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========== Who would go Santos' ba You can see why they'd prefer to be anonymous. Later development - a couple days reprieve - #PS1trumpism ===== impact 5 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-06-07 ratio 5 react 2 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Who would go Santos' ba topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 23 audclicks 1 epoch Lifetime ID 1947062475638262 impress 12 matchedlinkclicks 1 pageid 534332363577954 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "06/07/2023 13:06" rcs 2 reach 10 reactions 1 sharesimpress 1 title Who would go Santos' ba type Links URL ========== Trumpists don't waste time on boring facts! They always tell the truth about their FEELINGS, and what could be more important than th Thus they rose to power by connecting with the voters that FEEL the same way about facts. And the last thing they'd ever want to do is solve a problem that they could campaign on. How could they ever get on Fox then? #PS1trumpism ===== impact 7 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-05-19 ratio 8 react 1 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 1 title Trumpists don't waste time on boring facts! They always topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 67 audclicks 1 epoch Lifetime ID 1935057620172081 impress 11 matchedlinkclicks 1 pageid 534332363577954 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "05/19/2023 18:05" reach 8 title Trumpists don't waste time on boring facts! They always tell the truth type Links URL ========== Is everybody equal before the law? Especially before an electi The fundamental issue is that Trump, like all personality cultists and defenders of minority rule, believes that laws are for persecuting opponents, not inhibiting friends, and don't apply to the ruling class. And that reflects the fundamental conflict in American culture from the beginning - the inherited conflict between feudalism and the Enlightenment - between irrefutable truth revealed by authorities sanctified by the state church, and malleable truth subject to continuing challenge and revelation by whoever can make the best case from the facts. How will America ever handle an election over epistemology? Ambiguously, probably, just as in previous crises. #PS1trumpism ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-05-18 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Is everybody equal before the law? Especially before topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 111 epoch Lifetime ID 1934437966900713 impress 12 pageid 534332363577954 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "05/18/2023 17:05" reach 10 title Is everybody equal before the law? Especially before an electi type Links URL ========== Not so enthusiastic this time arou All those FBI arrests, trials, convictions, and sentences have had their effect on persons contemplating criminal protests. Could be a trap! Indeed it could. Rest assured Putin (and Trump) don't care much what happens to the foot soldiers . Meanwhile GOP leaders will continue to voice support for Trump as long as they think he'll be sidelined for good. He's more valuable to them in jail than free. #PS1trumpism ===== impact 15 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-03-19 ratio 2 react 2 reactrate 0 shares 2 sharesrate 0 title Not so enthusiastic this time arou topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 75 epoch Lifetime ID 1898148507196326 impress 5 pageid 534332363577954 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "03/19/2023 21:03" rcs 2 reach 4 sharesimpress 2 title Not so enthusiastic this time arou type Links URL ========== DeSantis' complicated game - how to sideline Trump without losing support of Trump's base. It's a problem for all would-be Trump replacements, but mostly theoretical at this point for all except DeSant He wrote a book that courageously avoided taking any stands - But now the hard-core Trumpists want him to put up or shut up - Just ask yourself - what would they all be saying if Biden were indicted on similar charges? #PS1trumpism ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-03-19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title DeSantis' complicated game - how to sideline Trump without topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 75 epoch Lifetime ID 1898028457208331 impress 8 pageid 534332363577954 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "03/19/2023 16:03" reach 6 title DeSantis' complicated game - how to sideline Trump without losing support of type Links URL ========== Great minds think alike! Especially the criminally-inclined on Everybody does the same things. So nobody is better or worse than anybody else. So it is UNFAIR!!! to pick on any one leader over others. They also agree that the purpose of the law is to eliminate their opponents, and also agree to squeal UNFAIR!!! like stuck pigs if they think their opponents are using the law to eliminate them. Trump and Putin agree that strong leaders are better than democracy. So it's no surprise that so many America First! Congressional Trumpists have become Putinists, following America First! Lindbergh's adulation of Hitler - Why waste time arguing with your opponents if you can just eliminate them? As many as necessary, as Stalin would say. == They offer political advantages to religious leaders in return for political support, but reject the essence of Christianity in every act of their careers - store up for yourselves treasures in heaven ? - go and sit down in the lowest room ?? - whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also ??? - that's for the poor and powerless! Personality cultists want to make sure that they have received their reward in full in this life - which is the only life they really believe in. Pilate and Caesar would be in full agreement, as would any mafioso. God did not choose Trump to carry out God's purposes; Trump chose God-talk to carry out Trump's purposes. == Perhaps the leak was manufactured by state or Federal authorities - or by Fox or Putin or somebody else - and planted for Trump, to see how he would react to an actual indictment, the better to prepare for the consequences - or just for the joy of further disrupting and dividing American society - Or to get his supporters excited, then let them cool off, and announce the actual indictment some time in the future after they've gone home. Or to see just how debased his Congressional supporters can become. And even if the original actual intent were to announce an indictment on Tuesday, that could easily be rescheduled for a more opportune time. Or maybe Trump just made it up and broadcast it to see who his true faithful supporters were. == But wait! There's more! Coming from Georgia and Mar-a-Lago and ...! But it seems like a safe bet, that at a time and place not of his choosing, Trump will be called to account before the law. Unless he makes the best use of the available time by decamping to some place without an extradition treaty - like Russia. #PS1trumpism ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-03-19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Great minds think alike! Especially the topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 442 epoch Lifetime ID 1897565660587944 impress 9 pageid 534332363577954 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "03/19/2023 00:03" reach 5 title Great minds think alike! Especially the criminally-inclined on type Links URL ========== Who'd have expected the Republican National Committee to be so entertaini It's just another front in the death match between the fantastic fanatic fringe, who reflect the base, and the less ideological opportunists, who reflect the rest of the usual and occasional GOP voters. The fringe wants to purge the party of everybody else, and the less ideological want to keep as large a tent as possible to insure that protecting minority is feasible. Trump can't decide whether he wants more to purge the disloyal or to win in 2024. So both sides increasingly ignore him. #PS1trumpism ===== impact 10 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-01-23 ratio 8 react 1 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 title Who'd have expected the Republican National Committee to topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 97 epoch Lifetime ID 1858022961208881 impress 21 pageid 534332363577954 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "01/23/2023 00:01" rcs 1 reach 8 sharesimpress 1 title Who'd have expected the Republican National Committee to be so entertaini type Links URL ========== demoted twice by the U.S. Navy and served nearly seven years in prison for burgl But plenty good enough for the Trumpist Dixiecrat GOP! You're going to have some extremists that you have to figure out how to keep their support Of course! You can hardly expect to successfully defend minority rule if you restrict yourself to voters with sound minds, good character, and sober judgment! #PS1trumpism ===== impact 7 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-01-20 ratio 8 react 1 reactrate 0 shares 1 sharesrate 0 title demoted twice by the U.S. Navy and served nearly seven topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 67 epoch Lifetime ID 1856531298024714 impress 9 pageid 534332363577954 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "01/20/2023 21:01" rcs 1 reach 8 sharesimpress 1 title demoted twice by the U.S. Navy and served nearly seven years in prison for burgl type Links URL ========== They're not just against abortion. They're against democracy - when it fails to deliver the results they wa Very Trumpist - and very fascist. #PS1trumpism ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-11-19 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title They're not just against abortion. They're against topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 25 epoch Lifetime ID 730852532422691 impress 3 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/19/2023 21:11" reach 3 title They're not just against abortion. They're against democracy - when it fails type Links URL ========== jumping into the void to escape miserable circumstances has rarely ended w Even the priests are knocking on doors - What Trumpism will look like in 70 years! Cults of personality defy logic by relying on emotion. The actual person is supplanted by his or her cult. A good time to see Evita if you haven't lately. It's lottery politics - you get more publicity by making a few people much better off than by making everybody a little bit better off. As in Trump's random pardon process! All his supporters were encouraged by the publicized pardons and hoped for the same, but only a few actually got the prize, mostly based on what Trump though they could do for him in the future, rather than in gratitude for what they did for him in the past. But the lawyers who offered to press the case for the petitioners did OK, whether their clients did or not. #PS1trumpism ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-11-17 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title jumping into the void to escape miserable circumstances topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 158 epoch Lifetime ID 729650779209533 impress 7 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/17/2023 18:11" reach 7 title jumping into the void to escape miserable circumstances has rarely ended w type Links URL ========== Heritage Foundation leads the plot to take over the government while Trump is persecuting his criti Trump thinks the Federalist Society is too law-abiding for his tastes. After all they did for him! - grooming the reactionary judiciary that is the foundation of the defense of minority rule. Rule of law? Trump only cares about the Rule of Trump. And he's perfect for leading the charge for minority rule - he captures all the media attention, while his own attention span is too short for any of the quiet detailed work required to replace competence and objectivity with personal loyalty in the Federal workforce. As always, the brown shirts that provide the muscle and the megadonors that provide the money will overthrow the government while saying they are protecting it. Just like fascists always do. #PS1trumpism ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-11-05 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Heritage Foundation leads the plot to take over the topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 136 epoch Lifetime ID 723121666529111 impress 7 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "11/05/2023 22:11" reach 5 title Heritage Foundation leads the plot to take over the government while Trump is type Links URL ========== Has the Freischütz Caucus shot its seventh bull Or does it have more bullets to go? more interested in securing TV interviews than doing something Of course! That's the essence of Trumpism. All you see at the photo-op is all you get! #PS1trumpism ===== comments 1 impact 13 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-10-01 ratio 1 react 3 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 sumclicks 2 title Has the Freischütz Caucus shot its seventh bull topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 43 audclicks 2 commentsimpress 1 epoch Lifetime ID 702832388558039 impress 4 matchedotherclicks 2 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "10/01/2023 19:10" rcs 1 reach 4 title Has the Freischütz Caucus shot its seventh bull type Links URL ========== Meadows saw “no distinction” between his White House work and the Trump campa Of course - Trump employee duty is to Trump, and to minority rule. So what if their salaries are paid by taxpayers and the Hatch Act prohibits official interference in elections? Meadows knew what was going on and went right along with it. He knew that pitch defileth the hand that toucheth it and kept right on hugging the Trump tar baby. #PS1trumpism ===== impact 0 impactrate 0 negative 0 posted 2023-08-28 reactrate 0 sharesrate 0 title Meadows saw “no distinction” between his White House topic trumpism wordrate 0 words 76 epoch Lifetime ID 684127817095163 impress 12 pageid 100064938510484 pagename "Political scrapbook" posted "08/28/2023 22:08" reach 8 title Meadows saw “no distinction” between his White House work and the Trump type Links URL