Title | Post Boost | Reach | Like | Comments | Shares | Clicks | Hide | Hideall | Cost | Topic |
Prescient Thoreau in 185 | 2024-11-20 | 2 | - | theory | ||||||
Cutting is easy - all you need is the strength to wield | 2024-11-18 | 3 | - | theory | ||||||
Dictators need soldier | 2024-11-11 | 4 | - | theory | ||||||
Populist demagogues always promise whatever it takes to | 2024-11-08 | 3 | - | theory | ||||||
Trump and Musk are now going to be the establishment, more | 2024-11-08 | 5 | - | theory | ||||||
Democracy increases as nation-states decli | 2024-11-06 | 3 | - | theory | ||||||
Democracy survives only when it is rooted in the lives | 2024-11-02 | 3 | - | theory | ||||||
The buck stops he | 2024-07-15 | 6 | - | 1 | theory | |||||
How about this commandmen | 2024-06-26 | 5 | - | theory | ||||||
Realpolitik? Spheres of influence? Metterni | 2024-06-26 | 11 | - | 1 | theory | |||||
Not just Pat Buchanan! There have been waves of | 2024-06-15 | 3 | - | theory | ||||||
How empires collaps | 2024-04-26 | 4 | - | theory | ||||||
Nothing much has changed since 189 | 2024-02-27 | 13 | - | theory |
The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.
========== Prescient Thoreau in 185 Our foes are in our midst and all about us. There is hardly a house but is divided against itself, for our foe is the all but universal woodenness of both head and heart, the want of vitality in man, which is the effect of our vice; and hence are begotten fear, superstition, bigotry, persecution, and slavery of all kinds. https://theamericanscholar.org/thoreaus-pencils/ #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-11-20 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Prescient Thoreau in 185 topic theory wordrate 0 words 65 epoch Lifetime ID 969183198589622 impress 2 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/20/2024 19:19" reach 2 title Prescient Thoreau in 185 type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/969183198589622 ========== Cutting is easy - all you need is the strength to wield an ax https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/18/opinion/columnists/elon-musk-twitter-bluesky.html Surgery to improve outcomes is much harder - you actually need to understand how the body works - that take years of study and practice - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/18/opinion/elon-must-vivek-ramaswamy.html But no problem. The maga-megadonors will be happy to be freed of troublesome laws and rules and audits, and they'll tell the voters that they should be happy too. #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-11-18 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Cutting is easy - all you need is the strength to wield topic theory wordrate 0 words 70 epoch Lifetime ID 967641382077137 impress 3 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/18/2024 16:59" reach 3 title Cutting is easy - all you need is the strength to wield an ax type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/967641382077137 ========== Dictators need soldier https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/11/10/russia-population-demography-children-family/ Putin will use up North Koreans for cannon fodder for now. Hitler had a bachelor tax. Dictators need soldiers because they need wars to justify their failure to deliver on the unrealistic promises they made to gain power. Will we see the same old playbook here? All those MAGAs lamenting the decline of masculinity hope so. But to have poor people voluntarily opt for larger families, the government needs to make them affordable. But wealthy oligarchs the world over are allergic to sharing with the improvident poor. As will be evident with MAGA tax reform and entitlement reform. #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-11-11 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Dictators need soldier topic theory wordrate 1 words 102 epoch Lifetime ID 962669939240948 impress 5 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/11/2024 20:07" reach 4 title Dictators need soldier type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/962669939240948 ========== Populist demagogues always promise whatever it takes to get power; then when the impossibility of their promises becomes evident even to their supporters, they have to turn to political repression. Trump has already expressed a desire to suspend the Constitution before he's even start https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/08/opinion/trump-second-term-agenda.html #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-11-08 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Populist demagogues always promise whatever it takes to topic theory wordrate 1 words 45 epoch Lifetime ID 960357582805517 impress 4 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/08/2024 19:59" reach 3 title Populist demagogues always promise whatever it takes to get power; then when type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/960357582805517 ========== Trump and Musk are now going to be the establishment, more established than ever before, with a deep state deeper than ever before. Because that's what dictators or strong leaders The world's richest men do not join movements to overthrow the system that made them rich. They join movements to protect and expand their wealth and power. That's got to be part of the Democratic message going forward. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/08/opinion/republicans-democrats-trump.html #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-11-08 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Trump and Musk are now going to be the establishment, more topic theory wordrate 1 words 69 epoch Lifetime ID 960344599473482 impress 6 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/08/2024 19:31" reach 5 title Trump and Musk are now going to be the establishment, more established than type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/960344599473482 ========== Democracy increases as nation-states decli https://www.democracy.community/stories/democracy-isnt-declining-nation-state #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-11-06 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Democracy increases as nation-states decli topic theory wordrate 0 words 6 epoch Lifetime ID 958855392955736 impress 4 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/06/2024 20:18" reach 3 title Democracy increases as nation-states decli type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/958855392955736 ========== Democracy survives only when it is rooted in the lives and expectations of its citiz https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/01/opinion/donald-trump-kamala-harris-election-power.html America's founders thought if best if rich old white men made the decisions to benefit everybody. But when it became apparent that their decisions mostly benefitted themselves, things started to change. But they can change back - that's the goal of Make Aristocracy Great Again. #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-11-02 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Democracy survives only when it is rooted in the lives topic theory wordrate 1 words 61 epoch Lifetime ID 955373099970632 impress 3 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/02/2024 07:37" reach 3 title Democracy survives only when it is rooted in the lives and expectations of its type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/955373099970632 ========== The buck stops he https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/trivia/buck-stops-here-sign It's something of a mystery why anybody wants to be president. Regardless of what the constitution says, the president's main job is to make the hard decisions that even his cabinet can't agree on, and take the inevitable blame for them from disappointed supporters and opponents. But no decision is also a decision, and usually not the best. Washington took the job out of duty rather than ambition and was glad to let it go. As for most of the subsequent presidents - can you name even half of them? It's not a road to immortality. It's easier to be a dictator - take credit for everything good, blame your predecessors and opponents for everything bad, and lock up anybody who disagrees. Just ask Putin! The worst ones do achieve immortal infamy. #PS1theory ===== impact 14 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-07-15 ratio 6 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title The buck stops he topic theory wordrate 0 words 137 audclicks 1 epoch Lifetime ID 877003701140906 impress 6 matchedlinkclicks 1 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "07/15/2024 16:35" reach 6 title The buck stops he type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/877003701140906 ========== How about this commandmen Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/21/us/louisiana-ten-commandments-landry.html #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-06-26 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title How about this commandmen topic theory wordrate 0 words 15 epoch Lifetime ID 864793112361965 impress 7 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "06/26/2024 09:32" reach 5 title How about this commandmen type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/864793112361965 ========== Realpolitik? Spheres of influence? Metterni https://www.twincities.com/2024/06/21/andreas-kluth-u-s-exceptionalism-is-dead-no-matter-who-wins-the-election/ If so, then it's bad news for small countries at first, and for everybody else when an ambitious charismatic personality cult strong leader launches world war. #PS1theory ===== comments 1 impact 3 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-06-26 ratio 11 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Realpolitik? Spheres of influence? Metterni topic theory wordrate 0 words 32 commentsimpress 1 epoch Lifetime ID 864772955697314 impress 11 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "06/26/2024 08:53" rcs 2 reach 11 reactions 1 title Realpolitik? Spheres of influence? Metterni type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/864772955697314 ========== Not just Pat Buchanan! There have been waves of populist demagoguery for as long as America has been a country - and for thousands of years before - as long as there have been civilizations with division of labor and class structure. The #1 problem for the ruling class is to convince the masses that the ruling class is serving them, instead of vice ver https://www.washingtonpost.com/books/2024/06/13/when-clock-broke-america-early-1990s-john-ganz-review/ #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-06-15 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Not just Pat Buchanan! There have been waves of topic theory wordrate 0 words 66 epoch Lifetime ID 857698486404761 impress 3 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "06/15/2024 07:27" reach 3 title Not just Pat Buchanan! There have been waves of populist demagoguery for type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/857698486404761 ========== How empires collaps https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/04/26/david-ignatius-rand-study-us-forecast-decline/ Or not! Where is our Theodore Roosevelt? #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-04-26 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title How empires collaps topic theory wordrate 0 words 11 epoch Lifetime ID 826105926230684 impress 4 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "04/26/2024 19:02" reach 4 title How empires collaps type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/826105926230684 ========== Nothing much has changed since 189 There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Gold_speech Nobody worries about bimetallism any more, so that much has changed. But Democratic voters trying to change the world, still somehow transfigure into Republican megadonors trying to prevent the world from changing. That much has never changed - transfiguration by accumulation of wealth and power. https://apnews.com/article/kara-swisher-technology-moguls-inside-story-da59477892bda4231e84f4cca5de6960 #PS1theory ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2024-02-27 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Nothing much has changed since 189 topic theory wordrate 0 words 111 epoch Lifetime ID 789871409854136 impress 16 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "02/27/2024 12:22" reach 13 title Nothing much has changed since 189 type Links URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/789871409854136