the real Trump agenda is "what's good for the billionaires?" So among the real terrorists against the environment - pride of place goes to the billionaires and their supporters in the Trump administration. ===== comments 2 hide 1 impact 462 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 1 posted 2018-08-15 ratio 2 react 27 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title Environmental terrorists? topic other wordrate 0 words 171 ID 695700320774490 URL audclicks 19 audreach 6 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 9 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 110 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 85 likeusers 4 likeuusers 59 matchedotherclicks 19 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 110 oreach 78 posted "08/15/2018 06:59:59 PM" postotherclicks 6 reach 78 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== A Free Press Needs You Ignore it and it will go away. The president hits back as usual - ===== impact 40 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-15 ratio 4 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title A Free Press Needs You topic other wordrate 0 words 19 ID 695687010775821 URL audclicks 12 audreach 6 engaged 7 impress 153 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 75 likeusers 3 likeuusers 57 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 153 oreach 104 posted "08/15/2018 06:40:56 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 6 reach 104 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Is the Treasury Dept helping or hindering the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation? It's hard to tell from the outside. On the House side, Devin Nunes and some of his pals want to impeach Rod Rosenstein for being slow to comply with the House Intelligence Committee investigation. ===== comments 3 impact 129 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-08-15 ratio 2 react 28 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Is the Treasury Dept helping or hindering the Senate topic other wordrate 0 words 46 ID 695236324154223 URL audclicks 15 audreach 9 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 12 impress 103 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 68 likeusers 7 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 103 oreach 73 posted "08/15/2018 08:46:45 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 8 reach 73 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== The Republican Party is now the Trump Party. Your worth is measured by (unrequited) fidelity to Trump. Like it or leave it. Thus Republicans continue to choose their most obnoxious candidates in the primaries - insuring that in the general election, they get 100% of the Trump base and 0% of everybody else. This is good news for the Democratic party. After the general election, though - ===== comments 8 hideall 1 impact 322 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 1 posted 2018-08-15 ratio 1 react 48 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 31 title The Republican Party is now the Trump Party. topic other wordrate 0 words 67 ID 695184440826078 URL audclicks 31 audreach 10 commentsimpress 8 commentsusers 5 engaged 13 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 92 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 59 likeusers 6 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 30 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 92 oreach 63 posted "08/15/2018 07:42:40 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 9 reach 63 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Getting to a data privacy law in California ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-15 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Getting to a data privacy law in California topic other wordrate 0 words 8 title Getting to a data privacy law in California ID 695135930830929 URL type Link posted "08/15/2018 06:43:44 AM" reach 33 oreach 33 impress 42 oimpress 42 likeuimpress 40 likeuusers 31 ========== Why inflation so often fells Trumpian leaders But globally China is much more important than Turkey - So miscalculating on trade is risky too Even standing too close to a target But the closer a government gets to one-man rule, the less chance that correct data will get to decision makers, and the less chance that decision makers will decide on the basis of data. ===== impact 111 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-08-14 ratio 4 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Why inflation so often fells Trumpian leaders topic other wordrate 0 words 65 ID 694477450896777 URL audclicks 9 audreach 4 engaged 7 impress 112 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 64 likeusers 5 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 112 oreach 73 posted "08/14/2018 04:50:15 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 73 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== markets can ignore unsound conditions for a long time — until they don’t People ski across steep slopes for months without concern and then on one day that seems much like the others, the avalanche starts. If the ski patrol were like Congress, the Democrats wouldn't close the trail because they want the Republicans to take the blame for ending the party, and vice versa. ===== comments 1 impact 143 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-08-14 ratio 5 react 22 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title markets can ignore unsound conditions for a long time — topic other wordrate 0 words 65 ID 693974054280450 URL audclicks 11 audreach 9 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 14 impress 155 likeclickusers 13 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 78 likeusers 4 likeuusers 55 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 155 oreach 115 posted "08/14/2018 07:39:23 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 7 reach 115 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== How are violent leftists different from violent rightists? ===== comments 1 hideall 1 impact 27 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 1 posted 2018-08-13 ratio 1 react 34 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title How are violent leftists different from violent rightists? topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 693507840993738 URL audclicks 26 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 9 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 83 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 77 likeusers 6 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 25 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 83 oreach 62 posted "08/13/2018 07:52:53 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 62 type Link ========== After the midterm elections in November, the whole party is going to ask whether it makes sense, politically, to stick with Trump. Trump knows that moment is coming. ===== impact 50 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-08-13 ratio 3 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title After the midterm elections in November, the whole party topic other wordrate 0 words 28 ID 693503874327468 URL audclicks 10 audreach 3 engaged 10 impress 74 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 5 likeuusers 49 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 74 oreach 58 posted "08/13/2018 07:46:22 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 58 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== a woman who happens to have been far better at her job than any man in recent memory ===== comments 3 impact 47 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 0 posted 2018-08-13 ratio 3 react 26 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title a woman who happens to have been far better at her job topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 693451447666044 URL audclicks 7 audreach 6 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 11 impress 142 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 95 likeusers 8 likeuusers 68 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 142 oreach 97 posted "08/13/2018 06:23:25 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 5 reach 97 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Why the Turkish economy matters When a pebble starts an avalanche, do you blame the pebble or the months of buildup of instability in the snow? The US can survive a trade war more easily than its trading partners. That doesn't mean that the US will be better off afterward, even if they are much worse off. ===== impact 103 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-08-13 ratio 4 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title Why the Turkish economy matters topic other wordrate 0 words 57 ID 693431757668013 URL audclicks 10 audreach 6 engaged 9 impress 112 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 76 likeusers 5 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 112 oreach 83 posted "08/13/2018 05:51:53 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 5 reach 83 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Republican women - don't run this year unless you're really into guilt by association - pitch defileth the hand that toucheth it. Not to worry - Trump won't lend a hand unless he thinks you're really hot. Then you might prefer he keep his hands to himself. The Republican Party is now the Trump Party. Your worth is measured by (unrequited) fidelity to Trump. Like it or leave it. ===== comments 4 impact 145 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-13 ratio 2 react 21 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Republican women - don't run this year topic other wordrate 0 words 69 ID 693090527702136 URL audclicks 14 audreach 9 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 12 impress 77 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 75 likeusers 3 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 77 oreach 52 posted "08/13/2018 10:06:35 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 6 reach 52 type Link ========== It's tough being the economic superpower When dollars are in demand for settling accounts globally, that tends to strengthen the dollar and make imports less expensive and exports less competitive. So there's a trade deficit. The rest of the world is willing to give us more value than they take. That's what a trade deficit is. Sounds like a good thing overall, but as always in economics, there are winners and losers. How should the winners compensate the losers? ===== impact 55 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-12 ratio 5 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title It's tough being the economic superpower topic other wordrate 0 words 79 ID 692343631110159 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 6 impress 61 likeclickusers 6 likeuimpress 58 likeuusers 37 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 61 oreach 40 posted "08/12/2018 06:26:01 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 3 reach 40 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== The epitome of bipartisan achievement ===== hide 1 impact 5 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 1 posted 2018-08-12 ratio 5 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title The epitome of bipartisan achievement topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 692324241112098 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 7 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 73 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 69 likeusers 3 likeuusers 46 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 73 oreach 50 posted "08/12/2018 05:57:33 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 2 reach 50 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Declining PAC money - a choice no Republican makes ===== comments 1 impact 11 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-08-12 ratio 5 react 12 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Declining PAC money - a choice no Republican makes topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 692219817789207 URL audclicks 5 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 95 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 70 likeusers 5 likeuusers 48 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 95 oreach 67 posted "08/12/2018 03:31:19 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 67 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Good result, but a bad precedent? ===== impact 1 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-12 ratio 15 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Good result, but a bad precedent? topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 692214617789727 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 42 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 41 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 2 oimpress 42 oreach 30 posted "08/12/2018 03:23:03 PM" postlinkclicks 2 reach 30 type Link ========== The future of the earth - it's ultimately about struggle between the haves and have-nots. Science can inform political decisions, but the decisions will be made with or without science. ===== impact 27 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-12 ratio 6 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title The future of the earth - it's ultimately about struggle topic other wordrate 0 words 30 ID 692126204465235 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 6 impress 111 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 83 likeusers 3 likeuusers 42 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 111 oreach 59 posted "08/12/2018 01:13:47 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 59 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== President Swalwell? Certainly a better bet than President Avenatti ===== comments 3 impact 46 impactrate 0 likeimpress 19 negative 0 posted 2018-08-12 ratio 2 react 51 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 27 title President Swalwell? topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 692092971135225 URL audclicks 27 audreach 18 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 28 impress 234 likeclickusers 26 likeimpress 19 likeuimpress 186 likeusers 18 likeuusers 110 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 18 oimpress 234 oreach 131 posted "08/12/2018 12:27:20 PM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 12 reach 131 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Attention women who support Trump! The president has no patience for women who aren't up to his standards Consequently, there's nothing wrong with judging the President by his appearance or by any other irrelevant superficial aspect. He might fare better on appearance than on substance. ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 257 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 1 posted 2018-08-12 ratio 2 react 57 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 37 title Attention women who support Trump! topic other wordrate 0 words 45 ID 692075441136978 URL audclicks 37 audreach 24 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 28 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 267 likeclickusers 21 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 119 likeusers 9 likeuusers 81 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 33 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 267 oreach 161 posted "08/12/2018 12:05:02 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 22 reach 161 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Social democracy or democratic socialism? American history - and that of many other countries - suggests that evolutionary change is much more politically and economically feasible than revolutionary. ===== comments 3 hideall 1 impact 67 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 1 posted 2018-08-12 ratio 4 react 24 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title Social democracy or democratic socialism? topic other wordrate 0 words 28 ID 691877844490071 URL audclicks 13 audreach 11 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 15 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 169 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 135 likeusers 6 likeuusers 97 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 11 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 169 oreach 114 posted "08/12/2018 07:59:37 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 9 reach 114 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Populist economics ===== comments 2 impact 3 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-11 ratio 5 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title Populist economics topic other wordrate 0 words 2 ID 690800504597805 URL audclicks 11 audreach 8 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 9 impress 119 likeclickusers 7 likeuimpress 86 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 119 oreach 87 posted "08/11/2018 07:21:51 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 5 reach 87 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Democratization of technology Will drone attacks on individuals become common? Are they protected by the Second Amendment? ===== comments 1 impact 7 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-11 ratio 8 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Democratization of technology topic other wordrate 0 words 17 ID 690782101266312 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 3 impress 40 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 39 likeuusers 31 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 40 oreach 32 posted "08/11/2018 06:57:18 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 32 type Link ========== Wrong answer from the wrong candidate Universal adoption of Trumpist tactics serves nobody but Putin. For real lasting change... be the change that you want the world to be. ===== comments 2 impact 46 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-08-11 ratio 4 react 16 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Wrong answer from the wrong candidate topic other wordrate 0 words 29 ID 690775987933590 URL audclicks 8 audreach 7 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 1 engaged 9 impress 89 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 74 likeusers 3 likeuusers 54 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 89 oreach 66 posted "08/11/2018 06:49:20 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 2 reach 66 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Political scrapbook updated their website address. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Political scrapbook updated their website address. topic other wordrate 0 words 6 title Political scrapbook updated their website address. ID 690768987934290 URL type Link posted "08/11/2018 06:40:30 AM" reach 16 oreach 16 impress 17 oimpress 17 likeuimpress 17 likeuusers 16 ========== Trump makes our allies quake - our enemies, not so much The new Defense Department mission - defend our collective defense - against Trump ===== impact 86 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-08-10 ratio 3 react 36 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 23 title Trump makes our allies quake - our enemies, not so much topic other wordrate 0 words 24 ID 689740124703843 URL audclicks 23 audreach 17 engaged 22 impress 188 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 101 likeusers 9 likeuusers 70 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 18 oimpress 188 oreach 130 posted "08/10/2018 07:17:40 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 13 reach 130 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Fighting the last war - it's what generals do And big expensive military systems are what billionaire defense contractors like - so that's what the Trump administration likes. The Chinese army did human wave attacks in Korea. They don't need to any more, if they can use cheap robot wave attacks instead. As might be expected, the Trump administration is more concerned with Star Trek uniforms than actually dealing with the central reality of the threats. Star junk might be a greater threat than star wars, however - ===== impact 114 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-08-10 ratio 4 react 13 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Fighting the last war - it's what generals do topic other wordrate 0 words 88 ID 689702301374292 URL audclicks 7 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 90 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 66 likeusers 3 likeuusers 42 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 90 oreach 61 posted "08/10/2018 06:30:11 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 61 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Signs of a market top? Drink craft beer, don't invest in it ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-10 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Signs of a market top? Drink craft beer, don't invest topic other wordrate 0 words 12 title Signs of a market top? Drink craft beer, don't invest ID 689692688041920 URL type Link posted "08/10/2018 06:15:24 AM" reach 32 oreach 32 impress 43 oimpress 43 likeuimpress 42 likeuusers 31 ========== "When the economy is doing well and everybody seems to be making money, some investors assume that the good times will never end." ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-09 ratio 11 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title "When the economy is doing well and everybody seems topic other wordrate 0 words 23 ID 688977661446756 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 5 impress 93 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 67 likeusers 3 likeuusers 46 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 93 oreach 69 posted "08/09/2018 03:33:02 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 69 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Better to let some people think you're corrupt than prove it to everybody! ===== comments 4 hide 1 impact 108 impactrate 0 likeimpress 23 negative 1 posted 2018-08-09 ratio 2 react 83 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 46 title Better to let some people think you're corrupt than prove topic other wordrate 0 words 13 ID 688968904780965 URL audclicks 46 audreach 29 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 40 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 339 likeclickusers 29 likeimpress 23 likeuimpress 197 likeusers 22 likeuusers 109 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 38 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 339 oreach 188 posted "08/09/2018 03:18:57 PM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 25 reach 188 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== Will the next Speaker of the House encourage or accept institutional change? ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-02 ratio 11 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Will the next Speaker of the House encourage or accept topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 681394202205102 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 34 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 33 likeusers 1 likeuusers 21 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 34 oreach 22 posted "08/02/2018 04:15:12 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 22 type Link ========== Ranked choice voting gaining traction Ranked choice (preferential) voting and multimember districts enable legislations to better reflect the voting population ===== impact 40 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-08-02 ratio 4 react 20 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title Ranked choice voting gaining traction topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 681372342207288 URL audclicks 12 audreach 9 engaged 11 impress 105 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 88 likeusers 5 likeuusers 68 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 105 oreach 81 posted "08/02/2018 03:40:41 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 8 reach 81 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== There's more to winning than being against Republicans maintained remarkable unity for years on the basis of whatever Obama was for, they were against. Then when they got control of the government, they discovered that collectively they were not for much except billionaire welfare tax cuts and deregulation and judicial appointments. Democrats should bear that in mind. Getting the Trumpists out of power is an essential goal, but then what? Democrats need to cultivate a collective state of mind that is a big enough tent to warrant their continuance in power. ===== comments 1 impact 537 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-08-02 ratio 1 react 59 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 48 title There's more to winning than being against topic other wordrate 0 words 91 ID 681053325572523 URL audclicks 48 audreach 16 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 18 impress 150 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 81 likeusers 6 likeuusers 58 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 45 oimpress 150 oreach 101 posted "08/02/2018 08:52:40 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 13 reach 101 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Which is worse - social media platforms responding to or ignoring fake accounts? The fakes are getting more sophisticated - and harder to disentangle from real accounts - Either way, the disrupters win. Social media have become the arms dealers of the modern age - ===== comments 1 impact 77 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-08-02 ratio 3 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title Which is worse - social media platforms responding to or topic other wordrate 0 words 45 ID 681048225573033 URL audclicks 10 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 84 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 54 likeusers 2 likeuusers 34 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 84 oreach 53 posted "08/02/2018 08:46:35 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 53 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Aluminum imports are only a security threat coming from our allies Russia is different - Maybe our allies need to hire better lobbyists - ===== comments 1 impact 62 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-08-02 ratio 3 react 26 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title Aluminum imports are only a security threat coming from topic other wordrate 0 words 24 ID 681037582240764 URL audclicks 19 audreach 9 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 10 impress 114 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 69 likeusers 3 likeuusers 46 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 15 oimpress 114 oreach 80 posted "08/02/2018 08:33:57 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 7 reach 80 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Started by a 400-pound teenager in his bedroom? Could have been Jersey, could have been St Petersburg - but no matter who started Q, it's perfect for Putin's efforts to undermine American democracy by blurring the distinction between truth and fiction. Q might be many contributors now - like Guccifer 2.0 - or Bourbaki. Q's anti-semitism is right in line with Russian traditions. The blind faith among the adherents that somebody is going to miraculously appear to save them reminds one of cargo cults - ===== comments 1 impact 204 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-08-02 ratio 2 react 24 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title Started by a 400-pound teenager in his bedroom? topic other wordrate 0 words 85 ID 680986158912573 URL audclicks 17 audreach 9 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 12 impress 89 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 81 likeusers 5 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 89 oreach 69 posted "08/02/2018 07:36:45 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 6 reach 69 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Charter schools in California As Will observes, it's family structure rather than school structure that is most determinative of success. So it's almost automatic that any optional system of education that requires parental involvement and choice is going to have better results than public schools that have to do something with all the children burdened by absent or disinterested parents. Being a public school teacher in California is a pretty tough job, and not paid very well for new teachers. If they can persist until retirement, they can do pretty well - but the retirement benefits are underfunded and something is going to have to change about that sooner or later. ===== impact 89 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-08-02 ratio 5 react 8 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Charter schools in California topic other wordrate 0 words 111 ID 680979258913263 URL audclicks 6 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 64 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 57 likeusers 1 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 64 oreach 44 posted "08/02/2018 07:28:34 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 44 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Have there been too many postings on this page? ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-08-01 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Have there been too many postings on this page? topic other wordrate 0 words 9 title Have there been too many postings on this page? ID 680391808972008 URL type Link posted "08/01/2018 05:22:19 PM" reach 37 oreach 37 impress 50 oimpress 50 likeuimpress 48 likeuusers 35 ========== Causes and effects of demographic change It affects how people think about everything else. ===== hideall 1 impact 15 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-08-01 ratio 4 react 11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Causes and effects of demographic change topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 680381315639724 URL audclicks 8 audreach 4 engaged 6 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 61 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 60 likeusers 2 likeuusers 46 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 5 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 61 oreach 47 posted "08/01/2018 05:07:20 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 47 type Link ========== How dark money works - ===== impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-08-01 ratio 4 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title How dark money works - topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 680326352311887 URL audclicks 11 audreach 6 engaged 8 impress 109 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 74 likeusers 5 likeuusers 56 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 109 oreach 87 posted "08/01/2018 03:45:39 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 4 reach 87 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== If the President won't tether to reality, why should his followers? More on Qanon - It's the basest part of Trump's base - ===== impact 110 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-08-01 ratio 1 react 48 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 41 title If the President won't tether to reality, why should topic other wordrate 0 words 23 ID 679888795688976 URL audclicks 41 audreach 14 engaged 16 impress 138 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 3 likeuusers 61 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 32 oimpress 138 oreach 94 posted "08/01/2018 07:00:08 AM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 8 reach 94 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== I dream of things that are not, and say, yes they are! ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 19 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 1 posted 2018-07-31 ratio 5 react 16 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title I dream of things that are not, and say, yes they are! topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 679367142407808 URL audclicks 6 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 10 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 124 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 77 likeusers 6 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 124 oreach 84 posted "07/31/2018 06:46:59 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 84 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Who pays for Medicare for All? Medicare for All is a popular idea right now. But any specific plan for paying for it is a lot less popular. It's coming, but it will be come slowly as the people adjust to paying for it one way or another. ===== hide 1 impact 34 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-07-31 ratio 6 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Who pays for Medicare for All? topic other wordrate 0 words 48 ID 679365009074688 URL audclicks 4 audreach 2 engaged 2 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 67 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 56 likeusers 1 likeuusers 38 matchedotherclicks 4 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 67 oreach 48 posted "07/31/2018 06:43:48 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 48 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Young veterans try to re-invigorate Congress - Serve America PAC seems to be different from Serve America Movement - Other organizations hoping to overcome partisan divisiveness - And hopefully they will all build on what's already started - ===== impact 34 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-07-31 ratio 4 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Young veterans try to re-invigorate Congress - topic other wordrate 0 words 38 ID 679358519075337 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 7 impress 58 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 52 likeusers 5 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 58 oreach 44 posted "07/31/2018 06:37:34 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 44 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Right-wing economists encourage Trump to abolish tariffs completely But if Trump were to succeed at that, then he'd have one less issue to SHOUT about and his ratings might decline. So don't hold your breath. And there's a further problem - Trump justified his tariffs on the basis that there was a national security threat from foreign steel, aluminum, cars, etc. So if it were OK to just eliminate tariffs, then it must be that there never was such a security threat. Congress should revoke its authorization of the President to set tariffs. But that would require Congress to DO something before the election. Don't hold your breath on that, either. Economists don't agree on much, but for generations most have agreed that tariffs hurt the country imposing them even more than the target countries. Tariffs might export some unemployment but they invariably import more unemployment. ===== impact 58 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-07-31 ratio 7 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Right-wing economists encourage Trump to abolish tariffs topic other wordrate 0 words 146 ID 679334262411096 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 46 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 46 likeusers 1 likeuusers 28 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 46 oreach 28 posted "07/31/2018 06:05:44 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 28 type Link ========== The democratization of weapons of mass destruction It's just a handgun now - But can nuclear/chemical/biological weapons be far behind? ===== comments 4 impact 76 impactrate 0 likeimpress 15 negative 0 posted 2018-07-31 ratio 2 react 38 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 18 title The democratization of weapons of mass destruction topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 679324695745386 URL audclicks 18 audreach 13 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 22 impress 149 likeclickusers 20 likeimpress 15 likeuimpress 133 likeusers 15 likeuusers 96 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 149 oreach 107 posted "07/31/2018 05:51:30 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 12 reach 107 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Full speed ahead for Putin interference Note how Putin is happy to stir up action against Trump as well as action for Trump. The more divisiveness the better to further his goals. And many Republicans don't seem to mind - ===== comments 1 impact 104 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-07-31 ratio 4 react 26 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Full speed ahead for Putin interference topic other wordrate 0 words 40 ID 679216599089529 URL audclicks 14 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 16 impress 155 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 82 likeusers 7 likeuusers 57 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 155 oreach 106 posted "07/31/2018 03:05:23 PM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 4 reach 106 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== The rich get richer and the poor get distracted ===== comments 5 impact 48 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 0 posted 2018-07-31 ratio 3 react 53 reactrate 0 shares 12 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 23 title The rich get richer and the poor get distracted topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 678890132455509 URL audclicks 23 audreach 16 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 5 engaged 29 impress 270 likeclickusers 25 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 124 likeusers 13 likeuusers 86 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 21 oimpress 270 oreach 192 posted "07/31/2018 08:55:29 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 14 reach 192 sharesimpress 12 sharesusers 11 type Link ========== Tariffs are a tax on Americans You'll pay them in your home loan or your rent check - ===== hideall 1 impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 1 posted 2018-07-30 ratio 9 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Tariffs are a tax on Americans topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 678292759181913 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 92 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 72 likeusers 2 likeuusers 48 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 92 oreach 63 posted "07/30/2018 07:17:18 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 63 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Constitutional localism And here's the opposite - local elections decided by Fox News - ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-07-30 ratio 23 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Constitutional localism topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 678278405850015 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 74 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 70 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 2 oimpress 74 oreach 46 posted "07/30/2018 06:59:13 PM" postlinkclicks 2 reach 46 type Link ========== Why wait for Congress to relieve America's hard-pressed billionaires! Mnuchin is ready to do it by fiat - Maybe they're afraid they don't have the votes in Congress now, before the election, and they certainly won't after the election. And the usual suspects are claiming that this tax cut for the top 1% will pay for itself, just like the last one... didn't. They all deserve some kind of award for chutzpah. If the Trumpists don't like inflation, they should quit legislating deficit spending. ===== impact 227 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-07-30 ratio 3 react 27 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 19 title Why wait for Congress to relieve America's hard-pressed topic other wordrate 0 words 84 ID 678137812530741 URL audclicks 19 audreach 14 engaged 17 impress 149 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 83 likeusers 5 likeuusers 49 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 12 oimpress 149 oreach 89 posted "07/30/2018 03:37:27 PM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 8 reach 89 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Where your ancestors came from has a lot to do with how you vote today Was their outlook community-oriented or individual-oriented? ===== comments 1 impact 61 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-07-30 ratio 3 react 29 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title Where your ancestors came from has a lot to do with how topic other wordrate 0 words 21 ID 677736672570855 URL audclicks 21 audreach 13 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 16 impress 138 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 94 likeusers 5 likeuusers 72 matchedlinkclicks 11 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 138 oreach 101 posted "07/30/2018 07:11:32 AM" postlinkclicks 10 postotherclicks 6 reach 101 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== What are Trump's goals? Trump has no interest in multilateral foreign policy - agreements laboriously worked out by numerous anonymous experts in diplomacy, politics, economics, and trade. Just because this is the basis of American post-war prosperity and security is no excuse! If everybody wins then nobody is THE winner. So Trump rejects the general concept and all the specific instances. Trump likes bilateral negotiations because he thinks he can be THE star, bringing home the bacon in deal after brilliant deal. It's not a deal unless there is a WINNER and a LOSER! Just because he hasn't come up with any brilliant deals with anybody after two years, and shows no signs of doing so in the next two years, is no excuse! You can't be THE star in a constellation of many bright stars. Trump doesn't have time or energy or inclination to negotiate bilateral agreements with most of the countries of the world. Better to leave leadership of Europe to Russia and of Asia to China. ===== comments 1 impact 575 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-07-30 ratio 2 react 34 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title What are Trump's goals? topic other wordrate 0 words 169 ID 677662412578281 URL audclicks 21 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 11 impress 132 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 86 likeusers 5 likeuusers 49 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 132 oreach 81 posted "07/30/2018 05:50:08 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 8 reach 81 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Even the Kochs don't trust Trump to do the right thing They don't like being taken for granted - Koch network members represent a diversity of conservative viewpoints - Perhaps they'd consider Pence a more reliable investment. ===== comments 2 hide 1 hideall 1 impact 185 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 2 posted 2018-07-29 ratio 2 react 50 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 31 title Even the Kochs don't trust Trump to do the right thing topic other wordrate 0 words 37 ID 677283575949498 URL audclicks 31 audreach 15 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 22 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 190 likeclickusers 22 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 144 likeusers 11 likeuusers 93 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 27 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 190 oreach 130 posted "07/29/2018 08:27:24 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 13 reach 130 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== I don't have to listen to what you say because I have already made up my mind that you must be wrong Even if I would agree with what you say if my friends said it! One might think that would make it easier for independent candidates to gain traction, but it doesn't seem to work that way most of the time. ===== impact 12 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-07-29 ratio 23 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title I don't have to listen to what you say because I have topic other wordrate 0 words 62 ID 677255745952281 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 79 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 77 likeuusers 43 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 79 oreach 46 posted "07/29/2018 08:01:36 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 46 type Link ========== What are Putin's goals? Putin's plans were in place well before Trump came along - but he's proved to be a useful tool - Putin didn't actually need Trump to consciously collude - Trump was willing and able to do what Putin wanted without even knowing it - but that didn't stop numerous members of Trump's campaign from trying as hard as they could to collaborate - if they avoid jail, it will only be because they were too incompetent to commit the crimes they intended. Putin supported Brexit - and part of his plan seems to be to starve Englishmen of fresh fruit and vegetables. Who knew England's farm labor market was so much like California's? ===== impact 164 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-07-29 ratio 4 react 14 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title What are Putin's goals? topic other wordrate 0 words 117 ID 677229025954953 URL audclicks 8 audreach 6 engaged 9 impress 104 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 81 likeusers 2 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 104 oreach 63 posted "07/29/2018 07:35:32 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 63 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Two glimpses of the future - which one will prove true? Now consider: what happens if the economic recovery ends before the election vs after the election? ===== impact 22 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-07-29 ratio 6 react 8 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Two glimpses of the future - which one will prove true? topic other wordrate 0 words 27 ID 677129515964904 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 7 impress 81 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 80 likeusers 3 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 81 oreach 51 posted "07/29/2018 05:13:01 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 51 type Link ========== Socialism in action? It's always stimulating to read George Will, even if you don't agree with him - ===== comments 1 impact 38 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-07-27 ratio 4 react 21 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Socialism in action? topic other wordrate 0 words 18 ID 675042906173565 URL audclicks 15 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 13 impress 136 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 73 likeusers 2 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 10 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 136 oreach 91 posted "07/27/2018 05:33:29 PM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 4 reach 91 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Millenials - it's up to you! Show up and vote, get the dark money out of politics, the politics out of redistricting, get ranked choice voting and multimember districts, remove obstacles to independent and third-party candidates, change laws to support rather than suppress voter registration and voting... in short, support democracy rather than partisanship. ===== comments 1 impact 297 impactrate 0 likeimpress 23 negative 0 posted 2018-07-27 ratio 2 react 55 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 22 title Millenials - it's up to you! topic other wordrate 0 words 54 ID 674577586220097 URL audclicks 22 audreach 14 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 29 impress 213 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 23 likeuimpress 121 likeusers 23 likeuusers 74 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 21 oimpress 213 oreach 144 posted "07/27/2018 07:25:13 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 13 reach 144 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 9 type Link ========== Whatever became of the KGB? Cold war is not like hot war; it's important for your opponents to know and not be able to conceal that you are scoring, even as you maintain the bare minimum of plausible deniability. ===== comments 1 impact 47 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-07-26 ratio 6 react 12 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Whatever became of the KGB? topic other wordrate 0 words 39 ID 673983452946177 URL audclicks 5 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 impress 110 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 69 likeusers 4 likeuusers 42 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 110 oreach 72 posted "07/26/2018 05:43:22 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 72 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Look at how Norwegians have enhanced the American language No wonder Trump wants more Norwegians here - But he might want to inquire about what the Norwegians did about the original Quisling. ===== impact 16 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-07-26 ratio 10 react 5 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Look at how Norwegians have enhanced the American language topic other wordrate 0 words 32 ID 673639376313918 URL audclicks 3 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 83 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 1 likeuusers 40 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 83 oreach 54 posted "07/26/2018 10:03:04 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 54 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Expect social media companies to destroy their business model? Hiring legions of human reviewers is costly and exposes the social media companies to endless litigation potential due to claims of censorship and "censorship". It's hard to see how for-profit institutions can beat non-profit foreign actors when the cost of disruption is so low and the cost of prevention is so high. But it's easy to see how our Disrupter-in-Chief wouldn't care. ===== hide 1 impact 78 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-07-26 ratio 3 react 11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Expect social media companies to destroy their business topic other wordrate 0 words 71 ID 673492059661983 URL audclicks 9 audreach 7 engaged 7 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 65 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 62 likeusers 1 likeuusers 36 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 8 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 65 oreach 38 posted "07/26/2018 07:19:26 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 6 reach 38 type Link ========== Americans and Russians playing together in Macedonia - but not colluding! ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 29 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 1 posted 2018-07-26 ratio 3 react 26 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 16 title Americans and Russians playing together in Macedonia - topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 673485672995955 URL audclicks 16 audreach 10 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 15 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 112 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 80 likeusers 5 likeuusers 56 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 10 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 112 oreach 80 posted "07/26/2018 07:09:49 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 6 reach 80 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Trade wars are not only easy to win, they are easy to laugh about ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-07-26 ratio 7 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Trade wars are not only easy to win, they are easy to topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 673483706329485 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 41 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 39 likeuusers 20 matchedlinkclicks 3 oimpress 41 oreach 22 posted "07/26/2018 07:06:30 AM" postlinkclicks 3 reach 22 type Link ========== Ranked choice voting training Fairvote is offering training to anybody interested in ranked choice voting, also called preferential voting. Fairvote advocates ranked choice voting and multimember districts to increase diversity and responsiveness in legislative bodies. ===== hide 1 impact 11 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-07-25 ratio 8 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Ranked choice voting training topic other wordrate 0 words 35 ID 673123593032163 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 45 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 43 likeuusers 24 matchedotherclicks 2 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 45 oreach 26 posted "07/25/2018 10:20:18 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 26 type Link ========== Writing new rules to change a do-nothing Congress The next Congress will probably very close to evenly divided. It's a rare opportunity for a few members to push it toward action instead of stagnation. ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-07-25 ratio 7 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Writing new rules to change a do-nothing Congress topic other wordrate 0 words 34 ID 673119329699256 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 3 impress 49 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 47 likeusers 2 likeuusers 27 matchedlinkclicks 2 oimpress 49 oreach 29 posted "07/25/2018 10:12:59 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 29 type Link ========== Bringing basic political rights to residents of Federal territories Equally American is working to bring the equal protection of the law to Federal territories - More at ===== hide 1 impact 30 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 1 posted 2018-07-25 ratio 4 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Bringing basic political rights to residents of Federal topic other wordrate 0 words 27 ID 673111806366675 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 6 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 81 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 73 likeusers 5 likeuusers 47 matchedotherclicks 4 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 81 oreach 54 posted "07/25/2018 10:01:08 PM" postotherclicks 4 reach 54 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Proudly following a great American tradition ===== comments 1 impact 17 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-07-25 ratio 4 react 29 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 16 title Proudly following a great American tradition topic other wordrate 0 words 6 ID 672869523057570 URL audclicks 16 audreach 11 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 14 impress 159 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 85 likeusers 6 likeuusers 60 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 159 oreach 119 posted "07/25/2018 03:51:44 PM" postlinkclicks 9 postotherclicks 5 reach 119 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== The Trump tax law is working even better than expected Next time, maybe try something that doesn't work quite so well at increasing the deficit. ===== impact 78 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-07-25 ratio 5 react 31 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 20 title The Trump tax law is working even better than expected topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 672862456391610 URL audclicks 20 audreach 13 engaged 19 impress 218 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 96 likeusers 6 likeuusers 64 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 14 oimpress 218 oreach 156 posted "07/25/2018 03:39:56 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 9 reach 156 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== This is what happens when benefits are defined but how to pay for them is not ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 8 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-07-25 ratio 8 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title This is what happens when benefits are defined but how to topic other wordrate 0 words 16 ID 672803406397515 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 3 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 68 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 65 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 68 oreach 43 posted "07/25/2018 02:09:07 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 43 type Link ========== NRA, Putin, and keeping the dark money dark We need less dark money, not more ===== comments 14 hide 1 impact 186 impactrate 0 likeimpress 19 negative 1 posted 2018-07-20 ratio 2 react 124 reactrate 0 shares 10 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 80 title NRA, Putin, and keeping the dark money dark topic other wordrate 0 words 15 ID 667029533641569 URL audclicks 80 audreach 49 commentsimpress 14 commentsusers 13 engaged 59 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 395 likeclickusers 39 likeimpress 19 likeuimpress 184 likeusers 19 likeuusers 119 matchedlinkclicks 13 matchedotherclicks 67 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 395 oreach 279 posted "07/20/2018 06:14:34 AM" postlinkclicks 12 postotherclicks 41 reach 279 sharesimpress 10 sharesusers 10 type Link ========== Making America Great Again for Billionaires - do-nothing Congress or do-wrong Executive? Congressional Republicans are in a tough spot: on the one hand, the Trump administration is reliably pushing a number of traditional Republican values - - Tax cuts to limit Federal power and thus benefit billionaires - Deregulation to limit Federal power and thus benefit billionaires - Reactionary judicial appointments to limit Federal power and thus benefit billionaires - Reducing legal immigration so that more immigrants are illegal and thus more readily exploited - and thus benefit billionaires But as soon as he sees a foreign politician, Trump forgets about traditional Republican values, and - Undermines the alliances and allies that have been the basis of American security since 1945 - Encourages our foes - those foes can readily see that they will be treated better as foes than allies - Undermines the free trade system that has been the basis of American prosperity since 1945 These actions are bad for billionaires, and even worse for everybody else. What can the Republicans do? Part of the problem is that Congress over many years delegated a lot of authority on matters like trade and international relations to the President. Often that was because the do-nothing Congresses have been so seldom able to agree on anything much more controversial than naming post offices. It seemed better to let the executive branch take the lead, with almost no effective bipartisan oversight. And that worked about as well as could be expected - until Trump took over and proved that a do-wrong executive was even worse than a do-nothing Congress. So the time has come for Congress to revoke executive powers in foreign affairs and international trade. So far, there have been timid non-binding resolutions like this one - But the Republican Congress needs to start binding Trump abroad if they want to preserve their gains at home. And the Democrats? Keep talking about what the Republicans are doing at home, and not doing abroad, and pass declarations of no confidence in the president's policies at the same tempo that Trump declares no confidence in American institutions. ===== impact 708 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-07-19 ratio 3 react 20 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Making America Great Again for Billionaires - do-nothing topic other wordrate 0 words 354 ID 666408237037032 URL audclicks 14 audreach 8 engaged 10 impress 88 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 3 likeuusers 54 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 88 oreach 61 posted "07/19/2018 03:13:45 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 7 reach 61 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Sowing discord and divisiveness The Putin regime's election-tampering aim was not so much to promote Trump as to promote discord and divisiveness in general, and secondarily to punish Clinton for her previous adversarial positions toward the regime. But discord and divisiveness was the main goal - the evidence being Russian social media bots taking both sides of controversial issues like NFL kneelers and immigration. One can imagine that had the election been between Mitt Romney and Bernie Sanders, for instance, the Russians might have acted the same way, perhaps putting more effort into promoting Sanders as having higher return on investment by inciting the radical right. Note that cooperation or even knowledge by the candidates is not required. Trump might actually not have colluded with Russia prior to the election, despite being immersed in a cloud of would-be and probable colluders. Both Trump and Sanders had many incitable supporters in favor of disrupting the status quo. Indeed, aside from a salesman's knack of reading an audience and telling them what they want to hear, disruption might be Trump's only actual political talent. Although Trump is easily manipulated in private, by the same token he is also easily manipulated to backtrack, particularly by unfavorable TV ratings. So perhaps Putin will decide that although a President Pence might be harder to manipulate, any agreements reached in private would be more likely to stick once everybody returned home. Trump is just the means, not the end. And a willing means, too - As with taxes, Trump has determined, despite the ratings, that his meeting of Putin was such a big success that he's already planning another, just before the election. ===== impact 776 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-07-19 ratio 2 react 28 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 20 title Sowing discord and divisiveness topic other wordrate 0 words 277 ID 666385163706006 URL audclicks 20 audreach 10 engaged 13 impress 100 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 83 likeusers 4 likeuusers 54 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 100 oreach 65 posted "07/19/2018 02:39:23 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 9 reach 65 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== About George Soros ===== hide 1 impact 3 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-07-17 ratio 8 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title About George Soros topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 664552700555919 URL audclicks 6 audreach 4 engaged 5 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 106 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 89 likeusers 1 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 106 oreach 73 posted "07/17/2018 08:08:58 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 2 reach 73 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== We need less dark money, not more ===== comments 7 hide 2 impact 70 impactrate 0 likeimpress 19 negative 2 posted 2018-07-17 ratio 3 react 100 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 63 title We need less dark money, not more topic other wordrate 0 words 7 ID 664108993933623 URL audclicks 63 audreach 38 commentsimpress 7 commentsusers 7 engaged 54 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 640 likeclickusers 32 likeimpress 19 likeuimpress 188 likeusers 18 likeuusers 117 matchedlinkclicks 21 matchedotherclicks 42 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 640 oreach 396 posted "07/17/2018 08:54:28 AM" postlinkclicks 20 postotherclicks 25 reach 396 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." It's time for Pence to act presidential if he's ever going to. There's reason to doubt that he can - in.html Pence has been a big disappointment in several ways but not yet a treasonous or impeachable one. He should offer Trump the choice of resignation with a pardon, 25th amendment, or impeachment. The purpose of offering a pardon for immediate resignation is not because Trump deserves pardon, but because America deserves to put Trumpism behind it as fast as possible. Until today, it seemed unlikely that an impeachment attempt would get very far in a Republican Congress. However, over the past two years, Trump has publicly insulted or demeaned most prominent Republican politicians, so if impeachment ever develops any bipartisan momentum, Trump's fall will be astonishingly fast - What will Mattis say and do? More here - ===== comments 7 impact 1505 impactrate 0 likeimpress 14 negative 0 posted 2018-07-16 ratio 1 react 78 reactrate 0 shares 7 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 50 title "Treason against the United States, shall consist topic other wordrate 0 words 193 ID 663621937315662 URL audclicks 50 audreach 30 commentsimpress 7 commentsusers 7 engaged 38 impress 216 likeclickusers 32 likeimpress 14 likeuimpress 166 likeusers 13 likeuusers 110 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 45 oimpress 216 oreach 153 posted "07/16/2018 08:05:06 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 28 reach 153 sharesimpress 7 sharesusers 7 type Link ========== Warning lights flashing - is it 9/10 yet? ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-07-16 ratio 22 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Warning lights flashing - is it 9/10 yet? topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 663076634036859 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 75 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 71 likeusers 1 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 75 oreach 44 posted "07/16/2018 07:28:32 AM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 44 type Link ========== When you are leveraged to the hilt, any increase in costs can bring down the whole house of cards. For instance, an increase in material costs due to import tariffs. That's already starting - ===== comments 2 impact 68 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-07-15 ratio 4 react 20 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title When you are leveraged to the hilt, any increase in costs topic other wordrate 0 words 34 ID 662690080742181 URL audclicks 10 audreach 7 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 1 engaged 10 impress 121 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 84 likeusers 3 likeuusers 53 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 121 oreach 86 posted "07/15/2018 08:36:04 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 6 reach 86 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Measuring gerrymandering mathematically There are simpler ways too - ===== hide 1 impact 9 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 1 posted 2018-07-15 ratio 5 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Measuring gerrymandering mathematically topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 662554944089028 URL audclicks 7 audreach 2 engaged 4 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 83 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 75 likeusers 1 likeuusers 51 matchedotherclicks 7 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 83 oreach 59 posted "07/15/2018 05:14:08 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 59 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Truth decay in the post-shame world Trump is a salesman - tells the truth about the dreams and fears of his audience of prospects. They've learned not to worry whether objective factual truth exists. ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 61 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 1 posted 2018-07-15 ratio 7 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Truth decay in the post-shame world topic other wordrate 0 words 34 ID 662436497434206 URL audclicks 9 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 8 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 178 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 3 likeuusers 72 matchedotherclicks 9 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 178 oreach 134 posted "07/15/2018 01:54:01 PM" postotherclicks 5 reach 134 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== The Putin regime is not America's friend The American people might well continue to cultivate friendly relations with the Russian people. But the Putin regime is not the Russian people. That regime is not just a competitor; it is an enemy actively trying to make Russia greater the only way it can, by making America and the Western alliance smaller. Trump applauds the regime's efforts to diminish Western trade and military alliances that have been the basis for America's strength and power since 1945. Trump can't seem to see that the same efforts are directed directly at America, too. Thus Putin's support for Texas and California secession - and Brexit and Catalan independence - And the Trump administration itself announces that Putin is still at it - Perhaps Trump doesn't realize the Putin's goal is not Trump's rise in power in a climate of extreme disruption and contention, nor Trump's fall from power in a climate of extreme disruption and contention; Trump up or down is not the goal, but extreme disruption and contention in the West is Putin's goal. Trump is the means, not the end. So what did Trump talk about in private with Putin? McFaul expected it to go like this - That's consistent with Trump feeling like he's being treated like a friend, especially in private conversations - Mattis doesn't expect anything good from Putin - Putin has some very definite information he needs to extract from Trump if he has it - -------------------- Although one can blame the Putin regime for a lot, Trumpism is just the current American personification of the tribalism that predated the Enlightenment and has only been repressed in the later 20th century in response to the twin fears of nuclear war and international communism - -------------------- Remember these phrases when analyzing the results - "adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort" "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" The Mueller investigation never would have happened if Trump had published his tax returns and audited financials for the last ten years before he was nominated. But he didn't, and won't, and became the only president in recent history to have extensive financial interests in foreign adversaries. (Jefferson, like many southern planters, had extensive debits to British bankers the entire time he was in public life, and he died bankrupt. Were there any other presidents so indebted since?) ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 1995 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 1 posted 2018-07-15 ratio 3 react 50 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 32 title The Putin regime is not America's friend topic other wordrate 0 words 399 ID 662068057471050 URL audclicks 32 audreach 20 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 27 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 240 likeclickusers 20 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 119 likeusers 8 likeuusers 72 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 24 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 240 oreach 164 posted "07/15/2018 06:10:11 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 17 reach 164 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== Russian election business practices How to pay - What to buy - ===== impact 46 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 0 posted 2018-07-14 ratio 2 react 38 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 20 title Russian election business practices topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 661133764231146 URL audclicks 20 audreach 9 engaged 16 impress 159 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 119 likeusers 12 likeuusers 75 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 19 oimpress 159 oreach 109 posted "07/14/2018 07:08:05 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 8 reach 109 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== This is why we have over-reaching Federal regulation Because a limited-liability company can create a bigger mess than it can pay for, it's cheaper for the government to prevent the mess in the first place than clean it up later. ===== hide 1 impact 152 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 1 posted 2018-07-14 ratio 3 react 38 reactrate 0 shares 7 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title This is why we have over-reaching Federal regulation topic other wordrate 0 words 40 ID 661130154231507 URL audclicks 21 audreach 13 engaged 18 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 176 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 119 likeusers 9 likeuusers 84 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 15 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 176 oreach 134 posted "07/14/2018 07:03:07 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 10 reach 134 sharesimpress 7 sharesusers 7 type Link ========== Time to Depopularize "Populist" ? Roger Cohen argues that "populism" has lost all usefulness for describing political philosophies - It seems like the essence of the populist appeal in various times and places is that the populist leader embodies the will of the majority, the good people, against a powerful exploitative minority, the bad people. To some extent, that applies to all kinds of political movements, which is why populists can be left, right, or center. What they have in common is a tendency to replace one exploitative minority with another. Eventually it always comes down to a minority of people, that have an ongoing interest in politics, getting more power over a majority of people, that would rather not think about politics on an ongoing basis. Even "continuous revolution" models that attempt to avoid institutionalizing any elite eventually institutionalize the revolutionary elite, because the majority of the people do not really like continuous revolutionary disruption. But revolutionary elites are good at disruption, not creation of value for the majority. The single governing principle of "majority rule" is best embodied in a lynch mob. The essence of democracy is recognition and preservation of minority rights - some "endowed by their Creator" and others enshrined in fundamental law like the Constitution. ===== impact 105 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-07-14 ratio 8 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Time to Depopularize "Populist" ? topic other wordrate 0 words 210 ID 661106587567197 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 69 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 69 likeusers 2 likeuusers 41 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 69 oreach 41 posted "07/14/2018 06:32:43 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 41 type Link ========== politicalscrapbooknet greatest hits If you want to look back to the most popular or controversial or interesting posts here, you can find them at for posts that were not advertised, and for those that were advertised ("boosted" in Facebook parlance). For a more comprehensive view, ===== hide 1 impact 18 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-07-13 ratio 8 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title politicalscrapbooknet greatest hits topic other wordrate 0 words 45 ID 660806427597213 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 2 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 60 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 59 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 60 oreach 34 posted "07/13/2018 10:22:27 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 34 type Link ========== Dismantling American Imperialism in DC and the other Federal Territories 50 years ago, the House District Committee was where rural Dixiecrats who could not be entrusted with any real responsibility were assigned. There they could, to their hearts' content, punish District residents for being black. Things haven't changed that much - Stepping back to the larger picture, how many disenfranchised Americans are there and where do they live? Puerto Rico 3,700,000 District of Columbia 694,000 Guam 160,000 US Virgin Islands 107,000 American Samoa and Swains Island 56,000 Northern Mariana Islands 54,000 Wake and Palmyra 0 Guano Islands 0 Wake, Palmyra, and the Guano Islands have no permanent native populations, usually due to lack of drinking water - In comparison, some state populations: California (most) 40,000,000 Kentucky (median) 4,500,000 Wyoming (least) 580,000 The District of Columbia is allowed to vote in presidential elections by the 23rd Amendment, and has a non-voting representative in the House. Residents of the listed islands have fought bravely in our wars but are not allowed to vote in Federal elections, and have only non-voting representatives in the House. Yet residents of all these territories can't claim any citizenship except American, and some of them aren't even American citizens, only American Nationals - and lots of Americans don't even grant them that - It's time to put this racist imperialist past behind us and US. What the Federal territories have in common is an average skin tone that is darker than the Trump-preferred Norwegian. So very few politicians are interested in the issue - certainly no Republicans want to elevate Puerto Rico or DC to reliably Democratic statehood. So they don't bother to prepare for the inevitable - On a tiny budget, Equally American is campaigning for voting rights for these disenfranchised Americans: But the ultimate solution is to get all American citizens and nationals into a state - or else independence or affiliation with another tiny island nation, if they prefer that. * Puerto Rico has a larger population than twenty states. It should be elevated to statehood. * District of Columbia has a larger population than Vermont or Wyoming, but it is too small geographically to be a state. It should be receded to Maryland, whence it came, so its residents have state resident rights. Nobody worries that receding Arlington and Alexandria to Virginia in 1846 has undermined national security; the Department of Defense and the intelligence agencies function fine outside DC. Federal reservations within DC would remain Federal reservations. The other islands are too small in population to become states. * US Virgin Islands could become part of the state of Puerto Rico; they are very close geographically. * Guam, Northern Marianas, American Samoa, and Swains Island could become part of the state of Hawaii. * The Guano and other uninhabited islands should remain under the jurisdiction of the Departments of the Interior or Defense as appropriate. ===== comments 2 impact 1642 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-07-13 ratio 2 react 34 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 20 title Dismantling American Imperialism in DC and the other topic other wordrate 0 words 483 ID 660784194266103 URL audclicks 20 audreach 16 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 20 impress 136 likeclickusers 20 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 120 likeusers 7 likeuusers 77 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 18 oimpress 136 oreach 91 posted "07/13/2018 09:41:56 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 15 reach 91 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== What can we do about Russian election interference? It's an old story in Europe. In Latvia they fight oppression the same way they always have, by singing - The Carnegie Endowment studied other European responses to Russian disinformation and meddling, and published a list of recommendations that America could act on - They mostly have been ignored - ===== impact 17 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-07-13 ratio 21 react 3 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title What can we do about Russian election interference? topic other wordrate 0 words 58 ID 660517327626123 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 102 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 84 likeuusers 49 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 102 oreach 63 posted "07/13/2018 02:07:12 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 63 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Payday for Putin Looks like he's going to get the return on his investment - And Europeans are very worried - Putin's strategy coincides with Trump's - What should Trump do instead? But his plan is different - ===== impact 42 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-07-13 ratio 6 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Payday for Putin topic other wordrate 0 words 38 ID 660316877646168 URL audclicks 8 audreach 8 engaged 10 impress 124 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 2 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 124 oreach 72 posted "07/13/2018 09:30:30 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 4 reach 72 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== It's amateur hour world-wide from now on Who needs facts, experience, painstaking analysis, and careful coordination? Next thing you know, it will be backyard steel furnaces - ===== comments 2 impact 103 impactrate 0 likeimpress 10 negative 0 posted 2018-07-13 ratio 5 react 38 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 22 title It's amateur hour world-wide from now on topic other wordrate 0 words 27 ID 660315617646294 URL audclicks 22 audreach 17 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 1 engaged 21 impress 323 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 10 likeuimpress 135 likeusers 9 likeuusers 74 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 323 oreach 217 posted "07/13/2018 09:29:00 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 12 reach 217 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== How much justice can you afford? Just whisper in my ear - Dark money in politics is probably the biggest threat to American democracy. American Promise is working one approach - Democracy 21 has another - But political donations should be restricted to registered voters (real American persons) and published promptly so everybody can see who's paying for what - ===== comments 3 impact 240 impactrate 0 likeimpress 16 negative 0 posted 2018-07-13 ratio 3 react 40 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 17 title How much justice can you afford? topic other wordrate 0 words 60 ID 660202260990963 URL audclicks 17 audreach 11 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 26 impress 185 likeclickusers 25 likeimpress 16 likeuimpress 144 likeusers 15 likeuusers 91 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 185 oreach 127 posted "07/13/2018 07:17:51 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 9 reach 127 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Pardon me! So much for the rule of law! ===== comments 4 impact 53 impactrate 0 likeimpress 28 negative 0 posted 2018-07-12 ratio 2 react 59 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 23 title Pardon me! topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 659675714376951 URL audclicks 23 audreach 15 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 36 impress 199 likeclickusers 35 likeimpress 28 likeuimpress 181 likeusers 28 likeuusers 111 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 19 oimpress 199 oreach 128 posted "07/12/2018 05:37:06 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 14 reach 128 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Foreign agent by accident or intent? Is Trump an unwitting agent of a foreign government or a volitional one? A more direct assault on the institutions that support America economically and militarily is hard to imagine. If Trump really believes free trade is expensive, he should be glad that nobody has found out how expensive another great depression would be - inevitably leading toward World War III, destabilizing both friend and foe. If Trump really believes NATO and the European Union are expensive, he should be glad that nobody has found out how expensive World War III would have been, and may yet be if he continues to appease our enemies. Disrupting the economic and military basis of Western prosperity and security IS definitely in somebody's interest, however. How come that somebody is calling the shots? At first it seemed to be a matter of simple ignorance. The escalating consistency and precision of the attacks suggest something more sinister. But here's another theory - But think about this: From the Franco-Prussian war to WWI took 44 years. From WWI to WWII took 21 years. Western Europe has been at peace now for 73 years. That's a pretty good record for the postwar plan, until Putin seized Crimea by force. Isolationism doesn't work. The world's too small for that now. ===== impact 131 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-07-11 ratio 4 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Foreign agent by accident or intent? topic other wordrate 0 words 219 ID 658892544455268 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 54 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 52 likeusers 1 likeuusers 23 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 54 oreach 24 posted "07/11/2018 10:45:41 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 24 sharesimpress 1 type Link ========== A former Republican writes about the World Cup and America's place in the world ===== impact 6 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-07-11 ratio 13 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title A former Republican writes about the World Cup and topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 658721647805691 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 4 impress 88 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 85 likeusers 1 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 3 oimpress 88 oreach 52 posted "07/11/2018 06:31:33 PM" postlinkclicks 3 reach 52 type Link ========== About the Trump Party, formerly known as the Republican Party of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt The Trump Party is truly a RINO, Republican-in-name-only. The party formerly known as Republican quietly embraced racists in 1968 as part of the Southern strategy They were quiet about it because they wanted to add the racists to their coalition without frightening away other conservatives. No more: now the embrace is loud enough for everybody to hear - no excuses. And who expected to see the day that most Republican politicians embrace Putin? Where do the former Republicans go who do not want to embrace racism or Putin? Can they get the former Republican Party to unequivocally and irrevocably disavow racists and fascists? Not likely, so any former Republican who does not want to be a Trumpist needs to find a new home. Maybe it's time for more independents in American politics. That requires dismantling some of the institutional barriers to independent candidates. There are those on the left that advocate embracing Trumpist tactics - hassling administration officials even when they go out to dinner. That seems to be the most abject surrender to Trumpism - accepting its terms for political conflict. If we go low, they will go even lower. We have to go high, where they can not follow. ===== comments 1 impact 929 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 0 posted 2018-07-11 ratio 2 react 43 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 28 title About the Trump Party, formerly known as the Republican topic other wordrate 0 words 216 ID 658719044472618 URL audclicks 28 audreach 23 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 24 impress 179 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 132 likeusers 6 likeuusers 82 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 22 oimpress 179 oreach 122 posted "07/11/2018 06:27:04 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 19 reach 122 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Tariffs don't work - yet nobody who could slow down Trump seems to be willing to do anything. Even in 1930, almost all economists agreed that tariffs didn't work. Hoover signed Smoot-Hawley anyway. The subsequent "sick of winning" homeless encampments were called Hoovervilles. Are there Trumpvilles in the future of our soybean-exporting states? Maybe, but maybe the farmers don't mind. Maybe some of them are hoping for more reactionary Supreme Court nominees. Maybe some of them don't mind losing their farms as long as they can speak their minds about how they feel about the future. Tariffs are not a tax on foreigners. They are a domestic welfare mechanism, that taxes one group and benefits another. Republicans used to be against welfare, saying it discourages initiative and encourages parasitism. If the economy needed stimulation - and it might whenever the current recovery ends - the best thing to do would be to eliminate tariffs - to make American exports more competitive and create jobs. ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 705 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 1 posted 2018-07-11 ratio 2 react 43 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title Tariffs don't work - yet nobody who could slow down Trump topic other wordrate 0 words 164 ID 658707897807066 URL audclicks 26 audreach 20 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 23 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 155 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 126 likeusers 10 likeuusers 81 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 23 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 155 oreach 108 posted "07/11/2018 06:06:37 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 18 reach 108 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Is Robert Mueller a principal or inferior officer? The Supreme Court will likely have to decide about that eventually: ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 67 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 1 posted 2018-07-11 ratio 2 react 35 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 22 title Is Robert Mueller a principal or inferior officer? topic other wordrate 0 words 19 ID 658695344474988 URL audclicks 22 audreach 6 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 14 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 117 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 114 likeusers 9 likeuusers 82 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 20 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 117 oreach 85 posted "07/11/2018 05:42:37 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 85 type Link ========== On confirming Trump's Supreme Court nominations... as with many other major issues... no Democratic senators should vote for Republican nominations or proposals unless at least 30 Democratic senators do. And for the particular case of Supreme Court nominations, for which McConnell got rid of the supermajority requirement - a move which he might come to regret next year - all the Democratic senators should take the position of voting against confirming any Supreme Court nominations until Merrick Garland has been nominated and voted up or down. But assuming the Republicans will find somebody that they can muster 51 votes for despite Democratic opposition, it's instructive to read about Hugo Black. He was (at various different times) a KKK member, an FDR New Dealer, and a strict constructionist. Goes to show you never can tell! ===== hide 1 impact 362 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-07-09 ratio 2 react 27 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 22 title On confirming Trump's Supreme Court nominations... topic other wordrate 0 words 134 ID 656993541311835 URL audclicks 22 audreach 16 engaged 17 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 110 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 96 likeusers 2 likeuusers 56 matchedlinkclicks 5 matchedotherclicks 17 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 110 oreach 67 posted "07/09/2018 10:35:54 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 14 reach 67 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Goetterdaemmerung in real life.... Flattery can get Siegfried to kill the dragons that you are not strong enough to kill yourself. ===== comments 4 impact 122 impactrate 0 likeimpress 14 negative 0 posted 2018-07-09 ratio 3 react 58 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 31 title Goetterdaemmerung in real life.... topic other wordrate 0 words 21 ID 656972897980566 URL audclicks 31 audreach 21 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 3 engaged 30 impress 246 likeclickusers 28 likeimpress 14 likeuimpress 151 likeusers 12 likeuusers 99 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 23 oimpress 246 oreach 180 posted "07/09/2018 10:09:39 PM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 14 reach 180 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 8 type Link ========== The World Ends in San Francisco Real smoke and ashes from real wildfires fell outside as the old order went up in flames inside at the conclusion of the final cycle of San Francisco Opera's Ring. Not only the old order, but the new order that the old order thought it had established. A supposed hero, raised in a moral and historical vacuum, ignorant, impatient, impulsive, yet indecisive, was easy prey for a crafty flattering manipulator. Likewise a supposed heroine made the fatal mistake of confusing the symbol of love for love itself. So what happens now? Thus this Goetterdaemmerung production ends much like every other, but this time there's a new topical twist: instead of cringing on the sidelines, Gutrune and the Gibichung women seize the men's weapons of war and throw them on the funeral pyre of Siegfried and Brunnhile. Will they be able to create a better world than the men? ===== impact 139 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-07-02 ratio 5 react 9 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title The World Ends in San Francisco topic other wordrate 0 words 154 ID 649892492021940 URL audclicks 6 audreach 6 engaged 9 impress 88 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 3 likeuusers 46 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 88 oreach 51 posted "07/02/2018 06:17:27 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 51 type Link ========== Cutting taxes: it worked once, so try it again! So what if the generally available facts don't support the claims? This administration has access to facts that are not generally available! And even though import tariffs are a tax on Americans, not foreigners, we won't count those as tax increases: Of course, Cohn is no longer part of the Trump administration, so he only has access to ordinary facts. ===== comments 2 impact 269 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 0 posted 2018-06-29 ratio 5 react 39 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title Cutting taxes: it worked once, so try it again! topic other wordrate 0 words 69 ID 647408972270292 URL audclicks 21 audreach 17 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 25 impress 292 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 127 likeusers 11 likeuusers 83 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 18 oimpress 292 oreach 223 posted "06/29/2018 02:40:53 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 14 reach 223 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link ========== Time to change the rules of the House? An idea from nolabels: ===== comments 1 impact 23 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-06-22 ratio 4 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 14 title Time to change the rules of the House? topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 640555352955654 URL audclicks 14 audreach 11 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 13 impress 133 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 112 likeusers 3 likeuusers 70 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 133 oreach 90 posted "06/22/2018 01:23:41 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 7 reach 90 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Amazing what you can buy for $5000 in Nevada... ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-06-22 ratio 6 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Amazing what you can buy for $5000 in Nevada... topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 640548149623041 URL audclicks 7 audreach 6 engaged 12 impress 143 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 102 likeusers 5 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 143 oreach 93 posted "06/22/2018 01:11:21 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 93 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Two conservatives tackle the question: do we need more immigrants? All wealthy western democracies are in the same boat: because children are sources of expense rather than income as in traditional subsistence agrarian economies, western democracy families are having fewer children or none, a trend worsened by income inequality. So population declines and gets older. To maintain the previous standard of living, immigrants are needed, both rocket scientists and farmworkers. The danger of immigrants is not that they won't assimilate, but that they will assimilate too well, expecting the same standard of living for their children as natives. But unlimited population growth is not possible, whether native or immigrant, and at some point a stable or dynamic equilibrium will evolve, and that will require a global change in expectations. In the shorter term, mandatoryE-Verify for all employees - starting with the Trump hotels and resorts - would eliminate a lot of illegal immigration. That would also eliminate a lot of labor, risking a major depression, so they better not demand E-Verify without figuring out a fair, legal, and dignified way for guest workers to participate in the work force. But dealing with hard problems responsibly - whether immigration, income inequality, deficit spending, .... is unprofitable for politicians, who fear the results either in the next primary or general election of both. The Republicans NEED illegal immigration, both for economic and political reasons: ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 766 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-06-22 ratio 4 react 33 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 22 title Two conservatives tackle the question: do we need more topic other wordrate 0 words 232 ID 640401892971000 URL audclicks 22 audreach 15 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 16 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 195 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 149 likeusers 2 likeuusers 116 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 15 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 195 oreach 155 posted "06/22/2018 09:48:44 AM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 10 reach 155 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Trump's greatest legacy: Dissolving the boundary between subjective feelings and objective facts. That's why his hard-core base will never abandon him. Another way of looking at it: the triumph of competitive myth over cooperative parable: But competition in a world with increasing population with increasing expectations and democratized weapons of mass destruction has only one dead end, the Fermi Paradox: ===== comments 3 impact 282 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-06-22 ratio 3 react 47 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 32 title Trump's greatest legacy: topic other wordrate 0 words 60 ID 640365142974675 URL audclicks 32 audreach 21 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 24 impress 258 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 142 likeusers 6 likeuusers 91 matchedlinkclicks 9 matchedotherclicks 23 oimpress 258 oreach 179 posted "06/22/2018 09:01:26 AM" postlinkclicks 8 postotherclicks 15 reach 179 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link ========== Wagner's Ring continues in San Francisco Der Ring des Nibelungen continues at San Francisco Opera. The second cycle began last night and continues through Sunday; the third and final cycle begins next Tuesday. Measured by its influence on subsequent generations of creative artists, the Ring remains one of the monuments of Western civilization, both intensely mythologically archetypal and intensely topical, especially in the current SF production. A performance demands a lot of the performers and a lot of the audience, although English-language supertitles make it vastly more accessible to modern audiences. Richard Wagner wasn't much liked as a person when he was alive and afterward, but he was recognized as an artistic genius in his own lifetime and afterward. Ringheads who have the means to do so, attend Ring cycles all over the world; others have to content themselves with DVD's until there's a production nearby. The last one in San Francisco was in 2011. Reviews: ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-20 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Wagner's Ring continues in San Francisco topic other wordrate 0 words 156 title Wagner's Ring continues in San Francisco ID 638330403178149 URL posted "06/20/2018 08:11:41 AM" reach 31 oreach 31 impress 48 oimpress 48 likeuimpress 42 likeuusers 27 ========== More privacy settings that shouldn't be left to default ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-06-15 ratio 13 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title More privacy settings that shouldn't be left to default topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 634342786910244 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 50 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 48 likeusers 1 likeuusers 24 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 50 oreach 26 posted "06/15/2018 02:01:50 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 26 type Link ========== More new jobs created by the Trump administration ===== comments 3 impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-06-15 ratio 4 react 17 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title More new jobs created by the Trump administration topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 634116270266229 URL audclicks 9 audreach 7 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 10 impress 102 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 78 likeusers 4 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 102 oreach 73 posted "06/15/2018 07:15:05 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 5 reach 73 type Link ========== How things change in 11 years: "In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national civil rights organization, for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote." Since embracing the Southern strategy, Republicans have been careful not to alienate the racist part of their base, while not alienating the rest of their supporters either. Like the Democrats until 1960, even the non-racist Republicans knew that without the racists in their coalition, they didn't have a winning proposition. No more worries about the rest now: And in Virginia: Former Republican Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling tweeted Tuesday night: “I am extremely disappointed that a candidate like Corey Stewart could win the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. This is clearly not the Republican Party I once knew, loved and proudly served. Every time I think things can’t get worse they do, and there is no end in sight.” That's because it's not the Republican Party any more. From South Carolina: “We are the party of President Donald J. Trump,” Arrington declared in her victory speech. Among all the things that Trump is not interested in, these may rank near the top - a lack of interest in expanding his support beyond his hard core base, and a lack of interest in establishing and preserving norms of behavior that would benefit his successors: ===== impact 94 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-13 ratio 8 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title How things change in 11 years: topic other wordrate 0 words 236 ID 632774907067032 URL audclicks 4 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 54 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 50 likeuusers 31 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 54 oreach 35 posted "06/13/2018 01:41:08 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 35 type Link ========== What income inequality means... But housing prices are very sensitive to supply and demand - and when the economy is booming, there's a lot of demand for housing where the jobs are, which is where the housing is expensive. And speaking of supply and demand... ===== comments 1 impact 54 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-13 ratio 15 react 12 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title What income inequality means... topic other wordrate 0 words 45 ID 632740530403803 URL audclicks 8 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 272 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 69 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 272 oreach 184 posted "06/13/2018 12:32:43 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 5 reach 184 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== This is what exponential change looks like... But it also might not be the beginning of exponential change, and even if it is, it will end eventually - exponential change in finite systems can't go on forever, or even for very long once it's noticeable to casual observers. But just because it will end eventually doesn't mean we will be around to see it. It might be part of a much larger picture: ===== impact 95 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-06-13 ratio 8 react 13 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title This is what exponential change looks like... topic other wordrate 0 words 73 ID 632665100411346 URL audclicks 7 audreach 4 engaged 7 impress 160 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 55 likeusers 3 likeuusers 34 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 160 oreach 113 posted "06/13/2018 10:32:07 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 3 reach 113 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== The new Nigerian economy ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-13 ratio 9 react 4 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title The new Nigerian economy topic other wordrate 0 words 4 ID 632657057078817 URL audclicks 3 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 53 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 36 likeuusers 21 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 53 oreach 36 posted "06/13/2018 10:25:57 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 36 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Time out! It's how one deals with childish behavior in children ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-13 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Time out! topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 632628400415016 URL impress 53 likeuimpress 50 likeuusers 31 oimpress 53 oreach 34 posted "06/13/2018 09:40:54 AM" reach 34 type Link ========== No need to save the earth... The earth will get along fine without us: But if we want to go along with the ride for as long as possible, we need to get serious about it. So far there is no evidence that any other civilization in the universe that has attained advanced technology and survived long enough to be noticed. ===== impact 43 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-06-12 ratio 6 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title No need to save the earth... topic other wordrate 0 words 61 ID 631923520485504 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 4 impress 72 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 51 likeusers 2 likeuusers 27 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 72 oreach 46 posted "06/12/2018 09:52:23 AM" postotherclicks 3 reach 46 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== If Donald Trump were an agent for a foreign dictator, what would he do differently? He must just like dictators better than democrats: But how do you sell one thing and deliver the opposite, over and over? By dazzle and distract: ===== impact 45 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-06-12 ratio 3 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title If Donald Trump were an agent for a foreign dictator, topic other wordrate 0 words 41 ID 631834133827776 URL audclicks 7 audreach 6 engaged 7 impress 69 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 59 likeusers 3 likeuusers 36 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 69 oreach 43 posted "06/12/2018 06:14:20 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 43 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Maine tries preferential voting today ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-12 ratio 10 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Maine tries preferential voting today topic other wordrate 0 words 5 ID 631829943828195 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 60 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 58 likeuusers 30 matchedlinkclicks 3 oimpress 60 oreach 32 posted "06/12/2018 06:06:03 AM" postlinkclicks 3 reach 32 type Link ========== Was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act really intended to cause the next recession? Even if it weren't, how would it have been different it it were? Anyway, the Republican Congress continues to do its part to speed things up: What people always forget during the manic phase is that leverage works both ways, up AND down. There WILL be another recession, just as there WILL be another avalanche on a steep snow slope. Nobody can predict exactly when or exactly what will cause the avalanche, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. Ben Bernanke is betting on 2020, just in time for the next election: ===== impact 180 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-11 ratio 5 react 17 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 13 title Was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act really intended to cause topic other wordrate 0 words 106 ID 631468780530978 URL audclicks 13 audreach 9 engaged 12 impress 123 likeclickusers 10 likeuimpress 76 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 123 oreach 86 posted "06/11/2018 11:22:02 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 9 reach 86 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Labor is losing ground against capital... and the biggest losers are the Trump base, but they don't seem to care as long as their side is "winning." The American Enterprise Institute cheerfully reports that income inequality is not getting worse but doesn't claim that it's getting better. They presumably understand that concentration of political power is a bad thing, but seem to be blind to the same effects of concentration of economic power. They seem to think that a Wall Street bureaucrat protects the public's interests better than a Washington bureaucrat. That's true, for the "public" of billionaires. ===== impact 20 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-11 ratio 13 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Labor is losing ground against capital... topic other wordrate 0 words 98 ID 631447963866393 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 52 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 50 likeuusers 24 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 52 oreach 26 posted "06/11/2018 10:19:41 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 26 type Link ========== How much medical care can you afford? How much can you afford to pay for other people? As the population ages, medical care could become the biggest part of the government budget: ===== hide 1 impact 19 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-06-06 ratio 5 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title How much medical care can you afford? topic other wordrate 0 words 32 ID 628751850802671 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 4 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 57 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 54 likeuusers 28 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 57 oreach 31 posted "06/06/2018 06:10:31 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 31 type Link ========== 2026 for Medicare, 2034 for Social Security The annual checkup is done: But Trump won't be in office in 2026, so he doesn't seem interested. And indeed there's a bipartisan disinclination to address the issues until the crisis is at hand. Previous good-faith efforts have been ignored: There isn't some magic button that will painlessly fix this. Either taxes go up or benefits go down, because the population (of all the prosperous Western democracies) is getting older. The ultimate choice is lower standard of living in old age or more immigration of energetic young people. If people vote for candidates who say what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear, they have only themselves to blame. ===== comments 1 impact 108 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-06-05 ratio 6 react 9 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title 2026 for Medicare, 2034 for Social Security topic other wordrate 0 words 120 ID 628509324160257 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 96 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 85 likeusers 2 likeuusers 47 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 96 oreach 58 posted "06/05/2018 04:23:29 PM" postotherclicks 4 reach 58 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== There's a reason it's called Tax Cuts and JOBS Act... Jobs for lawyers: And jobs for accountants! == topic tax ===== impact 30 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-06-05 ratio 4 react 15 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title There's a reason it's called Tax Cuts and JOBS Act... topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 628375037507019 URL audclicks 11 audreach 9 engaged 11 impress 96 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 64 likeusers 1 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 96 oreach 62 posted "06/05/2018 08:55:01 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 6 reach 62 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Even the president tells the truth sometimes.... it's just a matter of the odds. If he says one thing on one occasion and the exact opposite on another, he must have been telling the truth once.... but how to tell which one was true? ===== impact 13 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-05 ratio 9 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Even the president tells the truth sometimes.... topic other wordrate 0 words 44 ID 628354054175784 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 50 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 49 likeuusers 28 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 50 oreach 29 posted "06/05/2018 08:03:40 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 29 type Link ========== Fire safety: local journalism to the rescue again Most newspapers can't afford to do much investigative journalism. The Mercury News still tries: and it makes a difference: What do you do to $upport your local investigative journalism? ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-05 ratio 26 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Fire safety: local journalism to the rescue again topic other wordrate 0 words 37 ID 628343440843512 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 53 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 49 likeuusers 24 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 53 oreach 26 posted "06/05/2018 07:34:19 AM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 26 type Link ========== As always, blame the Jews.... One expects this from Viktor Orban: but not Netanyahu! Has there been so little progress since the days of Dreyfus? Yet there's a strange symmetry there - a Hungarian, Esterhazy, was one of the French officers who framed Dreyfus to cover their own tracks. And the Dreyfus affair was one of the events that radicalized Theodor Herzl from assimilation to Zionism, leading to the creation of the state of Israel that Netanyahu now leads, when he's not in court. It's a testament to the enduring power of myth and superstition over reason and facts. After all, salesman- leaders like Trump and Netanyahu speak the truth about the dreams and fears of their audience, and the audience feels great, even though the leaders seldom do anything to improve the lot of the audience, and often make it worse. Yet, the human animal seems to need the help of the irrational to get through an irrational world. Interesting thoughts on that: And that's why superstition is never dead, just dormant, like a sleeping volcano. ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 142 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-06-05 ratio 3 react 8 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title As always, blame the Jews.... topic other wordrate 0 words 177 ID 628341967510326 URL audclicks 6 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 60 likeclickusers 5 likeuimpress 58 likeuusers 28 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 4 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 60 oreach 30 posted "06/05/2018 07:30:19 AM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 3 reach 30 type Link ========== Remembering Gerald Ford and Bush 1... it's amazing how much better former presidents have been looking lately. Even Warren Harding, probably the worst president overall, called the world's first disarmament conference, which was successful for ten years: Of course, others hold that Hoover was the worst Republican president; he knew tariffs were bad but signed Smoot Hawley anyway: ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-04 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Remembering Gerald Ford and Bush 1... topic other wordrate 0 words 58 ID 627876324223557 URL impress 64 likeuimpress 61 likeuusers 32 oimpress 64 oreach 34 posted "06/04/2018 09:13:42 AM" reach 34 type Link ========== Maybe foreign investors know something about the Silicon Valley residential real estate market.... ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-04 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Maybe foreign investors know something about the Silicon topic other wordrate 0 words 13 ID 627874244223765 URL impress 44 likeuimpress 41 likeuusers 20 oimpress 44 oreach 22 posted "06/04/2018 09:05:45 AM" reach 22 type Link ========== Default social media privacy settings are often not what you'd want... the defaults are set for what the advertising engine wants - and the advertisers pay for your social media. ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-06-04 ratio 24 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Default social media privacy settings are often not what topic other wordrate 0 words 30 ID 627873327557190 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 43 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 40 likeuusers 22 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 43 oreach 24 posted "06/04/2018 09:02:06 AM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 24 type Link ========== Republican Party has become Trump Party If Boehner says it, believe it! In the future, will all parties claim to be Trumpistas? ===== comments 6 hide 2 impact 125 impactrate 0 likeimpress 13 negative 2 posted 2018-06-01 ratio 2 react 57 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 33 title Republican Party has become Trump Party topic other wordrate 0 words 22 ID 626385601039296 URL audclicks 33 audreach 17 commentsimpress 6 commentsusers 6 engaged 24 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 233 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 13 likeuimpress 115 likeusers 13 likeuusers 73 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 26 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 233 oreach 156 posted "06/01/2018 07:31:05 AM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 15 reach 156 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link ========== Don't list too many years of experience on your resume... it might be held against you: Sometimes CEO's accidentally tell the truth: ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-31 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Don't list too many years of experience on your resume... topic other wordrate 0 words 22 ID 626151524396037 URL impress 60 likeuimpress 50 likeuusers 28 oimpress 60 oreach 35 posted "05/31/2018 07:09:57 PM" reach 35 type Link ========== Remembering Culbert Olson, a progressive California governor 80 years ahead of his time: Yet his Republican successor, Earl Warren, actually accomplished more of a progressive agenda. His fellow Republicans showed their gratitude by printing "Impeach Earl Warren" bumper stickers after he was elevated to the Supreme Court. ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-31 ratio 38 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Remembering Culbert Olson, a progressive California topic other wordrate 0 words 47 ID 626149444396245 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 67 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 59 likeuusers 31 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 67 oreach 38 posted "05/31/2018 07:05:02 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 38 type Link ========== Ranked choice (preferential) voting is taking hold in San Francisco. The following report came from Voters across the state are already turning in their ballots for an election that’s just 5 days away! We’re ready for an historic election not just in San Francisco for the mayoral race, but a ballot measure in Santa Clara as well. Ranked choice voting (RCV) in San Francisco has become a national story. Stanford political scientist Larry Diamond wrote an excellent case for RCV in the San Francisco Chronicle, while an Atlantic analysis featured Pedro Hernandez and FairVote's president Rob Richie was on NPR's 1A program. We’ve also seen Top Two primary critics like Lee Drutman in Vox, Andrew Gumbel in the Los Angeles Times, Davis Faris in Huffington Post, and defenders at IVN.US author Dan Howle suggesting ranked choice voting should be a part of any reform solution. RCV is also impacting SF’s political culture. Most major candidates have come out with videos explaining RCV that show they are embracing the incentives the system creates to make connections with more voters. If you’re in the Bay Area, join us as we’re educating voters about ranked choice voting on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday on Election Day. Sign up to volunteer here! If you’re not in the Bay Area, not to worry, you can still get involved! We just released a new video sharing testimonials about why ranked choice voting (RCV) works. Special thank you to our friends Lila Carrillo, Eric Mar, Tom Ammiano, Rose Aguilar, Shaun Haines, Tom Temprano, and Charlotte Hill for appearing in the first video! If you're a voter in SF, tell us about your experience during this election. If you live outside the Bay Area, tell us what you think about RCV and what it would mean for your community. We’re also proud to announce the release of a new report! This report illustrates that RCV is working as intended in San Francisco with positive voter experiences and an increase in voter turnout and the use of rankings. This report looks at the facts, and challenges the narrative from certain media outlets and politicos. We know that with RCV, voters have a more powerful voice in our elections. Jennifer Pao will be speaking about this at the Women's March Power to the Polls: Finding Common Ground event on Sunday, June 3 from 1-4pm at the Women’s Building in SF. You can attend this free event by registering on Eventbrite. Come by our table! Also, in case you may have missed it, check out our RCV voter education videos in English and Spanish. Share with your friends and family! ===== impact 131 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-31 ratio 8 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Ranked choice (preferential) voting is taking hold in topic other wordrate 0 words 438 ID 626104687734054 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 50 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 44 likeuusers 21 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 50 oreach 26 posted "05/31/2018 04:39:17 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 26 type Link ========== It's happened... Republicans now come in third in California: ===== comments 4 impact 44 impactrate 0 likeimpress 14 negative 0 posted 2018-05-31 ratio 2 react 49 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 29 title It's happened... Republicans now come in third in topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 625922524418937 URL audclicks 29 audreach 14 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 19 impress 211 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 14 likeuimpress 84 likeusers 13 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 23 oimpress 211 oreach 100 posted "05/31/2018 06:49:42 AM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 13 reach 100 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Orange County top-two chaos Evidently the California 7 project was too successful. All this could be avoided if preferential voting were used. As many Republicans, Democrats, and independents could run, without diluting their party's strength, and candidates with the broadest support would win. ===== impact 26 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-30 ratio 5 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Orange County top-two chaos topic other wordrate 0 words 43 ID 625689397775583 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 56 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 50 likeusers 1 likeuusers 26 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 56 oreach 30 posted "05/30/2018 06:07:09 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 30 type Link ========== "Some things are true even if Trump believes them so Democrats still have to connect with some centrist and conservative voters. but then take them in a constructive direction, in contrast with Trump's destructive direction." ===== impact 21 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-30 ratio 6 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title "Some things are true even if Trump believes them topic other wordrate 0 words 35 ID 625680017776521 URL audclicks 6 audreach 6 engaged 6 impress 63 likeclickusers 6 likeuimpress 58 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 63 oreach 37 posted "05/30/2018 05:40:34 PM" postotherclicks 6 reach 37 type Link ========== Reboot your router now! FBI suggests you power cycle your router and change the passwords if they are the default. ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-30 ratio 41 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Reboot your router now! topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 625673857777137 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 65 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 58 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 65 oreach 41 posted "05/30/2018 05:16:03 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 41 type Link ========== Do corporate directors have any other obligation besides profit? It depends on the state, but most states expect less than most other countries: ===== impact 16 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-05-30 ratio 6 react 7 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Do corporate directors have any other obligation besides topic other wordrate 0 words 23 ID 625602527784270 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 5 impress 77 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 61 likeusers 4 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 77 oreach 44 posted "05/30/2018 01:20:41 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 44 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== States rights works both ways If the Feds can't regulate state gambling laws, then they can't regulate state emissions laws. ===== impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-30 ratio 6 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title States rights works both ways topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 625600851117771 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 64 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 60 likeusers 1 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 64 oreach 33 posted "05/30/2018 01:14:48 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 1 reach 33 type Link ========== Endorsements for California June 5 Primary Still having trouble deciding how to vote? Here are some sources of recommendations and analysis - the reasoning behind the recommendation is more important than the result. Newspapers: Political organizations: Non-partisan: Special interest: this one requires special decoding: grade A means you'll be Able to shoot up any place any time grade F means you'll be Free to go any place any time without getting shot up And for another view on the state propositions: ===== impact 16 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-30 ratio 17 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Endorsements for California June 5 Primary topic other wordrate 0 words 81 ID 625539791123877 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 78 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 75 likeusers 1 likeuusers 32 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 78 oreach 35 posted "05/30/2018 10:47:46 AM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 35 type Link ========== Repo man sees a recession starting and bond traders expect 2.5% growth at best but leave your long-term money in the stock market, lest you miss the recovery. ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-24 ratio 26 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Repo man sees a recession starting topic other wordrate 0 words 28 ID 622805478063975 URL engaged 1 impress 57 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 38 likeusers 1 likeuusers 13 oimpress 57 oreach 26 posted "05/24/2018 12:03:13 PM" reach 26 type Link ========== When your strategy is losing, double down... as long as it's other people's money. Sounds like Calpers thinks it can do better than most money managers... this time for sure! Investment returns need to be adjusted for risk to compare various types. A safer plan for other people's money would be to invest like target-date mutual funds do, allocating amounts to target dates according to when the money will be needed. Then employer and employee contributions and benefits need to be put in balance with realistic return expectations. Vanguard's target date fund 10-year returns - which encompass no bear markets - vary from 5.85% for 2020 to 6.97% for 2050. Those are realistic optimistic upper bounds. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-24 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title When your strategy is losing, double down... as long as topic other wordrate 0 words 116 ID 622687971409059 URL impress 47 likeuimpress 31 likeuusers 13 oimpress 47 oreach 24 posted "05/24/2018 06:42:48 AM" reach 24 type Link ========== Centrists Are the Most Hostile to Democracy ??? This is an unexpected claim: Could it be that in the methodology of opinion survey, people who are not much interested in politics tend to identify themselves toward the center rather than extremes? Maybe the results would be different if the survey were limited to people active in politics. ===== impact 29 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-24 ratio 6 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Centrists Are the Most Hostile to Democracy csv nmd ntd rmd rtd topic other wordrate 0 words 57 ID 622643394746850 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 4 impress 59 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 45 likeusers 2 likeuusers 25 matchedlinkclicks 3 oimpress 59 oreach 33 posted "05/24/2018 04:41:10 AM" postlinkclicks 2 reach 33 type Link ========== Even though you can't believe any political advertising in the mail or on tv or radio or.... You might still like to know who's paying for it and why. ===== comments 1 impact 38 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-23 ratio 3 react 13 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title Even though you can't believe any political advertising topic other wordrate 0 words 29 ID 622495278094995 URL audclicks 11 audreach 7 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 65 likeclickusers 6 likeuimpress 51 likeuusers 32 matchedlinkclicks 6 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 65 oreach 43 posted "05/23/2018 09:12:48 PM" postlinkclicks 5 postotherclicks 3 reach 43 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Maybe California housing prices won't keep rising forever... But the wine country fires caused housing to become more expensive, not less. ===== impact 23 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-05-23 ratio 5 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Maybe California housing prices won't keep rising topic other wordrate 0 words 21 ID 622494584761731 URL audclicks 6 audreach 5 engaged 8 impress 93 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 50 likeusers 4 likeuusers 31 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 93 oreach 65 posted "05/23/2018 09:10:07 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 65 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Bigger banks are better, right? Medium-size banks just got a free pass to get bigger: The good news is that the final bill was really bipartisan. Even if it's not a very good bill, it could have been worse. And Congress does need to work on bipartisanship when it's productive to do so. ===== impact 53 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-05-22 ratio 5 react 10 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Bigger banks are better, right? topic other wordrate 0 words 53 ID 621973934813796 URL audclicks 6 audreach 6 engaged 10 impress 97 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 78 likeusers 4 likeuusers 47 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 97 oreach 54 posted "05/22/2018 05:05:22 PM" postotherclicks 6 reach 54 type Link ========== Things aren't always what they seem... skim milk masquerades as cream. ===== impact 7 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-22 ratio 7 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Things aren't always what they seem... skim milk topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 621908141487042 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 5 impress 78 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 60 likeusers 1 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 78 oreach 44 posted "05/22/2018 01:02:41 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 2 reach 44 type Link ========== There's gold in them thar deserts... all you have to know is who to talk to,-the-president-and-the-fortune-seekers ===== impact 6 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-22 ratio 8 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title There's gold in them thar deserts... topic other wordrate 0 words 16 ID 621906854820504 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 59 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 44 likeusers 2 likeuusers 24 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 59 oreach 33 posted "05/22/2018 12:57:23 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 33 type Link ========== The kind of Republican we need - for a blue November Can he get past WV's sore loser law? Preferential voting would avoid some problems with the primary/general election duality: ===== impact 12 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-22 ratio 7 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title The kind of Republican we need - for a blue November topic other wordrate 0 words 30 ID 621904448154078 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 55 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 44 likeusers 2 likeuusers 21 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 55 oreach 29 posted "05/22/2018 12:47:27 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 29 type Link ========== As suspected, the Republican leadership doesn't REALLY want to stop illegal immigration... that might affect the bottom line, and the recession that followed might affect the next election, and put the major donors in a bad mood. Trucking companies need more drivers, and they can't get them. That's how economic booms come to an end. ===== comments 1 impact 66 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-22 ratio 2 react 12 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title As suspected, the Republican leadership doesn't REALLY topic other wordrate 0 words 55 ID 621883451489511 URL audclicks 10 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 49 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 37 likeusers 1 likeuusers 20 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 49 oreach 26 posted "05/22/2018 11:32:17 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 26 type Link ========== political scrapbook and related websites READING: The domain started as a morale-boosting exercise after the November 2016 election - writing down opinions about what to do next. Although subdivided into various topics, the details got too big for anybody to ever read them all, so eventually some of the guiding principles were split off into the shorter list: abstract principles underlying many of the specific ideas in the scrapbook discursive commentary on many topics * what should be done about Trump? * improving the quality of American democracy * controversial topics * political theory topics * journalism * nominally non-political topics == Over time various ideas seemed large enough to warrant their own dedicated websites: * how should the Senate Democratic Caucus get the Republicans interested in genuine bipartisan problem solving? Write to your Federal Senators! * there's no recall process for elected Federal officials - what could be done instead? Write to your state legislators! * what else could be done now about Trump and his Congressional enablers? Write to your state legislators! * preserve the center of western democracy - reject domestic and foreign extremism * true tax reform is one flat tax on discretionary income == These websites are for readers. There are no funny movies and just a few illustrations and cartoons. There is nothing to buy or sign up for on any of these websites, but if you find them worth reading, then please pass them on to others who might find them helpful. Facebook collects billions of statistics, but doesn't, and fortunately can't, track how many readers get inspired to donate time or money to worthwhile causes, such as some of those mentioned below. Those are the statistics that really count. DOING: If you want to DO something, here are some suggestions for places that you might consider to donate time or money: If you prefer centrist, bipartisan, or nonpartisan approaches, consider these: * restore centrist bipartisanship * practical effective government * restore norms of democratic republican behavior League of Women Voters protecting and educating voters For specific issues: * retire "one-dollar-one-vote" and "human rights for corporations" by constitutional amendment * Citizens for Tax Justice * Fight for a Fair Economy * Not One Penny in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations If you prefer partisan Democratic Party campaigns: * National Democratic Redistricting Committee * Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee * Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee * California 7 Project - retire seven worthy California Congressional Representatives Most political contributions are not tax deductible. But several organizations have tax-deductible educational affiliates that you might consider supporting if a tax deduction is important to you: * retire winner-take-all Congressional representation in favor of multi-district preferential balloting * Democracy 21 Education Fund retire "one-dollar-one-vote" by legislation and judicial action * Bipartisan Policy Center actively seeking bipartisan solutions to problems * Concord Coalition for control of Federal deficit * Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy - ensure that policy makers, media, and advocates know the impact that tax changes have on people of different income levels * We the People Project - voting rights for residents of Federal territories == This Facebook page lists the websites derived from and contains occasional posts on some of the topics they address. This page is advertised to people who Facebook thinks are interested in the Democratic Party. An article well worth reading,, led to a two-month trial of Facebook advertising, from 5 Nov 2017 to 7 Jan 2018, and then a trial of boosting posts starting 6 April 2018. ===== impact 111 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-21 ratio 46 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title political scrapbook and related websites topic other wordrate 0 words 555 ID 621621068182416 URL audclicks 2 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 138 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 36 likeuusers 14 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 138 oreach 93 posted "05/21/2018 10:03:52 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 93 type Link ========== Playing with Fire - 1968 and 2016 The more things change... "When Johnson got word of Nixon's meddling, he ordered the F.B.I. to track Chennault's movements. She 'contacted Vietnam Ambassador Bui Diem,' one report from the surveillance noted, 'and advised him that she had received a message from her boss ... to give personally to the ambassador. She said the message was ... "Hold on. We are gonna win. ... Please tell your boss to hold on." ' In a conversation with the Republican senator Everett Dirksen, the minority leader, Johnson lashed out at Nixon. 'I'm reading their hand, Everett,' Johnson told his old friend. 'This is treason.' 'I know,' Dirksen said mournfully. Johnson's closest aides urged him to unmask Nixon's actions. But on a Nov. 4 conference call, they concluded that they could not go public because, among other factors, they lacked the 'absolute proof,' as Defense Secretary Clark Clifford put it, of Nixon's direct involvement. Nixon was elected president the next day." ===== comments 1 impact 3920 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 0 posted 2018-05-21 ratio 10 react 239 reactrate 0 shares 11 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 216 title Playing with Fire - 1968 and 2016 topic other wordrate 0 words 164 ID 621612164849973 URL audclicks 222 audreach 179 bimpress 2308 blikeimpress 4 blikeusers 4 breach 2141 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 185 impress 2724 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 40 likeusers 9 likeuusers 21 matchedlinkclicks 93 matchedotherclicks 123 oimpress 416 oreach 306 posted "05/21/2018 09:31:15 PM" postlinkclicks 78 postotherclicks 111 reach 2427 sharesimpress 11 sharesusers 10 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Playing with Fire - 1968 and 2016""" ccleantitle Playing with Fire - 1968 and 2016 cclicksall 432 cclickslink 82 ccpcall 0.0462963 ccpclink 0.24390244 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2308 clicksunique 79 conversionrank - cost 0.24390243902439 cpm 8.66551127 creach 2103 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 18.71750433 ctrlink 3.5528596187175 ecomments 1 ecpclink 0.24390244 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 3 ereact 4 eshares 9 frequency 1.0974797907751 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 82 spent 20 ========== The Eternal Business Cycle Our hope and despair is that no matter who's running the government and no matter what they do, the economy will wax, peak, wane, bottom, and repeat. Whoever is in charge will take the credit or get the blame for whatever was bound to happen sooner or later anyway. Government action or inaction can affect the timing and severity to only a limited extent. The current economic recovery is about 8 years old and will expire sometime in the next 8 years, no matter who is in the White House; the longest postwar recovery was 10 years. The current recovery has an expiration date on or before June, 2019. As always, the party in power will be blamed, even though nobody has been able to figure out how to defeat the business cycle. That's because it's ultimately a phenomenon of mass psychology rather than economics. The next two years might seem to coast along well enough economically. There's some truth in the old joke that economists have successfully predicted nine of the last five recessions. But * The self-referential and self-leveraging peaks of the internet bubble of 2000 and the subprime mortgage bubble of 2008 remind us that leverage works going down as well as going up. * Overstimulation has always led to recession. * Stock market p/e ratios are about as high as they ever sustainably get, Bilello and Yardeni cite signs that investors are getting giddy and careless. * The economy is already at maximum capacity. * The next recession might be triggered by a financial bubble that pops after inflating from predictably low inflation rates over many years. * Army recruiters are reducing standards and accepting more recruits with marijuana histories. Recruiting is harder when unemployment is so low. * Target and other retailers are paying $15/hour starting wage. * Tax cuts do not pay for themselves by economic stimulation, especially when the economy is already maxed out by any historical standard. * In Silicon Valley, loan qualification is based on unvested restricted stock. * Utah is running out of workers - and it's even worse in Ames, IA and Boulder, CO. * Unemployment is about as low as it ever sustainably gets. * Car sales are stagnant. * There are fundamental reasons to doubt that the economy can grow any faster: depopulation, deleveraging, and deglobalization. Unlike the post-war baby boom years, there is no wave of new labor coming on stream in the US, except immigration. * Seth Klarman is concerned about deficit spending and interest rates. * It can take a month to find a restaurant server in Silicon Valley. * Around Silicon Valley, restaurants are closing due to high rents and lack of labor. * Significantly higher economic growth rates are not possible - it's all about population growth and productivity growth. * Even the local Postal Service can't retain employees, and they pay somewhat higher than minimum wage, with some benefits. So another recession is coming, more likely sooner than later. The Republicans are doing their best to make it the worst. On 25 January 2017, the DJIA, S&P, and NASDAQ all set new records, and they were still doing it a year later. That's not good news for Mr. Trump at the beginning of his term - it would have been a lot more helpful to him in 2020. Nobody rings a bell at the top, or the bottom - some minor news blip, much like numerous inconsequential minor news blips in the weeks and months before, will seem to trigger a stock market crash. But the news blip is innocent - a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time - because the cause of the crash is that the market has temporarily run out of buyers at a time when somebody needs to sell for his own specific reasons. Which blip - nobody can say in advance. What is certain is that the following problem is what is called overconstrained and infeasible: * Massive tax cuts. * Massive military buildup; worse yet massive military deployment and engagement. * Massive infrastructure spending. * Massive deportation of the people willing to do the work too hard for Americans, for wages too low for Americans. * Massive trade war. * Low interest rates and low inflation. * A trillion dollars in deficit spending over the next ten years, thanks to the new tax law. * Stock market and real estate valuations based on extrapolating corporate earnings and personal income despite no more affordable labor available to produce the goods and services that create the earnings. And this infeasibility will dawn on a critical mass of institutional investors on some random blipful day and they will start to take their profits, and highly leveraged investors will start to cover their positions, and the daily trading limit crash barrier will be hit before most individual investors even know something's up. Too bad for them. Trump will blame it on a media conspiracy. To the extent the Trump Organization is still invested in real estate rather than brand licensing, he might not even be a billionaire any more. Big investors will move from stocks to bonds, and that part will moderate the rise in interest rates. People over-exposed to stocks too close to retirement will blame it on Trump, as will younger people who haven't learned yet that even though stocks, especially in technology, go up slowly and down quickly, common stock funds are still the best individual investment FOR THE LONG TERM. More links at ===== comments 3 impact 11773 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-05-21 ratio 11 react 127 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 116 title The Eternal Business Cycle topic other wordrate 0 words 927 ID 621606851517171 URL audclicks 116 audreach 88 bimpress 1514 blikeimpress 5 blikeusers 3 breach 1333 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 91 impress 1734 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 35 likeusers 5 likeuusers 16 matchedlinkclicks 34 matchedotherclicks 82 oimpress 220 oreach 147 posted "05/21/2018 09:18:52 PM" postlinkclicks 27 postotherclicks 66 reach 1456 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Title: The Eternal Business Cycle""" ccleantitle The Eternal Business Cycle cclicksall 147 cclickslink 30 ccpcall 0.13605442 ccpclink 0.66666667 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1514 clicksunique 27 conversionrank - cost 0.66666666666667 cpm 13.21003963 creach 1370 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 9.70937913 ctrlink 1.9815059445178 ecomments 2 ecpclink 0.66666667 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 3 eshares 3 frequency 1.1051094890511 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 30 spent 20 ========== Consistency of Republican Word and Deed Self-destruction of Ryan and the GOP: Some commentators complain that the modern Republican party no longer has a consistent conservative philosophy. They might be mistaken, and other commentators have pointed out the remarkable consistency of modern Republican political leaders from Trump on down, almost without exception. It's a simple matter of SAY and DO. What they SAY: They talk to encourage their voting base: social wedge issues like abortion, guns, immigration, gender identity, racial identity, welfare cheats, unfair trade, globalization, Clinton, Obama... Criterion: what gets the crowd chanting at Trump campaign rallies? What they DO: They act to encourage their donor base: tax cuts for high income people, benefit reductions for low income people, deregulation, scientific gerrymandering, making sure that there will always be plenty of illegal immigrants for employers to exploit... Criterion: is it good for the (old white male) billionaire donor class? The party of Lincoln is gone. The party of Reagan is no more. To preserve their Congressional majorities, the Republicans need both the votes and the dollars. Although the hard core of the Trump Republican base doesn't seem to care, recent Democratic victories in special elections to fill safe Republican seats suggest that at least part of the Republican voting base is starting to crack the code. ===== comments 17 impact 7313 impactrate 0 likeimpress 156 negative 0 posted 2018-05-21 ratio 5 react 337 reactrate 0 shares 36 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 128 title Consistency of Republican Word and Deed topic other wordrate 0 words 217 ID 621380901539766 URL audclicks 129 audreach 108 bimpress 1356 blikeimpress 22 blikeusers 15 breach 1184 commentsimpress 17 commentsusers 15 engaged 227 impress 2174 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 156 likeuimpress 70 likeusers 150 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 37 matchedotherclicks 91 oimpress 818 oreach 661 posted "05/21/2018 08:39:52 AM" postlinkclicks 36 postotherclicks 77 reach 1815 sharesimpress 36 sharesusers 34 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Consistency of Republican Word and Deed""" ccleantitle Consistency of Republican Word and Deed cclicksall 258 cclickslink 35 ccpcall 0.07751938 ccpclink 0.57142857 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1356 clicksunique 35 conversionrank - cost 0.097087378640777 cpm 14.74926254 creach 1192 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 19.02654867 ctrlink 2.5811209439528 ecomments 9 ecpclink 0.57142857 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 129 eshares 33 frequency 1.1375838926174 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 206 spent 20 ========== California Gubernatorial Primary Ruben Navarrette Jr. points out a couple of interesting things: 1) California's top-two open primary is not a particularly good way to reflect the will of the people. 2) And although many hispanics are naturally conservative and attuned to some traditional Republic pitches, the Republican Party in California seems determined to outdo even the national party in driving hispanics away. (Note: the top-two is a Jesse Ventura mistake waiting to happen: preferential balloting would minimize that chance) ===== comments 44 hide 2 impact 5672 impactrate 0 likeimpress 21 negative 2 posted 2018-05-20 ratio 4 react 709 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 633 title California Gubernatorial Primary topic other wordrate 0 words 80 ID 621067298237793 URL audclicks 645 audreach 490 bimpress 3387 blikeimpress 21 blikeusers 11 breach 2839 commentsimpress 44 commentsusers 26 engaged 509 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 3699 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 21 likeuimpress 90 likeusers 19 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 558 matchedotherclicks 75 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 312 oreach 232 posted "05/20/2018 05:12:33 PM" postlinkclicks 429 postotherclicks 58 reach 3081 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 6 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""California Gubernatorial Primary""" ccleantitle California Gubernatorial Primary cclicksall 878 cclickslink 502 ccpcall 0.02277904 ccpclink 0.03984064 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3388 clicksunique 449 conversionrank - cost 0.036496350364964 cpm 5.90318772 creach 2791 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 25.9149941 ctrlink 14.817001180638 ecomments 23 ecpclink 0.03984064 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 15 eshares 8 frequency 1.213901827302 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 548 spent 20 ========== More on Paul Ryan's missing legacy Immigration... farming... It was easy when the Republicans were out of power. They were opposed to everything Obama did, because he was... black. They didn't say that out loud, to avoid alienating one part of their party, but they hinted loudly enough, to avoid alienating another part of their party. Everything's different now - instead of disagreeing with everything that Obama proposed, they disagree with everything the other wing of their party proposes. And some of them are hinting louder to the deplorable side of their party. ===== hide 1 impact 28 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-05-20 ratio 11 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title More on Paul Ryan's missing legacy topic other wordrate 0 words 93 ID 621063988238124 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 2 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 58 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 52 likeuusers 27 matchedotherclicks 2 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 58 oreach 33 posted "05/20/2018 04:59:31 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 33 type Link ========== Time to talk about something else The Republicans must have noticed that some people actually read the new tax law and started figuring things out. Some of these people were billionaires, and some were their accountants and attorneys, and their hearts leapt for joy: But it's not easy to make that sound like an advantage to ordinary W-2 taxpayers, who might be more inclined to agree with Bryan: "There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them. ... You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." So plan A had to be abandoned: ===== comments 10 hide 2 impact 4754 impactrate 0 likeimpress 96 negative 2 posted 2018-05-20 ratio 5 react 299 reactrate 0 shares 35 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 156 title Time to talk about something else topic other wordrate 0 words 159 ID 621060764905113 URL audclicks 156 audreach 114 bimpress 1191 blikeimpress 18 blikeusers 17 breach 1103 commentsimpress 10 commentsusers 9 engaged 182 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 2 impress 1852 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 96 likeuimpress 91 likeusers 95 likeuusers 55 matchedlinkclicks 45 matchedotherclicks 111 negclicks 2 negusers 1 oimpress 661 oreach 525 posted "05/20/2018 04:47:09 PM" postlinkclicks 41 postotherclicks 86 reach 1599 sharesimpress 35 sharesusers 34 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Time to talk about something else""" ccleantitle Time to talk about something else cclicksall 285 cclickslink 39 ccpcall 0.04677193 ccpclink 0.34179487 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1193 clicksunique 39 conversionrank - cost 0.081779141104294 cpm 11.17351215 creach 1081 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 23.88935457 ctrlink 3.2690695725063 ecomments 3 ecpclink 0.34179487 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 88 eshares 33 frequency 1.1036077705828 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 163 spent 13.33 ========== Can Democrats ever address the Trump base? Have Democrats been wasting their time trying to figure out how to objectively improve the lives of the Trump base? Fears of cultural displacement pushed the white working class to Trump; status threat, not economic hardship, explains the 2016 presidential vote. Polarization is driven by a team sport mentality, not by disagreement on issues. So undoing the billionaire tax relief, saving social security and medicare, funding retraining and relocation is just wasted effort as far as these voters are concerned... just deport all the people that look or act different and tariff imports out of existence and they'll be happy, even if they are worse off economically? Perhaps there is a hard core of latent National Socialist Workers Partiers and Klansmen beyond the bunch that showed up at Charlottesville. But they are not a base that Democrats can build on. The Republicans leaders know they need to have them in their coalition, even though they are (hopefully) a minority in that coalition. So which Republican voters in 2016 might be persuadable in 2018? How about: all the women who've noticed that the Republicans don't seem to have a problem with sexual harassment all the persons of color, and immigrants, and non-Christians, and persons of unconventional sexual orientation, who've noticed that the Republicans seem to be much more interested in catering to that white, male, native, conservative Christian, straight base than catering to anybody else all the youth who've noticed that the Republicans seem to be much more interested in protecting their right to shoot up schools than the students' right to survive all the traditional conservatives who have noticed that the Republicans are worse than ever in saying one thing and doing another, and the things that they do are actively undermining the basis of stable American democracy and stable world order, substituting tribalism for principle, and fascism and kleptocracy for the best American political traditions. So in addition to their traditional issues, Democrat candidates need to embrace some additional points of view, get some new people in the big tent, avoid exclusionary ideological litmus tests, and not waste this historic opportunity that Trump has handed them. Ideological Republicans and Democrats alike are skilled at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. In 2018, let the Republicans have that role. For links to references, please see ===== comments 69 hide 1 impact 10493 impactrate 0 likeimpress 55 negative 2 posted 2018-05-20 ratio 4 react 267 reactrate 0 shares 21 sharesrate 0 spam 1 sumclicks 120 title Can Democrats ever address the Trump base? topic other wordrate 0 words 393 ID 621054708239052 URL audclicks 120 audreach 87 bimpress 1209 blikeimpress 24 blikeusers 18 breach 1078 commentsimpress 69 commentsusers 31 engaged 136 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1297 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 55 likeuimpress 76 likeusers 53 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 19 matchedotherclicks 101 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 88 oreach 63 posted "05/20/2018 04:23:29 PM" postlinkclicks 18 postotherclicks 74 reach 1141 sharesimpress 21 spamclicks 1 spamclicksusers 1 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Can Democrats ever address the Trump base?""" ccleantitle Can Democrats ever address the Trump base? cclicksall 215 cclickslink 16 ccpcall 0.09302326 ccpclink 1.25 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1210 clicksunique 16 conversionrank - cost 0.17699115044248 cpm 16.52892562 creach 1075 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 17.76859504 ctrlink 1.3223140495868 ecomments 23 ecpclink 1.25 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 54 eshares 20 frequency 1.1255813953488 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 113 spent 20 ========== Deferring difficult decisions - who's to blame? Interest on the US national debt consuming all the GNP is no longer such a distant vague threat. Solutions have been proposed by Simpson and Bowles, but the politicians who created the problem thought that was enough work for one career and decided to leave fixing the problem as a task for the next generation. In a different way, sales tax has been an important part of the funding of local government in California and elsewhere. But who gets the sales tax collected by a huge Amazon distribution center - the county where the center is located or the counties where the products are shipped? It's a specific manifestation of a much larger problem - sales tax (and gasoline tax, for that matter) is increasingly difficult to adapt to modern technologies and the whole funding structure of state and local government probably needs to be re-architected from the ground up, but it's left as a problem for the next generation to solve, because every change in taxation creates winners and losers and the losers kick back harder than the winners. What do you think of politicians who decline to tell the voters what they need to hear about difficult choices - leaders who decline to lead? What do you think of voters who keep electing the same kinds of leaders? For links to references, please see ===== comments 2 hide 1 impact 4916 impactrate 0 likeimpress 66 negative 1 posted 2018-05-20 ratio 5 react 211 reactrate 0 shares 20 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 122 title Deferring difficult decisions - who's to blame? topic other wordrate 0 words 233 ID 621052314905958 URL audclicks 123 audreach 103 bimpress 1354 blikeimpress 27 blikeusers 20 breach 1221 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 145 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1410 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 66 likeuimpress 67 likeusers 62 likeuusers 39 matchedlinkclicks 52 matchedotherclicks 70 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 56 oreach 34 posted "05/20/2018 04:16:19 PM" postlinkclicks 43 postotherclicks 65 reach 1251 sharesimpress 20 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Title: Deferring difficult decisions - who's to...""" ccleantitle Deferring difficult decisions - who's to cclicksall 242 cclickslink 49 ccpcall 0.08264463 ccpclink 0.40816327 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1354 clicksunique 48 conversionrank - cost 0.15625 cpm 14.77104874 creach 1235 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 17.87296898 ctrlink 3.6189069423929 ecomments 2 ecpclink 0.40816327 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 2 ereact 57 eshares 20 frequency 1.0963562753036 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 128 spent 20 ========== Could President Pence be removed? With no sex or money scandals, and lacking foreign entanglements, Pence seems unlikely to commit Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors; any minor screw-ups that come to light might seem very small after the Trump administration. So he won't be removable under Article II. Lacking any sign of mental or emotional instability or other medical issues, he won't be subject to the 25th amendment. So whatever leverage that Congress might have against Trump on those grounds, wouldn't apply to Pence. There's no constitutional provision for removing a president for merely being unsavory or incompetent or unpopular, which could be viewed as a bug if the president were never elected but succeeded an elected president. It appears that Pence is organizing a staff that can work together effectively to promote his reactionary legislative agenda - one that could actually govern should the need arise. They are bound together by a common ideology, completely unlike Trump's staff of self-serving opportunists and kleptocrats . Whereas Trump doesn't have to worry about his lieutenants turning against him on ideological principle, he does have to worry about what happens if they sense a better opportunity elsewhere. In contrast, Pence doesn't have to worry so much about opportunism as about making sure his staff is ideologically compatible. Trump can be easily satisfied with flattery, news releases, photo-ops, a TV ratings boost, and other superficial rewards, as Pence and other political leaders, and Kim and other foreign leaders, have discerned. Pence's team might insist on real substantive accomplishments. If Trump is removed, Pence becomes President. That's something that Democrats should consider carefully before talking about removal, which is still unpopular among the uncommitted middle of the electorate that might vote either way. According to an NPR/PBS/Marist poll: 47 percent of registered voters would definitely vote against a candidate who wanted to remove Trump from office, while 42 percent would definitely vote for a candidate who would make such a promise. And the Republicans are planning to use removal talk to rally their demoralized base. But according to Dionne: "The top three issues on voters' minds in battleground states and districts are gun policy (23 percent), the economy and jobs (20 percent) and health care (also 20 percent)... All elections involve a mix of mobilization and persuasion. The intense dislike of Trump means that mobilization will play an especially large role this year. But few Democrats - in swing areas and among would-be presidents - are counting on animosity to the president to do all their work for them." So to win control of Congress in 2018, it's perhaps best for Democratic candidates to say as little as possible about removal, and focus on the issues that matter in contestable districts. Leave it to Trump to keep the Democratic base energized with his imprudent responses to the Mueller investigation. And if the Democrats win control of Congress in 2018, a possible strategy would be to say no more about removal until the next recession is definitely under way, then quickly remove Trump and let Pence take the economic blame. Ideally that would occur early in 2020 to maximize the impact on the 2020 election, but economic cycles run on their own unpredictable and opaque mass-psychology dynamics: as the joke goes, economists have successfully predicted nine of the last five recessions. As for replacing an unsavory or incompetent or unpopular president, a mechanism could be part of electoral college reform. For links to references, please see ===== comments 41 hide 1 impact 27798 impactrate 0 likeimpress 131 negative 1 posted 2018-05-20 ratio 3 react 476 reactrate 0 shares 34 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 269 title Could President Pence be removed? topic other wordrate 0 words 584 ID 621049838239539 URL audclicks 271 audreach 226 bimpress 1742 blikeimpress 16 blikeusers 14 breach 1458 commentsimpress 41 commentsusers 32 engaged 337 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1826 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 131 likeuimpress 73 likeusers 129 likeuusers 52 matchedlinkclicks 58 matchedotherclicks 211 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 84 oreach 62 posted "05/20/2018 04:07:36 PM" postlinkclicks 53 postotherclicks 183 reach 1524 sharesimpress 34 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Title: Could President Pence be removed?""" ccleantitle Could President Pence be removed? cclicksall 530 cclickslink 54 ccpcall 0.03773585 ccpclink 0.37037037 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1743 clicksunique 53 conversionrank - cost 0.082644628099174 cpm 11.47446931 creach 1455 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 30.40734366 ctrlink 3.0981067125645 ecomments 33 ecpclink 0.37037037 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 3 ereact 121 eshares 34 frequency 1.1979381443299 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 242 spent 20 ========== Social Media Fast Response Team Don't you sleep better at night, knowing that operators are standing by, so that if you are ever involved in a newsworthy event, they can be on it in 20 minutes to use it for their own twisted ends? The shooter signed up for the price he will pay, but what about the victims? Those who were shot by the shooter, and those who were attacked by the fake social media afterwards. A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone... Men (mostly) with no self-esteem, suddenly get their 15 minutes of fame. Sure there's a price to pay - but it's better than a lifetime of being ignored. Like Willie Loman, attention must be paid. So it's up to the media - they can make the difference here. Maybe no name, no photo, just a recitation of known facts from the police about the victims, not about the suspect. ===== comments 3 impact 525 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-05-19 ratio 3 react 33 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 24 title Social Media Fast Response Team topic other wordrate 0 words 159 ID 620351891642667 URL audclicks 24 audreach 17 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 21 impress 174 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 4 likeuusers 65 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 174 oreach 111 posted "05/19/2018 06:07:53 AM" postlinkclicks 7 postotherclicks 14 reach 111 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Tracking Technology You don't can't track a technology until you know how it can be abused. Is Google tracking Android users whether they permit it or not? What is that app doing on your phone? Who was looking up your location? Who does that gadget talk to? It's great to catch a serial killer. But what other uses of public genealogy data will be invented? But don't worry... social media technology companies would never allow your data to be used for anything unprofitable. ===== impact 8 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-19 ratio 29 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Tracking Technology topic other wordrate 0 words 83 ID 620348964976293 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 52 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 48 likeuusers 25 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 52 oreach 29 posted "05/19/2018 05:57:30 AM" postotherclicks 1 reach 29 type Link ========== The impeachment bandwagon breaks down George Will wrote an infamous column calling Mike Pence the worst person in government. It all does make W look better in retrospect, as he likes to remind people. But it doesn't do anything to improve the reputation of President Cheney. politicalscrapbooknet is the end point of an effort that began with hoping to persuade electors that they should vote Pence/Trump rather than Trump/Pence. Now it's not clear that would have been an improvement. Anyway the RNC made sure that no Elector would ever again attempt to respect the intent of the Founders by exercising free will. So we really don't need a human Electoral College any more. ===== comments 3 hide 3 impact 1220 impactrate 0 likeimpress 45 negative 3 posted 2018-05-18 ratio 6 react 108 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 57 title The impeachment bandwagon breaks down topic other wordrate 0 words 113 ID 620167004994489 URL audclicks 57 audreach 51 bimpress 666 blikeimpress 26 blikeusers 17 breach 624 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 2 engaged 91 hideclicks 3 hideclicksusers 3 impress 761 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 45 likeuimpress 99 likeusers 42 likeuusers 60 matchedotherclicks 57 negclicks 3 negusers 3 oimpress 95 oreach 58 posted "05/18/2018 07:52:57 PM" postotherclicks 51 reach 676 type Status budget 16 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""The impeachment bandwagon breaks down""" ccleantitle The impeachment bandwagon breaks down cclicksall 104 ccpcall 0.15384615 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 668 conversionrank - cost 0.37209302325581 cpm 23.95209581 creach 625 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 15.56886228 ecomments 2 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 41 frequency 1.0688 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 43 spent 16 ========== DACA - Will Paul Ryan leave a legacy? "To live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy" - the dimensions of life according to Samuel Covey. What's Paul Ryan's legacy? He's not going to be remembered fondly by the average American who lacks the X-ray vision required to see the benefit of the Ryan tax bill. What about DACA? Ryan feels a moral imperative to do SOMEthing, but Meadows says no, McCarthy says no, and Trump isn't interested, not even in a bipartisan deal that would get Trump his wall. Trump would rather shut down the government. As for the tax bill, it looks like Ryan was blindsided by the law of unintended consequences: If he'd been a technologist, or even a tax accountant, he would have expected that. Well at least you can count on the Republicans to pass a farm bill. That's why almost every farmer votes Republican, and that's why if the presidential election were by counties, the Republicans would win every time. But the Freedom Caucus decided otherwise: As for McCarthy, it would be wonderful, albeit improbable, if he and Devin Nunes could join the California 7 in retirement: If you haven't heard the Covey before: ===== comments 29 impact 5829 impactrate 0 likeimpress 107 negative 0 posted 2018-05-18 ratio 5 react 290 reactrate 0 shares 20 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 134 title DACA - Will Paul Ryan leave a legacy? topic other wordrate 0 words 201 ID 619999131677943 URL audclicks 134 audreach 108 bimpress 1140 blikeimpress 9 blikeusers 8 breach 1010 commentsimpress 29 commentsusers 25 engaged 203 impress 1747 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 107 likeuimpress 71 likeusers 104 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 31 matchedotherclicks 103 oimpress 607 oreach 479 posted "05/18/2018 10:37:33 AM" postlinkclicks 29 postotherclicks 85 reach 1480 sharesimpress 20 sharesusers 18 type Link budget 16 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""DACA - Will Paul Ryan leave a legacy?""" ccleantitle DACA - Will Paul Ryan leave a legacy? cclicksall 292 cclickslink 27 ccpcall 0.05479452 ccpclink 0.59259259 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1141 clicksunique 27 conversionrank - cost 0.092485549132948 cpm 14.02278703 creach 1033 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 25.59158633 ctrlink 2.3663453111306 ecomments 24 ecpclink 0.59259259 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 102 eshares 20 frequency 1.1045498547919 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 173 spent 16 ========== Who's going to pay for the past - much less the future? Some major unmet funding challenges for Medi-Cal and retired public employee pensions and health care are coming due for California: California's tax revenues are strongly correlated with the economic cycle, a fact that will be remembered whenever the next recession gets going. But as with Federal, so with state: nobody wants to do the hard political work to solve the problem and sell the solution. California, like several other states and many local governments and Federal territories, has painted itself into an uncomfortable corner over defined benefit pensions for public employees. It's not the case that public employees are making out like gangbusters everywhere: There's nothing inherently wrong with defined benefit pensions - many people expect benefits from one called Social Security. The problem is making sure that the money is there when the benefits are due. It's going to be a problem for Social Security - when it was set up, nobody expected pensioners to live for 30 years of benefits - but at least the Federal government could print money if it came to that. State and local governments can't do that. So a simpler approach is to have the Feds provide the basic funding for general state and local government and public education: ===== comments 47 impact 5385 impactrate 0 likeimpress 31 negative 0 posted 2018-05-18 ratio 6 react 247 reactrate 0 shares 16 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 153 title Who's going to pay for the past - much less the future? topic other wordrate 0 words 218 ID 619939535017236 URL audclicks 154 audreach 125 bimpress 1454 blikeimpress 33 blikeusers 17 breach 1273 commentsimpress 47 commentsusers 21 engaged 155 impress 1910 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 31 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 30 likeuusers 49 matchedlinkclicks 90 matchedotherclicks 63 oimpress 456 oreach 360 posted "05/18/2018 07:53:32 AM" postlinkclicks 77 postotherclicks 48 reach 1573 sharesimpress 16 sharesusers 14 type Link budget 16 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Title: Who's going to pay for the past - much...""" ccleantitle Who's going to pay for the past - much cclicksall 250 cclickslink 83 ccpcall 0.064 ccpclink 0.19277108 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1454 clicksunique 76 conversionrank - cost 0.11428571428571 cpm 11.00412655 creach 1257 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 17.19394773 ctrlink 5.7083906464924 ecomments 14 ecpclink 0.19277108 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 27 eshares 16 frequency 1.156722354813 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 140 spent 16 ========== Could President Pence be impeached? With no sex or money scandals, and lacking foreign entanglements, Pence seems unlikely to commit Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors; any minor screw-ups that come to light might seem very small after the Trump administration. So he won't be impeachable. Lacking any sign of mental or emotional instability or other medical issues, he won't be subject to the 25th amendment. So whatever leverage that Congress might have against Trump on those grounds, wouldn't apply to Pence. There's no constitutional provision for removing a president for merely being unsavory or incompetent or unpopular, which could be viewed as a bug if the president were never elected but succeeded an elected president. It appears that Pence is organizing a staff that can work together effectively to promote his reactionary legislative agenda - one that could actually govern should the need arise. They are bound together by a common ideology, completely unlike Trump's staff of self-serving opportunists and kleptocrats . Whereas Trump doesn't have to worry about his lieutenants turning against him on ideological principle, he does have to worry about what happens if they sense a better opportunity elsewhere. In contrast, Pence doesn't have to worry so much about opportunism as about making sure his staff is ideologically compatible. Trump can be easily satisfied with flattery, news releases, photo-ops, a TV ratings boost, and other superficial rewards, as Pence and other political leaders, and Kim and other foreign leaders, have discerned. Pence's team might insist on real substantive accomplishments. If Trump is impeached and convicted, Pence becomes President. That's something that Democrats should consider carefully before talking about impeachment, which is still unpopular among the uncommitted middle of the electorate that might vote either way. According to an NPR/PBS/Marist poll: 47 percent of registered voters would definitely vote against a candidate who wanted to remove Trump from office, while 42 percent would definitely vote for a candidate who would make such a promise. And the Republicans are planning to use impeachment talk to rally their demoralized base: But according to Dionne: "The top three issues on voters' minds in battleground states and districts are gun policy (23 percent), the economy and jobs (20 percent) and health care (also 20 percent)... All elections involve a mix of mobilization and persuasion. The intense dislike of Trump means that mobilization will play an especially large role this year. But few Democrats - in swing areas and among would-be presidents - are counting on animosity to the president to do all their work for them." So to win control of Congress in 2018, it's perhaps best for Democratic candidates to say as little as possible about impeachment, and focus on the issues that matter in contestable districts. Leave it to Trump to keep the Democratic base energized with his imprudent responses to the Mueller investigation. And if the Democrats win control of Congress in 2018, a possible strategy would be to say no more about impeachment until the next recession is definitely under way, then quickly remove Trump and let Pence take the economic blame. Ideally that would occur early in 2020 to maximize the impact on the 2020 election, but economic cycles run on their own unpredictable and opaque mass-psychology dynamics: as the joke goes, economists have successfully predicted nine of the last five recessions. As for replacing an unsavory or incompetent or unpopular president, a mechanism could be part of electoral college reform: ===== comments 92 hide 1 impact 48930 impactrate 0 likeimpress 211 negative 1 posted 2018-05-18 ratio 2 react 848 reactrate 0 shares 56 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 488 title Could President Pence be impeached? topic other wordrate 0 words 577 ID 619932365017953 URL audclicks 489 audreach 402 bimpress 1117 blikeimpress 14 blikeusers 11 breach 1073 commentsimpress 92 commentsusers 67 engaged 580 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 2674 likeclickusers 32 likeimpress 211 likeuimpress 97 likeusers 190 likeuusers 61 matchedlinkclicks 83 matchedotherclicks 405 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 1557 oreach 1140 posted "05/18/2018 07:30:04 AM" postlinkclicks 66 postotherclicks 355 reach 2181 sharesimpress 56 sharesusers 44 type Link budget 16 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Could President Pence be impeached?""" ccleantitle Could President Pence be impeached? cclicksall 370 cclickslink 49 ccpcall 0.04324324 ccpclink 0.32653061 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1117 clicksunique 47 conversionrank - cost 0.10322580645161 cpm 14.32408236 creach 1064 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 33.12444047 ctrlink 4.3867502238138 ecomments 24 ecpclink 0.32653061 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 68 eshares 14 frequency 1.0498120300752 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 155 spent 16 ========== Unelectable candidates are a gift to the opposition Unelectable Republican candidates are a gift to the Democrats... and vice versa. When Democrats nominate unelectable candidates in contestable elections, Republicans breathe sighs of relief. In contestable elections, successful candidates are not going to get to far to the right or left of the median voter in the district. In uncontestable elections, where one party is certain to win, the other party can work toward a better future by nominating whoever can convincingly articulate the platform. Another approach is to avoid primaries altogether with preferential voting. Every member of every party can rank all the candidates by preference, so all candidates have an incentive to seek broad support beyond their own party's ideological base. ===== hide 1 impact 232 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 1 posted 2018-05-17 ratio 2 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title Unelectable candidates are a gift to the opposition topic other wordrate 0 words 122 ID 619762145034975 URL audclicks 11 audreach 8 engaged 12 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 70 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 6 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 9 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 70 oreach 40 posted "05/17/2018 09:55:35 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 8 reach 40 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Why pay for news? Traditional newspapers are trying to figure out how to stay solvent without the advertising that's moving to "free" platforms like Craigslist, Ebay, etc. So they are trying to charge for online access to quality journalism, just as they always charged for home-delivered or postal-delivered paper access to quality journalism. The difference is that now the subscription fees, both print and online, have to add up to enough to keep the newspaper solvent. But nowadays people are used to "free" news and entertainment online, and while many use ad blockers since the ads are so annoying, others just suffer. So there's an opportunity: give people free "news" and entertainment. Tell them what they want to hear, and intermix it with what you want them to hear; make it simple and effortless, so they don't think too much about it. If you're a billionaire, you can afford to do that, and that seems to be exactly what is happening: Prophecy fulfilled: the Ministry of Truth is arriving, but cleverly disguised as private enterprise. That's the real invisible deep-state wannabe. "The deepest form of rot is the erosion of the distinction between truth and falsehood:" ===== comments 13 impact 4194 impactrate 0 likeimpress 42 negative 0 posted 2018-05-17 ratio 7 react 214 reactrate 0 shares 25 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 134 title Why pay for news? topic other wordrate 0 words 196 ID 619757338368789 URL audclicks 137 audreach 99 bimpress 794 blikeimpress 27 blikeusers 22 breach 744 commentsimpress 13 commentsusers 12 engaged 132 impress 2076 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 42 likeuimpress 95 likeusers 41 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 31 matchedotherclicks 103 oimpress 1282 oreach 951 posted "05/17/2018 09:34:37 PM" postlinkclicks 28 postotherclicks 73 reach 1666 sharesimpress 25 sharesusers 19 type Link budget 16 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Why pay for news?""" ccleantitle Why pay for news? cclicksall 131 cclickslink 23 ccpcall 0.1221374 ccpclink 0.69565217 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 794 clicksunique 22 conversionrank - cost 0.17977528089888 cpm 20.1511335 creach 736 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 16.49874055 ctrlink 2.896725440806 ecomments 10 ecpclink 0.69565217 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 33 eshares 23 frequency 1.0788043478261 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 89 spent 16 ========== Kicking the can down the freeway - state taxation California's tax revenues are strongly correlated with the economic cycle, a fact that will be remembered whenever the next recession gets going. But as with Federal, so with state: nobody wants to do the hard political work to solve the problem and sell the solution. Another approach, certainly simpler, is to have the Feds provide the basic funding for general state and local government and public education: ===== impact 23 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-17 ratio 8 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Kicking the can down the freeway - state taxation topic other wordrate 0 words 76 ID 619749725036217 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 49 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 45 likeuusers 22 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 49 oreach 26 posted "05/17/2018 08:58:45 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 26 type Link ========== What's the Democratic platform for 2018 and 2020? Many would-be presidents have been trying out ideas about future campaign principles: Bernie Sanders says it's all about income and wealth inequality, bad and becoming worse, and that seems plausible enough. Gross economic inequality has pervasive consequences, eventually rendering equal economic opportunity unattainable: The Center for American Progress has a new proposed comprehensive platform for jobs and communities: which should benefit everybody who's been left behind in various ways. "There are 435 House contests, and obviously no cookie-cutter candidate or campaign will suit all of them:" The fly in the ointment is figuring out who's going to pay; it's usually supposed to be "people richer than me:" But even in California, social liberals turn out to be fiscal conservatives if it's their taxes going up. The best way to focus everybody's attention on the tradeoffs here is to insure that every expenditure has an immediate tax increase to fund it, and every tax cut requires an immediate program cut to fund it. ===== comments 2 impact 187 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 4 react 11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title What's the Democratic platform for 2018 and 2020? topic other wordrate 0 words 170 ID 618923815118808 URL audclicks 8 audreach 5 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 5 impress 79 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 73 likeusers 1 likeuusers 46 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 79 oreach 52 posted "05/15/2018 08:53:28 PM" postotherclicks 5 reach 52 type Link ========== What did Jesus really teach about women? "Jesus violated the mores of his time in every single encounter with women recorded in the four Gospels. The equality of men and women was a thing so shocking in the patriarchal society of Jesus' time that his own male followers could not understand it." What did Paul really say about women? There's a whole book about that, too, by John Bristow: What Paul Really Said About Women: The Apostle's Liberating Views on Equality in Marriage, Leadership, and Love The early church was doing OK until it became official. As always, when church and state prostitute themselves together, neither is better for it, and thus it was with Constantine, who dreamed that Christianity led to a military victory, and so the Roman church adopted the outlook and organization of a male military hierarchy: and that outlook persists to this day, endemically in some groups. ===== impact 121 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 6 react 8 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title What did Jesus really teach about women? topic other wordrate 0 words 151 ID 618869715124218 URL audclicks 7 audreach 5 engaged 5 impress 83 likeclickusers 5 likeuimpress 61 likeuusers 34 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 83 oreach 55 posted "05/15/2018 05:47:33 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 55 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Modern Cold War - winning at home If you can't beat a superpower, you can use it as a bogeyman to frighten your own people into submission. You can exploit character assassination, which is kinder and cheaper than real chemical assassination: And you can hack enemy journalism: by making sure that journalists who think they are reporting the news are actually reporting just your version of the news. ===== impact 7 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 20 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Modern Cold War - winning at home topic other wordrate 0 words 68 ID 618862665124923 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 43 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 40 likeuusers 17 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 43 oreach 20 posted "05/15/2018 05:20:18 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 20 type Link ========== What are the modern monopolies and trusts? Trusts and monopolies can't work the way they did in 1900; Teddy Roosevelt and a Progressive Congress made that illegal. What about now? Mergers and acquisitions might account for some of the... controversial wage stagnation in a booming economy: An interesting article raises many other questions: In particular, it points out that lots of internet titans have NO real competition: Institutional investors can end up owning all the major companies in a market and encourage them to maximize profit over other possible goals. At least passive index funds just hold in proportion to the index and don't attempt to manage companies. But what if killing pension-fund investment activism is the main reason that wealthy investors want to eliminate public employee and other large pension funds in favor of individual 401k's? ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 2630 impactrate 0 likeimpress 73 negative 1 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 8 react 192 reactrate 0 shares 27 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 90 title What are the modern monopolies and trusts? topic other wordrate 0 words 137 ID 618855035125686 URL audclicks 92 audreach 82 bimpress 1212 blikeimpress 17 blikeusers 15 breach 1138 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 136 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1773 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 73 likeuimpress 59 likeusers 72 likeuusers 30 matchedlinkclicks 16 matchedotherclicks 74 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 561 oreach 433 posted "05/15/2018 04:42:17 PM" postlinkclicks 14 postotherclicks 70 reach 1573 sharesimpress 27 sharesusers 27 type Link budget 19 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""What are the modern monopolies and trusts?""" ccleantitle What are the modern monopolies and trusts? cclicksall 156 cclickslink 14 ccpcall 0.12179487 ccpclink 1.35714286 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1217 clicksunique 14 conversionrank - cost 0.17757009345794 cpm 15.61216105 creach 1164 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.81840592 ctrlink 1.1503697617091 ecomments 1 ecpclink 1.35714286 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 66 eshares 26 frequency 1.0455326460481 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 107 spent 19 ========== Deflating the tires of the impeachment bandwagon A powerful argument against impeaching Trump: There's another school of thought, that while professing ultra-Trumpian loyalty, Pence is craftily building an independent legislative and governing team in order to hit the ground running whenever that might be needed, in 2024, 2020, or sooner: == It all does make W look better in retrospect, as he likes to remind people: Though it doesn't do anything to improve the reputation of President Cheney. == politicalscrapbooknet is the end point of an effort that began with hoping to persuade electors that they should vote Pence/Trump rather than Trump/Pence: Now it's not clear that would have been an improvement. Anyway the RNC made sure that no Elector would ever again attempt to respect the intent of the Founders by exercising free will: ===== comments 5 hideall 2 impact 1647 impactrate 0 likeimpress 8 negative 2 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 3 react 122 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 104 title Deflating the tires of the impeachment bandwagon topic other wordrate 0 words 135 ID 618839075127282 URL audclicks 107 audreach 84 bimpress 348 breach 352 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 5 engaged 89 hideallclicks 2 hideallclicksusers 2 impress 495 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 8 likeuimpress 112 likeusers 8 likeuusers 80 matchedlinkclicks 71 matchedotherclicks 33 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 147 oreach 108 posted "05/15/2018 03:46:07 PM" postlinkclicks 65 postotherclicks 25 reach 463 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link budget 19 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Deflating the tires of the impeachment bandwagon""" ccleantitle Deflating the tires of the impeachment bandwagon cclicksall 118 cclickslink 61 ccpcall 0.02957627 ccpclink 0.05721311 cdelivery archived cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 348 clicksunique 57 conversionrank - cost 0.049154929577465 cpm 10.02873563 creach 347 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 33.90804598 ctrlink 17.528735632184 ecomments 4 ecpclink 0.05721311 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 4 eshares 2 frequency 1.0028818443804 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 71 spent 3.49 ========== Why pay $100 and more for a theater ticket if you sleep during the performance? Perhaps the problem is adrenalin crash - it could happen at home, work, or church, as well as at shows, in morning, afternoon, and evening, and before and after meals. And even during very long traffic light cycles - but falling short of narcolepsy: What can happen is that if you are under ACTIVE pressure-pressure-pressure: deadlines, traffic, parking, etc, trying to do something about them, and then you shift into a new PASSIVE situation in which it is not possible to do anything about anything - then your body quits pumping adrenaline and after a few minutes you do a reset. A few minutes of unconsciousness or semi-consciousness often helps get to a better point. The worst is early afternoon after lunch. Many people can't stay awake at 3pm and can't stay asleep at 3am. Maybe it's due to climate change! ===== impact 16 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 29 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Why pay $100 and more for a theater ticket if you sleep topic other wordrate 0 words 156 ID 618831495128040 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 56 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 51 likeuusers 24 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 56 oreach 29 posted "05/15/2018 03:08:59 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 29 type Link ========== Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley? But relief is on the way: ===== impact 63 impactrate 0 likeimpress 11 negative 0 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 22 react 37 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 26 title Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley? topic other wordrate 0 words 17 ID 618807401797116 URL audclicks 27 audreach 25 bimpress 864 blikeimpress 19 blikeusers 12 breach 829 engaged 35 impress 905 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 11 likeuimpress 52 likeusers 11 likeuusers 21 matchedlinkclicks 25 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 41 oreach 17 posted "05/15/2018 02:00:22 PM" postlinkclicks 23 postotherclicks 1 reach 846 type Link budget 19 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Would you really want your town to be like...""" ccleantitle Would you really want your town to be like cclicksall 38 cclickslink 23 ccpcall 0.5 ccpclink 0.82608696 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 867 clicksunique 23 conversionrank - cost 0.57575757575758 cpm 21.91464821 creach 828 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 4.38292964 ctrlink 2.6528258362168 ecpclink 0.82608696 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 10 frequency 1.0471014492754 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 33 spent 19 ========== The Most Ideological Candidate WHO CAN WIN E. J.Dionne Jr. has written an interesting piece recalling identical political advice from both Barney Frank and William F. Buckley Jr. - in the primaries, support the most radical candidate who can win in the general election. Both were more interested in making laws rather than making ideological points, and to make (or repeal) laws you need to have majorities in legislatures. Both Republican and Democratic strategists have been known to quietly fund the fringe candidates in the other party's primary in order to have a more beatable opponent in the general election. And now we know that the Russian propaganda machinery also has an interest in quietly fanning extreme ideological partisanship. When it's your turn to participate in primary season, do your best to determine which of your party's candidates has the best chance against the best of the other party's. That's not necessarily the same as the one you might prefer in a perfect world. Particularly in a contestable district, a successful candidate should not be too far ahead ideologically of the median voter of the district. Things might be easier if elections were conducted with preferential voting: Then as many candidates could run as wanted, and as many parties compete as wanted, without anybody diluting anybody else's chances, and with a higher probability that the final winner represents the broadest possible consensus in the district. What about in districts where it's a foregone conclusion which party is going to win? What should the other party do there? In that case, since no candidate is electable, then the minority party might as well act like the Libertarians and Greens and nominate the most articulate exponent of the minority party's principles. Here the purpose of running is to plant seeds in the mind of the majority voters that might bear fruit in the future. home/oakapple/political/posts ===== comments 3 hideall 1 impact 2974 impactrate 0 likeimpress 19 negative 1 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 9 react 95 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 63 title The Most Ideological Candidate WHO CAN WIN topic other wordrate 0 words 313 ID 618768635134326 URL audclicks 64 audreach 50 bimpress 869 blikeimpress 25 blikeusers 19 breach 816 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 65 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 983 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 19 likeuimpress 78 likeusers 19 likeuusers 43 matchedlinkclicks 19 matchedotherclicks 44 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 114 oreach 73 posted "05/15/2018 11:50:28 AM" postlinkclicks 17 postotherclicks 37 reach 876 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 9 type Link budget 19 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""The Most Ideological Candidate WHO CAN WIN""" ccleantitle The Most Ideological Candidate WHO CAN WIN cclicksall 104 cclickslink 18 ccpcall 0.18269231 ccpclink 1.05555556 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 873 clicksunique 18 conversionrank - cost 0.40425531914894 cpm 21.76403207 creach 822 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 11.91294387 ctrlink 2.0618556701031 ecomments 2 ecpclink 1.05555556 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 18 eshares 9 frequency 1.0620437956204 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 47 spent 19 ========== MeToo - The Political Issue of the Century? It's difficult to exaggerate the potential significance of the MeToo movement in politics, business, and society at large. It's hard to think of any particular issue that resonates with every man that ever lived in every place and every time. Yet sexual harassment and abuse is something experienced by every woman that has ever lived. A nuisance for all and a horror for many, none of them need it explained. So how should this powerfully raised consciousness be applied politically? Women's issues don't always translate into good law - suffragettes were powerful advocates of Prohibition as well as suffrage - the 18th amendment and 19th amendment were ratified a year apart. Perhaps the biggest mistake for progressives would be to think and speak of #MeToo as a leftist progressive issue. Remember that all women have endured minor or major sexual harassment, but all women do not have the exact same opinions on most other controversial political matters: abortion, immigration, guns, taxation... to name a few. Trump holds one of his campaign rallies and hears the chants and thinks "The People are with me all the way!" when what is really true is that his shrunken hard core of supporters, who have no where else to go, are still with him. Fox News and the Republican party in general are painting themselves into the same corner where their best friends will be Infowars and David Duke and their billionaire donors. Progressives should not make the same mistake as Trump and Trump supporters; preaching to the choir can deceive at progressive rallies too. The progressive cause is ill served by suggesting that all #MeToo voters should subscribe to a full progressive agenda, and ill served by insisting that Democrats should nominate full progressive candidates in every district whether or not they have any credible chance of winning in the general election. Progressives should be painting themselves out of corners and into the largest possible arena. Over time they might be able to make the point to conservative women that, for instance, the unequal power of money in politics is not so different from the unequal power of money in gender relations, and so help conservative women to think more progressively about some issues. The recent special elections have been instructive. In most cases the margin of difference, that enabled Democratic candidates to succeed in Republican districts, was provided by educated suburban middle-class women who had voted for Trump in 2016 but then for a Democrat in 2017 or 2018. These were not Bernie Sanders supporters who, in 2016, had stayed home or voted Green out of spite. Trumpist Republican candidates - and that's most Republican candidates - who uncritically support Trump are uncritically endorsing his antediluvian attitudes toward women, and saying that those attitudes and actions are acceptable in Republican candidates. That's the point that has to be hammered home whenever the issue arises. Even if the only outcome is to eventually purge the Republican party of the equivocators and apologists for sexual abuse, that's still a step forward for all women and thus for progressives, too. Then everybody can move on to the other great issues of our time. ===== comments 11 impact 4449 impactrate 0 likeimpress 46 negative 0 posted 2018-05-15 ratio 6 react 83 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 23 title MeToo - The Political Issue of the Century? topic other wordrate 0 words 536 ID 618745698469953 URL audclicks 23 audreach 18 bimpress 528 blikeimpress 12 blikeusers 12 breach 497 commentsimpress 11 commentsusers 6 engaged 61 impress 654 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 46 likeuimpress 71 likeusers 46 likeuusers 39 matchedotherclicks 23 oimpress 126 oreach 73 posted "05/15/2018 10:33:43 AM" postotherclicks 18 reach 563 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Status budget 19 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""MeToo - The Political Issue of the Century?""" ccleantitle MeToo - The Political Issue of the Century? cclicksall 86 ccpcall 0.22093023 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 528 conversionrank - cost 0.38775510204082 cpm 35.98484848 creach 500 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 16.28787879 ecomments 3 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 2 ereact 43 eshares 3 frequency 1.056 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 49 spent 19 ========== Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley ===== impact 10 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-10 ratio 36 react 9 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley topic other wordrate 0 words 11 ID 616560422021814 URL audclicks 7 audreach 7 engaged 7 impress 434 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 65 likeusers 2 likeuusers 24 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 434 oreach 331 posted "05/10/2018 12:51:34 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 4 reach 331 type Link ========== Deflating the tires of impeachment A powerful argument against impeaching Trump: It all does make W look better in retrospect, as he likes to remind people: Though it doesn't do anything to improve the reputation of President Cheney. One can hope that the day will never arrive when ordinary people look back fondly on the Trump administration. politicalscrapbooknet is the end point of an effort that began with hoping to persuade electors that they should vote Pence/Trump rather than Trump/Pence: Now it's not clear that would have been an improvement. Anyway the RNC made sure that nobody would try that again: ===== impact 212 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-10 ratio 2 react 21 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title Deflating the tires of impeachment topic other wordrate 0 words 101 ID 616533122024544 URL audclicks 21 audreach 13 engaged 13 impress 103 likeclickusers 12 likeuimpress 95 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 8 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 103 oreach 56 posted "05/10/2018 11:28:46 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 9 reach 56 type Link ========== Who has left the Trump administration with most of their honor intact? Mostly the ones that were fired, it seems: One of them had already signed up to deliver a commencement address: Who's most in demand on the Republican fundraising circuit? Mostly the felons, it seems: And whatever happened to those Iran-Contra scandal principals? ===== comments 14 impact 2603 impactrate 0 likeimpress 63 negative 0 posted 2018-05-10 ratio 6 react 482 reactrate 0 shares 27 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 378 title Who has left the Trump administration with most of their topic other wordrate 0 words 54 ID 616499505361239 URL audclicks 383 audreach 327 bimpress 2998 blikeimpress 13 blikeusers 10 breach 2685 commentsimpress 14 commentsusers 11 engaged 383 impress 3649 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 63 likeuimpress 110 likeusers 60 likeuusers 58 matchedlinkclicks 330 matchedotherclicks 48 oimpress 651 oreach 454 posted "05/10/2018 09:42:53 AM" postlinkclicks 296 postotherclicks 39 reach 3159 sharesimpress 27 sharesusers 22 type Link budget 24 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Who has left the Trump administration with most...""" ccleantitle Who has left the Trump administration with most cclicksall 567 cclickslink 309 ccpcall 0.04232804 ccpclink 0.0776699 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3000 clicksunique 295 conversionrank - cost 0.061696658097686 cpm 8 creach 2616 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 18.9 ctrlink 10.3 ecomments 7 ecpclink 0.0776699 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 51 eshares 22 frequency 1.1467889908257 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 389 spent 24 ========== Which is the dog and which is the tail? Or what is the base, and what is the pinnacle? Blankenship ran third, but... Trumpism will outlast Trump (and Blankenship) Trump ran on disrupting the Obama establishment... Blankenship ran on disrupting the Trump establishment Blankenship was too extreme for Trump But what if he is Trumpier than Trump? What does the Trump base really want? You can't separate money from culture Are all Trump voters in 2016 deplorable? No... just the ones who wish Trump would shoot somebody on Fifth Ave: Just some of them... ===== comments 1 impact 235 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 3 react 25 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title Which is the dog and which is the tail? topic other wordrate 0 words 94 ID 615754315435758 URL audclicks 21 audreach 7 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 7 impress 127 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 2 likeuusers 63 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 127 oreach 77 posted "05/08/2018 06:20:50 PM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 4 reach 77 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== What happened to your Federal tax cut? There's a good chance it was offset by an automatic state tax increase that nobody wanted to talk about: Why is tax so boring this time? What happened to the snake oil? Why has Rubio given up? How much government stimulus is needed to ramp up economic growth? And stimulus takes a long time: Or is it because Trump got bored? Whatever happened to that brief glimmer of public interest? The Kochs aren't bored though: == Corporate stock buybacks were another gift of the Reagan administration to the capitalist class (which, to be fair, includes most people with qualified retirement accounts - which, to be fair, does not include most people who would really need a qualified retirement account the most). Such buybacks had been illegal since the Depression. They were a major feature of the Bush tax cut, and they are a major feature of the Trump tax cut. Somebody wants to do something about it. Hint: it's not anybody in the Trump administration: == The tax cut details are very complicated: Radio advertising proves it's indeed a Full Employment for Accountants and Attorneys Act. But YOU probably don't need to worry your pretty little head about all that: == Maybe there's a simpler way: ===== comments 31 hideall 1 impact 9223 impactrate 0 likeimpress 147 negative 1 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 5 react 433 reactrate 0 shares 51 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 203 title What happened to your Federal tax cut? topic other wordrate 0 words 213 ID 615744685436721 URL audclicks 204 audreach 158 bimpress 1476 blikeimpress 11 blikeusers 10 breach 1364 commentsimpress 31 commentsusers 19 engaged 283 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 2647 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 147 likeuimpress 83 likeusers 136 likeuusers 34 matchedlinkclicks 60 matchedotherclicks 143 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 1171 oreach 875 posted "05/08/2018 05:55:20 PM" postlinkclicks 53 postotherclicks 118 reach 2196 sharesimpress 51 sharesusers 48 type Link budget 19 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""What happened to your Federal tax cut?""" ccleantitle What happened to your Federal tax cut? cclicksall 347 cclickslink 42 ccpcall 0.05475504 ccpclink 0.45238095 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1478 clicksunique 40 conversionrank - cost 0.085201793721973 cpm 12.85520974 creach 1369 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 23.47767253 ctrlink 2.8416779431664 ecomments 12 ecpclink 0.45238095 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 121 eshares 48 frequency 1.0796201607012 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 223 spent 19 ========== What's good about economic concentration? Amazon is using book sales to subsidize other business lines. What this does to stores that sell mostly books is not good: It's another manifestation of the new monopoly power of internet giants: 110 years ago, the original trustbusters realized that concentration of economic power was bad, in the same way that concentration of political power was bad, (or religious power or ... power). It doesn't matter how benignly that power is exercised today; in the ordinary course of human nature it will be exercised less benignly in the future. For instance, it might have something to do with the US economy apparently reaching a market top without much increase in wages: though there are other factors at work. In general, it's a manifestation of the general principle that a government that would foster equality of opportunity must eventually take active steps when an organization has taken such good advantage of its opportunities that it can suffocate everybody else's and inhibit competition. ===== impact 167 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 3 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title What's good about economic concentration? topic other wordrate 0 words 167 ID 615729962104860 URL audclicks 7 audreach 5 engaged 7 impress 83 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 72 likeusers 2 likeuusers 31 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 83 oreach 38 posted "05/08/2018 05:11:20 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 38 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Stock buybacks Corporate stock buybacks were another gift of the Reagan administration to the capitalist class (which, to be fair, includes most people with qualified retirement accounts - which, to be fair, does not include most people who would really need a qualified retirement account the most). Such buybacks had been illegal since the Depression. They were a major feature of the Bush tax cut, and they are a major feature of the Trump tax cut. Somebody wants to do something about it. Hint: it's not anybody in the Trump administration: ===== impact 36 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 6 react 4 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Stock buybacks topic other wordrate 0 words 91 ID 615722652105591 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 64 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 58 likeusers 1 likeuusers 20 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 64 oreach 25 posted "05/08/2018 04:49:52 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 25 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Bomb Voronezh! All their efforts on social media have convinced the Russian leadership that they don't want American social media in Russia; they'd rather grow their own that work just the way they want: That is the way it is working out in the PRC. ===== impact 27 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 3 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Bomb Voronezh! topic other wordrate 0 words 45 ID 615719055439284 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 60 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 54 likeusers 1 likeuusers 19 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 60 oreach 23 posted "05/08/2018 04:33:37 PM" postotherclicks 3 reach 23 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Foreigners and dirty tricks: it's not just the Russians But still the Republicans seem to be colluding. ===== comments 1 impact 19 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 6 react 11 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Foreigners and dirty tricks: it's not just the Russians topic other wordrate 0 words 17 ID 615712472106609 URL audclicks 8 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 3 impress 115 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 1 likeuusers 43 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 115 oreach 74 posted "05/08/2018 04:26:35 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 74 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Where can the homeless go? Abandoned lots? Tuff sheds? The California homeless population is enormous for a variety of reasons, not least that the weather is mostly survivable. There are many subpopulations of homeless and there isn't any one solution that works for all of them. Many have (minimum wage) jobs - they are usually the ones living in cars - because they can't afford unsubsidized housing. But there are others with chemical or psychological issues for which no humane solution has been devised. And a spectrum of everybody in between. Unfortunately it's hard to exempt housing from the laws of supply and demand: An equable climate and thriving economy generate the demand. Limited buildable land and a desire to maintain some kind of California lifestyle limit the supply - people who'd rather live in Manhattan are probably already there. Rising costs of labor and materials will continue until the next recession. A really big earthquake, tsunami, or fire could change things, at least for a while. But the Wine Country fires in October reduced the supply but not the demand, so housing prices went up and anti-gouging laws were enacted for rentals. ===== comments 1 impact 251 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 4 react 13 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Where can the homeless go? topic other wordrate 0 words 193 ID 615708542107002 URL audclicks 9 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 impress 93 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 82 likeusers 2 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 93 oreach 54 posted "05/08/2018 04:12:41 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 3 reach 54 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Remembering Stewart Brand ===== hide 1 impact 2 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 5 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Remembering Stewart Brand topic other wordrate 0 words 3 ID 615697128774810 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 3 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 58 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 58 likeuusers 26 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 2 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 58 oreach 26 posted "05/08/2018 03:46:26 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 1 reach 26 type Link ========== Compound interest and the public debt: whatever happened to Simpson and Bowles? Interest on the national debt consuming all the gross national product is no longer such a vague distant possibility: Compound interest is a form of exponential growth - something that often takes democracies by surprise: More so when much of that debt is held by foreign nations. Solutions have been proposed: but the politicians who created the problem thought that was enough work for one career, and decided to leave fixing the problem as a task for the next generation. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Compound interest and the public debt: whatever happened topic other wordrate 0 words 92 ID 615695938774929 URL impress 42 likeuimpress 42 likeuusers 10 oimpress 42 oreach 10 posted "05/08/2018 03:42:07 PM" reach 10 type Link ========== Sales tax is a bad way to finance state and local government Sales (and use) taxes are a traditional way to finance state and local government, but they are severely challenged by modern technology. States still can't force out-of-state vendors to collect the sales tax although Amazon finally relented voluntarily since it wanted to have physical presence in most states anyway. But then, who gets the sales tax within the state - the county where the order was fulfilled or the county where the purchaser resides? It's a big bucks issue in local government: What should be done instead? ===== impact 129 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 2 react 13 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 11 title Sales tax is a bad way to finance state and local topic other wordrate 0 words 99 ID 615693392108517 URL audclicks 11 audreach 5 engaged 6 impress 65 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 60 likeusers 1 likeuusers 25 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 10 oimpress 65 oreach 28 posted "05/08/2018 03:33:19 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 5 reach 28 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Mail-in ballots go out to California voters "The ongoing battles between California and the Trump administration, as well as an outburst of anti- and pro-Trump political activism, could actually boost turnout in the Golden State this year" So responding to Trump with increased turnout is a good thing? "Xavier Becerra was plucked from Congress to lead California's opposition to all things Donald Trump. He'ss done that as state attorney general, with a litany of lawsuits over policies involving immigration, the environment, birth control and health care. His opponents in the June 5 primary say he's so focused on the Republican president that he's falling down on other key areas of the job." So responding to Trump in court is a bad thing? At least Becerra doesn't have a MeToo problem like that other blue-state attorney general. Other candidates are not so clean: And then there's the gas tax increase. How could anybody be for a tax increase? But how could anybody be for traffic jams and potholes? California Republicans are for them: without them, no gas tax increase, and thus no issue to drive their demoralized faithful to the polls. But what's the point when the California Republican faithful attending their state convention couldn't agree on endorsing a single candidate for either governor or US senator? And do what you can to help the California 7 enjoy an early retirement - and Nunes and McCarthy too. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Mail-in ballots go out to California voters topic other wordrate 0 words 236 ID 615689202108936 URL impress 57 likeuimpress 57 likeuusers 23 oimpress 57 oreach 23 posted "05/08/2018 03:18:43 PM" reach 23 type Link ========== Transparency Is the Mother of Fake News Stanley Fish argues that an undifferentiated unvetted flood of "free" information creates an ideal environment for free misinformation - fake news: If all information is equally free, then it is all equally valuable, and that value goes to the lowest common denominator - zero. What makes a Great Book? That's one whose truth has been vetted by many different readers with many different perspectives from different times and places, and so it is worth reading by any educated person - independent of how many educated persons actually read it. It doesn't have anything to do with how the book was written - often by an author laboring in lonely obscurity. What about Wilson's "Open covenants openly arrived at?" House explained that "the phrase was not meant to exclude confidential diplomatic negotiations involving delicate matters. The intention is that nothing which occurs in the course of such confidential negotiations shall be binding unless it appears in the final covenant made public to the world." Gehl and Porter: "More recent congressional reforms with unintended consequences include the elimination of earmarks and rules and norms discouraging closed-door, anonymous votes in committees. These would seem to be clearly positive steps. But, in a polarizing system in which the parties were more and more partisan and entrenched, these changes removed some of the last remaining ways to secure compromise... Closed-door, secret votes also helped insulate compromises from attack by partisan extremes." Sometimes it needs to be all about the end result, not the process. ===== impact 26 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 27 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Transparency Is the Mother of Fake News topic other wordrate 0 words 256 ID 615681488776374 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 64 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 62 likeuusers 25 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 64 oreach 27 posted "05/08/2018 02:51:06 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 27 type Link ========== Gnawing Away at Health Care The Republicans succeeded at passing a tax bill that pleased their donors a lot more than their voters, a fact that they are going to hear a lot about this year. Maybe they are lucky they didn't repeal Obamacare, which also would have pleased their donors a lot more than their voters. But they are doing the best they can to undo it bit by bit. They should hear a lot about that this year too. ===== comments 33 impact 3094 impactrate 0 likeimpress 106 negative 1 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 5 react 382 reactrate 0 shares 34 sharesrate 0 spam 1 sumclicks 208 title Gnawing Away at Health Care topic other wordrate 0 words 81 ID 615669868777536 URL audclicks 209 audreach 156 bimpress 1530 blikeimpress 22 blikeusers 14 breach 1326 commentsimpress 33 commentsusers 19 engaged 237 impress 2397 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 106 likeuimpress 128 likeusers 104 likeuusers 69 matchedlinkclicks 30 matchedotherclicks 178 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 867 oreach 638 posted "05/08/2018 02:15:07 PM" postlinkclicks 27 postotherclicks 139 reach 1948 sharesimpress 34 sharesusers 32 spamclicks 1 spamclicksusers 1 type Link budget 24 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Gnawing Away at Health Care""" ccleantitle Gnawing Away at Health Care cclicksall 289 cclickslink 23 ccpcall 0.08304498 ccpclink 1.04347826 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1530 clicksunique 23 conversionrank - cost 0.15789473684211 cpm 15.68627451 creach 1395 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 18.88888889 ctrlink 1.5032679738562 ecomments 5 ecpclink 1.04347826 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 93 eshares 31 frequency 1.0967741935484 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 152 spent 24 ========== Why Are So Many Democracies Breaking Down? "In many democracies, the roots of breakdown reside in democratic constitutions themselves. Over two-thirds of countries that have transitioned to democracy since World War II have done so under constitutions written by the outgoing authoritarian regime. These constitutions often contain provisions requiring supermajority thresholds for change. " Supermajorities can provide the rights of minorities - a good thing right? But what if the minority is the ancien regime holding most of the wealth and power? The US Senate runs most of the time on a supermajority basis - except when it doesn't. Perhaps it would be better if supermajority requirements were prohibited except when required by the constitution. ===== comments 1 impact 230 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 0 posted 2018-05-08 ratio 2 react 20 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title Why Are So Many Democracies Breaking Down? topic other wordrate 0 words 115 ID 615667978777725 URL audclicks 12 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 8 impress 104 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 83 likeusers 5 likeuusers 39 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 104 oreach 59 posted "05/08/2018 02:06:34 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 6 reach 59 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Between a rocky primary and a hard election One reason (among many) that politicians in closed primary states with contestable general elections have difficulty maintaining their intellectual integrity, is that they have to say one thing to win the primary and the opposite thing to win the general election. The voters who show up for primary elections are more ideological on average than those for general elections. This applies to Republicans and Democrats. Big donors want to invest in candidates who will win at both levels and so often end up rewarding this kind of behavior. It means that voters have no idea what the candidate really believes or really will do. Maybe the candidate has no idea either. A better approach is preferential voting, which has the potential to decide most races with just one election. Every member of every party can rank all the candidates by preference, so all candidates have an incentive to seek broad support beyond their own party's ideological base. The open primaries in California and elsewhere have their own issues; in a large field, California's does not insure that either of the top-two represent the majority. It would be nice to think that part of the solution is to get the big money out of politics. When there are many small donors, each one has relatively little influence. ===== hide 1 impact 291 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 1 posted 2018-05-06 ratio 3 react 13 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 10 title Between a rocky primary and a hard election topic other wordrate 0 words 224 ID 614860232191833 URL audclicks 10 audreach 7 engaged 7 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 92 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 88 likeusers 2 likeuusers 43 matchedotherclicks 10 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 92 oreach 48 posted "05/06/2018 09:12:00 PM" postotherclicks 7 reach 48 type Link ========== State-sponsored IRA programs Knowing that social security benefits by themselves will not provide a secure retirement, a number of states are instituting state-sponsored IRA programs (usually small) employers that don't offer a retirement program. In California, it will be called CalSavers, and is expected to be generally available in 2019. The employer will sign up with the state and the employee with the employer. ===== comments 1 impact 70 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-06 ratio 4 react 11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title State-sponsored IRA programs topic other wordrate 0 words 64 ID 614841068860416 URL audclicks 9 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 impress 94 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 86 likeusers 1 likeuusers 42 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 94 oreach 49 posted "05/06/2018 08:12:30 PM" postotherclicks 5 reach 49 type Link ========== Appreciating John McCain The end is near, and so is his book. But the heel spur heros are fighting back: ===== impact 20 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-05-06 ratio 4 react 10 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Appreciating John McCain topic other wordrate 0 words 20 ID 614814172196439 URL audclicks 6 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 96 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 93 likeusers 4 likeuusers 46 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 96 oreach 49 posted "05/06/2018 06:58:24 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 49 type Link ========== Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Trump administration would put a little burdensome Federal regulation on robo-callers? Well they finally did! But it's business as usual for the rest of the Trump administration: Modern technology acts as a force multiplier for all kinds of good and evil forces. ===== comments 4 impact 1138 impactrate 0 likeimpress 82 negative 0 posted 2018-05-06 ratio 5 react 237 reactrate 0 shares 19 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 132 title Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Trump administration would topic other wordrate 0 words 48 ID 614778342200022 URL audclicks 134 audreach 99 bimpress 1183 blikeimpress 14 blikeusers 12 breach 1098 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 158 impress 1620 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 82 likeuimpress 117 likeusers 78 likeuusers 61 matchedlinkclicks 71 matchedotherclicks 61 oimpress 437 oreach 322 posted "05/06/2018 05:11:07 PM" postlinkclicks 54 postotherclicks 51 reach 1392 sharesimpress 19 sharesusers 18 type Link budget 19 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Trump...""" ccleantitle Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Trump cclicksall 215 cclickslink 60 ccpcall 0.08837209 ccpclink 0.31666667 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1183 clicksunique 53 conversionrank - cost 0.12751677852349 cpm 16.06086221 creach 1112 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 18.17413356 ctrlink 5.0718512256974 ecomments 3 ecpclink 0.31666667 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 68 eshares 18 frequency 1.0638489208633 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 149 spent 19 ========== Three ways of looking at the modern Republican party John McCain attempts to conjure up some better angels: "the G.O.P. is often more popular the less it attempts to legislate at all:" And in California, the remaining Republicans are pathologically delusional: thinking their unpopularity is somehow attributable to "Republican-lites that are pandering to Democrat policies" - like Arnold Schwazenegger. The remaining Republicans seem to be obsessed with touting their Trumpiness. Maybe the country needs a new conservative party. Don't look for it in California. ===== comments 52 hide 1 impact 4864 impactrate 0 likeimpress 215 negative 1 posted 2018-05-06 ratio 4 react 579 reactrate 0 shares 34 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 277 title Three ways of looking at the modern Republican party topic other wordrate 0 words 84 ID 614771545534035 URL audclicks 279 audreach 226 bimpress 2472 blikeimpress 13 blikeusers 11 breach 2093 commentsimpress 52 commentsusers 33 engaged 398 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 3394 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 215 likeuimpress 148 likeusers 208 likeuusers 70 matchedlinkclicks 126 matchedotherclicks 151 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 922 oreach 635 posted "05/06/2018 04:49:53 PM" postlinkclicks 109 postotherclicks 127 reach 2704 sharesimpress 34 sharesusers 31 type Link budget 28 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Three ways of looking at the modern Republican party""" ccleantitle Three ways of looking at the modern Republican party cclicksall 508 cclickslink 103 ccpcall 0.05511811 ccpclink 0.27184466 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2476 clicksunique 98 conversionrank - cost 0.07843137254902 cpm 11.3085622 creach 2139 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 20.51696284 ctrlink 4.1599353796446 ecomments 21 ecpclink 0.27184466 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 200 eshares 33 frequency 1.1575502571295 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 357 spent 28 ========== Register and vote in the primary election! Everybody with an interest in politics is wondering how the 2018 general election will turn out - probably the most momentous mid-term in decades. And everybody with an intense interest in politics will probably register and vote in the primary. Will the primaries select candidates tending toward uncompromising ideological extremes? Their supporters tend to turn out more faithfully for primaries. Or will this be a year when a wider diversity of voters select a wider diversity of candidates, more tending toward compromise and gradual progress? What about everybody withOUT an intense interest in politics? Often people who are qualified to vote but not terribly interested in politics look at the candidates in the general election - selected by a primary process that they didn't vote in. And they don't like any of the candidates, and stay home. Certainly 99% of the political advertising in the mail, newspapers, radio, television, internet - seems to be calculated to turn off people who aren't intensely interested - and is rightly mostly ignored by those folks. But staying home is a vote too - and giving up the right to vote implies giving up the right to complain about the result. But the primary is a chance for less political voters to make a difference by voting for candidates who can make a difference - who are electable and willing to do whatever is necessary to deliver results. And even if your local midterm election is a snoozer for Federal legislators - your state legislators and officers are important too. Probably the biggest political and legal issue of the next two years is redistricting. Whether you think redistricting should be as fair as possible or as advantageous as possible, or you have never thought about it at all... it affects everything else at Federal and state levels. And that makes it important to find out what's going on in your state and vote accordingly. Here are some primary dates: 15 May: ID, NB, OR, PA 22 May: AR, GA, KY, TX 5 Jun: CA, MS, AL, IA, MT, NJ, NM, SD 12 Jun: NV, ME, ND, SC, VA 26 Jun: NY, MD, UT, CO, OK In California and other open primary states, anybody can vote for any candidate regardless of party affiliation of lack thereof. So that's no excuse to stay home. Register and vote! Here are some sources of information recommended by AARP: ===== comments 115 impact 85307 impactrate 1 likeimpress 533 negative 0 posted 2018-05-06 ratio 5 react 2096 reactrate 0 shares 429 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1019 title Register and vote in the primary election! topic other wordrate 0 words 407 ID 614740898870433 URL audclicks 1033 audreach 690 bimpress 9575 blikeimpress 141 blikeusers 67 breach 6567 commentsimpress 115 commentsusers 61 engaged 1005 impress 18284 likeclickusers 37 likeimpress 533 likeuimpress 455 likeusers 503 likeuusers 120 matchedlinkclicks 276 matchedotherclicks 743 oimpress 8709 oreach 6380 posted "05/06/2018 02:52:01 PM" postlinkclicks 243 postotherclicks 512 reach 12238 sharesimpress 429 sharesusers 316 type Link budget 100 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Register and vote in the primary election!""" ccleantitle Register and vote in the primary election! cclicksall 1207 cclickslink 188 ccpcall 0.08285004 ccpclink 0.53191489 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 9591 clicksunique 178 conversionrank - cost 0.10060362173038 cpm 10.42644146 creach 6555 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.58471484 ctrlink 1.9601709936399 ecomments 40 ecpclink 0.53191489 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 18 ereact 432 eshares 334 frequency 1.4631578947368 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 994 spent 100 ========== Kicking the can down the road - who's to blame? Interest on the US national debt consuming all the GNP is no longer such a distant vague threat: Solutions have been proposed: but the politicians who created the problem thought that was enough work for one career and decided to leave fixing the problem as a task for the next generation. In a different way, sales tax has been an important part of the funding of local government in California and elsewhere. But who gets the sales tax collected by a huge Amazon distribution center - the county where the center is located or the counties where the products are shipped? It's a specific manifestation of a much larger problem - sales tax (and gasoline tax, for that matter) is increasingly difficult to adapt to modern technologies and the whole funding structure of state and local government probably needs to be re-architected from the ground up: but it's left as a problem for the next generation to solve, because every change in taxation creates winners and losers and the losers kick back harder than the winners. Here's one idea: What do you think of politicians who decline to tell the voters what they need to hear about difficult choices - leaders who decline to lead? What do you think of voters who keep electing the same kinds of leaders? ===== comments 4 hide 1 impact 6916 impactrate 0 likeimpress 72 negative 2 posted 2018-05-06 ratio 6 react 302 reactrate 0 shares 28 sharesrate 0 spam 1 sumclicks 196 title Kicking the can down the road - who's to blame? topic other wordrate 0 words 229 ID 614735045537685 URL audclicks 200 audreach 169 bimpress 1694 blikeimpress 3 blikeusers 2 breach 1634 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 4 engaged 230 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 2189 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 72 likeuimpress 81 likeusers 65 likeuusers 28 matchedlinkclicks 113 matchedotherclicks 83 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 495 oreach 330 posted "05/06/2018 02:26:45 PM" postlinkclicks 99 postotherclicks 73 reach 1941 sharesimpress 28 sharesusers 26 spamclicks 1 spamclicksusers 1 type Link budget 28 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Kicking the can down the road - who's to blame?""" ccleantitle Kicking the can down the road - who's to blame? cclicksall 209 cclickslink 103 ccpcall 0.13397129 ccpclink 0.27184466 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1694 clicksunique 101 conversionrank - cost 0.27184466019417 cpm 16.52892562 creach 1622 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.33766234 ctrlink 6.0802833530106 ecomments 1 ecpclink 0.27184466 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 2 eshares 3 frequency 1.0443896424168 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 103 spent 28 ========== Typography: a debate worth having For those of us who actually took typing class: if we can't preserve traditional standards... let's at least find out what they were and whether they were worth preserving. ===== comments 6 hide 1 impact 343 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 1 posted 2018-05-05 ratio 2 react 101 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 77 title Typography: a debate worth having topic other wordrate 0 words 34 ID 614092348935288 URL audclicks 77 audreach 38 commentsimpress 6 commentsusers 3 engaged 39 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 523 likeclickusers 18 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 228 likeusers 11 likeuusers 115 matchedlinkclicks 25 matchedotherclicks 52 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 523 oreach 301 posted "05/05/2018 05:17:04 AM" postlinkclicks 21 postotherclicks 28 reach 301 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 4 type Link ========== Can Democrats ever address the Trump base? Have Democrats been wasting their time trying to figure out how to objectively improve the lives of the Trump base? Fears of Cultural Displacement Pushed the White Working Class to Trump: Status threat, not economic hardship, explains the 2016 presidential vote: Fears of Cultural Displacement Pushed the White Working Class to Trump: Polarization is driven by a team sport mentality, not by disagreement on issues: So undoing the billionaire tax relief, saving social security and medicare, funding retraining and relocation is just wasted effort as far as these voters are concerned... just deport all the people that look or act different and tariff imports out of existence and they'll be happy, even if they are worse off economically? Perhaps there is a hard core of latent National Socialist Workers Partiers and Klansmen beyond the bunch that showed up at Charlottesville. But they are not a base that Democrats can build on. The Republicans leaders know they need to have them in their coalition, even though they are (hopefully) a minority in that coalition. So which Republican voters in 2016 might be persuadable in 2018? How about: all the women who've noticed that the Republicans don't seem to have a problem with sexual harassment all the persons of color, and immigrants, and non-Christians, and persons of unconventional sexual orientation, who've noticed that the Republicans seem to be much more interested in catering to that white, male, native, conservative Christian, straight base than catering to anybody else all the youth who've noticed that the Republicans seem to be much more interested in protecting their right to shoot up schools than the students' right to survive all the traditional conservatives who have noticed that the Republicans are worse than ever in saying one thing and doing another, and the things that they do are actively undermining the basis of stable American democracy and stable world order, substituting tribalism for principle, and fascism and kleptocracy for the best American political traditions. So in addition to their traditional issues, Democrat candidates need to embrace some additional points of view, get some new people in the big tent, avoid exclusionary ideological litmus tests, and not waste this historic opportunity that Trump has handed them. Ideological Republicans and Democrats alike are skilled at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. In 2018, let the Republicans have that role. historic opportunity ===== comments 76 hide 2 hideall 1 impact 14200 impactrate 0 likeimpress 58 negative 3 posted 2018-05-04 ratio 3 react 355 reactrate 0 shares 25 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 193 title Can Democrats ever address the Trump base? topic other wordrate 0 words 400 ID 613892965621893 URL audclicks 193 audreach 144 bimpress 745 breach 756 commentsimpress 76 commentsusers 36 engaged 213 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 1191 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 58 likeuimpress 128 likeusers 56 likeuusers 65 matchedlinkclicks 28 matchedotherclicks 165 negclicks 3 negusers 3 oimpress 446 oreach 329 posted "05/04/2018 04:37:25 PM" postlinkclicks 25 postotherclicks 125 reach 1066 sharesimpress 25 sharesusers 23 type Link budget 30 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Can Democrats ever address the Trump base?""" ccleantitle Can Democrats ever address the Trump base? cclicksall 123 cclickslink 21 ccpcall 0.10195122 ccpclink 0.59714286 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 749 clicksunique 21 conversionrank - cost 0.59714285714286 cpm 16.7423231 creach 737 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 16.42189586 ctrlink 2.803738317757 ecomments 2 ecpclink 0.59714286 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 2 frequency 1.0162822252374 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 21 spent 12.54 ========== California Primary June 5 ! Register by May 21 at Vote by mail May 7-29 Vote in person June 5 0700-2000 ! It's important for everybody to vote. Staying home is also a vote for "I don't care". Is that really your first choice? Finding trustworthy information is difficult. There are basically no restrictions on what candidates and PACs can say in print or electronic media. Here's some non-partisan information sources recommended by AARP: Here's another non-partisan source: Want something partisan? If you think that California should be run more like Mississippi or West Virginia or Wyoming, vote for the most extreme Trumpists you can find. This holds especially for the current Republican congressional districts, and above all for the districts held by Devin Nunes and Kevin McCarthy and the California 7: Everybody else, vote for the most effective Democrat you can find. This is no time for self-indulgences like voting for third-party or other candidates who don't have a chance or staying home out of spite. ===== comments 91 hideall 2 impact 15763 impactrate 0 likeimpress 297 negative 2 posted 2018-05-03 ratio 6 react 973 reactrate 0 shares 186 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 397 title California Primary June 5 ! topic other wordrate 0 words 162 ID 613494002328456 URL audclicks 397 audreach 243 bimpress 6825 blikeimpress 344 blikeusers 81 breach 3941 commentsimpress 91 commentsusers 48 engaged 469 hideallclicks 2 hideallclicksusers 2 impress 11611 likeclickusers 20 likeimpress 297 likeuimpress 476 likeusers 279 likeuusers 108 matchedlinkclicks 36 matchedotherclicks 361 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 4786 oreach 2689 posted "05/03/2018 07:45:53 PM" postlinkclicks 25 postotherclicks 227 reach 6781 sharesimpress 186 sharesusers 130 type Link budget 100 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""California Primary June 5 !""" ccleantitle California Primary June 5 ! cclicksall 536 cclickslink 22 ccpcall 0.18656716 ccpclink 4.54545455 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 6830 clicksunique 20 conversionrank - cost 0.20283975659229 cpm 14.64128843 creach 3858 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 7.8477306 ctrlink 0.32210834553441 ecomments 33 ecpclink 4.54545455 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 6 ereact 257 eshares 181 frequency 1.7703473302229 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 493 spent 100 ========== Be the future you want the world to become: Embracing the dark side of the force does not sound like the right answer: But there are signs that's where it's going: ===== impact 31 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-03 ratio 4 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Be the future you want the world to become: topic other wordrate 0 words 31 ID 613454078999115 URL audclicks 8 audreach 5 engaged 5 impress 105 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 101 likeusers 1 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 6 oimpress 105 oreach 47 posted "05/03/2018 05:08:25 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 47 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Robots of the world, unite! A PRC view of the future: And another point of view: But there's money in it for the right people: ===== comments 1 impact 25 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-03 ratio 9 react 10 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Robots of the world, unite! topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 613452768999246 URL audclicks 6 audreach 5 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 5 impress 201 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 103 likeusers 1 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 201 oreach 94 posted "05/03/2018 05:03:45 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 4 reach 94 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== System rigged by big money Maybe Trump is just the symptom, not the root cause: Why is there so much political despair on the left and the right when the economy is booming (and probably near a top)? Part of it has to do with how Republicans and now Democrats campaign: As this is driven by a couple of factors: Dark big money: Narrow-casting and single-issue voters and candidates and political structures that enable them to the detriment of bipartisan problem solving: ===== comments 1 impact 148 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-05-03 ratio 3 react 18 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 12 title System rigged by big money topic other wordrate 0 words 82 ID 613338409010682 URL audclicks 12 audreach 8 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 9 impress 134 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 86 likeusers 3 likeuusers 38 matchedlinkclicks 3 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 134 oreach 70 posted "05/03/2018 10:33:10 AM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 6 reach 70 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Replace the Electoral College? George Will explains, for those who skipped or slept through civics class, how the Electoral College was intended to protect political minorities by insuring that presidents have to gain support across the whole country: After all, the essence of democracy is observing that minorities have rights and protecting them; simple majority rule is the essence of the mob, which the Founders rightly feared based on ancient and recent precedents. Will observes that the winner-take-all outcome prescribed in 48 of the 50 states is a critical part of the method even though it's not in the Federal Constitution or any Federal statute. This is the basis for our two-party system which has mostly provided an uncommon degree of political stability compared to most other countries. The necessity of gaining broad national majorities tends to push the parties toward the center, but this tendency has become undone in recent years by dark big money in politics and single-issue narrow-casting media. Many aspects of the Electoral College are obsolete: * There is no need for the electors to meet in their state capitals on a certain day in December; cell phones (and even the telegraph) enabled the collusion across state lines that the Founders were trying to avoid. * There is no need to actually elect persons to serve as electors for the purpose of meeting in their state capital for one day: the RNC settled that last time by threatening criminal and civil action against any electors that might choose to exercise free will; so each secretary of state should just certify the results of the election to Congress. * The over-representation of rural interests is excessive. Rural interests are already over-represented in the Senate and the House. No need to add up over-representations. That doesn't mean that direct popular election of presidents is any better an idea than it was in 1787, particularly without preferential balloting - which would be tricky to validate on a national scale. We could still have primaries and caucuses and conventions and campaigns, but without electing the President in November. In January of odd years, the House could elect a President by distilling all the signal and noise generated the previous year, voting by simple majority of individual members. An an added bonus, to deal with the specific case of a president whose egregious incompetence later becomes inescapably blatant, while not rising to the impeachment standard of high crimes or the 25th amendment standard of disability: why not allow the House to elect a new president at any time by 2/3 vote? This would not be a weekly occurrence; getting a 2/3 vote out of the House on anything is difficult, more so if voting is by state delegations. ===== comments 43 hide 2 impact 33909 impactrate 0 likeimpress 18 negative 2 posted 2018-05-03 ratio 4 react 742 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 674 title Replace the Electoral College? topic other wordrate 0 words 457 ID 613251389019384 URL audclicks 682 audreach 480 bimpress 3186 blikeimpress 11 blikeusers 10 breach 2815 commentsimpress 43 commentsusers 18 engaged 494 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 2 impress 3590 likeclickusers 20 likeimpress 18 likeuimpress 175 likeusers 18 likeuusers 93 matchedlinkclicks 285 matchedotherclicks 389 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 404 oreach 265 posted "05/03/2018 07:47:07 AM" postlinkclicks 233 postotherclicks 285 reach 3036 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link budget 33 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Replace the Electoral College?""" ccleantitle Replace the Electoral College? cclicksall 856 cclickslink 246 ccpcall 0.0385514 ccpclink 0.13414634 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3187 clicksunique 238 conversionrank - cost 0.13414634146341 cpm 10.35456542 creach 2830 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 26.85911516 ctrlink 7.7188578600565 ecomments 9 ecpclink 0.13414634 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 12 eshares 5 frequency 1.126148409894 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 246 spent 33 ========== President Pence? It used to be that one could look forward somehow to President Pence succeeding President Trump, the sooner the better. Pence published his tax returns a long time ago, didn't have any foreign investments or shady real estate deals, didn't disparage America's allies or praise foreign dictators. Sure, Pence would be more effective at getting reactionary legislation through Congress, but it might be less of a risk than WW III. But that was then. Now: Joe Arpaio? Really? All of a sudden, impeaching Trump seems less attractive. It's not so clear that there would be a fundamental improvement. There's another school of thought, that while professing ultra-Trumpian loyalty, Pence is craftily building an independent legislative and governing team in order to hit the ground running whenever that might be needed, in 2024, 2020, or sooner: Studying politics can make you sick: == It all does make W look better in retrospect, as he likes to remind people: Though it doesn't do anything to improve the reputation of President Cheney. One can hope that the day will never arrive when ordinary people look back fondly on the Trump administration. ===== comments 16 hide 1 hideall 2 impact 18791 impactrate 0 likeimpress 15 negative 3 posted 2018-05-02 ratio 3 react 989 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 953 title President Pence? topic other wordrate 0 words 190 ID 612830772394779 URL audclicks 957 audreach 713 bimpress 4137 blikeimpress 4 blikeusers 4 breach 3672 commentsimpress 16 commentsusers 14 engaged 728 hideallclicks 2 hideallclicksusers 2 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 4403 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 15 likeuimpress 170 likeusers 15 likeuusers 93 matchedlinkclicks 306 matchedotherclicks 647 negclicks 3 negusers 3 oimpress 266 oreach 177 posted "05/02/2018 09:14:57 AM" postlinkclicks 253 postotherclicks 518 reach 3815 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link budget 134 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""President Pence?""" ccleantitle President Pence? cclicksall 2672 cclickslink 729 ccpcall 0.0535743 ccpclink 0.177643 cdelivery rejected cend 2019-11-22+2018-06-30 cimpressions 12095 clicksunique 415+276 conversionrank "Below average - Bottom 10% of ads"+- cost 0.177643 cpm 10.4309 creach 9703 cstart 2019-09-01+2018-04-01 ctrall 22.6123 ctrlink 6.07978 ecomments 49 ecpclink 0.330651 ends 2019-11-08 engagedrank "Below average - Bottom 10% of ads"+- ereact 68 esaves 1 eshares 5 frequency 1.24652 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank Average+- results 729 spent ========== Statutory Employee or Independent Contractor? There are certain statutory protections for employees, and different potential benefits for being an independent contractor - especially contractors that can organize themselves as a business and benefit from the new tax law: But the central idea of the gig economy is to create a labor force without statutory protections and without any of the benefits of real independent contractors. Now the California Supreme Court says no. The IRS has also been aggressively reclassifying contractors as employees: ===== impact 49 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-02 ratio 6 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Statutory Employee or Independent Contractor? topic other wordrate 0 words 82 ID 612800265731163 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 5 impress 95 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 1 likeuusers 33 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 95 oreach 36 posted "05/02/2018 07:44:05 AM" postotherclicks 4 reach 36 type Link ========== It's time to welcome China as a great economic power And it's time to insist that China act like a great economic power - but the Trump administration has its eyes firmly on the rearview mirror. ===== impact 29 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-02 ratio 3 react 8 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 7 title It's time to welcome China as a great economic power topic other wordrate 0 words 36 ID 612788319065691 URL audclicks 7 audreach 6 engaged 6 impress 80 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 78 likeusers 1 likeuusers 25 matchedotherclicks 7 oimpress 80 oreach 27 posted "05/02/2018 07:14:42 AM" postotherclicks 6 reach 27 type Link ========== Republican candidates move closer to the president The Republican Party is now the Trumpist Party - what should Democrats do? How many candidates can proudly position themselves as Trumpier than Trump? It should be an opportunity for Democrats, but even in California issues have to be chosen carefully: And the Republicans might do better in November than special elections suggest: What should Democrats be talking about instead? There's some evidence that proposing and debating ideas that would actually improve the economic conditions of Trump supporters is a waste of time: But still there are plenty of those ideas in circulation: such as Not all these ideas will be good policy at first, but they have to be debated to get better. Bartels at Vanderbilt reports that a majority of Republicans support an active government role in social welfare - contrary to the Libertarian line of many "establishment" Republicans but in line with Trump's campaign promise not to touch Social Security and Medicare: Could any of this actually happen despite the institutional duopoly resistance to compromise? It would have to happen without Trump's involvement, since he is most dogmatic about his worst ideas and most inept at getting his other ideas through Congress. And since so many Republican legislators running in 2018 seem to define their ideology by whatever Trump is for, they are fully occupied trying to keep up with him instead of solving real problems for their base. If there are any Republicans who want to be identifiable as something more constructive than Trumpists, time is running out for them to come up with a credible Plan B for solving real problems. ===== comments 5 impact 7699 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-05-02 ratio 9 react 282 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 271 title Republican candidates move closer to the president topic other wordrate 0 words 273 ID 612769442400912 URL audclicks 278 audreach 234 bimpress 2781 blikeimpress 4 blikeusers 4 breach 2674 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 4 engaged 237 impress 2919 likeclickusers 14 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 6 likeuusers 53 matchedlinkclicks 142 matchedotherclicks 129 oimpress 138 oreach 72 posted "05/02/2018 06:23:10 AM" postlinkclicks 135 postotherclicks 114 reach 2719 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Republican candidates move closer to the president""" ccleantitle Republican candidates move closer to the president cclicksall 406 cclickslink 137 ccpcall 0.08374384 ccpclink 0.24817518 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2784 clicksunique 135 conversionrank - cost 0.24817518248175 cpm 12.21264368 creach 2559 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 14.58333333 ctrlink 4.9209770114943 ecomments 2 ecpclink 0.24817518 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 2 frequency 1.0879249706917 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 137 spent 34 ========== What are the modern monopolies and trusts? Trusts and monopolies can't work the way they did in 1900; Teddy Roosevelt and a Progressive Congress made that illegal. What about now? An interesting article raises many questions: In particular, it points out that lots of internet titans have NO real competition: Institutional investors can end up owning all the major companies in a market and encourage them to maximize profit over other possible goals. At least passive index funds just hold in proportion to the index and don't attempt to manage companies. But what if killing pension-fund investment activism is the main reason that wealthy investors want to eliminate public employee and other large pension funds in favor of individual 401k's? ===== impact 828 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-01 ratio 9 react 69 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 64 title What are the modern monopolies and trusts? topic other wordrate 0 words 120 ID 612584319086091 URL audclicks 66 audreach 51 bimpress 545 blikeimpress 6 blikeusers 5 breach 533 engaged 51 impress 740 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 83 likeusers 2 likeuusers 27 matchedlinkclicks 30 matchedotherclicks 34 oimpress 195 oreach 116 posted "05/01/2018 09:05:16 PM" postlinkclicks 25 postotherclicks 30 reach 642 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link budget 7 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""What are the modern monopolies and trusts?""" ccleantitle What are the modern monopolies and trusts? cclicksall 70 cclickslink 23 ccpcall 0.1 ccpclink 0.30434783 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 545 clicksunique 23 conversionrank - cost 0.30434782608696 cpm 12.8440367 creach 536 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.8440367 ctrlink 4.2201834862385 ecpclink 0.30434783 ends 2018-05-08 engagedrank - ereact 1 eshares 1 frequency 1.0167910447761 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 23 spent 7 ========== Silicon Valley's housing crisis is becoming insoluble The mayor offers to cut permit fees, but all that does is move the cost of supporting new development elsewhere than the developer. The fundamental problems of 1) rising material costs, 2) rising labor costs, 3) rising land costs, are all due to supply and demand and everything points to a market top soon. All three of the latter will be remediated whenever the next recession takes hold, but then nobody will want to buy. You can't escape the business cycle, because it's ultimately a phenomenon of mass psychology: ===== comments 5 impact 4694 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-05-01 ratio 8 react 489 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 476 title Silicon Valley's housing crisis is becoming insoluble topic other wordrate 0 words 96 ID 612579909086532 URL audclicks 480 audreach 369 bimpress 5031 blikeimpress 7 blikeusers 5 breach 4090 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 5 engaged 375 impress 5273 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 89 likeusers 6 likeuusers 34 matchedlinkclicks 428 matchedotherclicks 48 oimpress 242 oreach 163 posted "05/01/2018 08:47:49 PM" postlinkclicks 341 postotherclicks 36 reach 4188 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Silicon Valley's housing crisis is becoming insoluble""" ccleantitle Silicon Valley's housing crisis is becoming insoluble cclicksall 672 cclickslink 379 ccpcall 0.05059524 ccpclink 0.08970976 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 5038 clicksunique 350 conversionrank - cost 0.089709762532982 cpm 6.74870981 creach 4126 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 13.33862644 ctrlink 7.5228265184597 ecomments 4 ecpclink 0.08970976 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 5 eshares 2 frequency 1.221037324285 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 379 spent 34 ========== Still looking for more take-home pay in your paycheck? The Republicans had so counted on the tax law as the foundation of their 2018 campaigns: The Kochs are still keen on promoting it: But Trump seems to have already lost interest in his tax bill: He has such a short attention span. Because it's so boring! Of course that's why ordinary citizens never understand much about it, and that enables legislative shenanigans. Fortunately, Trump can afford to hire other people to figure it all out for him. Perhaps we can return to this topic in another 30 years: ===== comments 1 impact 539 impactrate 0 likeimpress 18 negative 0 posted 2018-05-01 ratio 5 react 55 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 34 title Still looking for more take-home pay in your paycheck? topic other wordrate 0 words 98 ID 612488492429007 URL audclicks 34 audreach 20 bimpress 209 blikeimpress 14 blikeusers 12 breach 205 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 35 impress 380 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 18 likeuimpress 106 likeusers 18 likeuusers 46 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 27 oimpress 171 oreach 89 posted "05/01/2018 02:56:08 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 19 reach 290 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Status budget 7 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Still looking for more take-home pay in your...""" ccleantitle Still looking for more take-home pay in your cclicksall 34 cclickslink 3 ccpcall 0.20588235 ccpclink 2.33333333 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 209 clicksunique 2 conversionrank - cost 0.31818181818182 cpm 33.49282297 creach 205 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 16.26794258 ctrlink 1.4354066985646 ecpclink 2.33333333 ends 2018-05-08 engagedrank - ereact 17 eshares 2 frequency 1.019512195122 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 22 spent 7 ========== Not all Republicans are liars! Here's Mick Mulvaney telling the honest truth: One might suppose that he's an honest politician, too, at least according to the Simon Cameron criterion: An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought. Of course a better supposition is that politics will just get worse until the people get the big dark money out of politics: ===== comments 13 impact 3783 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 0 posted 2018-05-01 ratio 4 react 582 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 552 title Not all Republicans are liars! topic other wordrate 0 words 65 ID 612485929095930 URL audclicks 562 audreach 409 bimpress 2964 blikeimpress 9 blikeusers 9 breach 2612 commentsimpress 13 commentsusers 12 engaged 420 impress 3231 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 99 likeusers 12 likeuusers 35 matchedlinkclicks 288 matchedotherclicks 264 oimpress 267 oreach 159 posted "05/01/2018 02:47:57 PM" postlinkclicks 235 postotherclicks 208 reach 2792 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Not all Republicans are liars!""" ccleantitle Not all Republicans are liars! cclicksall 622 cclickslink 260 ccpcall 0.05466238 ccpclink 0.13076923 cdelivery recently_rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2965 clicksunique 246 conversionrank - cost 0.13076923076923 cpm 11.46711636 creach 2661 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 20.97807757 ctrlink 8.7689713322091 ecomments 6 ecpclink 0.13076923 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 12 eshares 5 frequency 1.1142427658775 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 260 spent 34 ========== Democratic Strategy in 2018 Renounce Nancy Pelosi, Ignore Donald Trump - and Win? How does the national Democratic party and its donors decide who to encourage and who to discourage? One wants to fund plausible winners, but who can say for sure who they are? Everybody has an idea: Better Biden? Even a Tea Party founder has given up on Trump; what could Democrats do to help? What works in urban California does not work the same way in rural California. Democrats who hope to help retire the California Seven: have to recognize that and not get too far ahead of the median in their district: So it's not clear what's going to work best, so it might be best to try lots of things. A problem with that, in California, is that the way primaries work, everybody can run, but only the two highest vote getters go on to the general election. Often this means the general election is between two Democrats or between two Republicans. The idea was to let everybody vote on the two choices - but there's a problem. What if party A has 60% of the vote but 10 candidates, while party B has 40% of the vote but only 2 candidates. The general election will be between party B's candidates, and the 60% of party A is cut out. Hence the effort by national committees to weed out as many primary candidates as possible. But there is another solution - using preferential voting. As many candidates from as many parties as possible can run, and no votes or candidates are wasted: ===== comments 5 impact 7957 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-05-01 ratio 8 react 298 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 289 title Democratic Strategy in 2018 topic other wordrate 0 words 267 ID 612484039096119 URL audclicks 296 audreach 228 bimpress 2603 blikeimpress 8 blikeusers 7 breach 2354 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 5 engaged 233 impress 2727 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 84 likeusers 2 likeuusers 28 matchedlinkclicks 165 matchedotherclicks 124 oimpress 124 oreach 64 posted "05/01/2018 02:41:46 PM" postlinkclicks 136 postotherclicks 105 reach 2398 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Democratic Strategy in 2018""" ccleantitle Democratic Strategy in 2018 cclicksall 399 cclickslink 153 ccpcall 0.08521303 ccpclink 0.22222222 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2604 clicksunique 148 conversionrank - cost 0.22222222222222 cpm 13.05683564 creach 2393 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 15.32258065 ctrlink 5.8755760368664 ecomments 4 ecpclink 0.22222222 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 2 ereact 2 eshares 2 frequency 1.0881738403677 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 153 spent 34 ========== Progressives should not take California voters for granted Most surveys show California voters as a whole favorably inclined toward most of the progressive economic justice ideas espoused by the left wing of the Democratic party. Most California voters are also motorists who want government to do more about traffic congestion. However it's important to remember that California is also the home of Proposition 13 - "lower taxes and who cares what it does to schools." And a ballot initiative seems likely to qualify, and might well pass, to repeal a recent increase in the gasoline tax: The arguments in favor of repeal avoid talking about the root cause of the problem: gas tax receipts are no longer proportional to highway usage wear and tear. Electric vehicles pay no gas tax, and hybrid and efficient conventional vehicles pay less than older cars, even though a mile traveled by a 2000 pound car has the same impact on the highway no matter how it's propelled. It's a good thing that modern cars use less gas, but it means that the gas they use has to be taxed at a higher rate to sustain the same level of highway maintenance. No matter what other process reforms are adopted, ultimately it's either higher taxes or lesser government services. Most voters know how they feel about services and how they feel about taxes. They don't think so much about whether there's an inherent contradiction in trying to satisfy both feelings at once. They forget that roads that are falling apart are a form of taxation as well. So advocates of increased governmental services should be as forthright as possible about the cost, so that there is more buy-in at the time of adoption and less likelihood of repeal. In principle, every expenditure increase or decrease should be accompanied automatically by a corresponding realistic tax increase or decrease. Separating the feel-good vote from the feel-bad vote maximizes the chances of unsatisfactory results. For general government, that's part of the one-flat-tax idea: but that idea is not intended to address user fees such as highway taxes. ===== comments 17 hide 1 impact 18672 impactrate 0 likeimpress 21 negative 1 posted 2018-05-01 ratio 6 react 535 reactrate 0 shares 10 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 486 title Progressives should not take California voters for granted topic other wordrate 0 words 349 ID 612451702432686 URL audclicks 488 audreach 342 bimpress 3288 blikeimpress 4 blikeusers 4 breach 2912 commentsimpress 17 commentsusers 14 engaged 352 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 4005 likeclickusers 10 likeimpress 21 likeuimpress 137 likeusers 17 likeuusers 71 matchedlinkclicks 153 matchedotherclicks 333 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 717 oreach 469 posted "05/01/2018 12:56:25 PM" postlinkclicks 112 postotherclicks 253 reach 3370 sharesimpress 10 sharesusers 8 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Progressives should not take California voters...""" ccleantitle Progressives should not take California voters cclicksall 743 cclickslink 122 ccpcall 0.04576043 ccpclink 0.27868852 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3289 clicksunique 112 conversionrank - cost 0.27868852459016 cpm 10.3374886 creach 2853 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 22.59045303 ctrlink 3.7093341441168 ecomments 11 ecpclink 0.27868852 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 10 eshares 8 frequency 1.1528215913074 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 122 spent 34 ========== Russian Trolls' prime target is... Russians Mix real news with fake news so cleverly that most readers aren't aware of the difference... practice sowing division among Americans while frightening Russians into compliance. ===== impact 102 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-05-01 ratio 8 react 32 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 30 title Russian Trolls' prime target is... Russians topic other wordrate 0 words 32 ID 612443379100185 URL audclicks 30 audreach 20 bimpress 180 breach 183 engaged 21 impress 336 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 1 likeuusers 33 matchedlinkclicks 17 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 156 oreach 78 posted "05/01/2018 12:24:05 PM" postlinkclicks 12 postotherclicks 12 reach 264 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link budget 7 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Russian Trolls' prime target is... Russians""" ccleantitle Russian Trolls' prime target is... Russians cclicksall 23 cclickslink 10 ccpcall 0.1126087 ccpclink 0.259 cdelivery archived cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 180 clicksunique 10 conversionrank - cost 0.259 cpm 14.38888889 creach 180 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.77777778 ctrlink 5.5555555555556 ecpclink 0.259 ends 2018-05-08 engagedrank - eshares 1 frequency 1 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 10 spent 2.59 ========== Only the Best People Serve.... Time Beyond parody - nobody could make this stuff up! The original National Socialist Workers Party guy wrote a best-seller when he was in prison and published it when he got out. Nowadays the equivalent will have to be to write a best-seller while serving in government and publish it when one gets out. If there's a self-serving opportunist with a history of shady deals at the top, it's not surprising to find self-serving opportunists with histories of shady deals all the way down to the bottom. ===== comments 1 impact 175 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-05-01 ratio 5 react 19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title Only the Best People Serve.... Time topic other wordrate 0 words 92 ID 612414949103028 URL audclicks 15 audreach 8 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 9 impress 169 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 110 likeusers 3 likeuusers 50 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 11 oimpress 169 oreach 108 posted "05/01/2018 10:45:27 AM" postlinkclicks 4 postotherclicks 5 reach 108 type Link ========== Republican Strategy in 2018 Republican Congressional leadership is worried that Trump does not appreciate the trouble that the Republicans have gotten into: He thinks he can bluster his way out of trouble the same way he always has; It doesn't have to be true if you can convince people it could have been true. Would the left-behind Americans in the fly-over states really want to compete in the economic world of the coastal elites? Presumably those that would, have already retrained and relocated. Would those who are left in the middle want the congestion and stratospheric cost of living to come to where they live now? ===== comments 18 impact 4431 impactrate 0 likeimpress 14 negative 0 posted 2018-04-30 ratio 7 react 418 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 386 title Republican Strategy in 2018 topic other wordrate 0 words 106 ID 612064095804780 URL audclicks 397 audreach 310 bimpress 3582 blikeimpress 4 blikeusers 4 breach 3090 commentsimpress 18 commentsusers 16 engaged 328 impress 3734 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 14 likeuimpress 101 likeusers 14 likeuusers 48 matchedlinkclicks 323 matchedotherclicks 63 oimpress 152 oreach 90 posted "04/30/2018 05:09:52 PM" postlinkclicks 273 postotherclicks 37 reach 3178 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Republican Strategy in 2018""" ccleantitle Republican Strategy in 2018 cclicksall 741 cclickslink 312 ccpcall 0.04588394 ccpclink 0.10897436 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3585 clicksunique 285 conversionrank - cost 0.10897435897436 cpm 9.48396095 creach 3140 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 20.66945607 ctrlink 8.7029288702929 ecomments 11 ecpclink 0.10897436 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 10 frequency 1.1417197452229 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 312 spent 34 ========== Technology Trends You don't really know about a technology can be used until you know how it can be abused. Is Google tracking Android users whether they permit it or not? Why are Russian intelligence agencies so interested in blockchain? Who does that gadget talk to? It's great to catch a serial killer. But what other uses of public genealogy data will be invented? How is Moviepass going to make money? Or is it going bankrupt? Is China offering a preview of the future? ===== impact 42 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-30 ratio 5 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Technology Trends topic other wordrate 0 words 84 ID 612060019138521 URL audclicks 5 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 73 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 70 likeuusers 23 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 73 oreach 25 posted "04/30/2018 04:50:48 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 25 type Link ========== National Summit for Democracy A National Summit for Democracy was held a couple of months ago to gather perspectives from the left, center, and right about what to do about the erosion of conservative and liberal democratic values: The Renew Democracy Initiative has an interesting collection of directors and hopes to interpret the Federalist Papers in light of current events: Meanwhile, in the Senate, McConnell says he won't allow a Mueller bill to come to a vote. The practice of yielding to the majority leader began in the late 1940s... but it makes bipartisan compromise harder to achieve. But that could be overcome in the Senate; 47 + 2 + 4 = 53. ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 452 impactrate 0 likeimpress 5 negative 1 posted 2018-04-30 ratio 4 react 40 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 29 title National Summit for Democracy topic other wordrate 0 words 113 ID 612058152472041 URL audclicks 29 audreach 15 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 15 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 259 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 5 likeuimpress 138 likeusers 5 likeuusers 73 matchedlinkclicks 4 matchedotherclicks 25 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 259 oreach 166 posted "04/30/2018 04:40:13 PM" postlinkclicks 3 postotherclicks 13 reach 166 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link ========== Karl Marx is 200 What is his lasting contribution? ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-30 ratio 11 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Karl Marx is 200 topic other wordrate 0 words 9 ID 612053942472462 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 94 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 85 likeuusers 31 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 94 oreach 33 posted "04/30/2018 04:20:58 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 33 type Link ========== Signing bonus for blue-collar workers Can anybody not believe we are near the end of the recovery? The Fed is getting anxious: Because nobody can defeat the business cycle: ===== impact 15 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-30 ratio 8 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Signing bonus for blue-collar workers topic other wordrate 0 words 29 ID 612052059139317 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 4 impress 97 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 1 likeuusers 37 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 97 oreach 40 posted "04/30/2018 04:15:21 PM" postotherclicks 4 reach 40 type Link ========== Marco Rubio is not impressed by tax cut bill Rubio has noticed that the benefits flow mainly upward, not downward: Why did it take him so long to catch on? I wonder how many other Republicans will eventually notice the same thing? But Rubio just proposes tinkering, instead of fundamental change: Rubio has been feuding with Leonard Pitts, Jr. of the Miami Herald, who wrote "I, personally, will not engage with Trump supporters. Reasoning with them is like reasoning with rocks." In here: That sounds a bit judgmental, conflating two different categories of Trump voters. There's one group that will always support Trump no matter what, because he supports their prejudices no matter what: But there's another category of Trump voters - those that were also Obama voters, hoping for change their lives for the better: Some of these have proven to be persuadable and are worth talking to. ===== comments 22 hide 1 impact 4604 impactrate 0 likeimpress 14 negative 1 posted 2018-04-30 ratio 8 react 309 reactrate 0 shares 7 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 265 title Marco Rubio is not impressed by tax cut bill topic other wordrate 0 words 149 ID 612038735807316 URL audclicks 270 audreach 219 bimpress 2569 blikeimpress 5 blikeusers 4 breach 2354 commentsimpress 22 commentsusers 19 engaged 241 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 3065 likeclickusers 23 likeimpress 14 likeuimpress 148 likeusers 14 likeuusers 76 matchedlinkclicks 178 matchedotherclicks 87 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 496 oreach 353 posted "04/30/2018 03:03:24 PM" postlinkclicks 156 postotherclicks 69 reach 2704 sharesimpress 7 sharesusers 7 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Marco Rubio is not impressed by tax cut bill""" ccleantitle Marco Rubio is not impressed by tax cut bill cclicksall 436 cclickslink 171 ccpcall 0.07798165 ccpclink 0.19883041 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2569 clicksunique 164 conversionrank - cost 0.19883040935673 cpm 13.23472168 creach 2351 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 16.97158427 ctrlink 6.6562864927988 ecomments 14 ecpclink 0.19883041 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 10 eshares 5 frequency 1.092726499362 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 171 spent 34 ========== What is bipartisan problem solving? It might be like trying to hold back the tide, but there are people in Congress trying to make some kind of progress where they can agree. It sounds simple - isn't that what they are paid to do - work out productive compromises? inspired by Actually, no - the ideological voter base and the big money donors have different ideas about the function of Congress - total victory and no compromise. Their success - measured by bipartisan meeting of minds in their caucus rather than by getting a lot of legislation passed against the tide - has been in finding things everybody could agree to. A different kind of bipartisan operating involves coupling two issues, one key to each side, and trying to find a way that both can get the most important thing they want. For instance, consider Obamacare - the Democrats and a few Republicans would like to fix some of its problems to make it better. Most Republicans want to repeal it lock, stock, and barrel, and don't want to make it better for fear that will reduce the chance of repeal later (though if they couldn't get it repealed in 2017 they're sure not going to have better luck in 2019). And in 2018 they don't want to embolden their further-right or further-Trump Republican primary opponents and they don't want to hand the Democrats any kind of victory to brag about in the general election. TCJA - the new tax law passed just before Christmas - the Republicans and a few Democrats would like to fix some of its problems to make it better. Most Democrats want to repeal it lock, stock, and barrel, and don't want to make it better for fear that will reduce the chance of repeal later. And in 2018 they don't want to embolden their further-left or further-Bernie Democratic primary opponents and they don't want to hand the Republicans any kind of victory to brag about in the general election. Most people don't consider these morally equivalent issues - but they are politically equivalent in 2018. Wouldn't it be better to make both laws better now - for the benefit of the majority of voters who aren't extreme ideologues and aren't major campaign donors, who just want to get on with their lives? That's not to say that more significant change won't happen in 2019. But a lot of things might happen between now and then, not necessarily the ones we expect, so why not fix what can be fixed now? ===== hide 1 impact 5197 impactrate 0 likeimpress 37 negative 1 posted 2018-04-25 ratio 13 react 122 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 82 title What is bipartisan problem solving? topic other wordrate 0 words 426 ID 609897489354774 URL audclicks 83 audreach 71 bimpress 1746 blikeimpress 26 blikeusers 22 breach 1617 engaged 105 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1920 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 37 likeuimpress 121 likeusers 36 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 15 matchedotherclicks 67 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 174 oreach 87 posted "04/25/2018 05:47:28 PM" postlinkclicks 13 postotherclicks 63 reach 1695 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link budget 39 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""What is bipartisan problem solving?""" ccleantitle What is bipartisan problem solving? cclicksall 148 cclickslink 15 ccpcall 0.253698 ccpclink 2.52518 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1746 clicksunique 5+10 conversionrank - cost 1.57485 cpm 22.5219 creach 1628 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 8.50224 ctrlink 0.860848 ecpclink 5.8 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 33 eshares 2 frequency 1.07248 indicator actions:post_engagement+actions:link_click qualityrank - results 45 spent 39 ========== It's hazardous to mess with Social Security Nicaragua tried to fix its unfunded Social Security system by reducing benefits and raising taxes. Subsequent rioting convinced the regime otherwise: Even reporting on the rioting could be fatal: Perhaps the Venezuelan solution will be adopted: print money. You can read how that's working out: One hopes that America will find a more sensible solution before it gets that bad. ===== impact 47 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-04-25 ratio 7 react 7 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title It's hazardous to mess with Social Security topic other wordrate 0 words 67 ID 609890429355480 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 7 impress 115 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 97 likeusers 2 likeuusers 41 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 115 oreach 54 posted "04/25/2018 05:19:04 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 54 type Link ========== California - Liberalism's Golden Dream? There is a school of thought that California's present socio-political structure represents the end game to which the rest of the country and world will eventually evolve. But there are a lot of reasons to doubt that: Income inequality is the biggest - which is getting worse on practically a daily basis: If the people who do less exalted work than architecting the future can't afford to come to work here any more - and there is already a small segment of the homeless population that has jobs but can barely afford to live in their car - then the architects of the future are going to have to also tend their own gardens, cook their own food, wash their own dishes, make their own beds... And that might reduce the pace of future architecture. Already every restaurant has a Help Wanted sign, and even the post office can't hire enough workers... And it's all because they don't get paid a living wage. To be paid more, that means higher prices and higher taxes. But suppose we solved all that. Would we still have a harmonious just society? Just ask Macron or Merkel - a strong economy isn't enough to get political stability: Somethings else are going on: It's not like the rise of fascism during the economic distress of the 1930's. Trump is the symptom, not the root cause. It may be that dramatic revolutionary change (like impeachment) would provoke the worst possible results (revolutions usually do), and that future generations will be more likely to be around to thank us if we muddle through our problems incrementally. ===== comments 13 impact 5617 impactrate 0 likeimpress 34 negative 0 posted 2018-04-25 ratio 11 react 205 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 152 title California - Liberalism's Golden Dream? topic other wordrate 0 words 274 ID 609884602689396 URL audclicks 152 audreach 120 bimpress 2264 blikeimpress 21 blikeusers 16 breach 2225 commentsimpress 13 commentsusers 7 engaged 158 impress 2519 likeclickusers 12 likeimpress 34 likeuimpress 124 likeusers 33 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 45 matchedotherclicks 107 oimpress 255 oreach 169 posted "04/25/2018 04:57:54 PM" postlinkclicks 33 postotherclicks 95 reach 2344 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 5 type Link budget 39 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""California - Liberalism's Golden Dream?""" ccleantitle California - Liberalism's Golden Dream? cclicksall 299 cclickslink 35 ccpcall 0.134336 ccpclink 1.49845 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2265 clicksunique 6+28 conversionrank - cost 0.596466 cpm 17.1731 creach 2202 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 13.2089 ctrlink 1.54938 ecomments 5 ecpclink 3.85632 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 32 eshares 4 frequency 1.02861 indicator actions:post_engagement+actions:link_click qualityrank - results 76 spent 39 ========== Angels in America still matters Berkeley Rep's artistic director comments: "Kushner is so prescient it's scary. Many of the issues explored in the play, the threat to the environment, the threat to our democracy, the corruption of the political system, all of that is much more terrifying now." This very large work covers a lot of ground. What's particularly relevant to this page is the interaction between the dying Roy Cohn and the ghosts of the Rosenbergs. During his lifetime, Roy Cohn was considered a distasteful outlier, who finally got the disbarment he deserved, was remembered as an "ice-cold sleaze" in the National Review, and little mourned; Trump didn't even return Cohn's calls after Trump didn't need him any more. "Unequal distribution doesn't bother me" - Roy Cohn Who knew that a greedy self-serving opportunist like that could be elected President! Equal opportunity at last! And at least, if one has a family, then maybe somebody will attend your dying hours besides the ghosts of your victims. But equal opportunity works both ways. At least in France, it's still possible for sincerely inspiring politicians to become President: ===== impact 112 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-25 ratio 9 react 6 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Angels in America still matters topic other wordrate 0 words 187 ID 609875809356942 URL audclicks 4 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 111 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 74 likeusers 1 likeuusers 26 matchedotherclicks 4 oimpress 111 oreach 57 posted "04/25/2018 04:18:48 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 57 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== More on the new tax law: Missed the previous discussions here?: Care to consider something simpler? ===== comments 3 hide 1 impact 336 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 1 posted 2018-04-25 ratio 9 react 210 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 195 title More on the new tax law: topic other wordrate 0 words 16 ID 609869669357556 URL audclicks 197 audreach 171 bimpress 1985 blikeimpress 3 blikeusers 3 breach 1890 commentsimpress 3 commentsusers 3 engaged 179 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 2205 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 6 likeuusers 34 matchedlinkclicks 174 matchedotherclicks 21 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 220 oreach 127 posted "04/25/2018 03:48:15 PM" postlinkclicks 158 postotherclicks 18 reach 2011 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 4 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""More on the new tax law:""" ccleantitle More on the new tax law cclicksall 256 cclickslink 167 ccpcall 0.1328125 ccpclink 0.20359281 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1985 clicksunique 160 conversionrank - cost 0.20359281437126 cpm 17.12846348 creach 1854 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.89672544 ctrlink 8.4130982367758 ecomments 1 ecpclink 0.20359281 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 2 eshares 2 frequency 1.0706580366775 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 167 spent 34 ========== Where do wars come from? To defeat the internal opposition, of course: And to keep the masses busy: Religious leaders will help too, when it's in their interest: ===== impact 3 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-24 ratio 25 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Where do wars come from? topic other wordrate 0 words 28 ID 609518696059320 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 82 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 75 likeuusers 20 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 82 oreach 25 posted "04/24/2018 09:15:34 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 25 type Link ========== Still looking for more take-home pay in your paycheck? Some Republicans seem to be slow learners: They had so counted on the tax law as the foundation of their 2018 campaigns: Trump seems to have already lost interest in his tax bill: He has such a short attention span. Because it's so boring! Of course that's why ordinary citizens never understand much about it, and that enables legislative shenanigans. Fortunately, Trump can afford to hire other people to figure it all out for him. Perhaps we can return to this topic in another 30 years: ===== impact 29 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-24 ratio 13 react 3 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Still looking for more take-home pay in your paycheck? topic other wordrate 0 words 95 ID 609516552726201 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 94 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 79 likeuusers 28 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 94 oreach 41 posted "04/24/2018 09:08:02 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 1 reach 41 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Preferential voting allows minority representation Santa Clara is going to court to defend its at-large method of electing a city council. It's alleged that this disenfranchises the 30% of voters there who are Asian. But at-large multi-member districts disenfranchise any minorities, whether ethnic, economic, or by allegiance to sports teams. Consider a city with 10 council seats and two distinct populations, the ABC's which are 70% and the XYZ's which are 30%. It's thought that ABC voters only vote for ABC candidates, while XYZ voters only vote for XYZ candidates. The plaintiffs in the Santa Clara case believe that. If true, then it follows that simple at-large voting disenfranchises them. They'll never be able to elect any candidate. And if the XYZ's are spread out evenly in the city rather than concentrated in ghettos - because segregation is a thing of the past - then having separate districts won't work either because the XYZ's will never have a majority in any district. Is there no way that the XYZ's can get 30% of council seats? Yes, there is a way - preferential voting in multimember districts. With preferential voting - also called ranked-choice voting - as many candidates can run representing as many factions as possible, and if there is an ABC/XYZ split as above, the results will be that the XYZ's get about the 30% that they deserve, and nobody wastes a vote. And fringier candidates who want to make an impact can run and perhaps be elected if they modify their message toward the median of the district. ===== comments 20 impact 13936 impactrate 0 likeimpress 49 negative 0 posted 2018-04-24 ratio 7 react 536 reactrate 0 shares 32 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 435 title Preferential voting allows minority representation topic other wordrate 0 words 260 ID 609501779394345 URL audclicks 441 audreach 362 bimpress 3918 blikeimpress 35 blikeusers 24 breach 3607 commentsimpress 20 commentsusers 10 engaged 404 impress 4491 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 49 likeuimpress 105 likeusers 49 likeuusers 39 matchedlinkclicks 217 matchedotherclicks 218 oimpress 573 oreach 384 posted "04/24/2018 08:23:57 PM" postlinkclicks 188 postotherclicks 187 reach 3948 sharesimpress 32 sharesusers 30 type Link budget 39 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Preferential voting allows minority representation""" ccleantitle ranked-choice voting allows minority representation cclicksall 653 cclickslink 189 ccpcall 0.0621041 ccpclink 0.2764 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3922 clicksunique 148+34 conversionrank - cost 0.149292 cpm 9.97915 creach 3561 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 16.6343 ctrlink 4.80097 ecomments 5 ecpclink 0.687856 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 40 eshares 30 frequency 1.10138 indicator actions:link_click+actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 256 spent 39 ========== Media should shut up about mass killers A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone... Men (mostly) with no self-esteem, suddenly get their 15 minutes of fame. Sure there's a price to pay - but it's better than a lifetime of being ignored. Like Willie Loman, attention must be paid. So it's up to the media - they can make the difference here. Maybe no name, no photo, just a recitation of known facts from the police about the victims, not about the suspect. ===== comments 1 impact 107 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-04-24 ratio 4 react 12 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 9 title Media should shut up about mass killers topic other wordrate 0 words 89 ID 609494066061783 URL audclicks 9 audreach 4 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 4 impress 105 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 98 likeusers 2 likeuusers 50 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 105 oreach 56 posted "04/24/2018 08:04:22 PM" postotherclicks 4 reach 56 type Link ========== Dunning-Kruger: is this why women tend to be more self-critical than men? Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with hunters and gatherers after all. ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-23 ratio 17 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Dunning-Kruger: is this why women tend to be more topic other wordrate 0 words 25 ID 608826169461906 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 82 likeclickusers 2 likeuimpress 74 likeuusers 29 matchedlinkclicks 2 oimpress 82 oreach 35 posted "04/23/2018 06:45:31 AM" postlinkclicks 2 reach 35 type Link ========== Municipal Internet - acting locally for net neutrality ===== impact 2 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-22 ratio 20 react 2 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Municipal Internet - acting locally for net neutrality topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 608666686144521 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 2 impress 90 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 82 likeusers 1 likeuusers 33 matchedlinkclicks 1 oimpress 90 oreach 40 posted "04/22/2018 09:08:33 PM" postlinkclicks 1 reach 40 type Link ========== Don't Define Benefits without defining how they will be funded California, like several other states and many local governments and Federal territories, has painted itself into an uncomfortable corner over defined benefit pensions for public employees. It's not the case that public employees are making out like gangbusters everywhere: There's nothing inherently wrong with defined benefit pensions - many people expect benefits from one called Social Security. The problem is making sure that the money is there when the benefits are due. It's going to be a problem for Social Security - when it was set up, nobody expected pensioners to live for 30 years of benefits - but at least the Federal government could print money if it came to that. State and local governments can't do that. The typical underlying problem is that pension funds project unrealistic investment results, and so the money they do collect along the way doesn't grow fast enough. Who knows where the projections come from, but just imagine... If you put 1000 monkeys at computer terminals to manage money at random, in any given year a few of them will do really well. Of course, none of them will do really well year after year in up markets and down. Threatening the other monkeys that their bananas will be taken away if they don't match the best results every year won't help - the winners were just lucky. Professional active money managers shouldn't be compared to monkeys typing at random - that's unfair to the monkeys. A number of factors conspire to insure that, over long periods of up and down markets, on average active investment managers underperform passive index funds. But the lucky winners in any particular year drive unrealistic expectations. But who cares? That's the next generation's problem. ===== comments 26 impact 19246 impactrate 0 likeimpress 29 negative 0 posted 2018-04-22 ratio 7 react 648 reactrate 0 shares 16 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 577 title Don't Define Benefits without defining how they will topic other wordrate 0 words 297 ID 608585802819276 URL audclicks 580 audreach 408 bimpress 4575 blikeimpress 26 blikeusers 21 breach 4259 commentsimpress 26 commentsusers 20 engaged 433 impress 5923 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 29 likeuimpress 147 likeusers 29 likeuusers 77 matchedlinkclicks 340 matchedotherclicks 237 oimpress 1348 oreach 662 posted "04/22/2018 04:55:48 PM" postlinkclicks 299 postotherclicks 124 reach 4837 sharesimpress 16 sharesusers 13 type Link budget 39 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Don't Define Benefits without defining how they will""" ccleantitle Don't Define Benefits without defining how they will cclicksall 618 cclickslink 294 ccpcall 0.0707127 ccpclink 0.175803 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 4575 clicksunique 42+248 conversionrank - cost 0.128032 cpm 8.5513 creach 4305 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 13.4969 ctrlink 6.41638 ecomments 9 ecpclink 0.531746 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 21 eshares 11 frequency 1.06272 indicator actions:post_engagement+actions:link_click qualityrank - results 323 spent 39 ========== What happens if the provisions in the new law are made permanent? A number of provisions in the new tax law are due to expire in 2026. That includes many provisions intended to benefit the average taxpayer. But making all those 2026-expiring provisions permanent won't change things much - except making the deficit will be even worse - most of the benefits will flow through to the top 20%. That's because the 2026-expiring provisions include the estate tax reduction and the deduction for pass-through business income. Read all about in the ITEP analysis: Big banks aren't complaining about the new tax law: Some of that money will come in handy at Wells Fargo, that's for sure: Elsewhere, an interesting illustration of the effect of fast-track tax legislation came to light... it's a bit complicated of course, which is why it took a while. The IRS category "Supplementary Wages" includes payments from Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans, which in most of the country are only available to senior management, but in Silicon Valley are sometimes offered to senior technologists as well. They are taxable as ordinary income in the year paid, but the question is what rate of withholding should be used. It used to be 25% on the first million dollars and 35% above that. The treatment of deferred compensation plans in the new tax law changed on an hourly basis during December until the final bell rang and the bill passed. So while it was clear that the final decision was that the excess rate would be 37% instead of 35% (this was a tax cut bill?), it wasn't obvious whether the first million was supposed to be taxed at 28% or 22% instead of 25%: under "Supplemental rates." After 2018 started, the IRS made a decision for 22%: under "IRS Releases Withholding Guidance," and issued a notice: under "Withholding on Supplemental Wages." This is a relatively minor matter - it's just the withholding rate, not the tax rate. One wonders what other, most consequential, accidental provisions have become law. It could be a lot simpler: ===== comments 1 impact 4325 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-22 ratio 15 react 125 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 119 title What happens if the provisions in the new law are made topic other wordrate 0 words 346 ID 608580462819810 URL audclicks 121 audreach 99 bimpress 1822 blikeimpress 6 blikeusers 6 breach 1782 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 99 impress 2085 likeclickusers 9 likeuimpress 101 likeuusers 43 matchedlinkclicks 42 matchedotherclicks 77 oimpress 263 oreach 164 posted "04/22/2018 04:33:41 PM" postlinkclicks 36 postotherclicks 71 reach 1930 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""What happens if the provisions in the new law are...""" ccleantitle What happens if the provisions in the new law are cclicksall 194 cclickslink 39 ccpcall 0.10309278 ccpclink 0.51282051 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1821 clicksunique 38 conversionrank - cost 0.51282051282051 cpm 10.98297639 creach 1772 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 10.6534871 ctrlink 2.1416803953871 ecpclink 0.51282051 ends 2018-04-30 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 eshares 2 frequency 1.0276523702032 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 39 spent 20 ========== The Alt-Right is also beyond parody Perhaps they'll be back, or perhaps they'll submerge back into the regular subliminally fascist-racist crowd. And Bannon doesn't seem to be getting a lot of press any more. Maybe they'd all be happier emigrating to some place like Hungary where they might be welcome - if they bring money. Ludicrous as they may be, their bile inspires the gullible: Justice done twice in one week. ===== impact 135 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-04-20 ratio 3 react 19 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 15 title The Alt-Right is also beyond parody topic other wordrate 0 words 71 ID 607618992915957 URL audclicks 15 audreach 9 engaged 10 impress 126 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 105 likeusers 3 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 13 oimpress 126 oreach 61 posted "04/20/2018 03:24:28 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 9 reach 61 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Is Tribe more important than Ideas? Have Democrats been wasting their time trying to figure out how to objectively improve the lives of the Trump base? Here's the full study by Lilliana Mason: ABSTRACT The distinction between a person's ideological identity and their issue positions has come more clearly into focus in recent research. Scholars have pointed out a significant difference between identity-based and issue-based ideology in the American electorate. However, the affective and social effects of these separate elements of ideology have not been sufficiently explored. Drawing on a national sample collected by SSI and data from the 2016 ANES, this article finds that the identity-based elements of ideology are capable of driving heightened levels of affective polarization against outgroup ideologues, even at low levels of policy attitude extremity or constraint. These findings demonstrate how Americans can use ideological terms to disparage political opponents without necessarily holding constrained sets of policy attitudes. Unite America reports: Groundbreaking new research suggests that one's political identity matters more than one's issue-based ideology in explaining the deepening divisions of American politics. The University of Maryland's Lilliana Mason found that how strongly one affiliates with a given team - be it liberal or conservative - is more predictive of how they feel about the other team than what they actually believe on any set of issues. (You can read the full study here.) Mason explains the consequences: If policy outcomes are less important than team victory, a policy compromise is a useless concession to the enemy. These findings underscore the importance of our work in creating a movement of Uniters who can put their labels aside and put our country first. ===== comments 48 impact 9806 impactrate 0 likeimpress 19 negative 0 posted 2018-04-20 ratio 5 react 354 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 281 title Is Tribe more important than Ideas? topic other wordrate 0 words 277 ID 607609146250275 URL audclicks 281 audreach 213 bimpress 1417 blikeimpress 2 blikeusers 1 breach 1358 commentsimpress 48 commentsusers 25 engaged 228 impress 2008 likeclickusers 20 likeimpress 19 likeuimpress 206 likeusers 19 likeuusers 124 matchedlinkclicks 166 matchedotherclicks 115 oimpress 591 oreach 419 posted "04/20/2018 02:40:49 PM" postlinkclicks 150 postotherclicks 69 reach 1779 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Is Tribe more important than Ideas?""" ccleantitle Is Tribe more important than Ideas? cclicksall 370 cclickslink 145 ccpcall 0.05405405 ccpclink 0.13793103 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1417 clicksunique 144 conversionrank - cost 0.13793103448276 cpm 14.11432604 creach 1363 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 26.11150318 ctrlink 10.232886379675 ecomments 8 ecpclink 0.13793103 ends 2018-04-30 engagedrank - ereact 2 eshares 1 frequency 1.039618488628 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 145 spent 20 ========== You are the Product, not the Customer! The customer is whoever is willing to pay somebody for the data they collected about you: Ever wonder how MoviePass is going to survive? The rules might be different in Europe: Three related reports on today's Mercury Business page (used to be a Business section). ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-20 ratio 26 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title You are the Product, not the Customer! topic other wordrate 0 words 52 ID 607596649584858 URL audclicks 1 audreach 1 engaged 1 impress 82 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 75 likeuusers 21 matchedotherclicks 1 oimpress 82 oreach 26 posted "04/20/2018 01:57:40 PM" postotherclicks 1 reach 26 type Link ========== An Unexpected Appreciation of Lawyers - by de Tocqueville And if they don't teach enough American History in schools, and you don't know who de Tocqueville was: He was the first European writer to really get what America was and what America was becoming, good and bad. de Tocqueville didn't live long enough to meet Cohn and Cohen; that might have changed his opinion. And as for lawyers - if you ever under criminal investigation - get yourself a good lawyer and follow the expensive advice: ===== comments 1 hide 1 impact 292 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 1 posted 2018-04-20 ratio 2 react 34 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 27 title An Unexpected Appreciation of Lawyers - by de Tocqueville topic other wordrate 0 words 86 ID 607519339592589 URL audclicks 27 audreach 18 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 18 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 135 likeclickusers 17 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 121 likeusers 4 likeuusers 65 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 20 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 135 oreach 78 posted "04/20/2018 09:46:39 AM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 14 reach 78 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Repeat: Do not act like Republicans in the primaries! At this rate they won't have any more feet to shoot themselves in. It's hard to run for office on two wounded feet. E. J.Dionne Jr. wrote an interesting piece recalling identical political advice from both Barney Frank and William F. Buckley Jr. - in the primaries, support the most radical candidate who can win in the general election. Both were more interested in making laws rather than making ideological points, and to make (or repeal) laws you need to have majorities in legislatures. Both Republican and Democratic strategists have been known to quietly fund the fringe candidates in the other party's primary in order to have a more beatable opponent in the general election. And now we know that the Russian propaganda machinery also has an interest in quietly fanning extreme ideological partisanship. So when it's your turn to participate in primary season, you do your best to determine which of your party's candidates has the best chance against the best of the other party's. That's not necessarily the same as the one you might prefer in a perfect world. Particularly in a contestable district, a successful candidate should not be too far ahead ideologically of the median voter of the district. What about in districts where it's a foregone conclusion which party is going to win? What should the other party do there? In that case, since no candidate is electable, then the minority party might as well act like the Libertarians and Greens and nominate the most articulate exponent of the minority party's principles. Here the purpose of running is to plant seeds in the mind of the majority voters that might bear fruit in the future. Things might be easier if elections were conducted with preferential voting as advocated by Then as many candidates could run as wanted, and as many parties compete as wanted, without anybody diluting anybody else's chances, and with a higher probability that the final winner represents the broadest possible consensus in the district. ===== comments 1 impact 477 impactrate 0 likeimpress 4 negative 0 posted 2018-04-20 ratio 4 react 14 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Repeat: Do not act like Republicans in the primaries! topic other wordrate 0 words 341 ID 607500139594509 URL audclicks 8 audreach 6 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 6 impress 122 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 4 likeuimpress 101 likeusers 4 likeuusers 52 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 122 oreach 66 posted "04/20/2018 08:59:27 AM" postotherclicks 6 reach 66 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Trump can't pass laws, but he can sure repeal them If Obama (or Bush or Clinton) signed it, Trump can repeal it! Trump can get rid of those pesky regulations that are oppressing America's hard-working billionaires! ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-19 ratio 9 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Trump can't pass laws, but he can sure repeal them topic other wordrate 0 words 36 ID 607025469641976 URL audclicks 3 audreach 3 engaged 3 impress 88 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 82 likeusers 1 likeuusers 32 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 88 oreach 37 posted "04/19/2018 07:53:48 AM" postotherclicks 3 reach 37 type Link ========== "Impeach Trump" might be the wrong battle cry in 2018 According to an NPR/PBS/Marist poll: 47 percent of registered voters would definitely vote against a candidate who wanted to remove Trump from office, while 42 percent would definitely vote for a candidate who would make such a promise. 47 percent of independent voters - whose opinions could be decisive - also say they would vote against candidates favoring impeachment: According to Jennifer Rubin: Rather than the "I" word (impeachment), Democrats would be wise to make this about the "A" word (accountability). And accountability begins with transparency and fact-finding. A Haas poll shows that even in California, some Trump policies have significant support: Both polls note that the electorate seems to be comfortable holding contradictory views of things. Remember most voters think about politics a lot less than you do! ===== comments 36 hide 1 impact 5935 impactrate 0 likeimpress 23 negative 1 posted 2018-04-18 ratio 4 react 427 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 358 title "Impeach Trump" might be the wrong battle cry topic other wordrate 0 words 139 ID 606763296334860 URL audclicks 361 audreach 275 bimpress 1607 blikeimpress 3 blikeusers 3 breach 1558 commentsimpress 36 commentsusers 14 engaged 290 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 2436 likeclickusers 25 likeimpress 23 likeuimpress 175 likeusers 20 likeuusers 90 matchedlinkclicks 76 matchedotherclicks 282 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 829 oreach 538 posted "04/18/2018 05:10:43 PM" postlinkclicks 62 postotherclicks 222 reach 2088 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 5 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: """"Impeach Trump"" might be the wrong battle cry in 2018""" ccleantitle might be the wrong battle cry in 2018 cclicksall 335 cclickslink 60 ccpcall 0.05435821 ccpclink 0.3035 cdelivery archived cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1608 clicksunique 59 conversionrank - cost 0.3035 cpm 11.32462687 creach 1561 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 20.83333333 ctrlink 3.7313432835821 ecomments 2 ecpclink 0.3035 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 5 eshares 2 frequency 1.0301089045484 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 60 spent 18.21 ========== Fomenting Division - it's not just the Russians A sixth of the problem is definitely attributable to Russian interference, which is a big story in itself. But five sixths of the problem comes from other sources, probably mostly home-grown and legal, and that's an even bigger story: == ABSTRACT: In light of the foreign interference in the 2016 U.S. elections, the present research asks the question of whether the digital media has become the stealth media for anonymous political campaigns. By utilizing a user-based, real-time, digital ad tracking tool, the present research reverse engineers and tracks the groups (Study 1) and the targets (Study 2) of divisive issue campaigns based on 5 million paid ads on Facebook exposed to 9,519 individuals between September 28 and November 8, 2016. The findings reveal groups that did not file reports to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) - nonprofits, astroturf /movement groups, and unidentifiable "suspicious" groups , including foreign entities - ran most of the divisive issue campaigns. One out of six suspicious groups later turned out to be Russian groups. The volume of ads sponsored by non-FEC groups was four times larger than that of FEC-groups. Divisive issue campaigns clearly targeted battleground states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where traditional Democratic strongholds supported Trump by a razor thin margin. The present research asserts that media ecology, the technological features and capacity of digital media, as well as regulatory loopholes created by Citizens United v. FEC and the FEC's disclaimer exemption for digital platforms contribute to the prevalence of anonymous groups' divisive issue campaigns on digital media. The present research offers insight relevant for regulatory policy discussion and discusses the normative implications of the findings for the functioning of democracy. == ===== comments 9 impact 6549 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-04-17 ratio 7 react 229 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 206 title Fomenting Division - it's not just the Russians topic other wordrate 0 words 286 ID 606416849702838 URL audclicks 207 audreach 147 bimpress 1681 blikeimpress 5 blikeusers 5 breach 1615 commentsimpress 9 commentsusers 5 engaged 156 impress 1979 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 88 likeusers 9 likeuusers 27 matchedlinkclicks 72 matchedotherclicks 134 oimpress 298 oreach 194 posted "04/17/2018 10:46:08 PM" postlinkclicks 52 postotherclicks 115 reach 1811 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Fomenting Division - it's not just the Russians""" ccleantitle Fomenting Division - it's not just the Russians cclicksall 312 cclickslink 54 ccpcall 0.06410256 ccpclink 0.37037037 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1681 clicksunique 53 conversionrank - cost 0.37037037037037 cpm 11.89767995 creach 1592 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 18.56038073 ctrlink 3.2123735871505 ecomments 4 ecpclink 0.37037037 ends 2018-04-30 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 9 eshares 4 frequency 1.0559045226131 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 54 spent 20 ========== Do we need political parties? America's founders considered partisanship to be poison, and devised as many institutional barriers as they could think of, but within a few years the Federal political system had become strictly partisan - and has remained a duopoly almost always ever since. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Jon Ward argues that political parties have an essential role - but they are losing their power to modulate the political process for good (or ill): His argument could be put this way: most voters have very little knowledge about how the government works or how it is supposed to work. But a great deal of specialized information is required to select good candidates, win elections, and run the government. The institutional role of political parties is to preserve this knowledge and pass it on. It is possible to win an election without really engaging a party structure - new technology and personal wealth allowed Trump to do so - but he didn't expect to win and didn't know what to do next, and he didn't know whom to ask, as has become abundantly apparent. Many party reforms intended to improve democratic outcomes have had the opposite effect. The main conclusion is that party structures need to be strengthened. He doesn't say anything about third parties and independents. Gehl and Porter view the two-party system as an industrial duopoly: and argue that the two main parties are powerful and act to prevent effective competition, but are inexorably driven to differentiate themselves at extremes rather than find practical solutions in the middle. Yet this view leads to one similar conclusion: reforms intended to improve democratic outcomes often have the opposite effect. The main conclusion though is that the power of the duopoly needs to be reduced to break the deadlock in the system, to enable bipartisan, nonpartisan independent, and third party solution sources. Obviously both points of view can't be completely correct at the same time, though there's a lot to think about in each. ===== impact 848 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-17 ratio 18 react 25 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 24 title Do we need political parties? topic other wordrate 0 words 339 ID 606411963036660 URL audclicks 24 audreach 21 bimpress 445 blikeimpress 5 blikeusers 5 breach 449 engaged 22 impress 530 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 80 likeusers 1 likeuusers 26 matchedlinkclicks 7 matchedotherclicks 17 oimpress 85 oreach 28 posted "04/17/2018 10:25:08 PM" postlinkclicks 6 postotherclicks 16 reach 474 type Link budget 7 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Do we need political parties?""" ccleantitle Do we need political parties? cclicksall 30 cclickslink 6 ccpcall 0.23333333 ccpclink 1.16666667 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 445 clicksunique 6 conversionrank - cost 1.1666666666667 cpm 15.73033708 creach 439 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 6.74157303 ctrlink 1.3483146067416 ecpclink 1.16666667 ends 2018-05-08 engagedrank - ereact 1 frequency 1.0136674259681 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 6 spent 7 ========== Tax Too Boring for Trump, but not for House Some Republicans seem to be slow learners. They had so counted on the tax law as the foundation of their 2018 campaigns: The Senate seems to have figured out that they'll have to find something else: but the House are fanatics and think that if they just need to sell it better. Trump seems to has already lost interest in his tax bill: He has such a short attention span. Because it's so boring! Of course that's why ordinary citizens never understand much about it, and that enables legislative shenanigans. The more Republicans try to sell all that, the more voters will catch on. Fortunately, Trump can afford to hire other people to figure it all out for him. And Paul Ryan, who considered those shenanigans his crowning achievement... is giving up and going home. Then: Now: The velocity of the scandal storm and tweet storm give everybody attention deficit and we can't remember what concerned us yesterday. Perhaps we can return to this topic in another 30 years: ===== comments 5 impact 5091 impactrate 0 likeimpress 7 negative 0 posted 2018-04-17 ratio 9 react 286 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 268 title Tax Too Boring for Trump, but not for House topic other wordrate 0 words 178 ID 606340306377159 URL audclicks 279 audreach 244 bimpress 2711 blikeimpress 3 blikeusers 3 breach 2457 commentsimpress 5 commentsusers 5 engaged 251 impress 3008 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 7 likeuimpress 92 likeusers 7 likeuusers 30 matchedlinkclicks 218 matchedotherclicks 50 oimpress 297 oreach 188 posted "04/17/2018 05:53:14 PM" postlinkclicks 191 postotherclicks 46 reach 2648 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 5 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Tax Too Boring for Trump, but not for House""" ccleantitle Tax Too Boring for Trump, but not for House cclicksall 572 cclickslink 218 ccpcall 0.05944056 ccpclink 0.1559633 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2711 clicksunique 208 conversionrank - cost 0.15596330275229 cpm 12.5414976 creach 2512 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 21.09922538 ctrlink 8.0413131685725 ecomments 2 ecpclink 0.1559633 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 6 eshares 5 frequency 1.0792197452229 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 218 spent 34 ========== Did you need to file Form 1040-EL ? You file 1040-EL in case 2017 politics made you sad: or sick: But you are out of luck if the IRS computers are still down: ===== impact 13 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-17 ratio 7 react 4 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 3 title Did you need to file Form 1040-EL ? topic other wordrate 0 words 33 ID 606269516384238 URL audclicks 3 audreach 2 engaged 2 impress 86 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 79 likeusers 1 likeuusers 25 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 86 oreach 30 posted "04/17/2018 01:09:20 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 30 type Link ========== California to mandate net neutrality Just because the Trump administration is trying make a U turn to Make America Great like 1880 Again, California continues to move forward on its own in order to be prepared to meet the future. SB822 with wide public support and 14 co-sponsors looks like a winner for everybody except possibly a few actual and wannabe billionaires who'd like to turn the internet into a private toll road. ===== comments 10 impact 1533 impactrate 0 likeimpress 25 negative 0 posted 2018-04-17 ratio 8 react 210 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 169 title California to mandate net neutrality topic other wordrate 0 words 73 ID 606256169718906 URL audclicks 170 audreach 117 bimpress 1693 blikeimpress 3 blikeusers 3 breach 1575 commentsimpress 10 commentsusers 5 engaged 134 impress 2176 likeclickusers 9 likeimpress 25 likeuimpress 110 likeusers 25 likeuusers 41 matchedlinkclicks 71 matchedotherclicks 98 oimpress 483 oreach 322 posted "04/17/2018 12:32:36 PM" postlinkclicks 49 postotherclicks 87 reach 1855 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""California to mandate net neutrality""" ccleantitle California to mandate net neutrality cclicksall 242 cclickslink 55 ccpcall 0.08264463 ccpclink 0.36363636 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1693 clicksunique 53 conversionrank - cost 0.36363636363636 cpm 11.81334908 creach 1577 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 14.29415239 ctrlink 3.248670998228 ecomments 3 ecpclink 0.36363636 ends 2018-04-30 engagedrank - ereact 12 eshares 5 frequency 1.0735573874445 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 55 spent 20 ========== Why California Republicans can't be parodied It's amazing how much can be packed into one little article, including abuse of campaign finance laws. Get the big money out of politics! (And incidentally, require documentation of the percentage of signatures procured by paid procurers to get initiative/referendum/recall measures on the ballot. ) The reason California Republicans are in such a tizzy to get the gas tax initiative on the ballot? They are afraid their demoralized base won't show up to vote in June and November and a bunch more of their state and Federal legislators will get an early retirement present from the Democrats: But the Republican base here can be counted on to show up to vote against taxes, even as they complain about the state of the roads they drove on to get to the polling place. As for the gas tax, there probably are fairer ways to pay for much-needed transportation infrastructure maintenance. Since a 2000 pound electric vehicle does as much road damage as a 2000 pound gas vehicle driven the same mileage, they should be sharing the bill equally (there remain a number of other incentives to electric vehicle ownership). So in principle, the road tax should be proportional to weight times mileage, and indeed the DMV has been running voluntary trials based on measuring mileage: That's kind of intrusive for private passenger cars, so it might be more broadly palatable to just tax all private passenger cars based on an average mileage number like 12,000 per year, and just do measured mileage on commercial vehicles. Even without considering electric and hybrid vehicles, which are going to become increasingly necessary to meet mileage requirements to achieve greenhouse gas goals, improving gas mileages for conventional engines is also drying up highway funding, so something has to be done. ===== comments 32 impact 16104 impactrate 0 likeimpress 47 negative 0 posted 2018-04-17 ratio 6 react 535 reactrate 0 shares 8 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 448 title Why California Republicans can't be parodied topic other wordrate 0 words 301 ID 606237666387423 URL audclicks 451 audreach 372 bimpress 3574 blikeimpress 8 blikeusers 6 breach 3221 commentsimpress 32 commentsusers 15 engaged 414 impress 3872 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 47 likeuimpress 110 likeusers 47 likeuusers 47 matchedlinkclicks 264 matchedotherclicks 184 oimpress 298 oreach 201 posted "04/17/2018 12:09:47 PM" postlinkclicks 222 postotherclicks 159 reach 3365 sharesimpress 8 sharesusers 8 type Link budget 39 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Why California Republicans can't be parodied""" ccleantitle Why California Republicans can't be parodied cclicksall 680 cclickslink 238 ccpcall 0.0610984 ccpclink 0.23428 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3565 clicksunique 34+195 conversionrank - cost 0.130785 cpm 10.9805 creach 3257 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 19.0575 ctrlink 6.65704 ecomments 9 ecpclink 0.656863 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 46 eshares 8 frequency 1.09457 indicator actions:post_engagement+actions:link_click qualityrank - results 295 spent 39 ========== Time to replace your router? Or at least the administrative password to your router... Your router is probably one or more little boxes that are between your computer and your cable or phone connection. You might connect to it through an ethernet cable or a local wireless connection. Your router is a small general purpose computer with full internet capabilities, so... bad guys are always trying to find an HNAP connection: For instance, in the month of March, there were three attempts like this one on the local network: [Sat Mar 03 23:34:46 2018] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/apache2/htnull/HNAP1 from these IP's: DNS RIPE NCONNECT-NET direct announce DNS Who might these be? Parts of the industry are belatedly deciding not to enable cyberterrorism: ===== impact 2279 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-17 ratio 10 react 174 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 170 title Time to replace your router? topic other wordrate 0 words 131 ID 606169569727566 URL audclicks 173 audreach 144 bimpress 1762 blikeimpress 9 blikeusers 9 breach 1668 engaged 144 impress 1970 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 87 likeusers 1 likeuusers 26 matchedlinkclicks 102 matchedotherclicks 68 oimpress 208 oreach 119 posted "04/17/2018 08:38:01 AM" postlinkclicks 85 postotherclicks 63 reach 1768 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link budget 40 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Time to replace your router?""" ccleantitle Time to replace your router? cclicksall 207 cclickslink 92 ccpcall 0.09661836 ccpclink 0.2173913 cdelivery not_delivering+archived cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1762 clicksunique 89 conversionrank - cost 0.21739130434783 cpm 11.3846 creach 1683 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 11.7881549 ctrlink 5.2391799544419 ecpclink 0.2173913 ends 2018-04-30 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 1 eshares 3 frequency 1.04694 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 92 spent ========== Challenging the Duopoly - tackling do-nothing politics There are many obstacles facing third-party and independent candidates that most Republican and Democratic candidates are unaware of: But that's just part of a much bigger picture: refers to Gehl and Porter: In 2011, Harvard Business School launched a U. S. Competitiveness Project to understand why the American economy has been so sluggish lately. They soon discovered that a lot of the problem was politics. No surprise! Looking at the American "political industry" from the point of view of industrial competition, it quickly became clear that the political industry was showing all the signs to be expected of any other industry that had become a duopoly that effectively blocked any new entrants. The discussion group mentions the work of Gehl and Porter, linked above. They attempt to get past obsessing over symptoms in order to discern root causes and potential treatments: PART I sets the stage by assessing the outcomes that politics is delivering, revealing a broken system that has become the major barrier to progress in America. PART II shows how the political system is not a public institution but a private industry that sets its own rules. In the process, it has fundamentally diminished our democracy. PART III describes the essential outcomes we should expect from a well-functioning political system, but are not achieving. PART IV uses the Five Forces framework to analyze how the evolving structure of the politics industry has led to the failure of political competition to serve the average citizen - and to the antithesis of the outcomes we need to achieve. PART V explores the deliberate changes that have undermined our political system beginning in the early 20th century. PART VI puts forth a strategy for reinvigorating our democracy by addressing the root causes of the political dysfunction we are experiencing. This will require action by our fellow citizens, because our political system will not be self-correcting. We must change it. Just a few examples: * their description rang a bell from freshman political science; the regulator and regulated tend to become one: * the Hastert rule means a majority of the House can't even bring a bill to the floor for a vote: * sore-loser laws promote extremism and discourage centrist and independent candidates from running in the primary and the general election: * abolition of earmarks and open-meeting rules have had the unintended side effects of making compromise much more difficult. The report mentions a number of interesting organizations working for change on various aspects of the problems: Some of these may be worthy of your support. ===== comments 10 hideall 5 impact 9202 impactrate 0 likeimpress 50 negative 5 posted 2018-04-16 ratio 11 react 214 reactrate 0 shares 9 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 140 title Challenging the Duopoly - tackling do-nothing politics topic other wordrate 0 words 430 ID 605885506422639 URL audclicks 142 audreach 104 bimpress 2303 blikeimpress 35 blikeusers 28 breach 2170 commentsimpress 10 commentsusers 7 engaged 144 hideallclicks 5 hideallclicksusers 5 impress 2679 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 50 likeuimpress 137 likeusers 50 likeuusers 61 matchedlinkclicks 104 matchedotherclicks 36 negclicks 5 negusers 5 oimpress 376 oreach 264 posted "04/16/2018 05:22:11 PM" postlinkclicks 81 postotherclicks 29 reach 2431 sharesimpress 9 sharesusers 9 type Link budget 39 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Challenging the Duopoly - fixing do-nothing politics"""+"Post: ""Challenging the Duopoly - tackling do-nothing...""" ccleantitle Challenging the Duopoly - fixing do-nothing cclicksall 222 cclickslink 84 ccpcall 0.175639 ccpclink 0.559385 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2303 clicksunique 60+21 conversionrank - cost 0.300119 cpm 16.9143 creach 2197 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 9.62826 ctrlink 3.65752 ecomments 2 ecpclink 1.22222 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 45 eshares 9 frequency 1.04825 indicator actions:link_click+actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 132 spent 39 ========== A Republican New Deal is much like a Democratic New Deal Geoffrey Kabaservice suggests that the Republicans might save themselves in the short and long term by embracing a number of projects that might actually help their most Trumpian base of rural white people who are on the lower end of the scale of income and education: rebuilding our decaying national infrastructure vigorous support for universal entitlements like Social Security and Medicare robust wage subsidies a generous child care tax credit apprenticeship programs linked to specific high-skilled jobs a national version of a California proposal to make housing more affordable: That much sounds pretty Democratic to me! In fact the Center for American Progress produced much the same list for the Democratic party: It seems that these are areas that could engender bipartisan support if the will were there. Kabaservice expects that the Republicans would continue some of their traditional practices in other areas, and would retain their megadonors by continuing to dismantle Federal regulation, and would retain their single-issue voters by nominating conservative Federal judges. So you could still tell the difference between the parties. Kabaservice cites academic studies to support his thesis: Bartels at Vanderbilt reports that a majority of Republicans support an active government role in social welfare - contrary to the Libertarian line of many "establishment" Republicans but in line with Trump's campaign promise not to touch Social Security and Medicare: Could any of this actually happen despite the institutional duopoly resistance to compromise? It would have to happen without Trump's involvement, since he is most dogmatic about his worst ideas and most inept at getting his other ideas through Congress. And a large number of Republican legislators running in 2018 seem to define their ideology by whatever Trump is for, which means they are fully occupied trying to keep up with him instead of solving real problems for their base. If there are any Republicans who want to be identifiable as something more constructive than Trumpists, time is running out for them to come up with a credible Plan B for solving real problems. ===== comments 1 impact 7783 impactrate 0 likeimpress 10 negative 0 posted 2018-04-16 ratio 9 react 223 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 209 title A Republican New Deal is much like a Democratic New Deal topic other wordrate 0 words 349 ID 605809986430191 URL audclicks 210 audreach 169 bimpress 2228 blikeimpress 7 blikeusers 6 breach 2041 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 170 impress 2502 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 10 likeuimpress 104 likeusers 10 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 54 matchedotherclicks 155 oimpress 274 oreach 173 posted "04/16/2018 01:00:24 PM" postlinkclicks 46 postotherclicks 131 reach 2207 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link budget 33 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""A Republican New Deal is much like a Democratic...""" ccleantitle A Republican New Deal is much like a Democratic cclicksall 245 cclickslink 51 ccpcall 0.13469388 ccpclink 0.64705882 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2229 clicksunique 50 conversionrank - cost 0.64705882352941 cpm 14.80484522 creach 2063 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 10.991476 ctrlink 2.2880215343203 ecpclink 0.64705882 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 8 eshares 3 frequency 1.0804653417353 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 51 spent 33 ========== Oregon was too optimistic about defined-benefit pensions If you've ever been through Klamath Falls, you know that town does not need additional pension debt burden: but it's got it, needed or not. Promising generous pensions based on a generous stock market is asking for trouble, and trouble has responded. Defined-benefit pensions should only be offered by the Federal government, since only they can print money to pay for them. Social Security is our premier defined-benefit pension, and it's available to many people, but not everybody: it would be better if everybody were required to pay in and everybody were entitled to the benefit. ===== impact 62 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-16 ratio 8 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 6 title Oregon was too optimistic about defined-benefit pensions topic other wordrate 0 words 103 ID 605781866433003 URL audclicks 6 audreach 5 engaged 5 impress 113 likeclickusers 5 likeuimpress 107 likeuusers 42 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 113 oreach 48 posted "04/16/2018 11:31:50 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 4 reach 48 type Link ========== Land Wars in Asia: can't stay out and can't get out? Even the wars that are fought by our nominal allies can have repercussions we might not be able to avoid: We might be paying for the Yemen war for a long time; after all, we're still paying for installing the Taliban in Afghanistan during the Reagan administration. It would seem obvious that diplomacy is a lot less expensive than warfare, but the Trump administration can't even be bothered to nominate diplomats: ===== impact 8 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-16 ratio 40 react 1 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 title Land Wars in Asia: can't stay out and can't get out? topic other wordrate 0 words 82 ID 605722936438896 URL engaged 1 impress 101 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 76 likeuusers 21 oimpress 101 oreach 40 posted "04/16/2018 08:48:51 AM" reach 40 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== When did the Democrats become the party of Fiscal Responsibility? One might have thought that the Democrats just recently saw the light in response to Trumpian populism; populists are notoriously irresponsible about deficits and printing money - just go to Venezuela to see what happens next. But there's a remarkable pattern in the actual data: over the last 40+ years, the Democrats have actually been more responsible about raising taxes to pay for increased spending, and even cutting spending. And if Trump really wants to do something about foreign trade deficits, maybe he should start with the domestic deficit. It's immoral to make future generations pay for present consumption. But who's expecting the Democrats or Republicans to take the lead on that any time soon? Our political industry, organized as a duopoly, is inherently unable to solve problems through compromise: ===== comments 21 hideall 1 impact 5082 impactrate 0 likeimpress 31 negative 1 posted 2018-04-16 ratio 6 react 363 reactrate 0 shares 12 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 298 title When did the Democrats become the party of Fiscal topic other wordrate 0 words 140 ID 605713463106510 URL audclicks 301 audreach 224 bimpress 2026 blikeimpress 6 blikeusers 4 breach 1852 commentsimpress 21 commentsusers 16 engaged 248 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 2633 likeclickusers 24 likeimpress 31 likeuimpress 195 likeusers 31 likeuusers 106 matchedlinkclicks 84 matchedotherclicks 214 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 607 oreach 393 posted "04/16/2018 08:16:59 AM" postlinkclicks 73 postotherclicks 156 reach 2207 sharesimpress 12 sharesusers 12 type Link budget 34 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""When did the Democrats become the party of Fiscal""" ccleantitle When did the Democrats become the party of Fiscal cclicksall 361 cclickslink 82 ccpcall 0.06775623 ccpclink 0.29829268 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2028 clicksunique 79 conversionrank - cost 0.29829268292683 cpm 12.06114398 creach 1906 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 17.80078895 ctrlink 4.043392504931 ecomments 4 ecpclink 0.29829268 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 16 eshares 6 frequency 1.0640083945435 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 82 spent 24.46 ========== State and Local Tax Deduction - what's the progressive choice? Dalton Conley points out that the state and local tax deduction rewards rich states at the expense of poor states: And he's right to the extent that high state and local taxes benefit residents of that state, and if they reduce the amount of Federal taxes paid from that state, it penalizes residents of all states. Of course this was not the thinking behind attempts to eliminate and then reduce the state and local tax deduction in the 2017 bill; the motivations were 1) ideological - reduce the size of state and local government, and 2) punish Democratic states which tend to have higher state and local taxes. A flat tax that federalized all state and local taxes for general government and public education could go a long way toward evening up educational equality of opportunity across the country. ===== comments 1 impact 373 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-04-15 ratio 3 react 25 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 21 title State and Local Tax Deduction - what's the progressive topic other wordrate 0 words 149 ID 605406166470573 URL audclicks 21 audreach 14 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 15 impress 158 likeclickusers 15 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 145 likeusers 2 likeuusers 84 matchedlinkclicks 2 matchedotherclicks 19 oimpress 158 oreach 95 posted "04/15/2018 03:18:46 PM" postlinkclicks 2 postotherclicks 14 reach 95 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link ========== Liberal or Progressive? Greg Weiner argues that the terms "liberal" and "progressive" have quite different histories and connotations: "Liberal" has the same roots at "liberate" and that's the meaning of the classic "liberal arts": They were the disciplines required of a free citizen, to free from ignorance and superstition. In contrast, "progressivism" had ties to eugenics, temperance at the beginning and cultural revolution and obliteration of history more recently. Those Islamic State and al-Qaeda leaders, who liked to blow up cultural landmarks from the pre-Islamic past, could claim to be expediting the inevitable flow of history, just as a previous generation of Communist cultural revolutionaries claimed. Neither the new Islamic man nor the new Socialist man needed to know what mistaken ideologies came before. There have been various Progressive movements in the United States, and the institution of initiative, referendum, and recall in various states was part of the positive legacy at the time, though these reforms have since been perverted by big money. While Woodrow Wilson was counted as a Progressive in many ways, racial relations wasn't one of them; he thought segregation was a fine idea. Soviet era propagandists used "progressive" to refer to leftists in non-Communist countries, not necessarily Communists but not unsympathetic to Communist goals. More recently in the US, "progressive" is often applied to the left and Bernie Sanders wings of the Democratic Party and perhaps the Greens. So where does that leave us and US? American politics move gradually to the left over time; too quickly for reactionaries, too slowly for revolutionaries. Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas were ahead of their times but a lot of their ideas are mainstream now. Bernie Sanders may be in the same tradition. Trumpism is neither conservative nor liberal; it's just populist tending toward fascist and kleptocratic. So it really doesn't shed any light on this discussion. However the excesses of Trumpism have inspired a lot of thinking about a mainstream alternative; here are some examples of different approaches: One approach is a coalition of nonpartisan or bipartisan or independent thinkers to work together to make progress on the things they can agree on, without expecting that they can agree on everything. Another approach is to create a new third party in the center. This is a difficult task and the record of third parties is not encouraging; the Republicans became the majority party in only four years but usually third parties just enjoy a brief spark of popularity until one of the main parties make some concessions to their point of view and incorporates their supporters. More discussion here: ===== impact 3542 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-04-15 ratio 15 react 82 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 78 title Liberal or Progressive? topic other wordrate 0 words 432 ID 605389529805570 URL audclicks 80 audreach 74 bimpress 1204 blikeimpress 2 blikeusers 2 breach 1177 engaged 76 impress 1344 likeclickusers 8 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 113 likeusers 3 likeuusers 55 matchedlinkclicks 60 matchedotherclicks 18 oimpress 140 oreach 76 posted "04/15/2018 02:32:41 PM" postlinkclicks 55 postotherclicks 18 reach 1240 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Liberal or Progressive?""" ccleantitle Liberal or Progressive? cclicksall 115 cclickslink 58 ccpcall 0.17391304 ccpclink 0.34482759 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1204 clicksunique 58 conversionrank - cost 0.3448275862069 cpm 16.61129568 creach 1167 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 9.55149502 ctrlink 4.8172757475083 ecpclink 0.34482759 ends 2018-04-30 engagedrank - ereact 1 frequency 1.031705227078 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 58 spent 20 ========== A Bias Toward Action can lead to Bad Foreign Policy A bias toward action is generally considered to be a good thing in business. Just do a web search on "bias toward action" to see. Information is always incomplete, and fear of failure can lead to "analysis paralysis." In Silicon Valley, startups often fail because of decisions they made, but startups that fail to make essential decisions always fail. At least one CEO liked to say "no decision is also a decision" - and often, the worst possible decision. In Silicon Valley, if your startup fails, you list it as a learning experience on your resume and try again. Foreign policy is different: Churchill did say, in 1942: The maxim 'Nothing avails but perfection' may be spelt shorter: 'Paralysis.' But that was before the nuclear era. A misjudged nuclear-armed adversary is not a recoverable learning experience. In the specific case of Syria, there are about eight different sides whose allegiances are subject to change without notice. Unless the US is willing to enter the war in a major way to confront Russia and depose Assad, he will continue, under Russian protection, exterminating his opponents until he restores peace and law and order to his liking. In Syria, the only reliable allies of the US and Israel are the hapless Kurds, who have been struggling for independence forever - but are doomed by a hopeless landlocked geopolitical situation surrounded by larger enemies who are strategically more important to the US. Susan Rice lays out the path to the least bad outcome the US can realistically expect: You'd think we'd learned in Iraq and Afghanistan that it's a lot easier to get in than to get out. All these locales are wrapped up in ethnic and sectarian conflicts - there is probably no resolution in Afghanistan, for instance, until there is a resolution in Kashmir: But Kashmir is unresolvable by the US and probably by anybody: supposedly a State Dept veteran interviewed new college grad job applicants by asking what they'd do about Kashmir - and the only correct answer was silence. If they said anything at all, they failed that test. Israel/Palestine is a similar problem. North Korea is another. To solve refractory problems like these requires a rare coincidence: leaders on both sides have to WANT a solution, and they must have the political capital to negotiate a solution even against their own muscular internal opposition. The current leaders of India and Pakistan do not want a solution. The current leaders of Israel and Palestine do not have the political capital to negotiate a solution. The net result is that no third party can negotiate a solution for them. ===== comments 18 impact 23932 impactrate 0 likeimpress 135 negative 1 posted 2018-04-15 ratio 6 react 533 reactrate 0 shares 37 sharesrate 0 spam 1 sumclicks 342 title A Bias Toward Action can lead to Bad Foreign Policy topic other wordrate 0 words 449 ID 605366093141247 URL audclicks 342 audreach 256 bimpress 3084 blikeimpress 38 blikeusers 29 breach 2788 commentsimpress 18 commentsusers 11 engaged 357 impress 4006 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 135 likeuimpress 138 likeusers 130 likeuusers 68 matchedlinkclicks 144 matchedotherclicks 198 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 922 oreach 678 posted "04/15/2018 12:57:17 PM" postlinkclicks 114 postotherclicks 166 reach 3407 sharesimpress 37 sharesusers 34 spamclicks 1 spamclicksusers 1 type Link budget 40 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""A Bias Toward Action can led to Bad Foreign Policy"""+"Post: ""A Bias Toward Action can lead to Bad Foreign Policy""" ccleantitle A Bias Toward Action can lead to Bad Foreign Policy cclicksall 491 cclickslink 118 ccpcall 0.0825365 ccpclink 0.356121 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3084 clicksunique 68+44 conversionrank - cost 0.189551 cpm 13.0223 creach 2808 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 15.8828 ctrlink 3.87928 ecomments 8 ecpclink 0.707222 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 113 eshares 34 frequency 1.09829 indicator actions:link_click+actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 264 spent 40 ========== It's Tax March Day! Let the world know how you feel about the Republican tax "reform." If on the way you tune into your radio for a traffic report, you might hear an ad for tax planning services for businesses to help them make the most of the "reform." But don't blame the lawyers and accountants who make a living trying to interpret byzantine tax law - blame the lawyers and accountants who "serve" in Congress by voting for it! Many, from Paul Ryan on down, have decided it's time to leave on a (market) high note at the end of their current term, before the recession hits the fan, creating more opportunities for some real change. ===== hide 1 impact 468 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-04-15 ratio 34 react 40 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 38 title It's Tax March Day! topic other wordrate 0 words 117 ID 605259563151900 URL audclicks 40 audreach 34 bimpress 1455 blikeimpress 16 blikeusers 12 breach 1335 engaged 34 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1564 likeclickusers 1 likeuimpress 100 likeuusers 40 matchedlinkclicks 16 matchedotherclicks 22 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 109 oreach 47 posted "04/15/2018 07:34:15 AM" postlinkclicks 15 postotherclicks 20 reach 1380 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""It's Tax March Day!""" ccleantitle It's Tax March Day! cclicksall 56 cclickslink 16 ccpcall 0.35714286 ccpclink 1.25 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1455 clicksunique 16 conversionrank - cost 1.25 cpm 13.74570447 creach 1368 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 3.84879725 ctrlink 1.0996563573883 ecpclink 1.25 ends 2018-04-16 engagedrank - eshares 1 frequency 1.0635964912281 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 16 spent 20 ========== Personal Change Leading to Social Change Petrzela and Whelan report an interesting study of the interplay between self-help and social movements. They trace the "self-help" thread in American culture - "it's your fault but you can fix yourself" - had value as far as it went, but failed to recognize that sometimes it's society as a whole that's broken, not just the individuals in it. No amount of self-help for women will change the power structures that encourage sexual abuse. But social change sometimes has to start with personal change. ===== comments 2 impact 2025 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-04-13 ratio 9 react 225 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 211 title Personal Change Leading to Social Change topic other wordrate 0 words 90 ID 604617569882766 URL audclicks 213 audreach 176 bimpress 2041 blikeimpress 2 blikeusers 2 breach 1995 commentsimpress 2 commentsusers 2 engaged 182 impress 2376 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 115 likeusers 9 likeuusers 53 matchedlinkclicks 117 matchedotherclicks 94 oimpress 335 oreach 225 posted "04/13/2018 08:01:25 PM" postlinkclicks 107 postotherclicks 86 reach 2196 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Personal Change Leading to Social Change""" ccleantitle Personal Change Leading to Social Change cclicksall 229 cclickslink 109 ccpcall 0.08733624 ccpclink 0.18348624 cdelivery inactive cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2041 clicksunique 108 conversionrank - cost 0.18348623853211 cpm 9.79911808 creach 2005 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 11.2199902 ctrlink 5.3405193532582 ecpclink 0.18348624 ends 2018-04-14 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 6 eshares 3 frequency 1.0179551122195 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 109 spent 20 ========== Local Journalism - ignore it and it will go away One of the most popular posts on this page has to do with Civil Forfeiture: an abusive process that first came to light in the SF Bay area in a series of investigative reports published in the San Jose Mercury News some 20 years ago leading to an end of the practice in California. Back then, the Mercury had 400 union journalists. Now it has 41. The story is similar at many other major newspapers - and worse at local newspapers. The Mercury and other papers are being drained for the benefit of foreign investors: Does your local newspaper have much copyright investigative reporting of its own? If so, count your blessings. More likely your paper is getting thinner and less controversial every year. More journalism jobs have disappeared than mining jobs: The free press might survive presidential assault but the outcome of assault by economics is very much in doubt. America's free press has mostly depended on advertising revenue for most of its history. That era is almost over, and its accidental destruction by Craigslist, Ebay, Google... seems destined to have consequences far more profound than any intentional act of censorship. Newspapers have petitioned Congress for an antitrust exemption to strengthen their relative economic power against free social media: What can you do? You might start by paying for your journalism, either in print or online. Think about who is paying for your "free" journalism in print or online. ===== comments 1 impact 1475 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-04-12 ratio 24 react 59 reactrate 0 shares 6 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 46 title Local Journalism - ignore it and it will go away topic other wordrate 0 words 250 ID 604232939921229 URL audclicks 48 audreach 38 bimpress 1048 blikeimpress 4 blikeusers 3 breach 1046 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 41 impress 1605 likeclickusers 7 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 123 likeusers 6 likeuusers 55 matchedlinkclicks 28 matchedotherclicks 18 oimpress 557 oreach 402 posted "04/12/2018 10:21:10 PM" postlinkclicks 26 postotherclicks 15 reach 1420 sharesimpress 6 sharesusers 6 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Local Journalism - ignore it and it will go away""" ccleantitle Local Journalism - ignore it and it will go away cclicksall 50 cclickslink 23 ccpcall 0.4 ccpclink 0.86956522 cdelivery inactive cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1048 clicksunique 23 conversionrank - cost 0.8695652173913 cpm 19.08396947 creach 1046 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 4.77099237 ctrlink 2.1946564885496 ecpclink 0.86956522 ends 2018-04-14 engagedrank - ereact 2 eshares 3 frequency 1.0019120458891 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 23 spent 20 ========== You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns! William Jennings Bryan carried more weight as an orator than as an economist. But what an orator: "There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them. ... You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." Would have had the same effect if issued as a long series of tweets? Bimetallism doesn't carry much weight as a political issue these days. Perhaps one lesson is "be sure your cause is worthy of your rhetoric." Or maybe it's "find a cause worthy of your rhetoric." If you're curious you can learn more at ===== comments 1 hide 1 hideall 1 impact 975 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 2 posted 2018-04-09 ratio 23 react 57 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 50 title You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown topic other wordrate 0 words 171 ID 602841396727050 URL audclicks 50 audreach 42 bimpress 1303 blikeimpress 18 blikeusers 17 breach 1266 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 47 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 1483 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 103 likeusers 3 likeuusers 43 matchedlinkclicks 19 matchedotherclicks 31 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 180 oreach 116 posted "04/09/2018 04:26:12 PM" postlinkclicks 19 postotherclicks 26 reach 1347 sharesimpress 1 sharesusers 1 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""You shall not press down upon the brow of labor...""" ccleantitle You shall not press down upon the brow of labor cclicksall 107 cclickslink 19 ccpcall 0.18691589 ccpclink 1.05263158 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1303 clicksunique 19 conversionrank - cost 1.0526315789474 cpm 15.34919417 creach 1265 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 8.21181888 ctrlink 1.4581734458941 ecomments 1 ecpclink 1.05263158 ends 2018-04-13 engagedrank - ereact 3 frequency 1.0300395256917 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 19 spent 20 ========== Trump Administration bravely defends your right to make bad choices about your retirement! Remember, the important question is: how can the masses best serve the billionaires. Clearly, "fiduciary responsibility" now means faithfulness to the interests of the Wall Street billionaire class. In today's San Jose Mercury New, Steve Butler explained how all that works: Obama was for the old definition of "fiduciary responsibility" - faithfulness to the worker hoping to save enough to retire on. And anything Obama was for, Trump is against. So he's all for getting rid of these burdensome Federal regulations that just level the playing field. One of the arguments against relying on 401k's and IRA's is that individual retirees make poor choices of investments. That's nonsense - they make great choices as far as Wall Street and the salesman are concerned. As the old joke goes, The firm made money, the broker made money, and two out of three ain't bad. As a lifetime salesman, Trump is on board with that outlook. ===== comments 11 impact 9168 impactrate 0 likeimpress 128 negative 0 posted 2018-04-09 ratio 7 react 549 reactrate 0 shares 49 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 361 title Trump Administration bravely defends your right to make topic other wordrate 0 words 167 ID 602836633394193 URL audclicks 362 audreach 255 bimpress 3553 blikeimpress 28 blikeusers 26 breach 3391 commentsimpress 11 commentsusers 10 engaged 349 impress 4609 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 128 likeuimpress 159 likeusers 124 likeuusers 86 matchedlinkclicks 143 matchedotherclicks 218 oimpress 1056 oreach 762 posted "04/09/2018 04:04:48 PM" postlinkclicks 106 postotherclicks 182 reach 4180 sharesimpress 49 sharesusers 43 type Link budget 40 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Trump Administration bravely defends your right...""" ccleantitle Trump Administration bravely defends your right cclicksall 487 cclickslink 98 ccpcall 0.0830499 ccpclink 0.42835 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3553 clicksunique 63+35 conversionrank - cost 0.229325 cpm 11.2245 creach 3369 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 13.6405 ctrlink 2.77448 ecomments 7 ecpclink 0.888889 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 96 eshares 45 frequency 1.05462 indicator actions:link_click+actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 236 spent 40 ========== Don't make it easier for the Republicans to retain control of Congress! Democrats should leave this sort of thing to the Tea Party: a Wall Street Journal op-ed written by principals at No Labels: Situations like these cry out for preferential voting: and related reforms advocated by FairVote: that would make it more likely that the candidate with the broadest support in the district would win. If you're not a WSJ subscriber, you would not be able to read the op-ed, so here it is: ===== You Won't Believe the Names the Left Is Calling 'No Labels' Our support for a Democratic lawmaker drew obscenities and accusations of bigotry. By Margaret Kimbrell White and Sasha Borowsky April 8, 2018 Ms. White and Ms. Borowsky are, respectively, senior adviser and chief of staff at No Labels. For an object lesson in how venomous American politics has become, look no further than the insults hurled in our direction late last month. We're two millennial women who work at No Labels, a political reform movement founded in 2010 featuring Democrats, Republicans and independents working together to solve America's toughest problems. In March, No Labels organized in support of Rep. Dan Lipinski, a moderate Democrat from Illinois whose primary challenger had been endorsed by a host of liberal interest groups. After Mr. Lipinski narrowly won, the president of Naral Pro-Choice America, Ilyse Hogue, accused No Labels of following President Trump into "bigotry." When our group tweeted that Mr. Lipinski's victory showed "America's political center is finally striking back," Howard Dean, a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, replied: "This is foolish nonsense." Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau complained that Mr. Lipinski had also voted against the Affordable Care Act and opposed same-sex marriage: "To call people who disagree with those positions the far left is a f------ embarrassment." We don't agree with Mr. Lipinski on every issue either. (Hey, Ms. Hogue, turns out we're pro-choice, too.) But Mr. Lipinski still votes with his party 88% of the time. That hardly makes him a turncoat. Moreover, we think there's a bigger problem in Washington than whether Mr. Lipinski passes any given group's political litmus test. Legislators in both parties have to worry too much about primary challenges from ideologues on the far left or far right. That's why Democrats and Republicans are so unwilling to work across the aisle. And that in turn is why Congress is failing to address the biggest problems facing America. Here's a specific example. When the individual insurance market almost imploded last year, the far left (which wants a single-payer system) and the far right (which would be happy enough to watch ObamaCare's exchanges collapse entirely) went straight to their respective ideological corners. They ignored the concerns of the ordinary Americans who stood to lose their medical coverage. Dan Lipinski was one of the few in Congress determined to do something realistic to fix the problem. He worked out an agreement with a handful of his counterparts in the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus to help these Americans keep their insurance coverage and provide relief for small businesses. To this day, this is the only bipartisan health-care plan this Congress has proposed. It is the framework for a deal struck in the Senate last October. You may argue that a lawmaker's position on your favorite social issue is more important than his overall approach to governing. We don't agree - but we also won't call you names or dismiss you out of hand. Is asking that our view also be respected too much to ask? When Mr. Lipinski won, did liberals really need to vent their anger on Twitter by calling No Labels foolish, embarrassing bigots? Belittling our group won't convince anyone. Although the two of us don't share Dan Lipinski's views on abortion, his victory improves the chances that Congress may actually get something done for the American people. Many voters, like us, see the value in reaching across the aisle - and we aren't going to be silenced, as the Illinois primary last month illustrates. Call us names, roll your eyes, encourage others to write us off. But understand this: We mean to fight back. We're strong and we're resilient. Like your hero Elizabeth Warren, we will persist. ===== comments 26 hideall 1 impact 28045 impactrate 0 likeimpress 45 negative 1 posted 2018-04-09 ratio 7 react 395 reactrate 0 shares 13 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 310 title Don't make it easier for the Republicans to retain control topic other wordrate 0 words 710 ID 602831703394686 URL audclicks 318 audreach 272 bimpress 3252 blikeimpress 16 blikeusers 14 breach 2971 commentsimpress 26 commentsusers 21 engaged 310 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 3524 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 45 likeuimpress 138 likeusers 44 likeuusers 59 matchedlinkclicks 252 matchedotherclicks 58 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 272 oreach 170 posted "04/09/2018 03:43:35 PM" postlinkclicks 223 postotherclicks 51 reach 3103 sharesimpress 13 sharesusers 11 type Link budget 46 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Don't make it easier for the Republicans to...""" ccleantitle Don't make it easier for the Republicans to cclicksall 619 cclickslink 246 ccpcall 0.0742826 ccpclink 0.18674 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3252 clicksunique 127+111 conversionrank - cost 0.154666 cpm 14.1271 creach 3043 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 19.0156 ctrlink 7.56951 ecomments 11 ecpclink 0.372601 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 3 ereact 41 eshares 12 frequency 1.06868 indicator actions:post_engagement+actions:link_click qualityrank - results 307 spent 46 ========== Middle America Reboots Democracy An interesting take on the low-level effect of Trumpism is in which refers to Putnam and Skocpol: Putnam and Skocpol discuss the mechanisms of grass-roots women's new-found political activism, particularly among educated suburban middle-class women. It's not just different ends, it's different means, that started shortly after the 2016 election, even before #NeToo took off, and the existing Democratic Party structure is not always tuned in to the different means, nor to the ideological diversity of the women involved. ===== comments 22 impact 3096 impactrate 0 likeimpress 26 negative 0 posted 2018-04-09 ratio 9 react 373 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 320 title Middle America Reboots Democracy topic other wordrate 0 words 83 ID 602783370066186 URL audclicks 330 audreach 272 bimpress 3488 blikeimpress 11 blikeusers 9 breach 3211 commentsimpress 22 commentsusers 9 engaged 292 impress 3836 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 26 likeuimpress 123 likeusers 26 likeuusers 60 matchedlinkclicks 172 matchedotherclicks 148 oimpress 348 oreach 241 posted "04/09/2018 12:15:01 PM" postlinkclicks 160 postotherclicks 120 reach 3434 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Link budget 45 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Middle America Reboots Democracy""" ccleantitle Middle America Reboots Democracy cclicksall 474 cclickslink 220 ccpcall 0.0953999 ccpclink 0.208631 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3489 clicksunique 82+134 conversionrank - cost 0.208631 cpm 12.9104 creach 3263 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 13.5679 ctrlink 6.28248 ecomments 4 ecpclink 0.423446 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 20 eshares 5 frequency 1.06926 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 220 spent 45 ========== Reproductive Rights, #MeToo, and the 2018 primaries There are a large number of conservative religious immigrant women who are appalled by Trumpism's blatant endorsement of sexual abuse and immigrant abuse. Yet the feel obliged - by their own convictions as well as external reinforcement in their community - that the number one issue in this or any election is sanctity of life, so in an election they vote for whoever is loudest in attacking reproductive rights. In a contestable district with lots of conservative women, progressives should think carefully about how they vote in the Democratic primary. The Democratic hopeful most closely aligned with their ideals might have the least chance of prevailing in the general election against a Republican who is loudly and proudly against abortion. A Democratic candidate who is closer to the median of the district on this issue might have a better chance of moving the conversation toward other issues. Single-issue voters and single-issue candidates have been a bane of democracy forever, though eclipsed somewhat in recent years by narrowcasting cable tv and social media, and by dark big money enabled by Citizens United. One can only hope that the daughters of these conservative women will come around to a different point of view on reproductive rights. Restrictions on abortion might not seem so bad, if there were a way to do so that reduced the freedom of rich and poor alike, and the freedom of men and women alike. But nobody's ever thought of a credible way to do that. 50 years ago, if a rich man's daughter became pregnant, he just sent her to Denmark to take care of it. If abortion became illegal again in the USA, you wouldn't have to be quite as rich to go to Canada, but that solution would still be out of reach for some, especially for young poor women. So once again abortion would be illegal and unsafe. Money buys a lot of freedom - for the rich. Gross income inequality implies gross freedom inequality. Debates about abortion vs reproductive rights are ultimately about money, not morality. Most women, if they have the knowledge and the means, would like to limit their family size. So in modern industrial society get them the knowledge and the means and birth rates go down. When our fabulously wealthy society is not doing a very good job educating the wanted poor children we have, who would be interested in having more unwanted poor children? The book The Chalice and the Blade clarifies the roots of the issue. Unwanted boys, seeking acceptance or belonging, are good recruits for soldiers as cannon fodder, or suicidal terrorists. Unwanted girls, seeking acceptance or belonging, are likely to produce more unwanted boys and girls. So in a patriarchal, hierarchical, or militaristic society, there's no such thing as an unwanted poor child, at least as far as the ruling class is concerned. That's why militaristic dictatorships like bachelor taxes and incentives for childbearing. In addition, every major religious tradition has fanatical sects who believe (at least the men) that it is their sacred duty to "win" by outbreeding the opposition. ===== comments 12 impact 12081 impactrate 0 likeimpress 3 negative 0 posted 2018-04-07 ratio 13 react 231 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 214 title Reproductive Rights, #MeToo, and the 2018 primaries topic other wordrate 0 words 523 ID 601841560160367 URL audclicks 219 audreach 188 bimpress 3162 blikeimpress 17 blikeusers 15 breach 3010 commentsimpress 12 commentsusers 10 engaged 194 impress 3419 likeclickusers 1 likeimpress 3 likeuimpress 115 likeusers 3 likeuusers 51 matchedlinkclicks 25 matchedotherclicks 189 oimpress 257 oreach 176 posted "04/07/2018 11:14:38 AM" postlinkclicks 20 postotherclicks 171 reach 3072 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link budget 46 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Reproductive Rights, #MeToo, and the 2018 primaries""" ccleantitle Reproductive Rights, #MeToo, and the 2018 primaries cclicksall 387 cclickslink 31 ccpcall 0.120228 ccpclink 1.59234 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 3163 clicksunique 20+9 conversionrank - cost 1.59234 cpm 14.5423 creach 2981 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.2335 ctrlink 0.979796 ecomments 9 ecpclink 3.2381 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - ereact 2 eshares 1 frequency 1.06105 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 31 spent 46 ========== Unwritten Rules Is this about baseball or politics? ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-04-07 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Unwritten Rules topic other wordrate 0 words 8 ID 601796543498202 URL impress 78 likeuimpress 69 likeuusers 19 oimpress 78 oreach 28 posted "04/07/2018 09:28:05 AM" reach 28 type Link ========== Are Economic Recoveries 100% ??? Two IMF economists dispute the common view that economic recoveries recover 100% of what was lost in the previous recession: Scars of the previous recession are not so easily healed, which is why governments often are overly optimistic about recoveries. That's important because the boom and bust cycle is endemic to liberal and conservative governments alike; nobody has figured out how to beat the underlying mass psychology phenomenon: ===== impact 44 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-05 ratio 7 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 5 title Are Economic Recoveries 100% csv nmd ntd rmd rtd topic other wordrate 0 words 73 ID 601074066903783 URL audclicks 5 audreach 5 engaged 6 impress 108 likeclickusers 6 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 93 likeusers 1 likeuusers 31 matchedotherclicks 5 oimpress 108 oreach 42 posted "04/05/2018 07:45:54 PM" postotherclicks 5 reach 42 type Link ========== Civil Forfeiture - guilty until you are proven innocent Civil forfeiture is back in the news: It's been eliminated in California, as far as I know, but there are still lots of states where rural sheriffs might seize any of your property if they think you are too poor to hire a lawyer to get it back: ===== comments 4 hideall 1 impact 1984 impactrate 0 likeimpress 21 negative 1 posted 2018-04-05 ratio 8 react 348 reactrate 0 shares 19 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 303 title Civil Forfeiture - guilty until you are proven innocent topic other wordrate 0 words 57 ID 601050326906157 URL audclicks 303 audreach 216 bimpress 2358 blikeimpress 11 blikeusers 10 breach 2360 commentsimpress 4 commentsusers 3 engaged 232 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 impress 3231 likeclickusers 11 likeimpress 21 likeuimpress 173 likeusers 21 likeuusers 82 matchedlinkclicks 122 matchedotherclicks 181 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 873 oreach 632 posted "04/05/2018 07:00:04 PM" postlinkclicks 94 postotherclicks 151 reach 2971 sharesimpress 19 sharesusers 17 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Civil Forfeiture - guilty until you are proven...""" ccleantitle Civil Forfeiture - guilty until you are proven cclicksall 300 cclickslink 86 ccpcall 0.06666667 ccpclink 0.23255814 cdelivery archived cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2358 clicksunique 86 conversionrank - cost 0.23255813953488 cpm 8.48176421 creach 2298 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.72264631 ctrlink 3.6471586089907 ecpclink 0.23255814 ends 2018-04-13 engagedrank - epagelikes 2 ereact 9 eshares 12 frequency 1.0261096605744 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 86 spent 20 ========== How much would you sell your personal information for? Another business whose expertise lies elsewhere than information security has gotten in trouble: Doesn't everybody like to sign up for loyalty programs to get special discounts? Maybe so, but maybe everybody shouldn't. Any information that you provide to a third party is potentially public. Think about that if you care. ===== impact 867 impactrate 0 likeimpress 6 negative 0 posted 2018-04-05 ratio 11 react 147 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 139 title How much would you sell your personal information for? topic other wordrate 0 words 59 ID 601045233573333 URL audclicks 141 audreach 114 bimpress 1647 blikeimpress 10 blikeusers 8 breach 1584 engaged 116 impress 1818 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 6 likeuimpress 109 likeusers 6 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 105 matchedotherclicks 34 oimpress 171 oreach 89 posted "04/05/2018 06:54:01 PM" postlinkclicks 90 postotherclicks 29 reach 1686 sharesimpress 2 sharesusers 2 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""How much would you sell your personal information...""" ccleantitle How much would you sell your personal information cclicksall 154 cclickslink 96 ccpcall 0.12987013 ccpclink 0.20833333 cdelivery inactive cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1647 clicksunique 94 conversionrank - cost 0.20833333333333 cpm 12.14329083 creach 1593 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 9.35033394 ctrlink 5.8287795992714 ecpclink 0.20833333 ends 2018-04-13 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 3 eshares 1 frequency 1.0338983050847 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 96 spent 20 ========== Simple Retirement Investment Advice: Buy and Hold The hazard of market timing - buying low and selling high - is very well illustrated in an AAII article and web page on The Cost of Panicking: The best book on retirement income planning is Bogle on Mutual Funds: One of his key principles for retirement is buy-and-hold. In theory you could outperform buy-and-hold by market timing: buying low and selling high. But the problem is that you don't know whether any given day is a low or a high until some time in the future, and most investors who try market timing end up missing out on big-jump days when the market turns up... because at the time they look just like the big-jump days followed by bigger-drop days when the market continues down... and underperform buy-and-hold investors, who also benefit from lower transaction costs. It may be that the value contributed by retail social investors, who buy when their friends are buying and sell when their friends are selling, is a big part of the superior return enjoyed by buy-and-hold investors. Investment for most people can be very simple: invest directly - not through brokers - in no-load target-date mutual funds in equal amounts every month, then throw away the monthly statements. No-load to increase return, equal amounts each month to insure that you are buying more shares at low prices than high, and most important, target-date so the first decision you have to make is when you want the money, because that determines the acceptable risk, and that determines the maximum return. Throw away the statements when the target date is far away, so you don't panic yourself into selling at the bottom. You have to start being disciplined when you are young: if you are reaching retirement age without enough retirement assets, it is very hard to catch up. There's nothing like the power over time of compound interest, except truly exponential growth, but that's another topic: Investment strategy is nominally remote from politics - but it's actually relevant to the ongoing political arguments about defined-contribution retirement plans like 401k's and IRA's vs defined-benefit plans like Social Security and most public employee retirement plans: ===== hide 3 hideall 1 impact 439 impactrate 0 negative 4 posted 2018-04-05 ratio 3 react 12 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Simple Retirement Investment Advice: Buy and Hold topic other wordrate 0 words 366 ID 600957953582061 URL audclicks 8 audreach 5 engaged 5 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 2 hideclicksusers 3 impress 100 likeclickusers 5 likeuimpress 88 likeuusers 32 matchedotherclicks 8 negclicks 4 negusers 3 oimpress 100 oreach 40 posted "04/05/2018 02:08:05 PM" postotherclicks 5 reach 40 type Status ========== Remembering REVEREND Dr. King ===== comments 1 impact 2 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-03 ratio 5 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Remembering REVEREND Dr. King topic other wordrate 0 words 4 ID 600119726999217 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 4 impress 103 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 96 likeusers 1 likeuusers 30 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 oimpress 103 oreach 34 posted "04/03/2018 02:39:33 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 34 type Link ========== Middle America Reboots Democracy - Putnam and Skocpol A previous posting here discusses the high-level political effect of Trumpism, particularly after #MeToo. An interesting take on the low-level effect of Trumpism is mentioned here: referring to Putnam and Skocpol: The article discusses the mechanisms of grass-roots women's new-found political activism, particularly among educated suburban middle-class women. It's not just different ends, it's different means, that started shortly after the 2016 election, even before #NeToo took off, and the existing Democratic Party structure is not always tuned in to the different means, nor to the ideological diversity of the women involved. ===== impact 300 impactrate 0 likeimpress 2 negative 0 posted 2018-04-03 ratio 13 react 30 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 28 title Middle America Reboots Democracy - Putnam and Skocpol topic other wordrate 0 words 100 ID 600111996999990 URL audclicks 28 audreach 23 bimpress 344 blikeimpress 1 blikeusers 1 breach 343 engaged 24 impress 477 likeclickusers 4 likeimpress 2 likeuimpress 123 likeusers 2 likeuusers 57 matchedlinkclicks 19 matchedotherclicks 9 oimpress 133 oreach 64 posted "04/03/2018 02:09:29 PM" postlinkclicks 17 postotherclicks 8 reach 413 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Middle America Reboots Democracy - Putnam and Skocpol""" ccleantitle Middle America Reboots Democracy - Putnam and Skocpol cclicksall 30 cclickslink 16 ccpcall 0.22366667 ccpclink 0.419375 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 344 clicksunique 15 conversionrank - cost 0.419375 cpm 19.50581395 creach 342 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 8.72093023 ctrlink 4.6511627906977 ecpclink 0.419375 ends 2018-04-13 engagedrank - ereact 1 frequency 1.0058479532164 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 16 spent 6.71 ========== What Happens When You Fast-Track a Tax Bill? The centerpiece of Trump's original tax proposal was a reduction of tax on business income to 15% instead of the personal income tax rates. That's because, he, his family, and his billionaire cronies all get their income from businesses organized as pass-through entities - under previous law, the business income passed through to be taxed at personal income rates. Getting W-2 wages as a statutory employee is for wage-earners who can't afford good accountants and lawyers. But 15% was a bridge too far even for Republicans, so in the an around-the-clock attempt to beat the bell - Trump wanted to sign in 2017 before Congress went home - they kept hacking on the pass-through provisions to make sure they provided tax relief to the deserving and not to the undeserving while keeping the overall deficit impact to $1.5 trillion. What if every wage-earner started trying to be treated as a business rather than a statutory employee? As every technologist knows from bitter experience, around-the-clock hacking under intense time pressure leads to mistakes, errors of omission and commission. But the clock ran down, and they turned in what they had, and Trump signed it. They hadn't resolved all the issues about their changes, but they figured the IRS could figure it out. Of course, in public, the president and the Republican leaders talked about anything and everything except the heart of the matter, which was the pass-through taxation, about which they felt the less said the better - after all, it doesn't have anything to do with the average W-2 wage-earner. The best reading on how Congress left matters is here: You can't understand the tax bill until you read this. It's unreadable for most people. That's what you need to understand. So who figures out what it really means? That's not even clear: What's clear is that it's going to take a long time to figure out. All of which could have been avoided if Congress had taken a long time to get it right in the first place, even in the narrow definition of "right" as what they meant to do. But it never works that way, because every member of Congress has a different intent, and so tax bills always leave the hard parts for the IRS to unscramble, and that way Congress can blame the IRS for the impenetrable tax code. Besides that kind of confusion, there are also objective drafting errors to resolve: Oddly enough, the Democrats who had no say in the original bill are no more interested in making it work better, than Republicans were interested in making Obamacare work better. And in an interesting footnote, the tax law makes certain W-2 wage-earners into capital assets: subject somehow to capital gains taxes. ===== comments 11 hide 1 hideall 1 impact 13607 impactrate 0 likeimpress 59 negative 2 posted 2018-04-03 ratio 9 react 292 reactrate 0 shares 16 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 204 title What Happens When You Fast-Track a Tax Bill? topic other wordrate 0 words 466 ID 600105303667326 URL audclicks 208 audreach 169 bimpress 2684 blikeimpress 21 blikeusers 16 breach 2497 commentsimpress 11 commentsusers 9 engaged 218 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 3159 likeclickusers 16 likeimpress 59 likeuimpress 167 likeusers 56 likeuusers 86 matchedlinkclicks 38 matchedotherclicks 166 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 475 oreach 354 posted "04/03/2018 01:43:09 PM" postlinkclicks 33 postotherclicks 140 reach 2803 sharesimpress 16 sharesusers 16 type Link budget 39 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""What Happens When You Fast-Track a Tax Bill?""" ccleantitle What Happens When You Fast-Track a Tax Bill? cclicksall 301 cclickslink 35 ccpcall 0.12698 ccpclink 1.08629 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 2684 clicksunique 13+21 conversionrank - cost 0.699857 cpm 14.4028 creach 2516 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 11.1408 ctrlink 1.30119 ecomments 4 ecpclink 2.37063 ends 2018-06-03 engagedrank - epagelikes 1 ereact 47 eshares 13 frequency 1.06677 indicator actions:post_engagement+actions:link_click qualityrank - results 96 spent 39 ========== Join SAM? On 2 April 2018, San Jose Mercury News had a full-page add for the Serve America Movement - SAM - It's another attempt to solve the bipartisan gridlock of the current Republican and Democratic parties, in this case by starting a third party. There was an explanatory piece by the chairman in Huffpost last year: They haven't gotten a lot of press yet, but here's some: Maybe it's time for a new centrist third party: Third parties are tricky and sometimes harmful: but occasionally serve the vital purpose of nudging the major parties when they've gotten off track. The harm would be mitigated by preferential voting as advocated by Other groups working toward centrist solutions in various ways include formerly ===== hide 1 impact 61 impactrate 0 negative 1 posted 2018-04-02 ratio 10 react 5 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Join SAM? topic other wordrate 0 words 121 ID 599542963723560 URL audclicks 4 audreach 4 engaged 4 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 126 likeclickusers 4 likeuimpress 119 likeuusers 44 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 1 negusers 1 oimpress 126 oreach 51 posted "04/02/2018 07:38:51 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 3 reach 51 type Link ========== #MeToo - The Political Issue of the Century? It's difficult to exaggerate the potential significance of the #MeToo movement in politics, business, and society at large. It's hard to think of any particular issue that resonates with every man that ever lived in every place and every time. Yet sexual harassment and abuse is something experienced by every woman that has ever lived. A nuisance for all and a horror for many, none of them need it explained. So how should this powerfully raised consciousness be applied politically? Women's issues don't always translate into good law - suffragettes were powerful advocates of Prohibition as well as suffrage - the 18th amendment and 19th amendment were ratified a year apart. I think the biggest mistake for progressives would be to think and speak of #MeToo as a leftist progressive issue. Remember that all women have endured minor or major sexual harassment, but all women do not have the exact same opinions on most other controversial political matters: abortion, immigration, guns, taxation... to name a few. Trump holds one of his campaign rallies and hears the chants and thinks "The People are with me all the way!" when what is really true is that his shrunken hard core of supporters, who have no where else to go, are still with him. Fox News and the Republican party in general are painting themselves into the same corner where their best friends will be Infowars and David Duke and their billionaire donors. Progressives should not make the same mistake as Trump and Trump supporters; preaching to the choir can deceive at progressive rallies too. The progressive cause is ill served by suggesting that all #MeToo voters should subscribe to a full progressive agenda, and ill served by insisting that Democrats should nominate full progressive candidates in every district whether or not they have any credible chance of winning in the general election. Progressives should be painting themselves out of corners and into the largest possible arena. Over time they might be able to make the point to conservative women that, for instance, the unequal power of money in politics is not so different from the unequal power of money in gender relations, and so help conservative women to think more progressively about some issues. The recent special elections have been instructive. In most cases the margin of difference, that enabled Democratic candidates to succeed in Republican districts, was provided by educated suburban middle-class women who had voted for Trump in 2016 but then for a Democrat in 2017 or 2018. These were not Bernie Sanders supporters who, in 2016, had stayed home or voted Green out of spite. Trumpist Republican candidates - and that's most Republican candidates - who uncritically support Trump are uncritically endorsing his antediluvian attitudes toward women, and saying that those attitudes and actions are acceptable in Republican candidates. That's the point that has to be hammered home whenever the issue arises. Even if the only outcome is to eventually purge the Republican party of the equivocators and apologists for sexual abuse, that's still a step forward for all women and thus for progressives, too. Then everybody can move on to the other great issues of our time. ===== comments 8 impact 4511 impactrate 0 likeimpress 44 negative 0 posted 2018-04-01 ratio 7 react 84 reactrate 0 shares 5 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 27 title #MeToo - The Political Issue of the Century? topic other wordrate 0 words 537 ID 599276913750165 URL audclicks 27 audreach 27 bimpress 564 blikeimpress 23 blikeusers 19 breach 515 commentsimpress 8 commentsusers 3 engaged 68 impress 755 likeclickusers 5 likeimpress 44 likeuimpress 165 likeusers 44 likeuusers 76 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 26 oimpress 191 oreach 103 posted "04/01/2018 04:34:56 PM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 26 reach 604 sharesimpress 5 sharesusers 5 type Status budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""#MeToo - The Political Issue of the Century?""" ccleantitle MeToo - The Political Issue of the Century? cclicksall 73 ccpcall 0.2739726 cdelivery not_delivering cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 564 conversionrank - cost 0.42553191489362 cpm 35.46099291 creach 517 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 12.94326241 ecomments 3 ends 2018-04-13 engagedrank - ereact 39 eshares 5 frequency 1.0909090909091 indicator actions:post_engagement qualityrank - results 47 spent 20 ========== Political scrapbook added a button to help you learn more about them. ===== impact 4 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-04-01 ratio 11 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Political scrapbook added a button to help you learn more topic other wordrate 0 words 12 ID 599128327098357 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 111 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 105 likeusers 1 likeuusers 28 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 111 oreach 33 posted "04/01/2018 08:52:29 AM" postotherclicks 2 reach 33 type Link ========== The Most ... Candidate WHO CAN WIN E. J.Dionne Jr. has written an interesting piece recalling identical political advice from both Barney Frank and William F. Buckley Jr. - in the primaries, support the most radical candidate who can win in the general election. Both were more interested in making laws rather than making ideological points, and to make (or repeal) laws you need to have majorities in legislatures. Both Republican and Democratic strategists have been known to quietly fund the fringe candidates in the other party's primary in order to have a more beatable opponent in the general election. And now we know that the Russian propaganda machinery also has an interest in quietly fanning extreme ideological partisanship. So I'd suggest that when it's your turn to participate in primary season, you do your best to determine which of your party's candidates has the best chance against the best of the other party's. That's not necessarily the same as the one you might prefer in a perfect world. Particularly in a contestable district, a successful candidate should not be too far ahead ideologically of the median voter of the district. Things might be easier if elections were conducted with preferential voting: Then as many candidates could run as wanted, and as many parties compete as wanted, without anybody diluting anybody else's chances, and with a higher probability that the final winner represents the broadest possible consensus in the district. What about in districts where it's a foregone conclusion which party is going to win? What should the other party do there? In that case, since no candidate is electable, then the minority party might as well act like the Libertarians and Greens and nominate the most articulate exponent of the minority party's principles. Here the purpose of running is to plant seeds in the mind of the majority voters that might bear fruit in the future. ===== impact 5040 impactrate 0 likeimpress 9 negative 0 posted 2018-03-30 ratio 9 react 159 reactrate 0 shares 3 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 147 title The Most ... Candidate WHO CAN WIN topic other wordrate 0 words 317 ID 598379787173211 URL audclicks 147 audreach 128 bimpress 1346 blikeimpress 8 blikeusers 6 breach 1347 engaged 133 impress 1658 likeclickusers 2 likeimpress 9 likeuimpress 74 likeusers 9 likeuusers 10 matchedlinkclicks 45 matchedotherclicks 102 oimpress 312 oreach 194 posted "03/30/2018 04:54:11 PM" postlinkclicks 37 postotherclicks 96 reach 1501 sharesimpress 3 sharesusers 3 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""The Most ... Candidate WHO CAN WIN""" ccleantitle The Most Ideological Candidate WHO CAN WIN cclicksall 181 cclickslink 38 ccpcall 0.11049724 ccpclink 0.52631579 cdelivery inactive cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1345 clicksunique 37 conversionrank - cost 0.52631578947368 cpm 14.86988848 creach 1287 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 13.45724907 ctrlink 2.8252788104089 ecpclink 0.52631579 ends 2018-04-13 engagedrank - ereact 4 eshares 3 frequency 1.045066045066 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 38 spent 20 ========== Consistency of Republican Word and Deed Some commentators complain that the modern Republican party no longer has a consistent conservative philosophy. They might be mistaken, and other commentators have pointed out the remarkable consistency of modern Republican political leaders from Trump on down, almost without exception. It's a simple matter of SAY and DO. What they SAY: They talk to encourage their voting base: social wedge issues like abortion, guns, immigration, gender identity, racial identity, welfare cheats, unfair trade, globalization, Clinton, Obama... Criterion: what gets the crowd chanting at Trump campaign rallies? What they DO: They act to encourage their donor base: tax cuts for high income people, benefit reductions for low income people, deregulation, scientific gerrymandering, making sure that there will always be plenty of illegal immigrants for employers to exploit... Criterion: is it good for the (old white male) billionaire donor class? To preserve their Congressional majorities, the Republicans need both the votes and the dollars. Although the hard core of the Trump Republican base doesn't seem to care, recent Democratic victories in special elections to fill safe Republican seats suggest that at least part of the Republican voting base is starting to crack the code. The party of Lincoln is gone. The party of Reagan is no more. ===== comments 1 impact 6372 impactrate 0 likeimpress 12 negative 0 posted 2018-03-30 ratio 6 react 302 reactrate 0 shares 4 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 285 title Consistency of Republican Word and Deed topic other wordrate 0 words 211 ID 598368890507634 URL audclicks 286 audreach 227 bimpress 1739 blikeimpress 4 blikeusers 3 breach 1721 commentsimpress 1 commentsusers 1 engaged 230 impress 2111 likeimpress 12 likeuimpress 71 likeusers 12 likeuusers 10 matchedlinkclicks 106 matchedotherclicks 179 oimpress 372 oreach 241 posted "03/30/2018 04:09:00 PM" postlinkclicks 93 postotherclicks 156 reach 1890 sharesimpress 4 sharesusers 4 type Link budget 20 budgettype Lifetime cadname "Post: ""Consistency of Republican Word and Deed""" ccleantitle Consistency of Republican Word and Deed cclicksall 319 cclickslink 107 ccpcall 0.06269592 ccpclink 0.18691589 cdelivery rejected cend 2018-06-30 cimpressions 1739 clicksunique 106 conversionrank - cost 0.18691588785047 cpm 11.50086256 creach 1695 cstart 2018-04-01 ctrall 18.34387579 ctrlink 6.1529614721104 ecpclink 0.18691589 ends 2018-04-14 engagedrank - ereact 9 eshares 4 frequency 1.0259587020649 indicator actions:link_click qualityrank - results 107 spent 20 ========== politicalscrapbooknet back on facebook This page has been blocked for login several times in its brief existence, and eventually unblocked again without any notice or explanation from facebook about why login was blocked or unblocked. This last time was worse, and the page was disabled completely and nobody could even read it. But again without notice or explanation it was re-enabled. There's a backlog of ideas to write and post; hopefully those who signed up to follow this page will find the postings interesting when they appear. ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-03-30 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title politicalscrapbooknet back on facebook topic other wordrate 0 words 87 ID 598362707174919 URL impress 62 likeuimpress 61 likeuusers 6 oimpress 62 oreach 7 posted "03/30/2018 03:46:12 PM" reach 7 type Status ========== Conspiracy! Fifty years later, still timely: Richard Hofstadter: The Paranoid Style in American Politics ===== hide 1 hideall 1 impact 8 impactrate 0 negative 2 posted 2018-01-29 ratio 6 react 6 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 4 title Conspiracy! topic other wordrate 0 words 14 ID 570439926633864 URL audclicks 4 audreach 3 engaged 3 hideallclicks 1 hideallclicksusers 1 hideclicks 1 hideclicksusers 1 impress 114 likeclickusers 3 likeuimpress 108 likeuusers 36 matchedlinkclicks 1 matchedotherclicks 3 negclicks 2 negusers 2 oimpress 114 oreach 38 posted "01/29/2018 05:59:16 AM" postlinkclicks 1 postotherclicks 2 reach 38 ========== Should Oprah Winfrey run for President in 2020? Media personalities should not run for President - that seemed evident to many people even when Reagan was governor. But now can anybody win without being one or becoming one? The Washington Post today has a lot of opinion pieces about Oprah for President, pro and con. Jennifer Rubin was first with a list of positive attributes. But: The list of Oprah Winfrey attributes would have all fit Barack Obama just as well. Yet he was irrevocably reviled by a significant segment of the electorate - for a lot of reasons but most of all because he was black. Much of the list would fit Hillary Clinton, too, though not as well. Yet she was irrevocably reviled by a significant segment of the electorate too - for a lot of reasons but at least in part because she was a woman. One first has to wonder why anybody would subject themselves, their family, their friends, their business, to the withering barrage of real or imaginary dirt stories that professional dirt writers will dig up or make up. Look at all the shameless vitriol directed at Michelle Obama. One next has to wonder, does America deserve a leader as inspiring as Oprah Winfrey? If she did run, she'd have to take positions on a number of hot-button issues, and no matter which way she went, or if she took no position, she'd lose some supporters on each issue. Just as every other candidate does. Rather than running herself now, perhaps she should focus on change advocacy far more profound than any one elected official can accomplish alone - getting the money out of politics, the politics out of redistricting, states out of the business of suppressing voter registration and turnout, and reforms that foster problem-solving bipartisanship rather than ideological intransigence, such as preferential balloting and multi-member districts. Then who is elected president will matter less, but the elected president will matter more. And she's young enough that 2024 or 2028 would still be realistic targets if she were still interested. On the other hand ... The movie Darkest Hour ends on the memorable line He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle. (The movie takes liberties; the quote dates not from Parliament in May 1940 but from Edward R Murrow in 1953.) Churchill wrote all his speeches by himself, and planned all the phrasing and pauses in advance. Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address and delivered it from his handwritten draft. How many of our current politicians could write their own speeches and deliver them effectively without a teleprompter? If Oprah can continue to mobilize the English language, more power to her. Just remember that Churchill was voted out a few months after the end of the war. He had his time and place but the world moved on. ===== impact 382 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2018-01-08 ratio 6 react 8 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 8 title Should Oprah Winfrey run for President in 2020? topic other wordrate 0 words 477 ID 561244730886717 URL audclicks 8 audreach 6 engaged 6 impress 109 likeclickusers 6 likeuimpress 103 likeuusers 50 matchedotherclicks 8 oimpress 109 oreach 55 posted "01/08/2018 04:00:29 PM" postotherclicks 6 reach 55 type Status ========== The Eternal Business Cycle Our hope and despair is that no matter who's running the government and no matter what they do, the economy will wax, peak, wane, bottom, and repeat. Whoever is in charge will take the credit or get the blame for whatever was bound to happen sooner or later anyway. Government action or inaction can affect the timing and severity to only a limited extent. The current economic recovery is about 8 years old and will expire sometime in the next 8 years, no matter who is in the White House; the longest postwar recovery was 10 years. The current recovery has an expiration date on or before June, 2019. As always, the party in power will be blamed, even though nobody has been able to figure out how to defeat the business cycle. I think that's because it's ultimately a phenomenon of mass psychology rather than economics. The next two years might seem to coast along well enough economically. There's some truth in the old joke that economists have successfully predicted nine of the last five recessions. But * Bitcoin bubblemania might be a canary-in-a-coal-mine, reminiscent of the self-referential and self-leveraging peaks of the internet bubble of 2000 and the subprime mortgage bubble of 2008. But leverage works going down as well as going up. * Overstimulation has always led to recession. * Stock market p/e ratios are about as high as they ever sustainably get, Bilello and Yardeni cite signs that investors are getting giddy and careless. * The economy is already at maximum capacity. * The next recession might be triggered by a financial bubble that pops after inflating from predictably low inflation rates over many years. * Army recruiters are reducing standards and accepting more recruits with marijuana histories. Recruiting is harder when unemployment is so low. * Target and other retailers are paying $15/hour starting wage. * Tax cuts do not pay for themselves by economic stimulation, especially when the economy is already maxed out by any historical standard. * In Silicon Valley, loan qualification is based on unvested restricted stock. * Utah is running out of workers - and it's even worse in Ames, IA and Boulder, CO. * Unemployment is about as low as it ever sustainably gets. * Car sales are stagnant. * There are fundamental reasons to doubt that the economy can grow any faster: depopulation, deleveraging, and deglobalization. Unlike the post-war baby boom years, there is no wave of new labor coming on stream in the US, except immigration. * Seth Klarman is concerned about deficit spending and interest rates. * It can take a month to find a restaurant server in Silicon Valley. * Around Silicon Valley, restaurants are closing due to high rents and lack of labor. * Significantly higher economic growth rates are not possible - it's all about population growth and productivity growth. * Even the local Postal Service can't retain employees, and they pay somewhat higher than minimum wage, with some benefits. So another recession is coming, more likely sooner than later. The Republicans are doing their best to make it the worst. On 25 January 2017, the DJIA, S&P, and NASDAQ all set new records, and they're still doing it a year later. That's not good news for Mr. Trump at the beginning of his term - it would have been a lot more helpful to him in 2020. Nobody rings a bell at the top, or the bottom - some minor news blip, much like numerous inconsequential minor news blips in the weeks and months before, will seem to trigger a stock market crash. But the news blip is innocent - a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time - because the cause of the crash is that the market has temporarily run out of buyers at a time when somebody needs to sell for his own specific reasons. Which blip - nobody can say in advance. What is certain is that the following problem is what is called overconstrained and infeasible in my line of work: * Massive tax cuts. * Massive military buildup; worse yet massive military deployment and engagement. * Massive infrastructure spending. * Massive deportation of the people willing to do the work too hard for Americans, for wages too low for Americans. * Massive trade war. * Low interest rates and low inflation. * A trillion dollars in deficit spending over the next ten years, thanks to the new tax law. * Stock market and real estate valuations based on extrapolating corporate earnings and personal income despite no more affordable labor available to produce the goods and services that create the earnings. And this infeasibility will dawn on a critical mass of institutional investors on some random blipful day and they will start to take their profits, and highly leveraged investors will start to cover their positions, and the daily trading limit crash barrier will be hit before most individual investors even know something's up. Too bad for them. Trump will blame it on a media conspiracy. To the extent the Trump Organization is still invested in real estate rather than brand licensing, he might not even be a billionaire any more. Big investors will move from stocks to bonds, and that part will moderate the rise in interest rates. People over-exposed to stocks too close to retirement will blame it on Trump, as will younger people who haven't learned yet that even though stocks, especially in technology, go up slowly and down quickly, common stock funds are still the best individual investment FOR THE LONG TERM. ===== impact 281 impactrate 0 likeimpress 1 negative 0 posted 2018-01-05 ratio 9 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title The Eternal Business Cycle topic other wordrate 0 words 936 ID 559983061012884 URL audclicks 2 audreach 2 engaged 3 impress 72 likeclickusers 3 likeimpress 1 likeuimpress 69 likeusers 1 likeuusers 25 matchedotherclicks 2 oimpress 72 oreach 27 posted "01/05/2018 02:31:55 PM" postotherclicks 2 reach 27 type Link