Facebook Posts on all-24q2

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A night to mis-remembe 2024-06-28 8 - 2 election
How about this commandmen 2024-06-26 5 - theory
And the winner of the Biden-Trump debate will b 2024-06-26 3 - trump
Can India supersede Chi 2024-06-26 6 - economics
Tibet, Xinjiang, now Hong Kong - so much for autonomous 2024-06-26 3 - china
if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders 2024-06-26 4 - 1 economics
Realpolitik? Spheres of influence? Metterni 2024-06-26 11 - 1 theory
Why just a hit list for Federal employees? Why not 2024-06-26 4 - trumpism
The American Enterprise Institute is no hotbed of 2024-06-26 4 - politics
The good news is that the brown shirts are relatively 2024-06-25 2 - trumpism
Dictators always need an implacable enemy to justify 2024-06-25 3 - trumpism
The Golden Rule of politics - she who has the gold, makes 2024-06-25 4 - politics
Interesting movie, but you might not be able to see 2024-06-25 4 - media
Litigation can be used to shut down propaganda 2024-06-23 4 - journalism
What are friends f 2024-06-22 4 - putin
Planning for the wors 2024-06-22 2 - trumpism
O 2024-06-22 3 - trumpism
Traditional Republican laments one-party rul 2024-06-22 3 - gop
Three reasons why the loser of the 2024 election might 2024-06-22 5 - 1 politics
Trump always tells the truth - about how he FEE 2024-06-22 2 - trump
The problem with having deplorables in your bas 2024-06-22 3 - gop
What's the best way for Biden to address Trumpi 2024-06-20 5 - election
Sounds good 2024-06-19 5 - other
GOP senators are all on board with Tru 2024-06-15 5 - trumpism
Some Gazans have figured out that the ayatollahs' goals 2024-06-15 2 - mideast
Not just Pat Buchanan! There have been waves of 2024-06-15 3 - theory
Who minds a few mass shootings if they help put Trump in 2024-06-15 1 - firearms
When will Trump name nam 2024-06-15 2 - insurrection
Trump wants to cut taxes on the rich! Way to boost the 2024-06-14 2 - tax
Where does it e 2024-06-13 2 - mideast
How Trump's plans to lower prices would raise th 2024-06-13 2 - economics
When your best idea is to treat covid by drinking bleach, 2024-06-13 1 - trumpism
Two views of June 2024-06-09 4 - 2 trump
populism, polarization and post-tr 2024-06-09 4 - trumpism
Is victory in Ukraine possib 2024-06-09 7 - ukraine
Trump would like to rule by decree, like emperors and 2024-06-07 6 - 1 trumpism
It's only fair that the defenders of megadonor power get 2024-06-07 4 - justice
Atherton billionaire and former Sequoia Capital partner 2024-06-07 8 - insurrection
That was the week that wasn' 2024-06-07 2 - media
Power vs Libert 2024-06-06 3 - trumpism
In 1941, President Roosevelt justified a belated increase 2024-06-06 4 - trumpism
The Federalist Society has been a primary force in stacking 2024-06-06 4 - 1 2 justice
Liquid natural gas as an economic weapon against Putini 2024-06-06 5 - ukraine
Things were worse in the 1930's than they are tod 2024-06-06 4 - trumpism
Upping the pressur 2024-06-06 5 - china
Has Bannon finally run out of excus 2024-06-06 3 - 1 trumpism
“The election is now bigger than Donald Trump, a “class 2024-06-06 2 - trumpism
So much for respecting law and ord 2024-06-06 3 - trumpism
It took Donald Trump to make Richard Nixon look like 2024-06-06 2 - trump
Falun Gong, Shen Yun, Epoch Times - and Donald Tr 2024-06-06 5 - 2 trumpism
Life under a strong leade 2024-06-05 3 - 1 trumpism
Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia - and now Wiscons 2024-06-05 5 - 1 insurrection
Trump has friends in high place 2024-06-05 7 - trumpism
The one and only principle of Trumpism is - look out for 2024-06-05 3 - trumpism
Clever Trump cuts both way 2024-06-05 4 - 1 justice
An arena-full of deplorables! What's not to enj 2024-06-02 4 - trumpism
What's going to happen on election d 2024-06-02 2 - media
That was the week that wasn' 2024-05-31 7 - 1 1 media
More from the week that wasn' 2024-05-31 7 - other
It's not a crime to undermine confidence in American 2024-05-31 7 - trumpism
What if this is the last real electi 2024-05-30 4 - democracy
How Trump's team blew it by using Trump's tactic 2024-05-30 3 - other
That was the week that wasn' 2024-05-27 3 - media
Another new face of Trumpi 2024-05-24 5 - trumpism
American Nazis have been working toward power for over 2024-05-23 3 - trumpism
We don't often think of ayatollahs as our friends, but we 2024-05-23 3 - mideast
Karma WILL be conserv 2024-05-23 5 - 1 climate
When you've been in politics long enough, right or wrong 2024-05-23 5 - politics
At least the people left holding the tulip bag could plant 2024-05-23 3 - 1 media
Once you hug the tar baby, it's hard to let go - until 2024-05-23 4 - trumpism
Cryptobros Unit 2024-05-23 3 - democracy
What will future generations ever do for 2024-05-22 10 - 1 trump
What was the point of reposting about a unified Reic 2024-05-22 5 - 1 trumpism
That was the week that wasn' 2024-05-22 3 - media
That was the week that wasn' 2024-05-16 5 - media
Birds of a feather flock togethe 2024-05-15 4 - 1 trump
Look who's ba 2024-05-10 4 - trump
The Supreme Court is not in a hurry to end civil 2024-05-10 4 - justice
One of the trademarks of a Putinist-Trumpist - they always 2024-05-10 5 - putin
Another small success for M 2024-05-10 5 - gop
That explains a l 2024-05-10 2 - election
Why Trump likes having lots of competing VP candidates - 2024-05-08 3 - trump
What if Trump had been born a wom 2024-05-08 3 - 2 trump
Conservative once encompassed self-restraint and the rule 2024-05-07 2 - trumpism
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole 2024-05-07 2 - trumpism
That was the week that wasn' 2024-05-03 4 - 2 media
Trump lacks the skill or interest to actually negotiate 2024-04-29 9 - deficit
America's Founders knew all about kings and emperors - 2024-04-26 5 - 1 trump
Who would you pi 2024-04-26 6 - trump
How empires collaps 2024-04-26 4 - theory
Want to make a small fortu 2024-04-26 6 - 1 trump
Can't tell the players without a scoreca 2024-04-26 4 - insurrection
You probably never heard of or cared about Moldova, just 2024-04-25 17 - ukraine
“I don’t care if the speaker’s office becomes a 2024-04-19 6 - 1 gop
Where the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP can get its order 2024-04-19 6 - putin
That was the week that wasn' 2024-04-19 5 - 2 media
Getting a pardon or commutation from Trump is pretty much 2024-04-18 5 - justice
They were against labor the 2024-04-16 8 - 1 1 economics
You don't know about the election until you've heard from 2024-04-16 5 - election
GOP megadonors cater to the reactionary religious right for 2024-04-16 6 - gop
Can Johnson lead the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP, 2024-04-16 5 - gop
Why is the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP is so opposed 2024-04-16 10 - gop
Devaluing the dollar - as good an idea as unilateral 2024-04-16 5 - economics
Inflation is real, but not bad compared to the stagflation 2024-04-15 12 - economics
You have to have fai 2024-04-15 5 - trump
You can't be a Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP without 2024-04-07 8 - gop
Party caucuses are a joke. Replace them with 2024-04-07 6 - democracy
And why wouldn't the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP gets 2024-04-07 4 - gop
Freischütz Caucus greatest accomplishment - driving out 2024-04-07 6 - gop
Who's going to make money on Truth Social? It won't 2024-04-07 2 - media
No peace for our ti 2024-04-07 8 - 1 ukraine
Third-party centrism just doesn't work unless it's combined 2024-04-07 7 - 1 democracy
In Trumpworld, loyalty or the illusion of loyalty always 2024-04-06 5 - trump
How Putin, Xi, Kim, and the Ayatollah use social media to 2024-04-06 2 - media
Trump assumed that in 2016 he was elected emperor for life. 2024-04-05 3 - democracy
A win for rule of law. But how long can it sta 2024-04-05 3 - justice
What happened when the defenders of minority rule realized 2024-04-05 4 - justice
Violence is still as American as cherry pi 2024-04-05 4 - democracy
Money is not speech. Democracy is not about one 2024-04-05 3 - democracy
What the Alabama IVF decision did and didn't decid 2024-04-05 4 - health
Why stick to boring old facts when you can weave exciting 2024-04-05 4 - 1 trump
That was the week that wasn' 2024-04-05 1 - media
More than one way to interpret an old te 2024-04-05 4 - firearms

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UPDATED Tue Jul 30 05:13:41 PM PDT 2024