Facebook Posts on all-24q3

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There's not much you can do about the presidential election 2024-09-24 7 - election
That was the week that wasn' 2024-09-20 3 - media
That was the debate that should have been wasn' 2024-09-13 3 - media
The great deba 2024-09-10 5 - other
That was the week that wasn' 2024-09-06 5 - media
That was the week that wasn' 2024-08-30 4 - media
The best is yet to com 2024-08-23 6 - 3 media
Election season - when everybody speaks from their heart 2024-08-16 4 - 1 media
Trump and Project 2025 - he doesn't want to get involved 2024-08-15 27 - 1 2 trumpism
Strong leaders stick togeth 2024-08-07 5 - trump
Venezuela is a problem for Trump. On the one hand, he 2024-08-06 4 - 1 foreign
Trump claims to know nothing about Project 2025, but he 2024-08-06 5 - 1 trumpism
How much protection money did Trump get from crypto 2024-08-06 2 - trumpism
With Trump, it’s never clear whether he is truly ignorant 2024-08-06 5 - 1 deficit
That was the week that wasn' 2024-08-02 6 - 3 media
Putin is advancing on the groun 2024-07-28 7 - ukraine
Late nights at Mar-a-Lag 2024-07-28 4 - trump
Yesterday Trump declared I'm a Christia 2024-07-28 6 - trumpism
Known by the company they kee 2024-07-28 5 - trumpism
It doesn't take much change in turnout in the swing states 2024-07-28 5 - election
Post-Constitutional? Is that part of YOUR vocabula 2024-07-27 4 - minority
We'll see how tough on crime Kamala Harris is when she 2024-07-26 5 - election
How the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP converted tokenism 2024-07-25 5 - 1 trumpism
Fantasy-based propagan 2024-07-25 10 - 1 politics
Grocery prices go up and go down, but the overall trend 2024-07-25 7 - inflation
the fight for abortion rights placed Harris in a role, 2024-07-25 7 - politics
Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 2024-07-25 4 - 1 politics
Late term abortion was just the starting poin 2024-07-25 6 - trump
The Federal Election Commission has been uselessly 2024-07-25 4 - election
Don't believe climate change - Trump FEELS that it's a hoa 2024-07-25 4 - climate
How did Trump's shakedown efforts 2024-07-25 5 - economics
The victor will not be asked afterwards whether he told 2024-07-23 5 - trumpism
Want to do something about Trump and Vance? Fickle fate 2024-07-23 7 - election
Poor GOP doesn't know how to react to this turn of even 2024-07-23 4 - gop
Birds of a feather 2024-07-22 6 - 1 1 insurrection
Birds of a feather 2024-07-22 4 - 1 trumpism
Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are on the bosses’ side, 2024-07-22 8 - 1 2 minority
And what about those Federal territori 2024-07-22 4 - democracy
Who cares if it's frivolous nonsense? The GOP was all 2024-07-22 5 - 1 1 gop
Whatever you think of Biden's withdrawal, it has already 2024-07-21 5 - election
Just wait until your car is running under Windo 2024-07-19 8 - 1 technology
That was the week that wasn' 2024-07-19 4 - media
I stand before you by the grace of almighty 2024-07-19 3 - trump
Getting the brown shirts ready for actio 2024-07-16 4 - trumpism
Want to fight deficits? Here's a cost-effective wa 2024-07-16 3 - 1 gop
It can happen here too, especially if Putin has friends 2024-07-16 4 - putin
Prices on staples (and gasoline) are droppin 2024-07-16 3 - economics
Hitler had a disconnect between the radical populist 2024-07-16 7 - trumpism
How well did 14 years of conservative rule satisfy Engla 2024-07-16 3 - politics
Don't like inflation? Most of the world would LOVE 2024-07-16 4 - economics
How strong leaders lea 2024-07-16 4 - putin
Kinder, Küche, Kir 2024-07-15 23 - 1 1 trumpism
Robert Taft of Ohio, made the case before the Pearl Harbor 2024-07-15 4 - trumpism
The buck stops he 2024-07-15 6 - 1 theory
Congratulations Mr Hillbilly - Yale Law - venture capitalis 2024-07-15 10 - 1 trumpism
A Lifetime Achievement Award! As befits the author o 2024-07-15 4 - 1 justice
Unsuccessful assassination attempts appear to be good for 2024-07-15 5 - 1 politics
How did loony morons create the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat 2024-07-14 7 - 1 trumpism
The club that Trump can't wait to joi 2024-07-14 10 - 2 1 trumpism
Although further information might change things, at the 2024-07-13 7 - politics
Only the best are good enough for the modern 2024-07-12 5 - trumpism
In 2016 Trump campaigned one way on taxes, but in 2017 he 2024-07-12 4 - trumpism
If the Greens had voted for Gore in 2000 and Clinton in 2024-07-12 4 - 1 election
The real question is WHY did they steal THIS data and WHAT 2024-07-12 4 - 1 technology
prophet might sound better than ayatollah or dictator or 2024-07-12 2 - 1 trumpism
a new generation of leaders who will build a modern social 2024-07-11 2 - trumpism
The Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP is not against Americ 2024-07-11 3 - minority
The NY Times weighs in - as one might expec 2024-07-11 4 - trump
Some single-issue constituencies don't understand their 2024-07-11 2 - minority
The Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP rejects any election 2024-07-11 3 - trumpism
Just what you'd expect from a KGB office 2024-07-11 1 - putin
The French right wing is what more straightforward - 2024-07-09 5 - trumpism
Trump doesn't want to pick a VP until he knows who he's 2024-07-09 3 - politics
So much for nuclear non-proliferati 2024-07-09 3 - other
Whatever the merits of Israel's strategy in Gaza, there's a 2024-07-09 4 - mideast
Setting the stage by numbing the audienc 2024-07-06 4 - trumpism
Make America Great Aga 2024-07-06 3 - trumpism
The Trumpist plan to make sure the 2024 election is the 2024-07-06 5 - democracy
Putin couldn't have said it better himsel 2024-07-06 5 - trumpism
Putinist/Trumpist Vatican - admit nothing, deny everythi 2024-07-06 2 - other
That was the week that wasn' 2024-07-05 2 - media

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UPDATED Tue Oct 8 12:59:46 PM PDT 2024